Starsector 0.65.1a Release

Starsector version 0.65.1a is now out! It’s mostly a bugfix release, and you can get it here:

(Alternate download links: Windows Mac Linux)

The full patch notes are here. In addition to the bug fixes, a new feature did manage to sneak its way in: you can now deploy allied ships from your fleet into simulator battles in the campaign.

What I’d like to do is take some time to focus on gameplay tweaks and improvements and then make a 0.65.2a release in the near future, before moving on to work on the next feature release.

Thank you for your support!


Comment thread here.


Starsector 0.6.1a Release

Starsector version 0.6.1a is now out! You can get it here:

(Alternate download links: Windows Mac Linux)

This is mostly a bugfixes-and-miscellaneous-improvements release; you can read the full patch notes (and leave a comment!) here.

There are still a few things I’d like to add in the near future, so you can expect an 0.6.2a release fairly soon – it’ll likely involve a few less-critical fixes, and possibly some adjustments to exactly how combat readiness works. I also want to take a look at making the early game a bit easier, especially for new players.

One option was to hold off on releasing 0.6.1a for a while longer while adding these things in, but I really wanted to get the bugfixes out sooner rather than later, and so splitting the post-0.6a release into two made more sense.

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