Fractal Softworks Forum

Starsector => Mods => Topic started by: Nerzhull_AI on November 25, 2019, 12:01:33 PM

Title: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 25, 2019, 12:01:33 PM

Do you like exploration? Do you ever wanted your current playthrough last forever? Do you unsatisfied with the amount of stuff you can find and/or kill in Sector? Suffer no more!

Download Adjusted Sector 0.6.2 (

This mod overrides procgen system, allowing you to change size of the sector, number of generated constellations, and more importantly - adjust number of themed constellations.
Look for settings.json file that you can find in Adjusted Sector\data\config.
Following fields define the number of stuff you will generate in sector.

Base values in relation to Sector Size:

These are simple numbers. You change the width and height of your map - more space for more stars. Depending on the size of the sector and constellation numbers, sector may be stuffed with stars.
Vanilla values:

In short, the greater this number - the greater amount of stars will be generated.
Vanilla Sector value: 100

"AdjustedSectorConstellationSize": 750,
This field is responsible for size of each constellation cell. You better not touch it, otherwise weird things might happen.
Vanilla Sector value: 2000.

Increase or decrease this number to change the number of stars per constellation.
Increasing this number will result into less stars, decreasing - more stars.
Vanilla Sector value: 10

Themed options:
Theme - is exact theme of the constellations - be that Remnant-themed, Ruin-themed or Misc-themed (derelicts, primarily)

Game will roll the dice from sectorConstellationRemnantMin to sectorConstellationRemnantMax (in this case - from 75 to 125) with skipping probability of zero, to generated less random amount of remnant-infested systems. Low/Medium/High danger level spread is equal to the vanilla one.
Vanilla value: from 10 to 25(with skip prob 0.25).
This one responsible for either spawning Low Danger [REDACTED] systems (if NOT 0) or replacing them with HIGH damger ones (if 0).
This one responsible for either spawning Medium Danger [REDACTED] systems (if NOT 0) or replacing them with HIGH damger ones (if 0).


Research stations? Mining stations? Just random debris? Ship graveyards? Gates?!
All these things are part of "Ruins" theme. Game will roll from sectorConstellationRuinsMin to sectorConstellationRuinsMax (in this case - from 50 to 75) and generate variety of stuff in this much constellations.
Vanilla value: from 15 to 25.

Responsible for not filling secondary star systems with content despite being labled as Ruin-themed, vanilla value is 0.5

Following fields are responsible for % probability of things that belong to "Ruin Theme" spawned at star systems designated as "Ruin-themed".
Control the chance of Mining Station spawned in Ruin-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.5

Control the chance of Research Station spawned in Ruin-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.25

Control the chance of Research Station spawned in Ruin-themed system that is either Black Hole, Nebula or Pulsar.
Vanilla value: 0.75

Control the chance of Ship Graveyard (whole bunch of empty ships, primed for restoring) spawned in Ruin-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.25

Responsible for not filling secondary star systems with content despite being labled as Misc-themed, vanilla value is 0.5

Following fields are responsible for % probability of things that belong to "Misc Theme" spawned at star systems designated as "Misc-themed".
"MISC_Theme_Probability_To_Add": 0.75
This field is responsible for probability to lable Theme-less star system as Miscellaneous (derelict ships, such as XIV legion, and many other things that aren't fit for main themes.
Vanilla value: 0.5

Control the chance of Research Station spawned in Misc-themed system that is either Black Hole, Nebula or Pulsar.
Vanilla value: 0.5

Control the chance of Ship Graveyard (whole bunch of empty ships, primed for restoring) spawned in Misc-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.25

Motherships usually hoard bigger number of resources and rare items, then survey ships. You just need to kill the damn thing.
Strangely enough, the number of motherships are directly responsible for the amount of survey ships and probes that you can find through the sector. You probably should adjust this field to be at least equal to 1/15 (or 6%) of your constellation number.
1 Mothership takes about 5 points from constellation count, so beware.
Vanilla value: 1

Change the amount of the most useful, but annoyingly rare things you can find drifting in space, usually in the system with absolutely worst planets in the middle of nowhere.
Higher number of Cryosleepers is almost nessecary - since on the brink of the sector your colonies will have very low accesability.
Vanilla value: 2.

Coronal Taps:
Controls the amount of Coronal Taps in your Sector. I should mention that number may differ from what you put here, because Coronal Taps have some special conditions to be met before spawning - star type, there's shouldn't be several stars in the star system, etc.
#Default is 2.

These values are responsible for the amount of Gates you will encounter outside of Core Worlds.
#Default is 15 and 20.

Salvageable Legions:
Now you can countrol how much 'derelict', salvageble or not XIV Legions you can find outside the Core Worlds!

Accessibility regulator:
This option allows you to get liveable colonies in the 'giant' version of sector - on the far reaches of the map.

"accessibilityDistFromCOM" value dictates how harsh accessability penalties will be (bigger distance between core worlds and your colony = less accesability). Increase this value if you making your sector bigger.
"accessibilitySameFactionBonus" value responsible for accessability bonus for in-faction import - this is necessary for new colonies created by AI (Vayras Sector, Nexerelin).
Vanilla values:

Completely restored compatibility with SAD..

If SAD  ( is enabled, you can adjust the number of SAD-themed constellations.
Vanilla values:

...and DME:

If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
This setting will work only if you have the most recent version of DME.
Vanilla values:

.. also Prv Starworks now too!
If Prv Starworks is enabled, as well as random generated Agni systems, you can change the amount of said Agni-themed constellations.

This mod incompatible with Grand Sector, since it does the same thing and more.
Whenever you change the values for themed constellations be wary - if the number is too high for one theme, the other won't generate anything. Normaly, the number for theme shouldn't be greater than 40% of your constellations number, and total sum of all your "themed" numbers should be close or equal to constellations number. If sum is greater than constellation number, one "theme" will supress all others in such way:
Derelict > Ruins > Remnant.

Now you can set your Hyperstorm pattern to be exact (or close to) the size of your Sector to reduce lag.
How do you do that?
1) Go to Adjusted Sector v0.5.1\data\campaign\terrain\
2) Find the correct .png with size that is equal to your sector;
3) Delete existing hyperspace_new.png
4) Rename the file of your choice to hyperspace_new.png
5) Go to settings of the mod and set 'AdjustedSectorHS' to 'true'.
6) Start a new game!

If you use some size that isn't mentioned in the options - just tag me and i'll add another one!

With Adjusted Sector you can adjust almost everything.
Download this mod, open settings, and forever change your life.
Don't forget to read 'READ ME' file in the config directory of the mod.

Special thanks to creator of the Grand Sector, Alec, for inspiring this project, as well as people on discord. If not for you, guys, this thing would've never became mod.
Thanks to Histidine for adding compatibility changes to Nexerelin, and to Snrasha for incorporating adjusting settings into his mod.

See below detailed description for additional presets:
You must pick one of these and rename it to settings.json, otherwise your game won't start.
Data below is tested on unmodded Starsector, consider that mods may and will cut out additional FPS depending on the mod amount.
To enable choosen preset, just download settings file, rename it to settings.json and replace existing file in your Adjusted Sector config directory.
".json" isn't a part of file's name, but the file type, so keep that in mind.
Vanilla size presets
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 150 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~500
Expected FPS in Hyper: 60
( (
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 200 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~600
Expected FPS in Hyper: 60
( (
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 250 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~750
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~55
( (
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 300 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~900
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~50
( (

Vanilla x1.25 size presets
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 150 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~500
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~50
( (
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 200 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~600
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~45
( (
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 300 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~900
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~30
( (

Unhinged presets
Sector size: x2.5 times default sector (x1.5 Width, about x1.8 Height);
Constellation count: 320 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: 900-1000
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~30
( (

2019.11.25 - 0.1.0 release.
2019.11.26 - 0.1.1: Fixed misplaced code, now constellations should generate as in vanilla, without suddenly appearing beyond the reaches of sector map.
2019.11.27 - 0.1.2: Fixed problem with zoom (unable to see entire map due to inability to zoom out). Additional changes to remove random stars being generates very close to/beyond reaches of sector map.
2019.12.01 - 0.2.0: Added proper (bigger) hyperstorm generation. Now you can adjust number of SAD-themed constellations. Added accessibility settings.
2019.12.01 - 0.2.1: Found and fixed bug with DME (Blade Breakers) and SAD not generating random systems when AS enabled.
2019.12.03 - 0.2.2: Now you can adjust number of "Blade Breaker"-themed constellations.
2021.03.30 - 0.3.0: Updated to 0.95 version of Starsector. New setting file by default is 'almost the same as default sector' to prevent players going into 10 fps mod straightly after getting this mod.
Also, send help.
2021.03.30 - 0.3.1: Added new settings, "sectorRemnantPresenceLow" and "sectorRemnantPresenceMed" - these are responsible for low and medium danger remnant systems.
2021.04.07 - 0.3.2:
- Mod no longer breaks latest version of HeavyArmor hullmod. Save compatible.
- In addition to smolsector setting, there's now also large sector preset - you can enable it manually, by deleting settings.json and renaming settings_large_sector.json in 'settings.json'.
2021.04.09 - 0.3.3:
- added new field, "sectorCoronalTaps" - which, you guessed it - controls the amount of Coronal Taps in your Sector. I should mention that number may differ from what you put here, because Coronal Taps have some special conditions to be met before spawning - star type, there's shouldn't be several stars in the star system, etc.
- presets are still DIY file shite, because i have very little spare time. Sorry.
2021.12.13 - 0.4:
- completely restructurized the mod, removed all the cancer.
- restored the compatibility with both SAD and DME mods.
- added new fields, responsible for the amount of Gates outside the Core Worlds.
- added new fields, responsible for the amount of XIV Legions, both recoverable and not.
2021.12.13 - 0.4.1:
- fixed me being stupid, now doesn't cause CTD with small preset settings
2021.12.21 - 0.4.2:
- version updated due to RC6;
- some adjustments to MiscTheme because vanilla generation file slightly changed.
2022.08.25 - 0.5.0:
- preset updated;
- fixed the amount of Coronal Hypershunts spawned - no longer stuck at 2;
- now 'AdjustedSectorHS' regulates the size of hyperstorm. Use 'false' for normal size (width and height) sector, or 'true' for giant one;
- added compatibility with Prv Starworks - Agni generation.
2022.08.26 - 0.5.1:
- added presets for hyperstorm maps
2023.09.08 - 0.6.0:
- Updated mod to 0.96a version of the game;
- Fixed errors/legacy changes.
2023.09.12 - 0.6.0:
- Added additonal presets with detailed description.
2023.09.18 - 0.6.1:
- Added additional settings that rule % chance of Ruin-themed things spawned (such as Mining Stations, Research Stations, Ship Graveyards).
2023.09.18 - 0.6.2:
- Added additional settings that rule % chance of Misc-themed things spawned (such as Research Stations, Ship Graveyards).
- Added additional setting that controls how much secondary star systems game "skips" while adding content, for Misc and Ruin themes.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: morriganj on November 25, 2019, 12:27:43 PM
Is there any performance impact?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 25, 2019, 12:33:14 PM
Is there any performance impact?
Depending on how many constellations you have, there might be framedrops while on map or intel screen. Past 300 constellations you will feel it. Otherwise - depends on your pc.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: morriganj on November 25, 2019, 12:45:10 PM
Is there any performance impact?
Depending on how many constellations you have, there might be framedrops while on map or intel screen. Past 300 constellations you will feel it. Otherwise - depends on your pc.

So take this with a grain of salt.

I started with a tonne of mods, and have no idea whether or not any of them were slowing my game down at any point (Probably)...BUT I found 180 per constellation was the sweet spot for stability and 60fps. I might experiment going higher but am not knowledgeable enough about what resources the game is using. I'm not brave enough to go past 300 yet re stability.

BTW thanks for explaining what the values are with references to tweak them as needed, it makes it a lot easier.

I've allocated extra ram, and these are my specs:

I7 6700k
GTX 1060 6GB

Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Valikdu on November 25, 2019, 07:01:07 PM
Just when I needed to start a new game~!
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Valikdu on November 26, 2019, 06:59:20 AM
Okay, I've encountered a problem...

I've generated a ~2x larger sector (multiplying each value by 1.4, with 229600 x 145600), and now the sector map can't actually zoom out enough to see the constellations at the edges.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 26, 2019, 07:34:29 AM
Okay, I've encountered a problem...

I've generated a ~2x larger sector (multiplying each value by 1.4, with 229600 x 145600), and now the sector map can't actually zoom out enough to see the constellations at the edges.
Can you post a screenshot with the map zoomed out as much as you can?
Also, in that case, zoom out as much as you can and move map with right click - should allow you to spot constellations at the edges.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Valikdu on November 26, 2019, 07:45:52 AM
Okay, I've encountered a problem...

I've generated a ~2x larger sector (multiplying each value by 1.4, with 229600 x 145600), and now the sector map can't actually zoom out enough to see the constellations at the edges.
Can you post a screenshot with the map zoomed out as much as you can?
Also, in that case, zoom out as much as you can and move map with right click - should allow you to spot constellations at the edges.

For some reason, the game won't let me actually move the map with holding down the RMB, when zoomed out. It only moves by a sliver, not enough to reveal all the hidden stuff.

Here's the maximum zoomed out map:
And the maximum zoomed out intel screen:

So, um... neither allows to see the entire map, though the intel screen allows to see a higher degree of it on the Y axis, and the map screen on the X axis.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nick XR on November 26, 2019, 09:33:12 AM
I'm playing through with Grand Sector now, the only real problem I have with it, that I think you might encounter too, is that bounty fleets are way too far away now to be reasonable.  If you like doing bounty missions, the larger sector almost ruins that IMO :(
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 26, 2019, 09:35:58 AM
Okay, I've encountered a problem...

I've generated a ~2x larger sector (multiplying each value by 1.4, with 229600 x 145600), and now the sector map can't actually zoom out enough to see the constellations at the edges.
Can you post a screenshot with the map zoomed out as much as you can?
Also, in that case, zoom out as much as you can and move map with right click - should allow you to spot constellations at the edges.

For some reason, the game won't let me actually move the map with holding down the RMB, when zoomed out. It only moves by a sliver, not enough to reveal all the hidden stuff.

Here's the maximum zoomed out map:
And the maximum zoomed out intel screen:

So, um... neither allows to see the entire map, though the intel screen allows to see a higher degree of it on the Y axis, and the map screen on the X axis.
Archive me your save file, i'll try it and see what can be done with it.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Valikdu on November 26, 2019, 10:03:06 AM
Archive me your save file, i'll try it and see what can be done with it.

I've tried Grand Sector for comparison, and this problem doesn't occur. The game somehow draws a larger grid on the map/intel screen (I've compared them, it has proportionally more cells), which encompasses the entire sector with all its systems (here, systems stick outside of the grid), and the entire map is visible.

Of course, Grand Sector doesn't do anything with the actual exploration-worthy content... :/
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 26, 2019, 11:29:07 AM
Archive me your save file, i'll try it and see what can be done with it.

I've tried Grand Sector for comparison, and this problem doesn't occur. The game somehow draws a larger grid on the map/intel screen (I've compared them, it has proportionally more cells), which encompasses the entire sector with all its systems (here, systems stick outside of the grid), and the entire map is visible.

Of course, Grand Sector doesn't do anything with the actual exploration-worthy content... :/
You've tried it with the same params, regarding everything, not just height/width?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Valikdu on November 26, 2019, 11:49:05 AM
Archive me your save file, i'll try it and see what can be done with it.

I've tried Grand Sector for comparison, and this problem doesn't occur. The game somehow draws a larger grid on the map/intel screen (I've compared them, it has proportionally more cells), which encompasses the entire sector with all its systems (here, systems stick outside of the grid), and the entire map is visible.

Of course, Grand Sector doesn't do anything with the actual exploration-worthy content... :/
You've tried it with the same params, regarding everything, not just height/width?

Yeah, although GS has one parameter in its config file that Adjusted does not use: SectorCellSize (not ConstellationCellSize).
But that one just seems to use the stated vanilla value.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 26, 2019, 12:30:08 PM
Archive me your save file, i'll try it and see what can be done with it.

I've tried Grand Sector for comparison, and this problem doesn't occur. The game somehow draws a larger grid on the map/intel screen (I've compared them, it has proportionally more cells), which encompasses the entire sector with all its systems (here, systems stick outside of the grid), and the entire map is visible.

Of course, Grand Sector doesn't do anything with the actual exploration-worthy content... :/
You've tried it with the same params, regarding everything, not just height/width?

Yeah, although GS has one parameter in its config file that Adjusted does not use: SectorCellSize (not ConstellationCellSize).
But that one just seems to use the stated vanilla value.
Ok, i slightly messed up while compiling sectorprocgen file.
I've updated main post, now it should be okay.

Also, i've managed to generate hyperstorms for adjusted sector size.
Bad news is, it's janky and can cover star system jump points and other gravity wells. Vanilla code doesn't do anything to it for some reasons.
So, untill i found how to do it +- correctly, hyperstorm changes won't be included in mod.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: scarface on November 26, 2019, 01:11:54 PM
yo, i have same issue as the other dude. just normal sized map, with stars beyond the window. on 0.11. tried with no mods. didnt change config
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Valikdu on November 26, 2019, 01:18:35 PM
Ok, i slightly messed up while compiling sectorprocgen file.
I've updated main post, now it should be okay.

It's better now. Would be 100% great if you could increase the effect of this change more (like, for this exmaple, to extend the grid by about 2 more cells: ), but if that's not possible, I could live with this.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 26, 2019, 02:04:14 PM
Ok, i slightly messed up while compiling sectorprocgen file.
I've updated main post, now it should be okay.

It's better now. Would be 100% great if you could increase the effect of this change more (like, for this exmaple, to extend the grid by about 2 more cells: ), but if that's not possible, I could live with this.
Just change "AdjustedSectorConstellationSize" (settings.json of mod) value from 2000 to 3000, should do the job.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: blueberry on November 26, 2019, 06:31:13 PM
Hey the map problem is still happening for me, there are constellations that still are outside of the map,how can i fix this? image of the bug i am getting.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 27, 2019, 08:12:04 AM
Hey the map problem is still happening for me, there are constellations that still are outside of the map,how can i fix this? image of the bug i am getting.
Go to vanilla settings file, change    
to your width/height values
Default values for mod are:
It should work for now, i'll fix this in the next mod update.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 27, 2019, 09:35:42 AM
UPDT: Ok, problem solved.
Next update will contain proper hyperstorms.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Starareo on November 27, 2019, 09:52:53 AM
Is there a way to prevent systems spawning very very close to the edge of the map? Not a significant issue, I figured it was just down to generation rng.

Edit: Looking through the rest of the thread, I appear to have a similar issue to the others with some planets spawning just outside map borders, I'll just wait for the next update.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 27, 2019, 10:18:24 AM
Is there a way to prevent systems spawning very very close to the edge of the map? Not a significant issue, I figured it was just down to generation rng.

Edit: Looking through the rest of the thread, I appear to have a similar issue to the others with some planets spawning just outside map borders, I'll just wait for the next update.
If you're using 0.1.2, it should work fine. Please reply if you encounter this problem with 0.1.2.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Starareo on November 27, 2019, 05:20:31 PM
Just started some new saves after updating. First off, I reduced the sector height and width by about 40%, just personal preference. I can paste the rest of my settings if needed.

This is the hyperspace map with all Adjusted Sector assets.

And here is the hyperspace map with Adjusted Sector, but I used Grand Sector's fix, replaced hyperspace_map.png with anon-hyperspace.png

It is two different saves, so planet generation is different, I forgot to use the same generation ID.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 28, 2019, 12:48:56 AM
Just started some new saves after updating. First off, I reduced the sector height and width by about 40%, just personal preference. I can paste the rest of my settings if needed.

This is the hyperspace map with all Adjusted Sector assets.

And here is the hyperspace map with Adjusted Sector, but I used Grand Sector's fix, replaced hyperspace_map.png with anon-hyperspace.png

It is two different saves, so planet generation is different, I forgot to use the same generation ID.
Next update will incorporate hyperstorm generations - but i need to wait until Nex updates, since there might be a conflict - both mods are using the same SectorGen plugin.
For now, you can replace hyperstorm map in the vanilla files with this (if you're going for sector size from first post):
Download. (
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 01, 2019, 04:42:02 AM
Updated to 0.2.0:
Added proper (bigger) hyperstorm generation.
Now you can adjust number of SAD-themed constellations (Requires SAD).
Added accessibility settings.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 01, 2019, 07:55:33 AM
Updated to 0.2.1:
Found and fixed bug with DME (Blade Breakers) and SAD not generating random systems when AS enabled.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Tiberiumkyle on December 02, 2019, 02:58:26 PM
It seems using these settings created a sector with no remnants.
Nothing else was changed. Sector size with that is about where I'd like it, now I just need remnants back in. What settings would be recommended?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 02, 2019, 06:23:30 PM
It seems using these settings created a sector with no remnants.
Nothing else was changed. Sector size with that is about where I'd like it, now I just need remnants back in. What settings would be recommended?
Whenever you change "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount" you should change other "themed" constellation counters as well - otherwise game will react weird.
In your case, you should change the following:
Should work.
To test it out - generate new game, use console to enter devmode (devmode on), press ctrl+z after leaving console window, and fly into hyperspace. This will reveal all remnant systems - and if the number of beacons is appropriate and isn't 0, you good to go.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 02, 2019, 06:45:23 PM
Updated to 0.2.2:
Now you can adjust number of "Blade Breaker"-themed constellations. Requires updated version of DME.
This setting will work only if you have the most recent version of DME (which at the time of this writing isn't present yet).
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Harmful Mechanic on December 02, 2019, 07:15:21 PM
Depending on testing it should be ready to go tonight or some time this week.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Tiberiumkyle on December 02, 2019, 10:05:56 PM
Whenever you change "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount" you should change other "themed" constellation counters as well - otherwise game will react weird.
In your case, you should change the following:
Should work.
To test it out - generate new game, use console to enter devmode (devmode on), press ctrl+z after leaving console window, and fly into hyperspace. This will reveal all remnant systems - and if the number of beacons is appropriate and isn't 0, you good to go.
Working wonderfully, thanks!
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: mipen on December 07, 2019, 07:43:17 AM
What values will result in the generation of more ruins? Do you need a wider range, or higher numbers. The vanilla numbers are 15-25 and you've changed it to 50-75; are these the number of ruins that the game will generate, or a range that the game must roll between to generate a ruin?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 07, 2019, 12:19:03 PM
What values will result in the generation of more ruins? Do you need a wider range, or higher numbers. The vanilla numbers are 15-25 and you've changed it to 50-75; are these the number of ruins that the game will generate, or a range that the game must roll between to generate a ruin?
It's the number of constellations that will receive ruin theme - ship graveyards, research/mining station, that kind of stuff. Probability of ruins as a planetary condition is defined by condition_gen_data - vanilla file that contains details and probability of conditions appearing on the planets (with different types may be lower or greater probability, or so it seems).
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: bopeepatehersheep on December 15, 2019, 04:29:05 AM
so i changed some values for my game and discovered rather quickly that it really messed up the map with respects to hyperstorms.


anyways - i don't really know why this works (it was just a guess) - but i adjusted the pixels of the hyperspace map you include to be 1240 width and 786 height which is almost exactly the same ratio as the sector values i used.

so for those of you who desire to use different sector width and height values you can rather easily make sure your hyperspace storms map isn't too big or too small by solving a simple equation.

input your values into the following
(sector width)/(sector height)= (pixel width of hyperspace map - say 1500)/x
x = (1500)/(ratio of sector width to height)

then just change the hyperspace map.  resize it to the width and the x value you solved for
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: theville on December 26, 2019, 09:31:46 PM
so i changed some values for my game and discovered rather quickly that it really messed up the map with respects to hyperstorms.


anyways - i don't really know why this works (it was just a guess) - but i adjusted the pixels of the hyperspace map you include to be 1240 width and 786 height which is almost exactly the same ratio as the sector values i used.

so for those of you who desire to use different sector width and height values you can rather easily make sure your hyperspace storms map isn't too big or too small by solving a simple equation.

input your values into the following
(sector width)/(sector height)= (pixel width of hyperspace map - say 1500)/x
x = (1500)/(ratio of sector width to height)

then just change the hyperspace map.  resize it to the width and the x value you solved for

i think it needs a custom hyperspace map?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 28, 2019, 05:39:29 AM
so i changed some values for my game and discovered rather quickly that it really messed up the map with respects to hyperstorms.


anyways - i don't really know why this works (it was just a guess) - but i adjusted the pixels of the hyperspace map you include to be 1240 width and 786 height which is almost exactly the same ratio as the sector values i used.

so for those of you who desire to use different sector width and height values you can rather easily make sure your hyperspace storms map isn't too big or too small by solving a simple equation.

input your values into the following
(sector width)/(sector height)= (pixel width of hyperspace map - say 1500)/x
x = (1500)/(ratio of sector width to height)

then just change the hyperspace map.  resize it to the width and the x value you solved for

i think it needs a custom hyperspace map?
Changing the size of hyperspace map pic might result in game just crashing straight-up. The current hyperspace map is the closest that i can do to "ideal sized hyperspace map".
Although i'm working on alternative method of hyperstorm generation, that will scale with any sector size.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: theville on January 04, 2020, 09:36:58 PM
So i adjusted my constellationcount to 1020 how do I set the others to make it work? The remnants min and max size and the other values
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on January 09, 2020, 12:49:05 PM
So i adjusted my constellationcount to 1020 how do I set the others to make it work? The remnants min and max size and the other values
Just multiply other values by 2.8
Try something like this:






The end result should look similar to this:
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Starareo on January 14, 2020, 07:12:07 PM
I'm not 100%, but it appears that all stations/bases/etc. have been replaced by Domain probes. I doubt that's caused by your mod, seeing as it hasn't updated/changed in some times and I only changed sector size settings and such. I wanted ask if you had any idea what could be happening or am I just super unlucky?

Edit: After going through the thread and such, looks like I messed up some settings
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Cyber Von Cyberus on January 16, 2020, 01:49:19 PM
Hello, so I wanted to ask for recommendations on what settings I would like to use, here are my current settings :



   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

I personally keep the number of stars at 150 since it's the most my computer can handle, what do you recommend for the other remnant, blade breakers and ruins settings ? (I don't play with SAD, so no need to include it)
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on January 16, 2020, 11:51:47 PM
Hello, so I wanted to ask for recommendations on what settings I would like to use, here are my current settings :



   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

I personally keep the number of stars at 150 since it's the most my computer can handle, what do you recommend for the other remnant, blade breakers and ruins settings ? (I don't play with SAD, so no need to include it)
Try something like this:


Other settings shouldn't be changed (according to your example).
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Cyber Von Cyberus on January 17, 2020, 02:53:48 AM
Thank you very much I shall try it and report back.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Cyber Von Cyberus on January 18, 2020, 06:18:34 PM
I've tried it and it is perfect, thank you very much
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Greishbirb on January 28, 2020, 12:58:19 PM
Idk..what is wrong with my settings ( or maybe the problem is within the mod ). But I (and several other people in Discord ) didn't find any research stations \ mining ones \ habitats ( that are not scripted ). We've checked all the black wholes and nebulas, and a huge amount of Supergigants and Neutron Stars too.

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Fantastic Chimni on January 28, 2020, 01:01:37 PM

Same thing with me as well and different settings. Checked every black hole and only found a single PACK Research Base and the Neutrino facility.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Netu on January 31, 2020, 02:01:01 PM
Idk..what is wrong with my settings ( or maybe the problem is within the mod ). But I (and several other people in Discord ) didn't find any research stations \ mining ones \ habitats ( that are not scripted ). We've checked all the black wholes and nebulas, and a huge amount of Supergigants and Neutron Stars too.

Can ruins roll higher than 100?  Maybe try lowering the max value to below 100 and see if that works?

My guess was simply wrong and the author answered just below!  Thanks!
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on January 31, 2020, 02:15:36 PM
Idk..what is wrong with my settings ( or maybe the problem is within the mod ). But I (and several other people in Discord ) didn't find any research stations \ mining ones \ habitats ( that are not scripted ). We've checked all the black wholes and nebulas, and a huge amount of Supergigants and Neutron Stars too.

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Once again, the "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount" is too low to contain EVERYTHING you've set below. So it narrows down to just one theme (iirc, it's a derelict one).
Whenever you change "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount" you should multiply every other "themed" min/max accordingly.
For "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount":120, for example, you should've multiplied every other parameter related to themes by 0.33:





Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on January 31, 2020, 02:55:32 PM
What does this do in respects to map seeds? What I mean by this is that I have a particular seed that makes two planets in Duzahk supposedly valuable for colonization (one Terran at 50% hazard and one tundra at 150%). Will this render such a seed useless for the purpose of ensuring those planets and their traits or will it not matter and the same seed will result in the same properties?

Also, I'm currently running LazyLib, MagicLib, GraphicsLib, SkilledUp, Vayra's Ship Pack, and Legacy of Arkgneisis. Would any of those bump heads with this mod or will they all play nice?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on January 31, 2020, 04:01:04 PM
What does this do in respects to map seeds? What I mean by this is that I have a particular seed that makes two planets in Duzahk supposedly valuable for colonization (one Terran at 50% hazard and one tundra at 150%). Will this render such a seed useless for the purpose of ensuring those planets and their traits or will it not matter and the same seed will result in the same properties?

Also, I'm currently running LazyLib, MagicLib, GraphicsLib, SkilledUp, Vayra's Ship Pack, and Legacy of Arkgneisis. Would any of those bump heads with this mod or will they all play nice?
I'm currently playing with all these mods and there was no problems whatsoever.
Although i've turned shaders off in graphicslib (got ctd, but that's probably due to my pc being trash-tier).
As for seed - i'm not sure. Try it out, and see what's gonna happen.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on January 31, 2020, 04:20:30 PM
Cool beans. I'll keep the idea in mind to adjust graphics should things got *** up. And thanks for the mod, buddy.
Mods sure as hell make breaking games a lot of fun!
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: ASSIMKO on February 01, 2020, 01:17:24 AM
Also, I'm currently running LazyLib, MagicLib, GraphicsLib, SkilledUp, Vayra's Ship Pack, and Legacy of Arkgneisis. Would any of those bump heads with this mod or will they all play nice?
I'm currently playing with all these mods and there was no problems whatsoever.
Although i've turned shaders off in graphicslib (got ctd, but that's probably due to my pc being trash-tier).
As for seed - i'm not sure. Try it out, and see what's gonna happen.

why did you disable the shaders ???
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 01, 2020, 03:53:16 AM
why did you disable the shaders ???
I got CTD at saving several times, looked it up here, on forum, and found the solution.
Although that's probably just my PC - nobody else mentioned this problem whatsoever.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: 123nick on February 01, 2020, 11:21:40 AM
will setting the values for ruin spawns and remnant spawns too high cause them too not spawn at all? i have them cranked up too like 1500 in a decent sized sector, and yet after hitting 5 black hole systems i found none of them. maybe i just didnt look hard enough, but, i feel like they arent spawning at all
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 01, 2020, 01:28:56 PM
will setting the values for ruin spawns and remnant spawns too high cause them too not spawn at all?
If the sum of all numbers for "themed" constellations > "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount" it will cause some of these themes to be absent.
If you didn't figured out proper numbers yet - drop your settings here - i will help.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: 123nick on February 01, 2020, 07:44:37 PM
alright i attached a settings file, if its way out of whack, id be thankful for any help in fixing it. i had too make it .txt instead of .json so i can attach it.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on February 01, 2020, 10:35:40 PM
So "theme" constellations are the "sectorConstellationRemnantMax" and "sectorConstellationRuinsMax" numbers or am I missing any others? What about motherships and cryosleepers? I'm assuming the minimums just need to be below the related maximum.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 02, 2020, 02:59:14 AM
So "theme" constellations are the "sectorConstellationRemnantMax" and "sectorConstellationRuinsMax" numbers or am I missing any others? What about motherships and cryosleepers? I'm assuming the minimums just need to be below the related maximum.
Motherships are counting towards "Derelict Theme". 1 Motherships =2-4 constellations.
So if you have 25 motherships, 100 remnant max and 100 ruins max - the minmal number for "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount" is 300.

alright i attached a settings file, if its way out of whack, id be thankful for any help in fixing it. i had too make it .txt instead of .json so i can attach it.
Your problem is - you've set the min and max numbers for themed constellations waaay past the amount of constellations



^ this is from your settings. Obviously, game can't stuff few thousand themed constellations, because you've set total number (AdjustedSectorConstellationCount) to 100. So you need to tune it down accordingly:




Also, "sectorDerelictCryosleepers":100, <- this works, but will place a cryosleeper in EVERY randomly generated system. Do you really want that?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: 123nick on February 02, 2020, 09:20:38 AM
Thanks! ill use these settings if i start a new save
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: MeteorZero0 on February 06, 2020, 06:49:17 PM
Hello,you make a great mod I like.
I want to repost it to chinese StarSector forum:
There should be all copyright information in reposted,including author name,mod name,source.
Could I do that?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 07, 2020, 05:42:58 AM
Hello,you make a great mod I like.
I want to repost it to chinese StarSector forum:
There should be all copyright information in reposted,including author name,mod name,source.
Could I do that?
Sure, why not.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: StarScum on February 07, 2020, 09:23:31 PM
It crashes my game when I reload a save. I assume I need to let the game use more RAM.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on February 08, 2020, 09:30:56 AM
If that doesn't work, seems like the game hates having an abundance of constellations, so lowering those will help. I had the same issue with it set to the mad's default of 360. I've since dropped it down to half that and that seems to help keep it from crashing during saving/loading and the such. Do note that as have been stated already you will need to reduce maximums for Ruins, Remnant, and the number of Motherships that spawn so the sum of the three does not exceed the number of constellations or it will spawn only one of those and none of the others, so make sure to reduce them the same as you do the constellation count, "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount".
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 08, 2020, 02:54:51 PM
It crashes my game when I reload a save. I assume I need to let the game use more RAM.
Besides that, try to turn off shaders in Graphicslib settings file - it helped me personally, even without additional RAM.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: MeteorZero0 on February 08, 2020, 05:32:03 PM
Hello,you make a great mod I like.
I want to repost it to chinese StarSector forum:
There should be all copyright information in reposted,including author name,mod name,source.
Could I do that?
Sure, why not.
Thanks.Here is the reposted page:
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: HyperNova on February 10, 2020, 09:02:05 PM
Apparently with this mod, I can't save at all. It gives me error.

Edit: lower the sectorWidth/sectorHeigh could potentially fix this
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 11, 2020, 10:29:55 AM
Apparently with this mod, I can't save at all. It gives me error.

Edit: lower the sectorWidth/sectorHeigh could potentially fix this
The greater sector size/number of constellations - the greater requirement for ram and vram.
Cutting off some mods or turning off Graphics lib shaders should do the same, so pick your poison.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on February 11, 2020, 09:27:59 PM
That makes me wonder if something else is not at work here. I don't have a DARPA-level dream machine, but I do run 16GB RAM with a 1060 that has 6BG VRAM, and even with the default settings the game hardly ever uses either it seems. I've even watched system processor use, disk usage, etc. and nothing seems to strain much with the game running. There's a really strong spike in CPU usage during saving, but that's so far the only odd reading I see. Yet I run into the very same issue of the game throwing errors and crashing when saving and loading unless I bring the map size back down to nearly the same as vanilla. So far, 150 constellations seems to be about the best point for me to play without these issues eventually cropping up. Map dimensions are a bit unique as I have reduced width and increased height so that the sector map is more evenly square rather than rectangular in shape, but is otherwise just as expansive as vanilla. Even at that amount, save/loading does still take a bit longer than without the mod and I've had it error out on me at least once. The default the mod file came in immediately crashed or errored out every time I tried to save or load a save file. I did disable some settings in Graphics Lib, but have since re-enabled them after discovering they don't seem to cause issues for me, just some odd frame-rate issues with dense battles in simulation despite system resources taking only moderate hits.

Anyways, as stated I did find numbers and settings that seem to work fine, it's just odd I had to cut so much to make it stable even though the game seems to hardly tax my system. It probably doesn't help that the save files themselves seem to bloat pretty heavily the bigger and more complex the map gets. A new save now is quite a bit bigger than a save without mods left in turned out to be.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: TaylorItaly on February 13, 2020, 11:56:36 PM
I have no problems with 360 Constellations and a big map , heavy mod load.
The Game runs fine , save-time 20 seconds equal to load times.
I have also 16GB Ram but only a 960GTX.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on February 14, 2020, 08:06:38 AM
I just learned about changing a file setting to allow Starsector to use more available RAM so I'll see if that makes a difference along with playing around more with Graphics Lib's settings.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: QuinnDexter on February 16, 2020, 06:33:15 AM
I seem to get a crash to desktop after starsector first loads to the main menu with the error message: Fatal: Failed to find script of class [exerelin.plugins.NexCoreLifecyclePlugin] Check starsector.log for more info. It stops happening when I disable only this mod.

Error log:
65838 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to find script of class [exerelin.plugins.NexCoreLifecyclePlugin]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to find script of class [exerelin.plugins.NexCoreLifecyclePlugin]
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings.OO0000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.launcher.ModManager.getEnabledModPlugins(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.ResourceLoaderState.init(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)

Enabled mods:
{"enabledMods": [
  "Adjusted Sector",
  "Boggled Terraforming",

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector

   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

I probably *** something up myself, but I can't figure out what. Seems to be an interaction with Nexerelin.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 16, 2020, 01:49:35 PM
I seem to get a crash to desktop after starsector first loads to the main menu with the error message: Fatal: Failed to find script of class [exerelin.plugins.NexCoreLifecyclePlugin] Check starsector.log for more info. It stops happening when I disable only this mod.

Error log:
65838 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to find script of class [exerelin.plugins.NexCoreLifecyclePlugin]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to find script of class [exerelin.plugins.NexCoreLifecyclePlugin]
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings.OO0000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.launcher.ModManager.getEnabledModPlugins(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.ResourceLoaderState.init(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)

Enabled mods:
{"enabledMods": [
  "Adjusted Sector",
  "Boggled Terraforming",

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector

   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

I probably *** something up myself, but I can't figure out what. Seems to be an interaction with Nexerelin.
Hmmm, i never saw this error before. If you're using the most recent version of Nexerelin, there shouldn't be any problems - i'm using both Adjusted Sector and Nexerelin in my current playthrough.
In theory, it may crash if you trying to generate "Random Core Worlds" option of Nexerelin, but it won't trigger just "on main menu", so that isn't a problem.
Try updating Nex, if the problem persists, but will go away after turning off Adjusted Sector/Other mods - let me know.

You might also send this crashlog to Histidine - maybe he will give some advice.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Blackerer on February 19, 2020, 12:48:26 AM
Hey i'm new to forum and I created an account only to write here

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

I can't find a good balance at 300 Constellation. i want maximally packed sector with 300 systems. So generally ruins, blade breaker systems ect. As much as possible. Of course, up to the limit where everything will be generated without a problem. I would like to have some more systems with mining stations ect but... 
I tried with different combinations and generally a lot of content is not generated or there is not enough of it of course I tried not to pack more than my number of systems. I am asking the author to configure such a sector as I wrote. Thank you in advance, as you can see, I either did it wrong or I would like too much with this settings  :o
Sorry for my eng  :P
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 19, 2020, 04:40:25 AM
Hey i'm new to forum and I created an account only to write here

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

I can't find a good balance at 300 Constellation. i want maximally packed sector with 300 systems. So generally ruins, blade breaker systems ect. As much as possible. Of course, up to the limit where everything will be generated without a problem. I would like to have some more systems with mining stations ect but... 
I tried with different combinations and generally a lot of content is not generated or there is not enough of it of course I tried not to pack more than my number of systems. I am asking the author to configure such a sector as I wrote. Thank you in advance, as you can see, I either did it wrong or I would like too much with this settings  :o
Sorry for my eng  :P
This should make a good start for you, give it a try:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
It's pretty much the same as current settings for my own playthrough, so you should be good to go.
If you feel like this size of the sector (map size) is too much for you, just set "sectorWidth" and "sectorHeight" to the same amount as in your original post, but change "AdjustedSectorConstellationSize" from 1000 down to 500.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Blackerer on February 22, 2020, 08:45:49 AM

Thank you very much. It works great  :D
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: HopeFall on February 22, 2020, 05:32:16 PM
Is there a fix to massive FPS hits on Intel or Map screen? Allocated 8 gigs of ram to this, only makes me use 20% during the FPS hit.

Strangely, I feel I have a better system, but there's definitely a hit to FPS while traveling around, too, with default settings. Fair enough, it's more than triple the size of vanilla.

I'm scared of messing things up however and adjusting the size. Is there a chance you'll ever provide some of your own settings for smaller than 360 size? Like a high, medium, low set? Maybe in spoilers?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 23, 2020, 02:26:06 AM
Is there a fix to massive FPS hits on Intel or Map screen? Allocated 8 gigs of ram to this, only makes me use 20% during the FPS hit.

Strangely, I feel I have a better system, but there's definitely a hit to FPS while traveling around, too, with default settings. Fair enough, it's more than triple the size of vanilla.

I'm scared of messing things up however and adjusting the size. Is there a chance you'll ever provide some of your own settings for smaller than 360 size? Like a high, medium, low set? Maybe in spoilers?
Yeah, i was thinking of providing different settings for different setups. It's just that mod intended for player to adjust starting settings accordingly to their wish.
You should check out my post above - there's 300 constellations setup - i'm playing on it right now and there's no fps drops. I guess game just can't handle the amount of things beyond some point.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: HopeFall on February 23, 2020, 01:46:28 PM
Might be...iunno. The engine?  I don't blame Alex. But there's a trend with games like Kenshi, Rimworld, Starsector, Minecraft. Despite the simplicity and seeming low requirements, modding them tends to chug your system significantly more than say, a 300 mod Skyrim game. Which is funny to me.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: MesoTroniK on February 23, 2020, 02:17:20 PM
SS is constantly simulating *far* more stuff at once than the average AAA open-world game. It also fakes a lot less things, though still does when it needs to.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: FrackaMir on February 25, 2020, 08:19:41 AM
So I'm rather bad at maths but if you adjust the AdjustedSectorConstellationCount value to 300 or below / above etc what sort of multiplier are we supposed to use to have the themes adjust or be slightly lower so to make room for other mods that add it in too?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: bigdady1 on February 25, 2020, 08:43:33 AM
loving the mod thanks for making it 8)
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 02, 2020, 11:06:20 AM
So I'm rather bad at maths but if you adjust the AdjustedSectorConstellationCount value to 300 or below / above etc what sort of multiplier are we supposed to use to have the themes adjust or be slightly lower so to make room for other mods that add it in too?
It's not quite that, game just has problems with handling the large amount of constellations coupled with many mods.
So if you use many mods, just lower the AdjustedSectorConstellationCount to 300 or less, and adjust other "min/max" themed values accordingly. Keep in mind, that 1 mothership = 2-4 "derelict-themed" constellations.

Mods that are creating additional systems usually do not count towards "total themed constellation count". The only 2 mods which use that are SAD and DME (blade breakers), but those can be adjusted in settings.json.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 02, 2020, 11:06:51 AM
loving the mod thanks for making it 8)
You're welcome!
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: dragoongfa on March 02, 2020, 12:08:24 PM
Great mod, really helps with making the sector feel like an expanse where opportunity may be just a bit out of reach.

I am having an issue with star and constellation placement though. Constellations are prone to intermingle, with stars from one constellation being right in the middle of an other.

Rarer is the issue were systems 'overlap' in the hyperspace map. With suns being right next to each other but they are completely different systems.

I had these issues with both the default settings for the mod and with slight personal adjustments; what settings are responsible for this? Or is it something that the system generation from the start of the game does when it gets more systems and constellations than the vanilla ones?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 02, 2020, 03:45:06 PM
Great mod, really helps with making the sector feel like an expanse where opportunity may be just a bit out of reach.

I am having an issue with star and constellation placement though. Constellations are prone to intermingle, with stars from one constellation being right in the middle of an other.

Rarer is the issue were systems 'overlap' in the hyperspace map. With suns being right next to each other but they are completely different systems.

I had these issues with both the default settings for the mod and with slight personal adjustments; what settings are responsible for this? Or is it something that the system generation from the start of the game does when it gets more systems and constellations than the vanilla ones?
Changing it back to 2000 may prevent this 'overlap' from happening, but it happened to me even in vanilla game, so i'm not sure how effective it will be.
Also, changing this setting may prevent from constellations spawning (if your sector is not big enough just in terms of size) - so if you see something weird or broken after starting new game - make sure to enlarge your sector width and length.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on March 02, 2020, 08:42:54 PM
Quick q, any issue with entering the same value for min and max (for the same theme, I mean)? Or should I keep min and max ranges offset?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: tindrli on March 03, 2020, 04:35:24 AM
Is there any performance impact?
Depending on how many constellations you have, there might be framedrops while on map or intel screen. Past 300 constellations you will feel it. Otherwise - depends on your pc.

so, with laptop that has
- i5 7200U
-sata SSD
dedicated GPU R5 M330 with 2 GB VRAM
and 8 gigs of RAM
what would be an optimal sector size?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on March 03, 2020, 07:04:39 AM
Honestly I'm not even sure from what I've gathered. My system specs include an i7 6700, 16GB RAM, GTX 1660ti, and the hardware hardly ever gets utilized before I start seeing frame rate drops. Even after committing a number of commonly suggested fixes to get SS to run smoother more often has only helped somewhat. Hyperspace travel and battles beyond a handful of ships and the program struggles to maintain even 40ish fps while my CPU and GPU barely budge in use. Pretty sure I've never seen the Idle at anything above 50% which is odd. In fights, it spends most of the time in single digits. I've been told it's mods, but it's like that even without them enabled. Others have reported absolutely no fps impact in such places on lower specs even with GraphicsLyb in full swing. I've been told by many it's an AMD issue, then I remind them that I'm not running AMD. Some can apparently run this mod at 300 plus constellations without any issues, I can't even get a vanilla sized map with more than 180 to run without the game crashing on saving and loading. You might as well try it at what ever setup you want and tweak it if issues arise, but yeah, constellation count is probably the first number to look at in doing so. At this point I've chocked it up to simply luck of the draw for me as I've learned this is likely a deeper issue on the vanilla coding isn't finished for one and is a much more calculation-heavy game than most modern graphics-based monsters.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 03, 2020, 07:53:30 AM
Is there any performance impact?
Depending on how many constellations you have, there might be framedrops while on map or intel screen. Past 300 constellations you will feel it. Otherwise - depends on your pc.

so, with laptop that has
- i5 7200U
-sata SSD
dedicated GPU R5 M330 with 2 GB VRAM
and 8 gigs of RAM
what would be an optimal sector size?

Maybe even "default" Adjusted Sector settings.
You have enough RAM, but i'm not sure if 2 GB VRAM is enough, since apparently i had issues with 360 AdjustedSectorConstellationCount setup just because of VRAM.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: FrackaMir on March 03, 2020, 09:47:53 AM
Ahhh I see, so its also dependent on mods too

well so far the 360 constellations or the default preset chosen for the mod is working fine. Granted there are slow downs when using the galactic map and intel screen, that and due to using so many mods and a very large galaxy map, generally playing for 2-5 hrs, varies, every now and then and save quitting with saves backed up seems to work fine.

Of course having huge multi fleet battles usually means a save exit restart but not all that bad.

If wondering I'm running an old Dell G5 gaming laptop, 16 Gb ram and assigned around 10 Gb ram, which is bad since its above half the necessary total ram amount to use but so far no problems, along with maybe around 5-7 or 8 ish VRAM, GTX 1060.

Its not the best laptop, its old and somewhat outdated with the newest tech and all but its working, its doing what its intending to, loving the exploration of the vast galaxy and finding good remnant or blade breaker positions to farm them or snatch some Redacted ships
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: tindrli on March 03, 2020, 10:53:24 AM
tank you all. will try
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: PreConceptor on March 04, 2020, 10:58:41 PM
Looking for advice on some settings.

I changed the sector settings (count, size, cellsize) to the same as vanilla but kept the width and height, it seems to generate around 3x more constellations vs vanilla which I like, but I can't figure out the best settings for Remnant, Ruins, Derelicts and Blade Breakers by comparing the mod values with vanilla.

Does anyone have recommendations based on just 3x constellations and (therefore) 3x systems vs vanilla in regards to settings for those features?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 05, 2020, 06:14:47 AM
Looking for advice on some settings.

I changed the sector settings (count, size, cellsize) to the same as vanilla but kept the width and height, it seems to generate around 3x more constellations vs vanilla which I like, but I can't figure out the best settings for Remnant, Ruins, Derelicts and Blade Breakers by comparing the mod values with vanilla.

Does anyone have recommendations based on just 3x constellations and (therefore) 3x systems vs vanilla in regards to settings for those features?
Copy and paste your settings.json here.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: PreConceptor on March 05, 2020, 07:09:35 AM
here. SAD settings aren't important as I don't use SAD.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: tindrli on March 05, 2020, 09:04:52 AM
Can anyone help me configure my sector since i think im not inteligent that much to figure out my self. . i would like a same size sector as in vanilla but with 200 planets. if default is 100?
thanks a lot
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 05, 2020, 01:33:55 PM
here. SAD settings aren't important as I don't use SAD.
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Past this into your setting file, should be good enough.
After generating new sector, just use console command "devmode on" and press Ctrl+z - and go into hyperspace.
This will reveall all BB and Remnant beacons - if their number is fine - you good to go. Otherwise just restart sector generation through new game.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 05, 2020, 01:38:20 PM
Can anyone help me configure my sector since i think im not inteligent that much to figure out my self. . i would like a same size sector as in vanilla but with 200 planets. if default is 100?
thanks a lot
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: tindrli on March 09, 2020, 05:05:12 AM
Can anyone help me configure my sector since i think im not inteligent that much to figure out my self. . i would like a same size sector as in vanilla but with 200 planets. if default is 100?
thanks a lot
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
thank you for a quick reply. but
this is a sector image that i get when i run vanilla

and this one is with settings that you suggested.
while sector is beautifull there are too many stars and many stars are to close one to another that they look mixed somtimes. while its not a big issue i would prefer to stars be more separated.. to be honest i didnt count them but seems like more than 200 also squares as you can see are bigger on fully zoomed out but i dont know what that means or if its important at all.
im reading what i wrote and sorry for my english. but its important for me to understand that im not complaining or whining.
so i wonder if  you can help me get same sector size as vanilla but double the stars from first picture. if you think that second picture is what i wanted then please sir suggest me a settings with less stars.
thanks again for this great mod and thanx for sharing it.
Also if you have time it would be great if you can make simple manual with numbers and multiplications that needs to be made to make this mod work without issues for us that have toastes or semi toasters. and with smaller brains
i hope that you will find time to continue to develop this incredibly useful mod
thank you again

Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 09, 2020, 09:11:29 AM
Can anyone help me configure my sector since i think im not inteligent that much to figure out my self. . i would like a same size sector as in vanilla but with 200 planets. if default is 100?
thanks a lot
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
thank you for a quick reply. but
this is a sector image that i get when i run vanilla

and this one is with settings that you suggested.
while sector is beautifull there are too many stars and many stars are to close one to another that they look mixed somtimes. while its not a big issue i would prefer to stars be more separated.. to be honest i didnt count them but seems like more than 200 also squares as you can see are bigger on fully zoomed out but i dont know what that means or if its important at all.
im reading what i wrote and sorry for my english. but its important for me to understand that im not complaining or whining.
so i wonder if  you can help me get same sector size as vanilla but double the stars from first picture. if you think that second picture is what i wanted then please sir suggest me a settings with less stars.
thanks again for this great mod and thanx for sharing it.
Also if you have time it would be great if you can make simple manual with numbers and multiplications that needs to be made to make this mod work without issues for us that have toastes or semi toasters. and with smaller brains
i hope that you will find time to continue to develop this incredibly useful mod
thank you again
Oh, my mistake. Try changing these values (others should be fine):
As for english - it's okay, i'm not native speaker myself.
About "setups for bad PC" - thing is, my own setup (that is included in mod) is well, for my bad PC that has only 4 GB RAM allocated and 2GB vram card.
So if you (or anyone) have trouble with figuring out what would be "ok setup" for your PC - just post here your PC stats, and prefered conditions - i'll figure something out, whenever i can.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: tindrli on March 09, 2020, 02:12:57 PM
Can anyone help me configure my sector since i think im not inteligent that much to figure out my self. . i would like a same size sector as in vanilla but with 200 planets. if default is 100?
thanks a lot
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
thank you for a quick reply. but
this is a sector image that i get when i run vanilla

and this one is with settings that you suggested.
while sector is beautifull there are too many stars and many stars are to close one to another that they look mixed somtimes. while its not a big issue i would prefer to stars be more separated.. to be honest i didnt count them but seems like more than 200 also squares as you can see are bigger on fully zoomed out but i dont know what that means or if its important at all.
im reading what i wrote and sorry for my english. but its important for me to understand that im not complaining or whining.
so i wonder if  you can help me get same sector size as vanilla but double the stars from first picture. if you think that second picture is what i wanted then please sir suggest me a settings with less stars.
thanks again for this great mod and thanx for sharing it.
Also if you have time it would be great if you can make simple manual with numbers and multiplications that needs to be made to make this mod work without issues for us that have toastes or semi toasters. and with smaller brains
i hope that you will find time to continue to develop this incredibly useful mod
thank you again
Oh, my mistake. Try changing these values (others should be fine):
As for english - it's okay, i'm not native speaker myself.
About "setups for bad PC" - thing is, my own setup (that is included in mod) is well, for my bad PC that has only 4 GB RAM allocated and 2GB vram card.
So if you (or anyone) have trouble with figuring out what would be "ok setup" for your PC - just post here your PC stats, and prefered conditions - i'll figure something out, whenever i can.
thanx for a quick answer but they are still too close.. this is one example from corvus system
the exit off corvus is joined with another star system.
i admit that i didnt start a new game. i just changed the values that you suggested and load the last that i played.
Also this is not a same game that i posted first two pictures. that was from the job. im playing on job and at home however settings are the same. damn im hooked.
maybe i need to start new game... still it seems like more than 200 stars. thanx
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 09, 2020, 05:44:32 PM
Can anyone help me configure my sector since i think im not inteligent that much to figure out my self. . i would like a same size sector as in vanilla but with 200 planets. if default is 100?
thanks a lot
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
thank you for a quick reply. but
this is a sector image that i get when i run vanilla

and this one is with settings that you suggested.
while sector is beautifull there are too many stars and many stars are to close one to another that they look mixed somtimes. while its not a big issue i would prefer to stars be more separated.. to be honest i didnt count them but seems like more than 200 also squares as you can see are bigger on fully zoomed out but i dont know what that means or if its important at all.
im reading what i wrote and sorry for my english. but its important for me to understand that im not complaining or whining.
so i wonder if  you can help me get same sector size as vanilla but double the stars from first picture. if you think that second picture is what i wanted then please sir suggest me a settings with less stars.
thanks again for this great mod and thanx for sharing it.
Also if you have time it would be great if you can make simple manual with numbers and multiplications that needs to be made to make this mod work without issues for us that have toastes or semi toasters. and with smaller brains
i hope that you will find time to continue to develop this incredibly useful mod
thank you again
Oh, my mistake. Try changing these values (others should be fine):
As for english - it's okay, i'm not native speaker myself.
About "setups for bad PC" - thing is, my own setup (that is included in mod) is well, for my bad PC that has only 4 GB RAM allocated and 2GB vram card.
So if you (or anyone) have trouble with figuring out what would be "ok setup" for your PC - just post here your PC stats, and prefered conditions - i'll figure something out, whenever i can.
i admit that i didnt start a new game. i just changed the values that you suggested and load the last that i played.
Also this is not a same game that i posted first two pictures. that was from the job. im playing on job and at home however settings are the same. damn im hooked.
maybe i need to start new game... still it seems like more than 200 stars. thanx
It doesn't work that way. You need to start a new game for these changes to occur.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: turboghost9 on March 10, 2020, 06:22:11 PM
Sorry to bother you, but when using Adjusted Sector thus far it's just effect? Is there a variable I have to change somewhere to enable the changes? I didn't see anything like that mentioned in any other comments, and the rest of the mods I have running are all working fine at the moment. It's enabled in the launcher and installed in the right folder, but it's still just generating the vanilla sector density/size/makeup. Any idea what could be causing that?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 10, 2020, 06:47:27 PM
Sorry to bother you, but when using Adjusted Sector thus far it's just effect? Is there a variable I have to change somewhere to enable the changes? I didn't see anything like that mentioned in any other comments, and the rest of the mods I have running are all working fine at the moment. It's enabled in the launcher and installed in the right folder, but it's still just generating the vanilla sector density/size/makeup. Any idea what could be causing that?
Presence of other mods (Grand sector, for example) may override Adjusted Sector. Post the list of your mods.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: turboghost9 on March 10, 2020, 07:38:03 PM
Sorry to bother you, but when using Adjusted Sector thus far it's just effect? Is there a variable I have to change somewhere to enable the changes? I didn't see anything like that mentioned in any other comments, and the rest of the mods I have running are all working fine at the moment. It's enabled in the launcher and installed in the right folder, but it's still just generating the vanilla sector density/size/makeup. Any idea what could be causing that?
Presence of other mods (Grand sector, for example) may override Adjusted Sector. Post the list of your mods.

Active Gates
Adjusted Sector v0.2.2
Arsenal Expansion 1.5.3g
Audio Plus
Better Colonies
Blackrock Drive Yards
Boggled Station Construction
Boggled Terraforming
Celestial Mount Circle
Combat Chatter
Common Radar
Console Commands
Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering
Extratential Lanestate Union
Fix All Empty Planets
HullMod Expansion
Interstellar Imperium
Kadur Remnant
Legacy of Arkgenesis
Mayasuran Navy
Missing ships 0.4
Neutrino corp
Portrait pack
Ruthless Sector
Ship and Weapon Pack
Underworld 1.4.1
Vayra's Sector
Vayra's Ship Pack

If it's relevant, I couldn't get grand sector to work either.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: tindrli on March 11, 2020, 05:55:55 AM
Can anyone help me configure my sector since i think im not inteligent that much to figure out my self. . i would like a same size sector as in vanilla but with 200 planets. if default is 100?
thanks a lot
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
thank you for a quick reply. but
this is a sector image that i get when i run vanilla

and this one is with settings that you suggested.
while sector is beautifull there are too many stars and many stars are to close one to another that they look mixed somtimes. while its not a big issue i would prefer to stars be more separated.. to be honest i didnt count them but seems like more than 200 also squares as you can see are bigger on fully zoomed out but i dont know what that means or if its important at all.
im reading what i wrote and sorry for my english. but its important for me to understand that im not complaining or whining.
so i wonder if  you can help me get same sector size as vanilla but double the stars from first picture. if you think that second picture is what i wanted then please sir suggest me a settings with less stars.
thanks again for this great mod and thanx for sharing it.
Also if you have time it would be great if you can make simple manual with numbers and multiplications that needs to be made to make this mod work without issues for us that have toastes or semi toasters. and with smaller brains
i hope that you will find time to continue to develop this incredibly useful mod
thank you again
Oh, my mistake. Try changing these values (others should be fine):
As for english - it's okay, i'm not native speaker myself.
About "setups for bad PC" - thing is, my own setup (that is included in mod) is well, for my bad PC that has only 4 GB RAM allocated and 2GB vram card.
So if you (or anyone) have trouble with figuring out what would be "ok setup" for your PC - just post here your PC stats, and prefered conditions - i'll figure something out, whenever i can.
i admit that i didnt start a new game. i just changed the values that you suggested and load the last that i played.
Also this is not a same game that i posted first two pictures. that was from the job. im playing on job and at home however settings are the same. damn im hooked.
maybe i need to start new game... still it seems like more than 200 stars. thanx
It doesn't work that way. You need to start a new game for these changes to occur.

ok i started a new game with this settings that you suggested.
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
and this is what i got..
seems like its too little... sorry can you suggest me settings with 300 stars same sector size as vanilla
i dont get it.. i must be dooing something very wrong.
while i waited i tried to experiment
this is the a default mod map so it should be 360 stars
and i experimented and used this settings
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
and i got this map.. cant be only 60 stars difference here.. damn im stupid.
please help again
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 11, 2020, 05:31:26 PM
Sorry to bother you, but when using Adjusted Sector thus far it's just effect? Is there a variable I have to change somewhere to enable the changes? I didn't see anything like that mentioned in any other comments, and the rest of the mods I have running are all working fine at the moment. It's enabled in the launcher and installed in the right folder, but it's still just generating the vanilla sector density/size/makeup. Any idea what could be causing that?
Presence of other mods (Grand sector, for example) may override Adjusted Sector. Post the list of your mods.
If it's relevant, I couldn't get grand sector to work either.
I have no idea lol. But okay, let's just write down mods from this list that are 100% compatible:
Mayasuran Navy
Neutrino corp
Portrait pack
Combat Chatter
Common Radar
Console Commands
Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering
Extratential Lanestate Union
Fix All Empty Planets
Adjusted Sector v0.2.2
Ship and Weapon Pack
Vayra's Sector
Vayra's Ship Pack
Interstellar Imperium
Kadur Remnant
Legacy of Arkgenesis
Arsenal Expansion 1.5.3g
Audio Plus
Better Colonies
Blackrock Drive Yards
Boggled Station Construction
Boggled Terraforming
Mods that are may be the source of your trouble:
Active Gates
Celestial Mount Circle
Missing ships 0.4
Ruthless Sector
Underworld 1.4.1
HullMod Expansion
Steelclad (entire mod is removed from download, so rip).

Also, if you use "random core worlds" option from nexerelin, it obviously will prevent mod from working, but it's probably just cause CtD.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 11, 2020, 05:35:30 PM
Can anyone help me configure my sector since i think im not inteligent that much to figure out my self. . i would like a same size sector as in vanilla but with 200 planets. if default is 100?
thanks a lot
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
thank you for a quick reply. but
this is a sector image that i get when i run vanilla

and this one is with settings that you suggested.
while sector is beautifull there are too many stars and many stars are to close one to another that they look mixed somtimes. while its not a big issue i would prefer to stars be more separated.. to be honest i didnt count them but seems like more than 200 also squares as you can see are bigger on fully zoomed out but i dont know what that means or if its important at all.
im reading what i wrote and sorry for my english. but its important for me to understand that im not complaining or whining.
so i wonder if  you can help me get same sector size as vanilla but double the stars from first picture. if you think that second picture is what i wanted then please sir suggest me a settings with less stars.
thanks again for this great mod and thanx for sharing it.
Also if you have time it would be great if you can make simple manual with numbers and multiplications that needs to be made to make this mod work without issues for us that have toastes or semi toasters. and with smaller brains
i hope that you will find time to continue to develop this incredibly useful mod
thank you again
Oh, my mistake. Try changing these values (others should be fine):
As for english - it's okay, i'm not native speaker myself.
About "setups for bad PC" - thing is, my own setup (that is included in mod) is well, for my bad PC that has only 4 GB RAM allocated and 2GB vram card.
So if you (or anyone) have trouble with figuring out what would be "ok setup" for your PC - just post here your PC stats, and prefered conditions - i'll figure something out, whenever i can.
i admit that i didnt start a new game. i just changed the values that you suggested and load the last that i played.
Also this is not a same game that i posted first two pictures. that was from the job. im playing on job and at home however settings are the same. damn im hooked.
maybe i need to start new game... still it seems like more than 200 stars. thanx
It doesn't work that way. You need to start a new game for these changes to occur.

ok i started a new game with this settings that you suggested.
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
and this is what i got..
seems like its too little... sorry can you suggest me settings with 300 stars same sector size as vanilla
i dont get it.. i must be dooing something very wrong.
while i waited i tried to experiment
this is the a default mod map so it should be 360 stars
and i experimented and used this settings
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
and i got this map.. cant be only 60 stars difference here.. damn im stupid.
please help again
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
If it won't work either, change AdjustedSectorConstellationSize from 1500 to 1250 and try again.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: turboghost9 on March 11, 2020, 07:05:27 PM
Sorry to bother you, but when using Adjusted Sector thus far it's just effect? Is there a variable I have to change somewhere to enable the changes? I didn't see anything like that mentioned in any other comments, and the rest of the mods I have running are all working fine at the moment. It's enabled in the launcher and installed in the right folder, but it's still just generating the vanilla sector density/size/makeup. Any idea what could be causing that?
Presence of other mods (Grand sector, for example) may override Adjusted Sector. Post the list of your mods.
If it's relevant, I couldn't get grand sector to work either.
I have no idea lol. But okay, let's just write down mods from this list that are 100% compatible:
Mayasuran Navy
Neutrino corp
Portrait pack
Combat Chatter
Common Radar
Console Commands
Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering
Extratential Lanestate Union
Fix All Empty Planets
Adjusted Sector v0.2.2
Ship and Weapon Pack
Vayra's Sector
Vayra's Ship Pack
Interstellar Imperium
Kadur Remnant
Legacy of Arkgenesis
Arsenal Expansion 1.5.3g
Audio Plus
Better Colonies
Blackrock Drive Yards
Boggled Station Construction
Boggled Terraforming
Mods that are may be the source of your trouble:
Active Gates
Celestial Mount Circle
Missing ships 0.4
Ruthless Sector
Underworld 1.4.1
HullMod Expansion
Steelclad (entire mod is removed from download, so rip).

Also, if you use "random core worlds" option from nexerelin, it obviously will prevent mod from working, but it's probably just cause CtD.

It was "random core worlds." I'm a dumbass, my b.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: tindrli on March 12, 2020, 07:02:57 AM
Can anyone help me configure my sector since i think im not inteligent that much to figure out my self. . i would like a same size sector as in vanilla but with 200 planets. if default is 100?
thanks a lot
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
thank you for a quick reply. but
this is a sector image that i get when i run vanilla

and this one is with settings that you suggested.
while sector is beautifull there are too many stars and many stars are to close one to another that they look mixed somtimes. while its not a big issue i would prefer to stars be more separated.. to be honest i didnt count them but seems like more than 200 also squares as you can see are bigger on fully zoomed out but i dont know what that means or if its important at all.
im reading what i wrote and sorry for my english. but its important for me to understand that im not complaining or whining.
so i wonder if  you can help me get same sector size as vanilla but double the stars from first picture. if you think that second picture is what i wanted then please sir suggest me a settings with less stars.
thanks again for this great mod and thanx for sharing it.
Also if you have time it would be great if you can make simple manual with numbers and multiplications that needs to be made to make this mod work without issues for us that have toastes or semi toasters. and with smaller brains
i hope that you will find time to continue to develop this incredibly useful mod
thank you again
Oh, my mistake. Try changing these values (others should be fine):
As for english - it's okay, i'm not native speaker myself.
About "setups for bad PC" - thing is, my own setup (that is included in mod) is well, for my bad PC that has only 4 GB RAM allocated and 2GB vram card.
So if you (or anyone) have trouble with figuring out what would be "ok setup" for your PC - just post here your PC stats, and prefered conditions - i'll figure something out, whenever i can.
i admit that i didnt start a new game. i just changed the values that you suggested and load the last that i played.
Also this is not a same game that i posted first two pictures. that was from the job. im playing on job and at home however settings are the same. damn im hooked.
maybe i need to start new game... still it seems like more than 200 stars. thanx
It doesn't work that way. You need to start a new game for these changes to occur.

ok i started a new game with this settings that you suggested.
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
and this is what i got..
seems like its too little... sorry can you suggest me settings with 300 stars same sector size as vanilla
i dont get it.. i must be dooing something very wrong.
while i waited i tried to experiment
this is the a default mod map so it should be 360 stars
and i experimented and used this settings
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
and i got this map.. cant be only 60 stars difference here.. damn im stupid.
please help again
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
If it won't work either, change AdjustedSectorConstellationSize from 1500 to 1250 and try again.

thank you SIR!
Seems like 1250 is a magic number in my case or at least i think so since i tried a lot of stuff yesterday.
dumbass of me, yesterday night i figure out that i can play with numbers turning off all other mods for testing and rapid load times..took me whole day to figure that out
example 1500
Example 1250

now.just one more question. is it true that SUM of the rest of the options in config , like ruins and remnants and derelict can not surpaas total number of "ConstellationCount" or its not how it works.
THanx again sir and have a good day
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 12, 2020, 03:14:56 PM
now.just one more question. is it true that SUM of the rest of the options in config , like ruins and remnants and derelict can not surpaas total number of "ConstellationCount" or its not how it works.
THanx again sir and have a good day
Yes, that's exactly how it works. To test this, after creating new game, use console commands - type in "devmode on". Exit console commands panel, press ctrl+z. Go to hyperspace - you will instantly reveal all remnant beacons. Check their total numbers - if it's ~=said number in config file - you good to go.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: TheSAguy on March 15, 2020, 01:38:39 PM
Whats' the difference between Grand Sector and Adjusted Sector?

Any idea what settings to use to get a map that's about 50% larger than vanilla, roughly the same amount of stars. Maybe 20% more, but have the constellations be a little denser, but further apart.
I'm using Nex with random core sectors and probably about 8-10 new factions. What settings do people use in terms of colonized worlds & stations?

Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 15, 2020, 04:54:36 PM
Whats' the difference between Grand Sector and Adjusted Sector?
Grand sector changed only the size, number of constellations, etc. Basically, you have bigger sector with the same amount of interesting stuff as in original game.
Adjusted sector lets you change amount of themed constellations - it's pretty clearly explained in the first post.
Any idea what settings to use to get a map that's about 50% larger than vanilla, roughly the same amount of stars. Maybe 20% more, but have the constellations be a little denser, but further apart.
I'm using Nex with random core sectors and probably about 8-10 new factions. What settings do people use in terms of colonized worlds & stations?
I'm pretty sure Nex option "Random Core Worlds" overrides the same sector generation scripts as Adjusted Sector.
So Adjusted Sector won't have any effect on game created under this option.
Everything else about Nex is 100% compatible.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Kh0rnet on March 17, 2020, 08:50:10 AM
Well this mod *** my game completely during hyperspace travel. Silky smooth 20 FPS.
Overall I rate it 11/10, would download again.

I only wish I could re-name stars and un-colonized planets because most of them have lame names like "Gamma Derpoid A"
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 17, 2020, 09:30:49 AM
I only wish I could re-name stars and un-colonized planets because most of them have lame names like "Gamma Derpoid A"
i'm pretty sure you technically can do that - open your save file, ctrl+f "Gamma Derpoid A" and ctrl+h (replace) it with "Space Testicle" or anything you want.
Or, you can open table of the base game that contains all those pesky name parts and replace them to your heart's content.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on March 17, 2020, 08:20:56 PM
I've found you can make the frame rate issues more manageable after tweaking the mod settings to account for it pushing the game beyond its builtin limits. Not every machine is built to handle games the same way and even beefy comps can run into performance problems, especially when mods get tossed into the mix. It won't completely solve the issue, but it can help somewhat. You have to remember you're adding a lot of extra work for the game to load things on the hyperspace map and even after reducing the mod's default settings to nearly the same as the game's vanilla settings, it's still more work for it to do. On top of this, StarSector isn't really finished yet as I recall, so there's still some room for the dev's to make the game perform overall better in the future. 
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: omegasrevenge on March 26, 2020, 05:04:56 AM
Is there a way to increase the density of ruins? So that when ruins do spawn in a constellation, that we can guarantee that at least 50 ruins will spawn in that constellation. If not, would it be possible for you to add that functionality?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 30, 2020, 05:14:23 PM
Is there a way to increase the density of ruins? So that when ruins do spawn in a constellation, that we can guarantee that at least 50 ruins will spawn in that constellation. If not, would it be possible for you to add that functionality?
I have a hard time trying to understand what exactly you mean, since ruins in context of starsector can mean several things. Can you elaborate?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: tindrli on April 05, 2020, 08:27:25 AM
now.just one more question. is it true that SUM of the rest of the options in config , like ruins and remnants and derelict can not surpaas total number of "ConstellationCount" or its not how it works.
THanx again sir and have a good day
Yes, that's exactly how it works. To test this, after creating new game, use console commands - type in "devmode on". Exit console commands panel, press ctrl+z. Go to hyperspace - you will instantly reveal all remnant beacons. Check their total numbers - if it's ~=said number in config file - you good to go.
hi bro. its me again. i didnt follow your advice regards console command but after seceral cycles in my map i didnt find any star with remnants in it. i did found some stars with domain probes and domain cryosleepers but no stars with remnant ships.
so i started console commands and i did what you suggested but im little bit confused with results. can you chek it out when you have time.
i got this

my config is
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

thank you again
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 08, 2020, 03:59:22 AM
now.just one more question. is it true that SUM of the rest of the options in config , like ruins and remnants and derelict can not surpaas total number of "ConstellationCount" or its not how it works.
THanx again sir and have a good day
Yes, that's exactly how it works. To test this, after creating new game, use console commands - type in "devmode on". Exit console commands panel, press ctrl+z. Go to hyperspace - you will instantly reveal all remnant beacons. Check their total numbers - if it's ~=said number in config file - you good to go.
hi bro. its me again. i didnt follow your advice regards console command but after seceral cycles in my map i didnt find any star with remnants in it. i did found some stars with domain probes and domain cryosleepers but no stars with remnant ships.
so i started console commands and i did what you suggested but im little bit confused with results. can you chek it out when you have time.
i got this

my config is
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

thank you again
Open the intel tab. There's "Warning beacons" and "Remnants" tabs - send screenshots of those after doing that thing with console commands and dev mod.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Vivelaraclette on April 09, 2020, 06:10:13 AM
Hello Nerzhull, thanks a lot for this mod, it really change the game, mainly for exploration.
To answer tindrli problems, I have the same.

When using the console to view everything, there is no classic remnant fleets roaming hyperspace or in any sector. Using your default mod setting I have only 7 beacons leading to sectors with blade breakers fleets and no beacons leading to the traditionnal remnant filled systems.

I'm using Nexerelin and Vayra's Sector mods.


Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 10, 2020, 04:27:49 AM
Hello Nerzhull, thanks a lot for this mod, it really change the game, mainly for exploration.
To answer tindrli problems, I have the same.

When using the console to view everything, there is no classic remnant fleets roaming hyperspace or in any sector. Using your default mod setting I have only 7 beacons leading to sectors with blade breakers fleets and no beacons leading to the traditionnal remnant filled systems.

I'm using Nexerelin and Vayra's Sector mods.

Pin your settings.json or send it's content as a message - there's clearly something wrong with values for different themes.
Also, did you started the game with Nexerelin's "Random Core Worlds" option?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: omegasrevenge on April 12, 2020, 01:41:20 AM
Is there a way to increase the density of ruins? So that when ruins do spawn in a constellation, that we can guarantee that at least 50 ruins will spawn in that constellation. If not, would it be possible for you to add that functionality?
I have a hard time trying to understand what exactly you mean, since ruins in context of starsector can mean several things. Can you elaborate?
Number of Derelict Probes, Derelict Ships, Research Stations, Mining Stations, Habitat Stations, etc. per constellation. I had edited the settings file in the mod so every constellation had such "ruins" yet sometimes found only 2 probes per constellation after looking for a long time. I wanted to increase the density so its super likely to get like 5 Stations per constellation.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 12, 2020, 01:28:59 PM
Is there a way to increase the density of ruins? So that when ruins do spawn in a constellation, that we can guarantee that at least 50 ruins will spawn in that constellation. If not, would it be possible for you to add that functionality?
I have a hard time trying to understand what exactly you mean, since ruins in context of starsector can mean several things. Can you elaborate?
Number of Derelict Probes, Derelict Ships, Research Stations, Mining Stations, Habitat Stations, etc. per constellation. I had edited the settings file in the mod so every constellation had such "ruins" yet sometimes found only 2 probes per constellation after looking for a long time. I wanted to increase the density so its super likely to get like 5 Stations per constellation.
I already see where your problem is, but i still need your version of settings.json to help you fix it.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Mr. Biggles on April 14, 2020, 07:20:28 PM
Hey can anyone tell me what random number of arcs does? I tried to find it on my own but don't see anything on it anywhere. Thank you.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: mathyou on April 24, 2020, 11:33:56 PM
When I use the default settings, it seems like all the remnant systems are clustered in the middle of the map: This seems consistent across a bunch of new games. Is there something in the config that can adjust that? I've experimented with the numbers and tried maybe 20 variations, but I haven't found a way to change this. To be clear, I don't want them to avoid the core entirely; I'm just lookingfor a more even distribution.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 25, 2020, 03:55:33 PM
When I use the default settings, it seems like all the remnant systems are clustered in the middle of the map: This seems consistent across a bunch of new games. Is there something in the config that can adjust that? I've experimented with the numbers and tried maybe 20 variations, but I haven't found a way to change this. To be clear, I don't want them to avoid the core entirely; I'm just lookingfor a more even distribution.
No, at least not yet. It's just how default game spreads remnant systems.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: mathyou on April 25, 2020, 05:26:19 PM
When using the default settings from the mod (and with a ratio of them scaled down with sector size), I seem to find tons of derelict probes but very few (many none at all; I certainly don't remember finding any) mining platforms or research stations. Is anyone else seeing that behavior? Is there something I can adjust to change this?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Xeno056 on April 28, 2020, 05:30:37 PM
I also have been seeing an abundance of Domain era probes. Does it have anything to do with me setting number of motherships to 128? Or do probes count as ruins? I'll grab the json if it'll help, it's just on my other computer.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Harmful Mechanic on April 28, 2020, 07:11:43 PM
IIRC, motherships spawn a fixed number of survey ships and probes per mothership (exactly how many I'd have to check), so, you're probably getting 3-5 probes per survey ship and 2-3 survey ships per mothership. They'll be everywhere.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Xeno056 on April 28, 2020, 09:00:31 PM
IIRC, motherships spawn a fixed number of survey ships and probes per mothership (exactly how many I'd have to check), so, you're probably getting 35-probes per survey ship and 2-3 survey ships per mothership. They'll be everywhere.

Honestly it's to the point were all the analysis missions are for domain era probes and nearly nothing else. They spawn were orbital stations and research stations do, and it seems to displace other [REDACTED] from spawning with any consistency. If it weren't for the ruins I'd be SOL blueprint wise.

That said, I know for next time. The mod is fantastic.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Harmful Mechanic on April 29, 2020, 12:01:24 AM
I'm not the mod's developer; you want to thank Nerzhull_AI for that. I just spent a lot of time staring at procgen scripts over the last few years.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Xeno056 on April 29, 2020, 09:44:31 AM
I'm not the mod's developer; you want to thank Nerzhull_AI for that. I just spent a lot of time staring at procgen scripts over the last few years.

I realize, just speaking generally. Since you know about the procgen though, would there be any way to tone down the number of probes per mothership for future playthroughs?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 30, 2020, 06:33:31 AM
IIRC, motherships spawn a fixed number of survey ships and probes per mothership (exactly how many I'd have to check), so, you're probably getting 35-probes per survey ship and 2-3 survey ships per mothership. They'll be everywhere.

Honestly it's to the point were all the analysis missions are for domain era probes and nearly nothing else. They spawn were orbital stations and research stations do, and it seems to displace other [REDACTED] from spawning with any consistency. If it weren't for the ruins I'd be SOL blueprint wise.

That said, I know for next time. The mod is fantastic.
One mothership equals about 4-5 worlds related to "Derelict" theme. If you want to see more stations and less probs - tune down the number of motherships, and tune up the min/max values for "Ruins" theme.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Xeno056 on April 30, 2020, 09:22:27 AM
One mothership equals about 4-5 worlds related to "Derelict" theme. If you want to see more stations and less probs - tune down the number of motherships, and tune up the min/max values for "Ruins" theme.

128*4 = >300 systems I set. Oh boy.

Began to figure that was the case, probably turn up ruins to 500-1000  next time, with more Remnants. Additionally, thank you for making such a comprehensive sector customization mod. Guys like you churning out new ways to explore the sector and ruin (almost) everything are what keep me coming back to this game.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 30, 2020, 11:26:24 AM
One mothership equals about 4-5 worlds related to "Derelict" theme. If you want to see more stations and less probs - tune down the number of motherships, and tune up the min/max values for "Ruins" theme.

128*4 = >300 systems I set. Oh boy.

Began to figure that was the case, probably turn up ruins to 500-1000  next time, with more Remnants. Additionally, thank you for making such a comprehensive sector customization mod. Guys like you churning out new ways to explore the sector and ruin (almost) everything are what keep me coming back to this game.
I have a feeling that you got something terrible in your settings.
You see, for it to work, your constellation count should equal the sum of all your "themed MAX" values.
So, if you, for example, have a 300 constellations count, you can set mothership number to 10, ruins min/max to 120/150 and remnant min/max to 90/100 - you will get a decent sector. Otherwise, if any values is greater or equal to constellation count, it just replaces or other themes in such way:
Derelict > Ruins > Remnant.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Xeno056 on May 01, 2020, 07:53:41 AM
I have a feeling that you got something terrible in your settings.
You see, for it to work, your constellation count should equal the sum of all your "themed MAX" values.
So, if you, for example, have a 300 constellations count, you can set mothership number to 10, ruins min/max to 120/150 and remnant min/max to 90/100 - you will get a decent sector. Otherwise, if any values is greater or equal to constellation count, it just replaces or other themes in such way:
Derelict > Ruins > Remnant.

Okay that makes more sense. I figured it was total ruin encounters rather than themed systems. Shows what I know about procgen I guess. Thanks Nerzhull.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on May 12, 2020, 11:06:38 PM
What a fantastic mod. I hope Alex implements some more depth in sector generation like this. I personally wanted a square sector, so using these settings...
Try this:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
If it won't work either, change AdjustedSectorConstellationSize from 1500 to 1250 and try again.
...I made my own configuration below.

#Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector




#Random number of arcs apply to map
#Vanilla value 20

#Generate hyperstorms options.
#"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

#Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

#If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

#If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
The map size is 130600 by 130600, which is roughly the same area as vanilla's 164000 by 104000 but smaller by a negligible number. There's twice as many stars, 200, with twice as many ruins as there are remnants and derelicts. Here's what it looks like:
All of the constellations and nebulas are nicely spaced out, hyperspace isn't that much of a pain, and I didn't experience any noticeable FPS drops in the map or intel screen when testing it out. I'm running 8 GB of RAM with an i5-3470 and a GTX 960. Enjoy!
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: NikoTheGuyDude on May 15, 2020, 12:27:27 PM
I made a post here asking for a suggestion of a config and it turned into a mess of edits and incomplete thoughts, so I'll repost a better message here

I want a config that is basically vanilla, but bigger, with a similar star density to vanilla or a little more dense, with a similar aspect ratio to the default settings, that barely ever lags in hyperspace (it can stutter a little in the map and intel), has nearly the exact same ratio of derelicts, remnants, and ruins to vanilla (excluding cryosleepers), and is noticeably bigger. I use both SAD and DME so please adjust those accordingly. Specs: GTX 1660 ti (slight OC), Ryzen 2700x, 16 GB RAM (6 allocated), 6 GB of VRAM, windows 10, 64 bit. I tested and it seems 160 constellations is almost good enough but it can lag in hyperspace. Thanks a lot in advance!
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Dostya on May 15, 2020, 02:48:25 PM
I made a post here asking for a suggestion of a config and it turned into a mess of edits and incomplete thoughts, so I'll repost a better message here

I want a config that is basically vanilla, but bigger, with a similar star density to vanilla or a little more dense, with a similar aspect ratio to the default settings, that barely ever lags in hyperspace (it can stutter a little in the map and intel), has nearly the exact same ratio of derelicts, remnants, and ruins to vanilla (excluding cryosleepers), and is noticeably bigger. I use both SAD and DME so please adjust those accordingly. Specs: GTX 1660 ti (slight OC), Ryzen 2700x, 16 GB RAM (6 allocated), 6 GB of VRAM, windows 10, 64 bit. I tested and it seems 160 constellations is almost good enough but it can lag in hyperspace. Thanks a lot in advance!

The settings file includes many comments on what vanilla settings are, and what isn't commented in the settings file is commented in the OP. Multiply the vanilla settings by the number of stars you've set divided by the number of stars in vanilla and round the result up to whole numbers.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on May 15, 2020, 05:19:18 PM
I made a post here asking for a suggestion of a config and it turned into a mess of edits and incomplete thoughts, so I'll repost a better message here

I want a config that is basically vanilla, but bigger, with a similar star density to vanilla or a little more dense, with a similar aspect ratio to the default settings, that barely ever lags in hyperspace (it can stutter a little in the map and intel), has nearly the exact same ratio of derelicts, remnants, and ruins to vanilla (excluding cryosleepers), and is noticeably bigger. I use both SAD and DME so please adjust those accordingly. Specs: GTX 1660 ti (slight OC), Ryzen 2700x, 16 GB RAM (6 allocated), 6 GB of VRAM, windows 10, 64 bit. I tested and it seems 160 constellations is almost good enough but it can lag in hyperspace. Thanks a lot in advance!
Try this:
    #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector
    #Random number of arcs apply to map
    #Vanilla value 20
    #Generate hyperstorms options.
    #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.
    #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass
    #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations
    #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: NikoTheGuyDude on May 16, 2020, 08:01:15 AM
I know about the comments on what the vanilla settings are, I'm just nervous on how to balance out the ruins and derelicts and stuff and modded themed constellations, so I was asking for someone to do it for me. And for that config, thanks, I'll try it when I get a chance!
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: NikoTheGuyDude on May 16, 2020, 08:26:15 AM
Well my first impressions of your config are pretty good Nerzhull, there's plenty of warning beacons circled around the core worlds along with some constellations that have none! The only bad part is that hyperspace is kind of laggy when I speed it up, but I don't expect it to ever go below 46 fps. Thanks, I'll contact you again if something bad pops up!
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: NikoTheGuyDude on May 16, 2020, 09:34:11 AM
Quick question: Motherships count for 4 constellations in the "derelict" theme, correct? And do BB and SAD constellations also count towards the sum of all themed constellations? (And all that matters is the maximum number of the constellations, not minimum?) Because if so, I think the maximum constellations of all the themes exceed the number of constellations in the config you gave me. Sorry if I seem ignorant, I just don't really know how this works.

EDIT: I just realized I have BB systems generation turned off, but even excluding that setting, the SAD constellations still cause the number to exceed 160, by going to 180. And I don't really want to go to 180, 160 lags enough.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on May 16, 2020, 04:14:29 PM
Quick question: Motherships count for 4 constellations in the "derelict" theme, correct? And do BB and SAD constellations also count towards the sum of all themed constellations? (And all that matters is the maximum number of the constellations, not minimum?)
Motherships count from 4 to 5 constellations randomly.
Yes, BB and SAD do count towards the sum of all themed constellations.
And yes, maximum all that matters for your sector to not be overflown with one or two themes. Minimum is required only to control the amount of "non-themed" constellations.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Pokpaul on May 19, 2020, 10:41:40 AM
This is great, looks like a big step up from Grand Sector, which I have been using since it came out.

After going through the entire thread and files, I had some questions on things I would like to make sure I understand.

The 300 adjusted sector constellation count means 3 times more sectors than vanilla, the adjusted sector constellation cell size of 5 means twice the 10 stars per constellation in vanilla?  So overall that would mean 600 stars vs 100 for vanilla?

When it comes to the sector constellation values for remnants, ruins, cryosleepers and motherships, from what I can gather you don't want their total max values to exceed the sector constellation count for things to work properly, is that correct? Would you add SAD and blade breaker constellations max values as well if using them?

What effect does having more or less planets via cell size have when it comes to remnants, ruins, cryosleepers and motherships? Do all the planets in a constellation have the same chance of getting ruins, etc., so more planets per constellation means more ruins?

If I understand the accessibilty settings, the higher number means that essentially the accessibilitydistfromCOM of 100 vs 50 for vanilla effectively doubles the range of accessibility?
I'm really guessing at the samefactionbonus, does the 0.75 vs. 0.5 mean the bonus is more or less than vanilla?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: NikoTheGuyDude on May 20, 2020, 10:48:51 AM
Out of curiosity Nerz, what are your specs? I can't understand how you can run default settings with decent FPS.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on May 20, 2020, 12:24:49 PM
Out of curiosity Nerz, what are your specs? I can't understand how you can run default settings with decent FPS.
Intel Core i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10 GHz
16 gb RAM
2 gb VRAM (gtx 1050)

I also play on setup with <45 mods.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on May 23, 2020, 03:58:14 PM
The 300 adjusted sector constellation count means 3 times more sectors than vanilla, the adjusted sector constellation cell size of 5 means twice the 10 stars per constellation in vanilla?  So overall that would mean 600 stars vs 100 for vanilla?
pretty sure "constellation cell size" is how many stars are allocated per nebula/constellation. It doesn't increase the maximum star count. If you did 50 stars per constellation, then the game would spawn around 6 huge constellations with around 50 stars in them.
When it comes to the sector constellation values for remnants, ruins, cryosleepers and motherships, from what I can gather you don't want their total max values to exceed the sector constellation count for things to work properly, is that correct? Would you add SAD and blade breaker constellations max values as well if using them?
Yes and yes.
What effect does having more or less planets via cell size have when it comes to remnants, ruins, cryosleepers and motherships? Do all the planets in a constellation have the same chance of getting ruins, etc., so more planets per constellation means more ruins?
Having more planets in a system simply means more chances of getting ruins in a ruin-themed system. Cryosleepers and remnants are not really affected by planet count, and motherships indirectly are, since there will be more chances of a survey ship or probe circling a planet rather than a jump point, ring system, or the middle of nowhere.
To answer your question, the themes are unrelated to how the systems are scattered and how close they are. Each individual system gets a roll.
If I understand the accessibilty settings, the higher number means that essentially the accessibilitydistfromCOM of 100 vs 50 for vanilla effectively doubles the range of accessibility?
I'm really guessing at the samefactionbonus, does the 0.75 vs. 0.5 mean the bonus is more or less than vanilla?
Yep. It's to minimize the penalty of having a larger sector. :)
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Pokpaul on June 04, 2020, 09:24:55 AM
So if my goal is to have more stars, hopefully more stars per constellation, more planets per star, with elevated theme constellations with slightly higher max values to take advantage more stars, do these settings raise any red flags?



   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: wtftucker on June 04, 2020, 10:11:22 AM
So if my goal is to have more stars, hopefully more stars per constellation, more planets per star, with elevated theme constellations with slightly higher max values to take advantage more stars, do these settings raise any red flags?



   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

400 constellations no matter how powerful your PC is going to cause a significant amount of game lag, especially on the star map, that will worsen as the game progresses.  Even the default file 300 is too many for a pleasurable experience in my opinion.  I find that a Constellation count around 175 to 200 and Constellation Cell Size of 7 is perfect.  Adjust the other values by relative percent's from the default settings for ruins, remnants, BB, SAD, etc.  I would calculate out all your ranges so that if it rolls max roll on all values that only 60% percent of systems could be flagged for a semi-balanced game.  This is just my opinion.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Pokpaul on June 04, 2020, 11:11:26 AM
Thanks for the feedback.

'I would calculate out all your ranges so that if it rolls max roll on all values that only 60% percent of systems could be flagged for a semi-balanced game.'

So would you then say reduce the sum of the themed sectors max values to 180 on the default SectorConstellationCount of 300? I come up with a count of 359 for max roll values and cryosleepers and motherships on default Adjusted Sector, so if I understand  your proposal correctly you would go down to about half of that.

And I assume when you refer to balance, you mean that if the sectors are all stuffed full with remnants and ruins and cryosleepers there's too much loot? I'm assuming that if the flagged sytems are at 60%, that means at least 40% of the systems are empty of goodies.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: wtftucker on June 04, 2020, 11:19:28 AM
Empty of domain era "xxxxxx" stuff, but can still be full of planets with ruins, research/mining/orbital stations/bases, derelict ships etc.  Otherwise yes you in theory could spend the first year exploring, never need to return to the core worlds due to the sheer number of domain probes, survey ships, etc. 

Also correct on the 'about half the default values' for ruins, etc from the original file.  In going for that 60% threshold however I think it perfectly acceptable to narrow the ranges however so that on the opposite end of the spectrum (all rolls somehow roll on the lowest possible value) that you aren't left with 500 vanilla systems.  Maybe worst case scenario you have 40% filled with SAD,BB, Rem, Derelict, etc & on high end 60%.  If this all makes sense?  Then its just up to your personal preference... would you rather it by a 30% to 70% spread?  Adjsut numbers accordingly.  Their isn't a right way as everyone plays the game different and finds fun in different things. 

Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Hyperversum on July 02, 2020, 08:42:12 AM
Hi everyone, let me say as a premise that I know it's a silly question and probably someone else already brought it up but better ask if there is a better solution that came up.

I was tweaking the values of the mod (doing my 2nd playthrough with mods after issues with my pc left me without the saves) to make it work for my hardware and I found something that works for me but... there is any good way to make survey missions not spawn at the edge of the map?
I mean, I get that by increasing the size of the map I am basically asking for it, but it makes them impossible to do in early game.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on July 04, 2020, 08:40:55 AM
Hi everyone, let me say as a premise that I know it's a silly question and probably someone else already brought it up but better ask if there is a better solution that came up.

I was tweaking the values of the mod (doing my 2nd playthrough with mods after issues with my pc left me without the saves) to make it work for my hardware and I found something that works for me but... there is any good way to make survey missions not spawn at the edge of the map?
I mean, I get that by increasing the size of the map I am basically asking for it, but it makes them impossible to do in early game.
Nope. Survey missions just spawn this way, no matter the size of the sector.
Maybe i'll tinker with such things and update mod in future - right now i just don't have any time to spare.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Aldazar on August 02, 2020, 02:24:07 PM
My math is bad but I have a super powerful pc what settings should I have for 600-1000 stars. Will default be fine?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: NephilimNexus on August 09, 2020, 09:10:17 PM
Any way to edit neutron stars out of the game in map generation?  I hate those things.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Unnamed_Shadow on August 12, 2020, 07:33:42 PM
My math is bad but I have a super powerful pc what settings should I have for 600-1000 stars. Will default be fine?

Apparently even superpowerful PCs will struggle with anything above 300.

In fact the mod creator recommends 300 for the ones with Powerful PCs.

Also remember the number is not stars, its constellations.  So you do get 1000+ stars with the base settings the mod comes with. Since it adds 300 constellations, and its rare to see a constellation with less than 3 stars.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 13, 2020, 08:35:20 AM
My math is bad but I have a super powerful pc what settings should I have for 600-1000 stars. Will default be fine?

Apparently even superpowerful PCs will struggle with anything above 300.

In fact the mod creator recommends 300 for the ones with Powerful PCs.

Also remember the number is not stars, its constellations.  So you do get 1000+ stars with the base settings the mod comes with. Since it adds 300 constellations, and its rare to see a constellation with less than 3 stars.
300 is just a point i've calculated based on my tests - after that it's virtually unplayable just due to frame drops and loading time.
I think java just isn't supposed to take such load as this - no matter how good your PC is, the strain increases exponentially.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 13, 2020, 08:37:21 AM
Any way to edit neutron stars out of the game in map generation?  I hate those things.
iirc the "age" of sector directly responds to how often you will find those in your game.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Burminsky on August 16, 2020, 04:24:37 AM
Comrades, I have a problem. The settings are like this -
"sectorWidth": 165000,
"sectorHeight": 140000,
"AdjustedSectorConstellationCount": 150,
"AdjustedSectorConstellationSize": 1000,
"AdjustedSectorConstellationCellSize": 12,
"sectorConstellationRemnantMin": 75,
"sectorConstellationRemnantMax": 150,
"sectorConstellationRemnantSkipProb": 0,
"sectorConstellationRuinsMin": 50,
"sectorConstellationRuinsMax": 80,
"sectorDerelictMotherships": 5,
"sectorDerelictCryosleepers": 8,

I did not touch all the other settings, but the problem is that there is no Remnant faction on the map at all, not a single signal.
Terraforming and Station Construction
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Mondaymonkey on August 16, 2020, 05:48:23 AM
Never encountered this by myself, but heard from other users.

"sectorConstellationRemnantMax": 150, + "sectorConstellationRuinsMax": 80, = 230 could be bigger than "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount": 150,

Plus, those mothersips eats some star systems for their theme ~5 each.

Make all values together never exceed AdjustedSectorConstellationCount.

Could be wrong, as do not use this mod. Those are mostly random gossips.

EDIT: I would recommend to use console commands to check if newly generated sector satisfied your demands before actual playing.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Burminsky on August 16, 2020, 06:33:45 AM
Ok, thanks, I'll try.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Seleukus on August 19, 2020, 04:57:02 AM
Hi, can someone please suggest me a set of settings that make the sector "denser", with more stars, ruins, cryosleepers, etc, without being bigger (height/width)? I don't like traveling very long distances to kill bounties. I'm afraid of changing the values, screwing it up and only noticing the problem hours and hours into the campaign.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Unnamed_Shadow on August 19, 2020, 03:34:28 PM
Hi, can someone please suggest me a set of settings that make the sector "denser", with more stars, ruins, cryosleepers, etc, without being bigger (height/width)? I don't like traveling very long distances to kill bounties. I'm afraid of changing the values, screwing it up and only noticing the problem hours and hours into the campaign.

You need to edit AdjustedSectorConstellationCellSize.

Vanilla is 10. The lower the number, the more stars each constellation will have.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Star Lord on August 21, 2020, 05:29:34 PM
Hi, can someone please suggest me a set of settings that make the sector "denser", with more stars, ruins, cryosleepers, etc, without being bigger (height/width)? I don't like traveling very long distances to kill bounties. I'm afraid of changing the values, screwing it up and only noticing the problem hours and hours into the campaign.

You need to edit AdjustedSectorConstellationCellSize.

Vanilla is 10. The lower the number, the more stars each constellation will have.

I'm also having this issue. A lot of the bounties seem to spawn towards the edge of the galaxy map. It's not like there's a "shortage" of stars for bounties to spawn around. Will further increasing the number of stars influence where the bounties spawn?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 22, 2020, 02:57:44 PM
Hi, can someone please suggest me a set of settings that make the sector "denser", with more stars, ruins, cryosleepers, etc, without being bigger (height/width)? I don't like traveling very long distances to kill bounties. I'm afraid of changing the values, screwing it up and only noticing the problem hours and hours into the campaign.

You need to edit AdjustedSectorConstellationCellSize.

Vanilla is 10. The lower the number, the more stars each constellation will have.

I'm also having this issue. A lot of the bounties seem to spawn towards the edge of the galaxy map. It's not like there's a "shortage" of stars for bounties to spawn around. Will further increasing the number of stars influence where the bounties spawn?
Bounties just tend to spawn this way. I don't think this will change anything, as far as i'm aware after hours of different playthroughs.
You can edit down SIZE of the sector, but make more stars - this should at least partially negate such problem.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Unnamed_Shadow on August 23, 2020, 04:31:44 PM
Are these settings good?

My main goal was to make a map a little bit bigger than vanilla with just a bit more of everything. Dunno if i set up everything properly.

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 25, 2020, 05:05:14 PM
Are these settings good?

My main goal was to make a map a little bit bigger than vanilla with just a bit more of everything. Dunno if i set up everything properly.

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Yes! You should be fine.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Aldazar on September 01, 2020, 02:59:49 PM
So lets say I slightly edited the default values and the total of themes goes up to 280-290 of 300 and I slapped constellation cell count from 5-1. Nothing should cancel each other out and fight for spawns right?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: XM16E on September 05, 2020, 05:26:29 PM
Would it be possible to have a setting that disables generating systems (not constellations) with multiple stars inside?
And is there a variable (ConstellationSize?) for how close systems can generate next to each other?

Since I like my map to have constellations far enough away from each other that you can easily tell which stars are a part of which constellation without having to hover over each star.
It would be nice to also to have the stars in each constellation spaced apart more evenly.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: bopeep8hersheep on September 08, 2020, 03:26:25 PM
is there a way to make quests last longer based on how far away they are from the quest giver?  like analysis missions and bounties.   if not linked to distance, can i just make quests last longer in general? 

i've not changed the default settings of Adjusted Sector and i've literally gotten analysis missions that say 60 days time limit but they are over 60 days away at base burn.  so at max burn that's 30? then if i use the mod that allows hyperwarp jumping i guess i could make it in less than 60 days.  i suppose it would also be nice if there was a slight bonus to payout based on how far away the mission is. 
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Spacer on September 23, 2020, 11:22:39 PM
In short, the greater this number - the greater amount of stars will be generated.
Vanilla Sector value: 100

So is this a total amount or density?

Also, I was curious if this config looked alright.

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

It's the one Icosidodecahedron posted, but with a smaller map. I don't know if there's other numbers I need to adjust when making a smaller world, or if it's alright as is.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 28, 2020, 03:00:12 PM
In short, the greater this number - the greater amount of stars will be generated.
Vanilla Sector value: 100
So is this a total amount or density?

Also, I was curious if this config looked alright.

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

It's the one Icosidodecahedron posted, but with a smaller map. I don't know if there's other numbers I need to adjust when making a smaller world, or if it's alright as is.
This config seems alright, buuut just in case, you should check it. Start a new game, enter devmode, turn on sensors and go into hyper. If the amount of Remnant beacons is fine - everything is fine.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 28, 2020, 03:02:18 PM
In short, the greater this number - the greater amount of stars will be generated.
Vanilla Sector value: 100

So is this a total amount or density?
Total amount, but it still will be cut by "size" that constellation will claim from the entirety of map.
At least this is how i recall it.
Sorry, it's been a busy year, and i almost forgot how i did it exactly. I'll look into files and will give you straight answer later.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Spacer on September 29, 2020, 02:55:58 PM
This config seems alright, buuut just in case, you should check it. Start a new game, enter devmode, turn on sensors and go into hyper. If the amount of Remnant beacons is fine - everything is fine.

Turned my sensors up to 2.25 million and there are Remnants, but no beacons. Also, the core world is positioned in such a way that bounties almost only spawn in the north:

Is there a method for determining a good map size? I just chose 82000 x 82000 because it's half of the vanilla 164000 width value. If it doesn't really matter, I can just raise it up to 94000 or something and see if beacons appear. Then again, I do see Remnant in hyperspace due to the Ruthless Sector mod, so I don't know if I'm missing out on anything anyway.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: fellabrando on October 03, 2020, 09:14:30 AM
I'm not getting any remannt warning beacons even though I have them set to 40-45 with a 0 skip modifier.

I put on devmode, then did the reveal command. Went into hyperspace....

Yet no warning beacons appearing in intel.... or in my manual searches of each star system..

Edit: I managed to find 1 :(

EDIT 2: okay I put in your settings proper and now they are alll over the place. Must of been the constallation size was too big or small. intersting!

Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Chairman Suryasari on October 20, 2020, 12:13:08 PM
Did you install Light Out Mod too?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: peppermeth on October 23, 2020, 10:09:43 AM
can it be use on preexisting map ?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: UserNameViolation on November 25, 2020, 11:17:30 AM
No matter what i do, i can't get this mod to work properly=(
Map always seems to be off-centered. You can see on the screenshots, core worlds are always more to the left no matter what size of the map, constellation count or cell sizes I use, it is always off so there is empty space on north-east side and overlapping with constellations on south-west. Also affecting hyper-storm generation as seen on pictures, it overlaps with core systems.
I even tried to disable all mods and results are same. It's so sad, i cant stand vanilla empty map...
Spoiler (
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: NikoTheGuyDude on November 26, 2020, 06:20:51 PM
Would you mind explaining in more detail what AdjustedSectorConstellationSize and AdjustedSectorConstellationCellSize do? AdjustedSectorConstellationCount is simple and easy to understand, but for full control over the procgen, knowing what these two commands /actually/ do would help tremendously. Is AdjustedSectorConstellationSize controlling how big each constellation can/will be on average?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: IceFire on December 30, 2020, 04:11:06 AM
So if my goal is to have more stars, hopefully more stars per constellation, more planets per star, with elevated theme constellations with slightly higher max values to take advantage more stars, do these settings raise any red flags?



   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Does anybody know what the RndArcs config does.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Flacman3000 on December 31, 2020, 03:57:28 AM
Am I not able to do randomized core worlds with this mod on?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Lonewolf187 on March 10, 2021, 04:24:50 PM
So I have been playing with the mod and am currently using the following settings:



However the star systems are very close together and overlapping each other. What setting spreads the star systems out from one another?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Zelnik on March 21, 2021, 08:27:19 AM
So this mod crashes my game, not sure why.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Psyentific on March 21, 2021, 12:50:58 PM
works fine for me, even with a boatload of other mods. the default mapgen settings are completely whack though

Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Inhilicon on March 23, 2021, 05:35:24 PM
Are these settings good?

My main goal was to make a map a little bit bigger than vanilla with just a bit more of everything. Dunno if i set up everything properly.

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

Hey, thanks for this setup. I think it is balanced enough and not too big so as to cause excessive framedrops in the map screen. Appreciate it!
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: silver2127 on March 29, 2021, 04:29:18 PM
An update to this essential mod would be looked upon with favor.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 29, 2021, 04:31:55 PM
I'm back with fresh new shiny update for you folks out there.
Also, new version has 'almost default' settings for now.
I'm gonna create several different setting files and upload 'em whenever i'll have spare time. Work 'n stuff swallowed me whole.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Pokpaul on March 29, 2021, 05:07:08 PM
Thank you! Thank you! I've playing the new version vanilla just to see, and having the galaxy be so tiny just seemed very, very wrong.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: thorkellthetall on March 29, 2021, 08:25:32 PM
Thank you for your work.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 30, 2021, 07:16:28 AM
No problem!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Chairman Suryasari on March 30, 2021, 11:02:36 AM
I like the new change, to keep it default-ish but with bigger loot pool for other mods content.

Thanks for the update, man!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: dostillevi on March 30, 2021, 11:53:59 PM
Would it be possible to scale the x and y coordinates of mod-added systems? When playing with many mods, they tend to overcrowd the core area and with all the new room this mod adds, I'd love to push the mod-added systems a bit further out. As I understand it, system coordinates are compiled so I don't really know how viable this would be.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 31, 2021, 12:53:14 AM
Would it be possible to scale the x and y coordinates of mod-added systems? When playing with many mods, they tend to overcrowd the core area and with all the new room this mod adds, I'd love to push the mod-added systems a bit further out. As I understand it, system coordinates are compiled so I don't really know how viable this would be.
Setting "AdjustedSectorConstellationSize" to 2000 might push some systems outside, but i believe those that added by other mods will stay in place. You can try it out tho.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: shovelmonkey on March 31, 2021, 05:20:43 PM
This satisfies my need for more. Thank you, sir!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: vigelfortz on April 02, 2021, 03:10:48 PM
Any plans of adding the feature to adjust the amount of coronal hypershunts ?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 04, 2021, 07:10:42 AM
Any plans of adding the feature to adjust the amount of coronal hypershunts ?
Yes! It's gonna be the next update.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Maethendias on April 06, 2021, 05:55:30 AM
some presets would be cool
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Khornaar on April 06, 2021, 11:41:57 AM
After trying to condense the same number (230-280stars, 500-600 planets) of stars as vanilla Sector (164k*102k) in a smaller (60k*60k) Sector, I've noticed that core worlds are not positioned perfectly in the center of the starmap.
It's not very noticeable when the sector is big, but on the smaller one it's very jarring.

Basically, if you disable starscape to enable grid on starmap, Hybrasil is almost perfectly in the center of the grid. But if you mentally circle Core worlds, Askonia fits to be the center more. (

It's not something this mod does, vanilla generated Sectors have the same problem. But would it be possible to do something about that? I've no idea how mapgen works, but it would be neat.

Also, after reducing ConstellationSize to 800 i've managed to cram adequate number of stars to 60k*60k Sector, but some of them generated inside core worlds. I don't constellations overlapping each other, but is there a option/parameter to make generated stars spawn some distance from core worlds?

Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 07, 2021, 03:57:06 AM
2021.04.07 - 0.3.2:
- Mod no longer breaks latest version of HeavyArmor hullmod. Save compatible.
- In addition to smolsector setting, there's now also large sector preset - you can enable it manually, by deleting settings.json and renaming settings_large_sector.json in 'settings.json'.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 09, 2021, 05:25:42 AM
2021.04.09 - 0.3.3:
- added new field, "sectorCoronalTaps" - which, you guessed it - controls the amount of Coronal Taps in your Sector. I should mention that number may differ from what you put here, because Coronal Taps have some special conditions to be met before spawning - star type, there's shouldn't be several stars in the star system, etc.
- presets are still DIY file shite, because i have very little spare time. Sorry.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: LeoSCfan on April 10, 2021, 01:47:24 PM
Is there a way to get more planets per star?
can that be a future feature?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: ChrysalisThe on April 12, 2021, 08:01:58 AM
This mod isn't wholely compatible with nexerlin, is it? I played with adjusted sector and some stuff i changed within the settings file simply didn't take. For example the remnant and ruin stuff. I have only found 4 systems with remnant presence even with


(yes i wanted to start the next AI-War with the [REDACTED])

Is there a way to make the mods completely compatible?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jabroni Pepperoni on April 12, 2021, 08:44:58 AM
Hi Nerzhull_AI

Love this mod and having been playing with it for several years. I have noticed in the mid-late game my saves becoming pretty large and starting to take a lot of time to save and load. Does this mod have a substantial impact on this (game save size and save/load times)? I have seen other threads commenting about the save game bloat and whatnot.

Any way thank you for all the work and the amazing mod!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 12, 2021, 08:46:44 AM
This mod isn't wholely compatible with nexerlin, is it? I played with adjusted sector and some stuff i changed within the settings file simply didn't take. For example the remnant and ruin stuff. I have only found 4 systems with remnant presence even with


(yes i wanted to start the next AI-War with the [REDACTED])

Is there a way to make the mods completely compatible?
Mod is perfectly compatible with Nexerelin. I'm doing such playthrough myself right now.
Since you've mentioned that you have this specific problem (low amount of remnants) i request a full settings.json file from you.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 12, 2021, 08:50:16 AM
Hi Nerzhull_AI

Love this mod and having been playing with it for several years. I have noticed in the mid-late game my saves becoming pretty large and starting to take a lot of time to save and load. Does this mod have a substantial impact on this (game save size and save/load times)? I have seen other threads commenting about the save game bloat and whatnot.

Any way thank you for all the work and the amazing mod!
What is Adjusted Sector? It's basically vanilla code with few adjustments here and there.

The only reason such thing as save file bloat could be happening, is either the game looses its *** due to how large and/or full of stuff your sector is, OR you may use some other mods with memory leak, which may work fine on default sector, but with 'big' one can cause issues way sooner than what you normally would get.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Flacman3000 on April 12, 2021, 01:18:11 PM
Would this mod affect planet traits being mixed I'm seeing a lot of planets with cold and mild and hot and mild mixed together is this intentional?
Some planets don't even have climates at all is this a vanilla issue? I'm on 0.91a upgraded to 0.95a with this mod and still had the issue.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Shyguy on April 13, 2021, 04:07:42 AM
Does this mod change how far away exploration missions spawn? As it stands i've only been seeing these appear on the edge of the sector with nothing between them and the core, given how some of these are close to 25+ lightyears away at any given time is it possible to allow them to generate closer to the core?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 13, 2021, 06:41:07 AM
Would this mod affect planet traits being mixed I'm seeing a lot of planets with cold and mild and hot and mild mixed together is this intentional?
Some planets don't even have climates at all is this a vanilla issue? I'm on 0.91a upgraded to 0.95a with this mod and still had the issue.
I don't remember messing with planet settings - it's entirely different data portion of the game, but i'll double-check later.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 13, 2021, 06:42:32 AM
Does this mod change how far away exploration missions spawn? As it stands i've only been seeing these appear on the edge of the sector with nothing between them and the core, given how some of these are close to 25+ lightyears away at any given time is it possible to allow them to generate closer to the core?
It's mostly due to increase of the star amount, but i think quests in SS usually try to spawn at some minimal distance from core worlds. Such distance might've been increased due to sector size. I'll look into it.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: JamieInRed on April 13, 2021, 11:14:45 AM
Thanks for making this! I downloaded this after getting salty about two coronal taps spawning on one corner of the map and not even around any good planets.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: ChrysalisThe on April 14, 2021, 07:21:10 AM
I have figured out the problems i had. I thnk while motherships take away 5 constellation size so do probes and survey ships... and this way in my world generation at least the motherships "ate" up the entire constellation size by themselves...
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 14, 2021, 02:29:10 PM
I have figured out the problems i had. I thnk while motherships take away 5 constellation size so do probes and survey ships... and this way in my world generation at least the motherships "ate" up the entire constellation size by themselves...
It is mentioned how motherships work with constellation count on the first page, but yeah, that's the most common case of "my sector generated weirdly".
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: thorkellthetall on April 16, 2021, 07:47:23 PM
Hey, just noticed that your OP detailing the effects of sectorConstellationRuinsMin and sectorConstellationRuinsMax gives an example of 50 to 75, which I presume was meant to be from 20 to 40 as written above it in the config example. A similar thing is written for sectorConstellationRemnantMin and sectorConstellationRemnantMax stating 75 to 125 when above it is 15 and 30.
Correct me if this is intended.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Sarissofoi on April 17, 2021, 02:54:17 AM
Noticed that core worlds have often some random stars south and west and empty space north and east. It looks like Core sectors are moved south/west and collided  with random new sector.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: giganticats on April 19, 2021, 03:18:08 PM
hello, i have a question, my current settings are

   # zero means - they wont spawn


I'm asking about the min and max volumes, does the min and max mean that the amount will be somewhere in-between the two numbers? also if it does, does that mean that if "sectorConstellationRuins" spawns lets say 37 of them in my sector, does that mean that there will be more remnant stars spawning to make up for it so the max possible amount is in play? also what would be the best amounts to fill up the sector with a reasonable amount of things with my current "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount":200?

also as the above comment states yes there is almost always a gap of stars next to the top right of the core worlds

Another question is if its possible to set it so more things are able to spawn like remnants and ruins throughout the sector other than just near the core worlds? I'm using a huge amount of Constellations so I'm able to have more remnants and ruins in the game even though there is a huge amount of stars being unused by these settings, would it be possible to set it so I could have remnants and ruins and cryo and such through the whole sector not just around the core worlds so I don't need so many Constellations?

for example: (the red circle is the area where stars/constellations rarely/never spawn) (everything outside the orange area almost never has anything but domain probes and few low tier derelicts, the 2 warning beacons outside the orange circle are added by mods/missions)(I'm playing nexerlin with vanilla core worlds)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: lilFishy44 on April 22, 2021, 09:28:12 AM
I tried using this mod with Nexerlin and it just gives me the following message "There is 1 unsupported mod enabled" and then it lists Adjusted Sector...
How can I make it work?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on April 22, 2021, 05:32:10 PM
I tried using this mod with Nexerlin and it just gives me the following message "There is 1 unsupported mod enabled" and then it lists Adjusted Sector...
How can I make it work?
That's weird. Adjusted Sector should be compatible with Nexerelin, as long as you don't randomize the core worlds. The latest Nexerelin update to 0.9.5 might have removed compatibility. Does the game let you play at all, or does it stop?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Flacman3000 on April 23, 2021, 12:56:18 AM
I tried using this mod with Nexerlin and it just gives me the following message "There is 1 unsupported mod enabled" and then it lists Adjusted Sector...
How can I make it work?
That's weird. Adjusted Sector should be compatible with Nexerelin, as long as you don't randomize the core worlds. The latest Nexerelin update to 0.9.5 might have removed compatibility. Does the game let you play at all, or does it stop?

I've been randomizing my core worlds with this mod from the start! Do you mean to tell me there are issues doing this? I would like to know what happens! because I haven't noticed anything odd except for some oddly placed planet traits ex: tundra with hot and cold climate or Terran with hot and mild climate.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Flacman3000 on April 23, 2021, 01:29:45 AM
@Nerzhull_AI I didn't get a memo on what happens when you randomize core worlds with this mod but everything has been fine since I've used this. Is there any issue using randomized core worlds officially?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Bob69Joe on April 23, 2021, 10:43:44 AM
I just want a smaller galaxy, about 4/5ths the original so I get better frames from less things going on. Would this mod be better than Grand Sector? Grand had a few simple options and also turned off hyperstorms which was helpful to keep frames up.
:p Oh Lawd, GS isn't even updated, so I'm going with this.

So, in the settings.json, there is this value which does not seem to match with what the string explains. Attached is the value. Isn't that for AdjustedSectorConstellationCount? It says in the file it is for "sectorConstellationSize." I'm trying to keep the vanilla notes intact to reference changes. Sooo, that should say "sectorConstellationSize":2000?

KEK XD Sanguinary Anarchistic Defectors, fear the gerbil! (;attach=3227;type=avatar)

Lastly, on the remnants, I'd like to keep the spawn mostly vanilla, still having low threat star systems, and keeping in mind I've reduced the width and height of the map by 20%. So, will Low and Medium both at 1 be similar to vanilla?

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on April 23, 2021, 01:14:30 PM
@Nerzhull_AI I didn't get a memo on what happens when you randomize core worlds with this mod but everything has been fine since I've used this. Is there any issue using randomized core worlds officially?
This is what I was referring to:
Hmmm, i never saw this error before. If you're using the most recent version of Nexerelin, there shouldn't be any problems - i'm using both Adjusted Sector and Nexerelin in my current playthrough.
In theory, it may crash if you trying to generate "Random Core Worlds" option of Nexerelin, but it won't trigger just "on main menu", so that isn't a problem.
Try updating Nex, if the problem persists, but will go away after turning off Adjusted Sector/Other mods - let me know.

You might also send this crashlog to Histidine - maybe he will give some advice.
This might be old news already. If you're randomizing the core worlds with no issues, then that's great, continue doing so.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: dostillevi on April 23, 2021, 01:23:48 PM
Just a quick question. I made a large sector with the following settings:




It felt like the sector had many stars without planets, compared to a normal sized map. Everything else appeared to generate just fine and played fine. Is there a hard cap on planet count that I may have surpassed?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nameless on April 24, 2021, 03:28:56 PM
I'm getting a lot of systems with planets that has 100% hazard rating with "Nothing of interest", even irradiated and volcanic world where normally that would be impossible.

Edit: If I have to wager a guess, it seems like all extra systems that got generated by this mod while the sector is larger by default contains planet has no feature since I'm seeing the systems at the edge of the map has this problem, and some also happens near the core world.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Euripides on April 24, 2021, 03:51:18 PM
Tried using this and unfortunately no matter what settings I used, even default vanilla settings, it would spawn stars in the south area of the core worlds.

Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on April 24, 2021, 09:54:08 PM
I'm getting a lot of systems with planets that has 100% hazard rating with "Nothing of interest", even irradiated and volcanic world where normally that would be impossible.
That happens when you set more remnants, ruins, or motherships than there are star systems. Recount how many systems you assigned, and make sure the total number is below your total number of systems.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nameless on April 24, 2021, 10:45:28 PM
I was under the impression that this affects sector generation. But I am seeing some planets that I previously surveyed with normal result, reloaded the game and go back to the same planet later and survey again and getting blank planet. Is this what is causing it?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on April 25, 2021, 12:04:03 AM
I was under the impression that this affects sector generation. But I am seeing some planets that I previously surveyed with normal result, reloaded the game and go back to the same planet later and survey again and getting blank planet. Is this what is causing it?
I believe so, yeah. In my last game, I went above the limit without double-checking and fixing it. I think the blank systems are due to the sector generation thinking there are more systems, and giving those hypothetical systems values, and the remaining systems in the actual game are left with nothing.
The systems I surveyed later also lost their surveyed status and became blank planets. I have no idea why this could happen though.
Simply don't go above the limit to avoid weird glitches, lol.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on April 25, 2021, 12:20:31 AM
Tried using this and unfortunately no matter what settings I used, even default vanilla settings, it would spawn stars in the south area of the core worlds.
That just happens. You could try tweaking the AdjustedSectorConstellationSize to change the spacing between the constellations. Weird stuff could happen, so fair warning on touching this value. From previous posts, it seems that 1250 or 1500 is a sweet spot for some people.
Just a quick question. I made a large sector with the following settings:




It felt like the sector had many stars without planets, compared to a normal sized map. Everything else appeared to generate just fine and played fine. Is there a hard cap on planet count that I may have surpassed?
IIRC there is no way to tweak planet generation, as it is random and derives from the type of theme the system is under. So, it is probably just bad luck with RNG.
Since your total themed systems at maximum are close to 280, you could try lowering your max values to include more normal systems, say, remnants to 60, ruins to 100, and motherships to 10. It might give you better chances at spawning systems with planets, but I have nothing to back this up. A lot of this is trial and error.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on April 25, 2021, 12:48:15 AM
I'm asking about the min and max volumes, does the min and max mean that the amount will be somewhere in-between the two numbers? also if it does, does that mean that if "sectorConstellationRuins" spawns lets say 37 of them in my sector, does that mean that there will be more remnant stars spawning to make up for it so the max possible amount is in play? also what would be the best amounts to fill up the sector with a reasonable amount of things with my current "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount":200?
The way it works is that a number of systems is chosen from the min to the max for each of the themes. Having less of one theme doesn't mean that more of another theme will spawn. If you only want one system with remnants, 10 systems with ruins, and 1 derelict mothership that modifies 5 systems, they will spawn just like that. The rest of the systems should be normal.
As for the best amounts, that is up to you. If you like having a lot of stuff, assign the themes with whatever numbers you want, as long as they aren't cutting it close to 200. With the values you have, their maximums total to 190, which is a good number to stop at.
If you hate running into remnants often, just lower the number as you please, and so on.
I'd personally lower the number of remnant systems and raise the number of ruins, since you have more than enough remnants to pick a fight with or farm AI cores, and the ruins theme is so varied and broad that some systems have nothing but scattered ruins, and others have vast ruins with a comms relay and a gate.
Another question is if its possible to set it so more things are able to spawn like remnants and ruins throughout the sector other than just near the core worlds? I'm using a huge amount of Constellations so I'm able to have more remnants and ruins in the game even though there is a huge amount of stars being unused by these settings, would it be possible to set it so I could have remnants and ruins and cryo and such through the whole sector not just around the core worlds so I don't need so many Constellations?
Unfortunately I don't think we can change the way remnants and ruins spawn around the core worlds. The general way they are affected is based on distance, i.e. remnants only spawn within a certain distance from the core worlds, and the farther out you go, the better ruins and derelicts you find.
You could try changing the size of the sector as a way to affect this, like making it smaller but increasing the density of stars so you don't need to travel as far to get the goodies.
I posted a config back in 0.9.1 that was a square sector, and it worked pretty well. I can share a more updated version if someone wants it.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on April 25, 2021, 01:03:56 AM
I just want a smaller galaxy, about 4/5ths the original so I get better frames from less things going on. Would this mod be better than Grand Sector? Grand had a few simple options and also turned off hyperstorms which was helpful to keep frames up.
If you want a sector that's 4/5ths the size of the original, you can just simply multiply the width, height, and constellation count by 4/5. Remember to adjust the themes (remnants, ruins, derelict motherships count as 5 systems each) so that their maximum total is less than the total amount of systems you set.
Hyperstorms are affected by the size of the constellations, so if you increase AdjustedSectorConstellationSize, it will space out the constellations more, thereby generating less hyperstorm areas. Be careful with it though, or you might get weird problems like constellations outside of the sector and such.
Also, Grand Sector increases the size of the sector in every way, so it'd be worse on your frames than vanilla.
So, in the settings.json, there is this value which does not seem to match with what the string explains. Attached is the value. Isn't that for AdjustedSectorConstellationCount? It says in the file it is for "sectorConstellationSize." I'm trying to keep the vanilla notes intact to reference changes. Sooo, that should say "sectorConstellationSize":2000?
There might be some typos in the config, I'm not sure. AdjustedSectorConstellationCount is the number of star systems in the sector, and should be in the tens or hundreds. AdjustedSectorConstellationSize is the actual size of each constellation, and should be in the thousands.
Lastly, on the remnants, I'd like to keep the spawn mostly vanilla, still having low threat star systems, and keeping in mind I've reduced the width and height of the map by 20%. So, will Low and Medium both at 1 be similar to vanilla?
Yes, they will spawn like vanilla.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Sarissofoi on April 27, 2021, 07:00:12 AM
I just want to point that core sectors are not positioned in centre(looks like they are shifted one row/column to west/south) and there is this weird empty space in east/north of them.
Also they usually have some random systems mixed with most south and western Core systems.
It happen fairly consistently.
Anything can be done with that?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on April 27, 2021, 02:58:15 PM
I might have a lead on why surveyed planets lose their surveyed status and go "blank". I just have no idea if it's this mod specifically, another one like Unknown Skies, or something else.

In all the instances my systems go blank, its right after I gain survey data from a derelict (probes specifically) on a planet in the same system that's already been surveyed. The weird part is that not only does that system go blank, but any previously surveyed systems can go blank as well. I'm not sure on the range, it may be just the systems that have been surveyed without saving the game. It could be the systems that are marked with the derelict theme, I frankly have no idea. The log file doesn't mention anything and there are no messages in game. It seems like an uncaught exception in the portion of the save file that tracks survey status. The derelicts should be fairly spread out with no overlap, I only have 8 motherships in a sector of 200 generated star systems. This could also be a bug that's already fixed with 0.9.5, as I'm still on 0.9.1.

Does anyone have any input?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nameless on April 27, 2021, 03:01:01 PM
The latest version of Vayra Sector broke the game and causes the problem I had, which is similar to yours. I reverted it to an older version I had and no problem so far in 20 cycles. I'm also having 200 constellations with about 200ish total theme setting.

 If you are using Vayra 3.2.1 that is very likely the reason.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Apogee_Freak on April 28, 2021, 01:35:50 AM
If you are using Vayra 3.2.1 that is very likely the reason.
...that is very amusing. I should've read through its mod thread sooner. Thank you very much Nameless.

Disregard my posts above regarding "blank planets", they have nothing to do with this mod.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: tiberazure on April 30, 2021, 12:03:49 PM
Hello, i have tried multiple sector generations, with different options, even using default, or large setting. But after the latest patch in starsector your generation values are never true. it never generates the ammount of Shunts or cryosleepers, remnants are almost always off, ruins are off. I think some mods like Seeker, HMI and faction mods, change the adjusted sector generation alot. For example in last try, i used the "large"setting which was supposed to generate 128 shunt/cryos , in a fresh generation it generated 22 cryosleepers, and 119 hypershunts. So as you can see, shunts generate to close proximity to shunt. So i was wondering do i have to use a specific sector generation setting. As "young" ","old", "mixed". These were done with young sector generation.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: tiberazure on May 01, 2021, 03:35:43 AM
Update, tried it in vanilla. Hypershunts tend to spawn to close approximity to intended settings, as well as the remnant systems count. But cryosleepers, and ruins are off. So dear modmaker, please take a look at your script for the latest starsector hotfix. Because after that the procgen themes are not doing what your mod is supposed to do.
Cryosleepers are almost always 2-3* less than the number originated. Note: this did not happen in previous core starsector version. So Nerzhul AI, please verify that your mod script is handling latest starsector procgen.
Thanks for your time! It is a good mod that adds alot of stuff to do in a sector, but if it is not properly working even with vanilla settings and vanilla sector then something seems to be not working!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Adex on May 10, 2021, 06:27:46 AM
So is the current version working correctly or not? Please someone confirm, thanks
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: cdmerc on May 10, 2021, 09:39:22 AM
So is the current version working correctly or not? Please someone confirm, thanks

It works, but with some caveats:

As other users mentioned, core worlds are generated slightly off center. I'm not sure if it's specific mod issue, or vanilla issue exacerbated by higher constellation count. Main issue with it is randomly generated systems will sometimes overlap core worlds. Also generally randomly generated constellations will sometimes overlap each other. With both default presets provided with mod it happens almost always. It's not that big of a deal, and you can solve most of these problems by customizing settings, although making a preset that fits you can take a minute, to say the least. Thankfully, mod author provided quite extensive directions how to do it on first page.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nameless on May 10, 2021, 10:31:11 AM
This mod works.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: ThatBigBirb on May 11, 2021, 10:30:01 AM
Hey so, I've loaded up several new games with my wacky mod list and they have all resulted in the same hyperspace nebula layout no matter how many times I restart seeds. Is there an option in the settings that is accidentally malfunctioning or disabled?

I love this mod too much to give it up as it allows me the ability to just dive into the black forever. But the unchanging hyperspace nebula is a bit of a downer.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: AppleMarineXX on May 14, 2021, 12:04:18 PM
Does this effect the "small" map size, or only the "normal" one?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: KanterZk on May 19, 2021, 09:40:28 AM
Is there a parameter to generate more warning beacons ? (I only have two warning beacons using the large preset and Nexerelin)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Starareo on July 16, 2021, 03:15:18 PM
Do cryosleepers, motherships, and hypershuntes override themed constellations? As in, should I make sure that sectorConstellationRemnantMax + sectorConstellationRuinsMax + sectorDerelictMotherships * 5+ sectorDerelictCryosleepers + SanguinaryAnarchisticDefectors_sectorConstellationMax_AS + BladeBreakerThemed_ConstellationMax_AS + Coronal Hypershunts should be equal to my AdjustedSectorConstellationCount

Also, I have SAD installed and none of their systems are spawning. I even dropped remnant systems to like 20 and bumped SAD to over 100 and nothing spawned.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nameless on July 17, 2021, 05:23:48 PM
The SAD mod have changed some code names regarding to spawning their systems. This is probably why it doesn't work anymore.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: idiotekque on July 18, 2021, 05:43:52 AM
I'd really like to give this mod a try, but the comments worry me. Does anyone have a good "preset", so to speak? That gives the sector a decent increase in size, but doesn't break anything and still works nicely with everything?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nameless on July 19, 2021, 09:45:46 AM
Nothing breaks if you follow what the description says.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Yunru on July 19, 2021, 09:48:50 AM
Personally, I recommend low quantities of high density constellations, because they can and will overlap at times.
(Although I once had one literally over the core world's and it made it feel completely different, which was fun.)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: pearagon on July 21, 2021, 02:47:50 AM
The SAD mod have changed some code names regarding to spawning their systems. This is probably why it doesn't work anymore.

I've also heard that there is new procgen from 0.95a that does not appear when using adjusted sector. Can anyone or the mod author confirm this?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on July 21, 2021, 04:37:01 AM
Do cryosleepers, motherships, and hypershuntes override themed constellations? As in, should I make sure that sectorConstellationRemnantMax + sectorConstellationRuinsMax + sectorDerelictMotherships * 5+ sectorDerelictCryosleepers + SanguinaryAnarchisticDefectors_sectorConstellationMax_AS + BladeBreakerThemed_ConstellationMax_AS + Coronal Hypershunts should be equal to my AdjustedSectorConstellationCount

Also, I have SAD installed and none of their systems are spawning. I even dropped remnant systems to like 20 and bumped SAD to over 100 and nothing spawned.

Motherships do for certain, if you set it to high there will be nothing but drones all over the sector.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on July 26, 2021, 03:52:00 PM
I'm getting a warning ingame that this and Big Beans Ship Comp are not supported in v0.95a, which is confusing since this site lists them as supported. Is that a mod compatibility issue or something I missed?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: nocluewhatimdoing on July 27, 2021, 03:49:40 AM
Would I be better off using the built in large preset or modifying the settings json?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Carmelita_Fox on July 27, 2021, 12:01:13 PM
So is the current version working correctly or not? Please someone confirm, thanks

It works, but with some caveats:

As other users mentioned, core worlds are generated slightly off center. I'm not sure if it's specific mod issue, or vanilla issue exacerbated by higher constellation count. Main issue with it is randomly generated systems will sometimes overlap core worlds. Also generally randomly generated constellations will sometimes overlap each other. With both default presets provided with mod it happens almost always. It's not that big of a deal, and you can solve most of these problems by customizing settings, although making a preset that fits you can take a minute, to say the least. Thankfully, mod author provided quite extensive directions how to do it on first page.

This seems to be a vanilla "issue" that's just made more noticeable when constellations are generated close to the core worlds. To put them closer to the map center, open /starsector-core/data/campaign/starmap.json and add 6000 to every coordinate value. This moves the core worlds one grid cell up and to the right, so the map center is southwest of Askonia instead of near Hybrasil. Don't know why it is like that by default and to be honest I didn't notice it until when messing around with Adjusted Sector, Tyle and Penelope's overlapped with other constellations while Naraka was still several lightyears away from the nearest one.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 01, 2021, 06:46:36 AM
The SAD mod have changed some code names regarding to spawning their systems. This is probably why it doesn't work anymore.

I've also heard that there is new procgen from 0.95a that does not appear when using adjusted sector. Can anyone or the mod author confirm this?
It is fine.
As of SAD mod - it's possible that mod author changed the way things are handled there. I'll try to re-do compatibility thingy, but i'm currently mostly inactive since life 'n stuff.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 01, 2021, 06:47:37 AM
I'm getting a warning ingame that this and Big Beans Ship Comp are not supported in v0.95a, which is confusing since this site lists them as supported. Is that a mod compatibility issue or something I missed?
It's just version detection issue. It works fine.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 01, 2021, 06:53:32 AM
I also should mention that i have no idea why core world are 'slightly moved'.
It's probably because the positioning of 'core worlds' depends on default grid which may be different depending on settings.

I've yet to research if position of any of the 'core worlds' can change if procgen spews random star system in the same cell as core world, but i'm pretty sure that core systems will spawn in preset locations no matter what.
So entire problem is probably due to 'size' values. Will look into that as soon as i'm able to do something with modding.

Sorry for inactivity, i really wasn't ready for everything that happens IRL at the same time as this mod gets this much attention.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: casualbeer on August 02, 2021, 11:40:01 PM

First and foremost - great mod. Thank you :)

I'm trying to figure out what stands behind properties sectorConstellationRemnantMin and sectorConstellationRemnantMin and how  the correspond to AdjustedSectorConstellationCount:




Does the above example mean that I should expect game to generate exactly 300 Constellations and somewhere between 90 to 120 of constelations should contain [REDACTED] and those will be either Med or High Danger ?

Why I ask: I'm basically using the "standard" preset for large 164 x 164 sector and end up getting quite a lot of [Redacted] systems to close to the core. I tried tweaking (lowering) the Min Max properties (e.g. min 40 max 70) but ended up with more less the same result. I did 3 more tests and it seem constistent. On top of those min-max props there is a skip probability and "dice roll" behind the scene which makes me think that I misunderstood the meaning of this params.

Could you elaborate (just a bit) on how do those properties work?

(I went briefly throught this thread and didn't find answer to this question)

PS. Two be fair my tests where a bit blind and small scale because I don't know the way on how to reveal the whole galaxy (i'm sure there is a console command for that)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 03, 2021, 05:44:52 AM

First and foremost - great mod. Thank you :)

I'm trying to figure out what stands behind properties sectorConstellationRemnantMin and sectorConstellationRemnantMin and how  the correspond to AdjustedSectorConstellationCount:




Does the above example mean that I should expect game to generate exactly 300 Constellations and somewhere between 90 to 120 of constelations should contain [REDACTED] and those will be either Med or High Danger ?

Why I ask: I'm basically using the "standard" preset for large 164 x 164 sector and end up getting quite a lot of [Redacted] systems to close to the core. I tried tweaking (lowering) the Min Max properties (e.g. min 40 max 70) but ended up with more less the same result. I did 3 more tests and it seem constistent. On top of those min-max props there is a skip probability and "dice roll" behind the scene which makes me think that I misunderstood the meaning of this params.

Could you elaborate (just a bit) on how do those properties work?

(I went briefly throught this thread and didn't find answer to this question)

PS. Two be fair my tests where a bit blind and small scale because I don't know the way on how to reveal the whole galaxy (i'm sure there is a console command for that)
Ok, let's get started.
Firstly, AdjustedSectorConstellationCount - is the number of constellations game tries to cramp into your sector. Thing is, it is MAX number of possible stars. So, if you create small sector with large 'grids', game will be unable to spawn entirity of those 300 constellations - it will stop at some fraction of this number, since it won't find any 'free spots' to tag for next new constellation added.
So after generating constellations, game will tag them with special themes - firstly goes 'derelict', mothership count value cotrols that, second is 'ruins' and third is 'remnants'. So if first two themes took much of your 'free' constellations - or the entirity of them - you will have less remnant-themed constellations, than expected.

So, you can tweak two settings to avoid this problem - 'AdjustedSectorConstellationSize' - decrease it, and you might find more stars. It also will result in constellations overlaping with one another, so pick your poison.
Second option is to decrease amount of ruin/derelict themed stars, by tunning down the numbers in 'ruin theme' and 'motherships' respectfully.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 03, 2021, 05:48:08 AM
If you dig up your current settings, i may do something with 'em.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 03, 2021, 05:51:23 AM
Why I ask: I'm basically using the "standard" preset for large 164 x 164 sector and end up getting quite a lot of [Redacted] systems to close to the core.

As for this..
1) Default procgen just likes to put remnants in the middle between core worlds and the far borders of the sector;
2) Due to large number of constellations + decent amount of stars per constellations, some of those can 'sneak' into core worlds and you will have remnant-infested systems basically right in your doorstep.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: casualbeer on August 03, 2021, 06:18:08 AM
Firstly, AdjustedSectorConstellationCount - is the number of constellations game tries to cramp into your sector. Thing is, it is MAX number of possible stars. So, if you create small sector with large 'grids', game will be unable to spawn entirity of those 300 constellations - it will stop at some fraction of this number, since it won't find any 'free spots' to tag for next new constellation added.
So after generating constellations, game will tag them with special themes - firstly goes 'derelict', mothership count value cotrols that, second is 'ruins' and third is 'remnants'. So if first two themes took much of your 'free' constellations - or the entirity of them - you will have less remnant-themed constellations, than expected.

This explains a lot - thank you ver much for a prompt response!

But do I read it correctly?

So if procgen has enough Contellations to work with (that still have not been themed) it will try to make from 90 to 120 "Remnant" themed contellations? Correct ?
And if SkipProb is set about 0.0 that there is still a chance that the contellation won't be themed "Remnant" even if it was "chosen" by the process?


Considering this 2 parameters - does it mean that there ist virtually no possiblility for the process to generate LowPresence Remant systems ?

PS> I'll post my settings later, when I'll get home.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 03, 2021, 07:15:05 AM
This explains a lot - thank you ver much for a prompt response!

But do I read it correctly?

So if procgen has enough Contellations to work with (that still have not been themed) it will try to make from 90 to 120 "Remnant" themed contellations? Correct ?
Yes! Exactly this.
And if SkipProb is set about 0.0 that there is still a chance that the contellation won't be themed "Remnant" even if it was "chosen" by the process?
To be honest, i don't remember what this one does exactly. I believe it just makes remnant systems more 'spread out', so they won't spawn 'in clusters'. Default value is 0.25.

Considering this 2 parameters - does it mean that there ist virtually no possiblility for the process to generate LowPresence Remant systems ?

PS> I'll post my settings later, when I'll get home.
With such values - yes. So out of 90 to 120 Remnant systems, zero will be 'green', only 'yellow' and 'red'. If you toggle 'Low' as 1 and 'Med' as 0, you will have only 'green' and 'red' remnant systems!

It was just a thing i wanted for myself, but since everything in this mod is optional, i decided to include it anyway.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Yunru on August 03, 2021, 07:38:57 AM
Why I ask: I'm basically using the "standard" preset for large 164 x 164 sector and end up getting quite a lot of [Redacted] systems to close to the core.

As for this..
1) Default procgen just likes to put remnants in the middle between core worlds and the far borders of the sector;
2) Due to large number of constellations + decent amount of stars per constellations, some of those can 'sneak' into core worlds and you will have remnant-infested systems basically right in your doorstep.
Personally I like that, it makes the AI Wars feel more real and present.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 03, 2021, 09:20:30 AM
Why I ask: I'm basically using the "standard" preset for large 164 x 164 sector and end up getting quite a lot of [Redacted] systems to close to the core.

As for this..
1) Default procgen just likes to put remnants in the middle between core worlds and the far borders of the sector;
2) Due to large number of constellations + decent amount of stars per constellations, some of those can 'sneak' into core worlds and you will have remnant-infested systems basically right in your doorstep.
Personally I like that, it makes the AI Wars feel more real and present.
I also like this, so it was one of the reasons why i didn't try to toy around with theme selection patterns.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: casualbeer on August 03, 2021, 01:05:35 PM
So thanks to Nerzhull_AI I've managed to tweak settings the way I want them to be (sector is less "saturated" with stars which now tend to be organized in longer clusters/contellations a bit away from The Core)

Here are my settings:





   "sectorDerelictMotherships": 8,






It's for sure less demanding than preset delivered with the mod but it works for me :)

Thanks again for explaining what's what!


Do above settings mean that High Presence Cells won't spawn at all ? If so - is there a way to have all three types ?

Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 03, 2021, 03:24:17 PM

Do above settings mean that High Presence Cells won't spawn at all ? If so - is there a way to have all three types ?
'Red' onces will spawn no matter what. When they Low and Med is at '1', all three types of Remnant systems will spawn. If both are zero - only Red remnant systems will spawn.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on August 03, 2021, 07:49:52 PM
What does AdjustedSectorRndArcs control?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: casualbeer on August 03, 2021, 11:41:29 PM
'Red' onces will spawn no matter what. When they Low and Med is at '1', all three types of Remnant systems will spawn. If both are zero - only Red remnant systems will spawn.

Yay :D Thanks! (Almost) endless Starsector here I come :)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: shovelmonkey on August 04, 2021, 12:52:53 PM
So thanks to Nerzhull_AI I've managed to tweak settings the way I want them to be (sector is less "saturated" with stars which now tend to be organized in longer clusters/contellations a bit away from The Core)

Here are my settings:





   "sectorDerelictMotherships": 8,






It's for sure less demanding than preset delivered with the mod but it works for me :)

I hope you don't mind, I've borrowed this preset to use as my own. I like it quite abit.  :D

Also, glad to see the return of Nerzhull_AI and thanks for his detailed explanation of how things work!

Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: casualbeer on August 06, 2021, 05:52:35 AM
I hope you don't mind, I've borrowed this preset to use as my own. I like it quite abit.  :D

Also, glad to see the return of Nerzhull_AI and thanks for his detailed explanation of how things work!

Not at all! Please enjoy - i actually hoped somebody may find it useful. Nerzhull_AI did amazing job making this mod - I'm glad I could be part of it and return something to the community (even if it's just sharing this config)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Starareo on August 06, 2021, 06:29:46 AM
If low and med Remnant systems are disabled, does that reduce the overall number of Remnant systems spawned? I was getting maps where Remnant systems were only spawning in the ring of constellations immediately surrounding the core sector and none spawning in the edges of the sector. I won't discount the probability that I had too many motherships and such eating up spawns, but I'm holding off testing until mod is updated/compatible with stuff like SAD. On another note, do coronal taps also take up themed systems like motherships?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 06, 2021, 02:39:08 PM
If low and med Remnant systems are disabled, does that reduce the overall number of Remnant systems spawned?
On another note, do coronal taps also take up themed systems like motherships?
Nope - just all the remnants will be Red level of threat.
As for Coronal taps - they don't tag system as one that has some special Theme.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: wilki24 on August 14, 2021, 12:39:25 PM
What does the setting "AdjustedSectorRndArcs" do?

Edit: I just discovered the source and API docs lol

So, editor.clearArc clears nebula from the map based on the params? I see it's used to clear space around stars themselves. So, I suppose increasing AdjustedSectorRndArcs adds more clear space to the map?

I wish this code had more comments on why it's doing what it's doing.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SirStargateur on August 29, 2021, 06:25:55 AM
How does this interact with Galatian Academy quest ? Is it compatible ? Cause Nexerelin disable the quest if we use randomize sector generation. (I actually didn't know that in my previous run that explain why I didn't understand much about this new story thing).

I want to use your mod cause I getting tired of hyper storm that really I HATE, no sense in science and annoying gameplay (IMO). Would like a simple mod that just remove hyper storm... I didn't find any option core settings.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: shovelmonkey on August 29, 2021, 12:58:32 PM
How does this interact with Galatian Academy quest ? Is it compatible ? Cause Nexerelin disable the quest if we use randomize sector generation. (I actually didn't know that in my previous run that explain why I didn't understand much about this new story thing).

I want to use your mod cause I getting tired of hyper storm that really I HATE, no sense in science and annoying gameplay (IMO). Would like a simple mod that just remove hyper storm... I didn't find any option core settings.

Academy quest still works fine.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Fippel on August 31, 2021, 04:32:04 PM
Hello, I can't seem to make the mod work properly, does it need a new game started for changes to take effect? I think I managed to expand the starmap but only with empty space. I read through the entire thread but couldn't find out if I need to start a new game or not. Cheers
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on September 01, 2021, 05:39:26 AM
It only works on new games.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: wilki24 on September 18, 2021, 06:33:28 PM
And if SkipProb is set about 0.0 that there is still a chance that the contellation won't be themed "Remnant" even if it was "chosen" by the process?
To be honest, i don't remember what this one does exactly. I believe it just makes remnant systems more 'spread out', so they won't spawn 'in clusters'. Default value is 0.25.

I don't think that's quite right. Looking at the loop where it's used, it's looping from 0 to the number of remnant themed constellations. And that number is chosen by random between the min/max values in the settings.

While going through that loop, it does a random roll 0-1.0, and checks if it's less than the skipProb. If it is, then the loop just continues, doing absolutely nothing to that constellation. But, it's "consumed" one of the potential remnant themed constellations.

So, if sectorConstellationRemnantMin = 90, and sectorConstellationRemnantMax = 120, and sectorConstellationRemnantSkipProb = 0.25, then you could expect roughly between 67 and 90 actual remnant systems, since ~25% of the min/max would be skipped.

Interestingly, it's also picking constellations in order of distance from vector 0,0 (map center), as per the API: getSortedAvailableConstellations()  (,%20boolean,%20Vector2f,%20java.util.List)) (it uses the List returned in reverse order, so it becomes ascending by distance).

I'm guessing this is why we find remnant systems closer to the core? And, it's also true that increasing sectorConstellationRemnantSkipProb does spread the remnant constellations out, since it adds gaps, but it also reduces the total number of remnant themed constellations as well.

So, I think you'd need to adjust the min/max to account for whatever skipProb is set to, or you'll end up with less remnant constellations than intended.

Oh, and while diffing the code, I noticed that it's missing the changes Alex made later in April, RC14 and 15 (mostly 14).
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: geminitiger on September 21, 2021, 08:14:03 PM
This mod is all fun and games until your red planet is 76 days / 53 light years from center.
10/10 though
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on October 04, 2021, 08:12:47 AM
Any plans to fix SAD and BB now that both mods are updated to 0.95a?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: PreConceptor on October 05, 2021, 11:03:49 AM
The Heavy Armor fix implemented by Adjusted Sector appears to clash with the Heavy Armor change made by Better Deserved S-mods.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Yunru on October 06, 2021, 05:54:39 PM
The Heavy Armor fix implemented by Adjusted Sector appears to clash with the Heavy Armor change made by Better Deserved S-mods.
Adjusted Sector doesn't touch anything other than sector generation though?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: PreConceptor on October 06, 2021, 07:28:06 PM
The Heavy Armor fix implemented by Adjusted Sector appears to clash with the Heavy Armor change made by Better Deserved S-mods.
Adjusted Sector doesn't touch anything other than sector generation though?

Except it does in order to fix itself bugging vanilla Heavy Armor.

Adjusted Sector on, Heavy Armor not changed by Better Deserved S-mods. Adjusted Sector off, BDSm Heavy Armor change is fine. present in Adjusted Sector src folder compelling supporting evidence. Nerzhull already made aware of an issue on the discord, with second opinion. This is just for the forums, for the record I guess.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Yunru on October 07, 2021, 03:07:17 AM
Well, that's an easy fix, just open up ModInfo and put a z in front of the name.

(Although I'm not sure how this could break Heavy Armour to require such.)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: PreConceptor on October 07, 2021, 08:20:14 AM
Well, that's an easy fix, just open up ModInfo and put a z in front of the name.

(Although I'm not sure how this could break Heavy Armour to require such.)

This doesn't work either. I'm fine with waiting, I'd also like it to work with 0.95a DME Blade Breaker spawning, which at the time of writing this it does not.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Starslinger909 on October 14, 2021, 03:42:24 PM
I know its probably not but is this save compatible?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: shovelmonkey on October 15, 2021, 03:55:52 AM
I know its probably not but is this save compatible?

I don't suppose adding it would break your only see the effects of it on generating a new sector  :P
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SoSD on October 21, 2021, 01:45:10 PM
Curious if it is possible via some configuration to prevent Adjusted Sector from generating systems right in the core, almost on top of other core worlds.

This is with the standard core systems, not random generation.

As an example, I've got generated systems almost on top of Galatea and Samarra, which is a bit strange:

Edited to add the image link.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: PreConceptor on October 24, 2021, 06:43:12 PM
Curious if it is possible via some configuration to prevent Adjusted Sector from generating systems right in the core, almost on top of other core worlds.

This is with the standard core systems, not random generation.

As an example, I've got generated systems almost on top of Galatea and Samarra, which is a bit strange:

Edited to add the image link.

You may want to play around with the settings, the default ones tend to result in this. If the constellation area is large enough it will extend a close constellation's potential area over the core. Even when you get a good balance, a gen may still put constellations close enough to the core that they'll infringe on the outermost core systems added by mods.

I've had luck with


These create a sector with just over 300 systems at normal sector size or just less than 700 systems when the width and height are increased 50% (compared to around 500 under normal adjusted sector settings and around 170 in vanilla) with a core overlap only about 1 in 4 times, and only on the outermost ones added by mods. Then make small incremental changes and see if makes something that works for you.

You'll probably wanna turn down some of the features like ruins and remnant just a little too, if you stick with the normal sector dimensions. Just follow the guidelines on feature number vs the number of constellations and there shouldn't be any weirdness.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on October 24, 2021, 09:38:46 PM
I wonder how this mod will handle Slipstreams ( once they become a thing.

Make it so systems aren't generated underneath them or something?  ???
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: nDervish on October 25, 2021, 01:29:56 AM
I wonder how this mod will handle Slipstreams ( once they become a thing.

Make it so systems aren't generated underneath them or something?  ???

From the linked blog post (under "Slipstream layout generation"):  "First off, slipstreams are dynamic – there isn’t a single fixed layout. Instead, a new layout is generated twice per cycle"

So I don't think Adjusted Sector will need to take them into account at all, since the slipstreams will be overlaid on top of the map during gameplay rather than being a part of it from the start.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on October 25, 2021, 01:50:46 AM
... From the linked blog post (under "Slipstream layout generation"):  "First off, slipstreams are dynamic – there isn’t a single fixed layout. Instead, a new layout is generated twice per cycle"

So I don't think Adjusted Sector will need to take them into account at all, since the slipstreams will be overlaid on top of the map during gameplay rather than being a part of it from the start.
Wouldn't that cause stars to be generated under the streams, either causing them to be inaccessible or causing the stream to "break" all over since according to the blog:
...slipstreams are interrupted when crossing hyperspace areas occupied by star systems...
Which would mean if enough stars are spawned the streams would be too short and useless?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on October 26, 2021, 12:18:20 AM
Unless we hear from the mod author we won't really know. They are not really communicating lately so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: nDervish on October 26, 2021, 01:01:15 AM
... From the linked blog post (under "Slipstream layout generation"):  "First off, slipstreams are dynamic – there isn’t a single fixed layout. Instead, a new layout is generated twice per cycle"

So I don't think Adjusted Sector will need to take them into account at all, since the slipstreams will be overlaid on top of the map during gameplay rather than being a part of it from the start.
Wouldn't that cause stars to be generated under the streams, either causing them to be inaccessible or causing the stream to "break" all over since according to the blog:
...slipstreams are interrupted when crossing hyperspace areas occupied by star systems...
Which would mean if enough stars are spawned the streams would be too short and useless?

The bit I quoted in my earlier reply says, pretty directly, that slipstreams will change position as the game progresses:  "There isn't a single fixed layout."  "Slipstreams are dynamic".  "A new layout is generated twice per cycle".

Slipstreams most likely don't exist at all when the stars are placed, because that would make the code more complicated.  There would need to be code both for placing stars away from streams during map generation and code for creating breaks in streams as they're dynamically placed/repositioned every half-cycle.  Much simpler to wait until after the stars are placed before even thinking about slipstreams, because then you need only the "creating breaks" code and not the "placing stars away from streams" code.

But, yes, you're right that, based on what we've been told so far, if there are too many stars then the slipstreams will be broken into very short chunks that aren't very useful.  But that's all happening after Adjusted Sector has done its thing and the game has started.  AS could try to leave larger open areas to allow space for slipstreams to stretch across, but it doesn't look like there will be any way to know, at the time that AS makes the map, where the slipstreams will be and avoid them.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: shake307 on October 27, 2021, 10:50:59 PM
Okay, I cannot get this mod to work.  I played Grand Sector on the last version of StarSector, and was kinda hoping this mod would replace it.  I'll be damned if I can get it to work.  No matter what settings I change, I always start a game with the normal map.  I have to be missing a step, but what is that step?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on October 28, 2021, 03:39:39 AM
Have you tried activating the large preset, just to confirm it works?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Vinrick on November 02, 2021, 02:22:39 PM
First off - awesome mod. Thanks for making it.

That being said, has anyone noticed not really being able to influence relic site frequency or am I messing something up? I know there're settings for that in the mod, but it seems like no matter what I change them to there's a lot less relic sites compared to vanilla (realistically none that I could find). Spent an hour or so jumping around systems at different settings, but all the things that would ever spawn (even in remnant systems) are probes and the occasional mothership. No relic stations or what have you.

So far I've tried the three following settings and didn't notice any real difference, and didn't find anything other than probes in ~30 systems. Also toned down the system density a bit to closer match vanilla while still getting larger map size and more stars.

Any tips on what I might be messing up here?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Axisoflint on November 26, 2021, 12:40:42 AM
Hi, after some discussion with Tartiflette, there seems to be an issue with adjusted sector messing with system tags that other mods rely on to spawn 'things'. I will occasionally (quite often) get errors when generating a new sector because it can't find places to put stuff I guess?

I can post a full log if it will help, but I'm not sure what the exact cause/issue is, sorry :)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Axisoflint on November 26, 2021, 01:26:45 AM
Hi, after some discussion with Tartiflette, there seems to be an issue with adjusted sector messing with system tags that other mods rely on to spawn 'things'. I will occasionally (quite often) get errors when generating a new sector because it can't find places to put stuff I guess?

I can post a full log if it will help, but I'm not sure what the exact cause/issue is, sorry :)

One thing I've messed with and seems to help is altering the mothership number spawn (I had mine set very high) - apparently this 'crowds out' remnant systems from spawning and means seeker can't find appropriate systems to spawn it's bounties in or something? I'm not 100% sure.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 13, 2021, 11:47:55 AM
Version 0.4 Released!

2021.12.13 - 0.4:
- completely restructurized the mod, removed all the cancer.
- restored the compatibility with both SAD and DME mods.
- added new fields, responsible for the amount of Gates outside the Core Worlds.
- added new fields, responsible for the amount of XIV Legions, both recoverable and not.

In the next release i hope to finally add printed data about 'what exactly' player successfully generated.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Yunru on December 13, 2021, 11:52:03 AM
Congrats on the recovery! :P
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on December 13, 2021, 12:29:57 PM
Version 0.4 Released!

2021.12.13 - 0.4:
- completely restructurized the mod, removed all the cancer.
- restored the compatibility with both SAD and DME mods.
- added new fields, responsible for the amount of Gates outside the Core Worlds.
- added new fields, responsible for the amount of XIV Legions, both recoverable and not.

In the next release i hope to finally add printed data about 'what exactly' player successfully generated.

Welcome back... just in time for the game version 0.95-RC15 to be replaced with version 0.95.1a-RC5, but good anyway.  ;)

PS: It is good by the way, plenty of people are going to keep playing ver 0.95 for a good while.
PPS: ... or I spoke too soon? The 0.4.1 hotfix does seem to have 0.95.1a in the mod info. ???
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 13, 2021, 12:32:27 PM
It seems that mod causes crash with Java 8. With java 7 works fine.
Looking into this problem
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 13, 2021, 12:56:20 PM
Updated loading link, fixed CTD. Now it's 100% fine and crash free until it isn't.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on December 13, 2021, 01:06:30 PM
Updated loading link, fixed CTD. Now it's 100% fine and crash free until it isn't.
How does it interact with the slipstreams?

Any problems?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SOLDIER First on December 13, 2021, 01:09:35 PM
Adjusted Sector seems to work fine with slipstreams in 0.95.1a, since they're created dynamically after sector generation. I didn't notice any problems when I tested it myself.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Tallgiraffe on December 13, 2021, 06:16:02 PM
Adjusted Sector seems to work fine with slipstreams in 0.95.1a, since they're created dynamically after sector generation. I didn't notice any problems when I tested it myself.

I thought Alex said they had a couple templates for the slipstreams.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Zalpha on December 14, 2021, 01:28:56 AM
Thanks for the update. Hopefully slipstreams makes up for Hyperdrive not working for me.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on December 14, 2021, 08:08:00 AM
With the new reduced amount (20ish total) of officers spawned on generation, is there a way to increase this number if you use a larger sector?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 14, 2021, 01:29:58 PM
With the new reduced amount (20ish total) of officers spawned on generation, is there a way to increase this number if you use a larger sector?
It's fully controled by DEFAULT setting file, iirc.
The one in the starsector main directory
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Supreme stone gamer on December 18, 2021, 03:48:42 AM
dosen't seem like there is any linux verison of this mod, but i will get convert my pc into windows soon anyways but it would be useful in future cases
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Darloth on December 18, 2021, 07:37:18 AM
dosen't seem like there is any linux verison of this mod, but i will get convert my pc into windows soon anyways but it would be useful in future cases
It's java, like the game.  If you've got Starsector running it should also just work (like any mod).  If not, it's probably a case sensitivity bug you could consider reporting here.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Supreme stone gamer on December 19, 2021, 03:25:42 AM
dosen't seem like there is any linux verison of this mod, but i will get convert my pc into windows soon anyways but it would be useful in future cases
It's java, like the game.  If you've got Starsector running it should also just work (like any mod).  If not, it's probably a case sensitivity bug you could consider reporting here.
well it seems like it likes to do this
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Supreme stone gamer on December 19, 2021, 03:28:07 AM
dosen't seem like there is any linux verison of this mod, but i will get convert my pc into windows soon anyways but it would be useful in future cases
It's java, like the game.  If you've got Starsector running it should also just work (like any mod).  If not, it's probably a case sensitivity bug you could consider reporting here.
well it seems like it likes to do this
it also wont let me extract it normally by right clicking and extracting it, which is even weirder
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on December 21, 2021, 02:39:37 AM
Hey, so I'm about to start a new save with both Adjusted Sector and Seeker installed. Problem is, I heard that the Plague Bearers spawn rate is directly influenced by Adjusted Sector's settings. Since I didn't seem to find any options related to that type of encounter, I wanted to know if it's tied to the non themed constellation count, or if I'd need to do something else to make sure they properly spawn.

Anyways, thanks for your work!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 21, 2021, 04:21:48 AM
Hey, so I'm about to start a new save with both Adjusted Sector and Seeker installed. Problem is, I heard that the Plague Bearers spawn rate is directly influenced by Adjusted Sector's settings. Since I didn't seem to find any options related to that type of encounter, I wanted to know if it's tied to the non themed constellation count, or if I'd need to do something else to make sure they properly spawn.

Anyways, thanks for your work!
This is the first time i actually hear this. Huh.
I guess it may be linked to one of the default 'Themes', and in that way is influenced by this mod, but i don't know for sure.
Thanks for the heads up tho, i'll look for this info after i finish my little secret side project :)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on December 21, 2021, 04:54:05 AM
This is the first time i actually hear this. Huh.
I guess it may be linked to one of the default 'Themes', and in that way is influenced by this mod, but i don't know for sure.
Thanks for the heads up tho, i'll look for this info after i finish my little secret side project

Well, Tariflette did specify that Plague Bearers will spawn in random systems from now on. The info about Adjusted Sector having an effect on it's spawn was talked about on the unofficial Discord, so we might have to take that with a grain of salt. Still, I thought it could be interesting to ask here!

Also, now I'm curious about that "secret side project". Can't wait to see what it is!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 21, 2021, 05:37:37 AM
Also, now I'm curious about that "secret side project". Can't wait to see what it is!
I'll just say that it will have some wonderful, wonderful things.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Kayo on December 22, 2021, 02:24:41 AM
So, I'm using this mod and in systems where there's warning beacons and remnants, I can't find any remnant battlestations for medium beacons. Is that related to this mod?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 22, 2021, 04:09:37 AM
So, I'm using this mod and in systems where there's warning beacons and remnants, I can't find any remnant battlestations for medium beacons. Is that related to this mod?
I don't think so, no. But i'll check it out.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 22, 2021, 01:13:06 PM
So, I'm using this mod and in systems where there's warning beacons and remnants, I can't find any remnant battlestations for medium beacons. Is that related to this mod?
Ok, i've run few test, and i have remnant battlestations in my 'yellow' systems.
But, accordingly to default sector ProcGen - it should be only 50% of the time. At least that's how i read it, i'm a bit tired lol
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: envenger on December 24, 2021, 12:48:41 PM
Does this support spawnings by seeker mod?
Also prv starworks added something called Agni hope you can add support for it as well.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Arhelay on December 25, 2021, 12:42:07 AM
Hyperstorms still being generated with "AdjustedSectorHS":false,
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: BreenBB on December 26, 2021, 06:08:17 AM
Hello, interesting this mod supports new version of DME mod and Seeker stuff? About other mods, I think good idea add PRV Agni support, also another suggestion, make generations of Mess and DomRes infested systems from HMI, they are predefined in HMI itself, I mean add random generation of systems with these enemies.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 27, 2021, 02:15:36 PM
Hello, interesting this mod supports new version of DME mod and Seeker stuff? About other mods, I think good idea add PRV Agni support, also another suggestion, make generations of Mess and DomRes infested systems from HMI, they are predefined in HMI itself, I mean add random generation of systems with these enemies.
It supports DME already, yeah.
About Agni from PRV - i'll look into it. Not sure about Mess tho.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: greycommotion on December 27, 2021, 02:49:54 PM

Brilliant mod!

Is there any way to scale the hyper-storm up if you change the size of the sector?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on December 27, 2021, 06:07:04 PM
Hey there, I'm currently fiddling with the numbers to try and get my sector set up the way I want.

Any advice on which to focus on to get dense, but distinct, clusters of stars? I want the slipstreams to be very important to long distance travel, but also still want lots of stars...  :-\
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: envenger on December 28, 2021, 04:40:36 AM
Hello, interesting this mod supports new version of DME mod and Seeker stuff? About other mods, I think good idea add PRV Agni support, also another suggestion, make generations of Mess and DomRes infested systems from HMI, they are predefined in HMI itself, I mean add random generation of systems with these enemies.
It supports DME already, yeah.
About Agni from PRV - i'll look into it. Not sure about Mess tho.

I don't think the Mess or DomRes spawn, i have not seen them yet after exploring around 200 stars.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on December 28, 2021, 09:44:01 PM
Hmm... I actually got some of the results I was looking for by expanding the size of the map.

I wanted to keep it rectangular so I had to keep the aspect ratio, it's 41/26 if anyone's curious.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: wsdude on December 30, 2021, 07:20:20 AM
Tried this mod and was fine for a while until I reached some of the middle/out layer area and the game started to have these frequentish annoying micro hitches (very subtle)
( My other mods.
Tried without  the mod and its much smoother so its the mod I think.My rig is decent too 3080/9900k so I'm kinda stumped.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SpaceDrake on December 30, 2021, 07:26:23 AM
Make sure you have allocated a lot of RAM in your vmparams file; the Discord has information on how to do this. Adjusted Sector is probably the single most RAM-intensive mod currently in circulation.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: wsdude on December 30, 2021, 10:12:46 AM
Make sure you have allocated a lot of RAM in your vmparams file; the Discord has information on how to do this. Adjusted Sector is probably the single most RAM-intensive mod currently in circulation.
vmparams in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starsector right?
I already allocated 4gb and it was still happening.(have 16gb total)
Whats annoying is its subtle but not subtle enough for my OCD :/
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on December 30, 2021, 10:38:30 AM
Make sure you have allocated a lot of RAM in your vmparams file; the Discord has information on how to do this. Adjusted Sector is probably the single most RAM-intensive mod currently in circulation.
vmparams in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starsector right?
I already allocated 4gb and it was still happening.(have 16gb total)
Whats annoying is its subtle but not subtle enough for my OCD :/

8 GB (8192 MB) is the "maximum" you can allocate (well the maximum before the game starts popping up messages that tell you the excess doesn't help).

You should try that.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: wsdude on December 30, 2021, 01:46:00 PM
Make sure you have allocated a lot of RAM in your vmparams file; the Discord has information on how to do this. Adjusted Sector is probably the single most RAM-intensive mod currently in circulation.
vmparams in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starsector right?
I already allocated 4gb and it was still happening.(have 16gb total)
Whats annoying is its subtle but not subtle enough for my OCD :/

8 GB (8192 MB) is the "maximum" you can allocate (well the maximum before the game starts popping up messages that tell you the excess doesn't help).

You should try that.

Yea I heard after 8gb stuff gets worst from what I was told.Something to do with java not working properly with more then 8gb right?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: LinWasTaken on December 30, 2021, 04:07:27 PM
does this work for 0.95.1a-RC6?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: 2_Wycked on December 30, 2021, 04:32:37 PM
Apologies if this is a stupid question, but does this work for existing saves?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on December 30, 2021, 05:00:03 PM
Apologies if this is a stupid question, but does this work for existing saves?

 ??? ... It's when you first generate the sector. As in, start a new game.

does this work for 0.95.1a-RC6?

Version 0.4.2 and onward... so, yes.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: 2_Wycked on December 30, 2021, 05:03:53 PM
Figured, haha. Thanks!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: wsdude on January 01, 2022, 05:58:44 AM
Yea I dunno I tried allocating more ram but its still noticeably less smoother with this mod.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on January 04, 2022, 01:03:42 PM
Well, to be clear - game just wasn't build with such scale in mind. So it will eat through your vram very intensly.
Moreover, i noticed the pattern in which the 'additional colonizations' from other factions (from mods such as Vayra's) seems to increase the hit VRAM takes even more.
In essence, i can say only one thing - tinker with settings until you reach the sweet spot.
It might take some time, but i did it with my combinations of mods and settings, and so can you.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Zordiark Darkeater on January 06, 2022, 04:59:02 AM
So here is my Sector settings its bigger then the original but not gigantic.
im playing it with 80 mods and it seems everything is working in order.
here it is if anyone needs it. ( just copy the whole thing ) this is the highest i can go before the game starts having issues and slowdowns.

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector

   # zero means - they wont spawn


   # this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

   # this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

   # this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2
   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Zordiark Darkeater on January 06, 2022, 07:46:17 PM
ALSO switching to java8 ( replacing the java files in the game folders ) helps this mod ALLOT.

Fixes most of the slowdowns and hickups that the mod causes after a few hours of play time.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Tipnick on January 06, 2022, 09:24:31 PM
Which files exactly? I have replaced the folder and game wouldn't start.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Zordiark Darkeater on January 07, 2022, 02:22:22 AM
Which files exactly? I have replaced the folder and game wouldn't start.

here 1st comment under my post:

you need THAT version of java8 any other version of java8 the game will simply wont start. I know that because i had the same issue lol :P
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Tipnick on January 07, 2022, 06:02:47 AM
Which files exactly? I have replaced the folder and game wouldn't start.

here 1st comment under my post:

you need THAT version of java8 any other version of java8 the game will simply wont start. I know that because i had the same issue lol :P

That worked. Thanks!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: wsdude on January 07, 2022, 03:27:42 PM
Dev needs to start rolling java8 with the game.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: BuyoyantFriend on January 13, 2022, 02:09:59 AM
Hey, I just wanted to say thank you to the mod author. I have a soft spot for exploration games of all kind but space stuff is my fav. This mod makes Starsector SO much more enjoyable for me! It's absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for great addition.

If I may ask - since there are already setting concerning the Blade Breakers - would it be possible to include a world gen setting for Agni from PRV Starworks?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: 1152 on January 16, 2022, 07:55:19 PM
For the life of me I cant get this to work the way I want it to. Remnant stations and Hypershunt spawns are not being changed even though there are more star systems being generated. I even tested this with no other mods running besides the Lib mods and console commands. I'm running the latest game version too. Anyone know what I can do to fix this?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Anexgohan on January 16, 2022, 10:19:53 PM
The following settings have worked well for me to generate a larger more dynamic sector still keeping the vanilla feel and rarity.


#Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector
"sectorWidth":194000, #205000
"sectorHeight":124000, #130000

# zero means - they wont spawn



# this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

# this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

# this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2

#Random number of arcs apply to map
#Vanilla value 20

#Generate hyperstorms options.
#"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.
"AdjustedSectorHS":false, #true

#Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

#If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

#If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

You should try messing with

to generate more or less Constellations depending on your prefrence.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: 1152 on January 17, 2022, 11:08:57 AM
The following settings have worked well for me to generate a larger more dynamic sector still keeping the vanilla feel and rarity.


#Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector
"sectorWidth":194000, #205000
"sectorHeight":124000, #130000

# zero means - they wont spawn



# this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

# this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

# this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2

#Random number of arcs apply to map
#Vanilla value 20

#Generate hyperstorms options.
#"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.
"AdjustedSectorHS":false, #true

#Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

#If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

#If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

You should try messing with

to generate more or less Constellations depending on your prefrence.

Appreciate the suggestion and I like the layout with this however only one hypershunt spawns with this when it says there should be 35. Is this just not compatible with 0.95.1a-RC6?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Argonautis on January 19, 2022, 03:14:11 AM
Hi, just wanted to ask if this mod is compatible with existing saves and quite a few faction mods including Nex. Sorry if its an obvious answer :P
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Ruddygreat on January 19, 2022, 06:11:35 AM
Hi, just wanted to ask if this mod is compatible with existing saves and quite a few faction mods including Nex. Sorry if its an obvious answer :P

it's technically compatible with existing saves but it'll do nothing
otherwise yeah, it works fine with other mods
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Argonautis on January 21, 2022, 01:24:17 AM
Hi, just wanted to ask if this mod is compatible with existing saves and quite a few faction mods including Nex. Sorry if its an obvious answer :P

it's technically compatible with existing saves but it'll do nothing
otherwise yeah, it works fine with other mods

When you say it wont do anything you mean it wont adjust the sector midgame?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Yunru on January 21, 2022, 01:31:25 AM
Why, or better yet how, would it adjust a sector that's already been generated?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Argonautis on January 21, 2022, 05:39:31 AM
Why, or better yet how, would it adjust a sector that's already been generated?

It wouldn't make sense to add it mid game, I agree. but the reason that I am asking is cause...

"Do you ever wanted your current playthrough last forever?"

...right there in the description with big dark letters...  ??? ???
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Droll on January 21, 2022, 11:51:21 AM
Why, or better yet how, would it adjust a sector that's already been generated?

It wouldn't make sense to add it mid game, I agree. but the reason that I am asking is cause...

"Do you ever wanted your current playthrough last forever?"

...right there in the description with big dark letters...  ??? ???

You might be interested in "Beyond the Sector" which allows you to go to other sectors and explore infinitely many systems one at a time. Can't start colonies in those systems though. (also don't get stranded by neutron stars)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Cane on January 21, 2022, 01:10:36 PM
For the life of me I cant get this to work the way I want it to. Remnant stations and Hypershunt spawns are not being changed even though there are more star systems being generated. I even tested this with no other mods running besides the Lib mods and console commands. I'm running the latest game version too. Anyone know what I can do to fix this?

I came here to post about the same problem: Coronal Hypeshunts remain at 2ish regardless of settings. Considering the increased size of the sector, finding one in a worthwhile spot is now pretty rough.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: JustThatGoo on January 23, 2022, 12:33:59 AM
[snip]... since there are already setting concerning the Blade Breakers - would it be possible to include a world gen setting for Agni from PRV Starworks?

Also interested in this compatibility!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SkinMan on January 23, 2022, 10:20:21 PM
I've got an issue with Adjusted Sectors when used in conjunction with Nexerelin random core world generator. I cannot find any setup of values that allow core world faction planets to be generated on more than 14-16 stars total (non random core world gen has like 25+ by default).

Any idea if it's working as expected or are the two mods incompatible on that topic?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Argonautis on January 24, 2022, 11:53:44 AM
Why, or better yet how, would it adjust a sector that's already been generated?

It wouldn't make sense to add it mid game, I agree. but the reason that I am asking is cause...

"Do you ever wanted your current playthrough last forever?"

...right there in the description with big dark letters...  ??? ???

You might be interested in "Beyond the Sector" which allows you to go to other sectors and explore infinitely many systems one at a time. Can't start colonies in those systems though. (also don't get stranded by neutron stars)
Yeah I am going to try that. Just finishing the Academy storyline to get the gates activated.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: MrMagolor on January 30, 2022, 06:22:27 PM
This will eventually need an update to be compatible with the Agni from prv, as currently their systems do not generate with Adjusted Sector enabled.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: hurrumpf on February 01, 2022, 06:45:55 AM

I have a new install of the game and would like to turn hyperspace storms off.

Mod is installed and the game sees it when I click on Mods.  I've set "AdjustedSectorHS":false.  Yet in new campaigns and loaded saves, the storm remain.

What have I missed?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 03, 2022, 12:26:59 PM

I have a new install of the game and would like to turn hyperspace storms off.

Mod is installed and the game sees it when I click on Mods.  I've set "AdjustedSectorHS":false.  Yet in new campaigns and loaded saves, the storm remain.

What have I missed?
I think i've made a bug by mistake. Gonna correct that soon, sorry for troubles lol
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Zalpha on February 08, 2022, 01:36:47 AM
Second best mod to own, first being Nex, the second is this one. I love it, thank you.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Foufoumoro on February 16, 2022, 09:04:35 PM
I'm facing a problem, I havent come accross any High threat level system in my game (>10 beacon found so far).
I increased the amount of remnant system and set low level threat option to 0 while keeeping medium to 1.
Is it normal that I dont find any high danger beacon ? Did i mess something up ?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: WMGreywind on February 16, 2022, 10:26:03 PM
I'm facing a problem, I havent come accross any High threat level system in my game (>10 beacon found so far).
I increased the amount of remnant system and set low level threat option to 0 while keeeping medium to 1.
Is it normal that I dont find any high danger beacon ? Did i mess something up ?

You may be facing an issue with how systems are weighted and the specials that can show up in different systems. Remnant systems share its pool with the Domain Motherships. If you put the amount of Domain Motherships too high in the settings, it and its children specials, the Survey Ships and probes, will take up space in systems that leave very few systems that the Remnants can hole up in. I've had this issue before and I recommend that you lower the amount of Domain Motherships in your system to 2 or less.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Foufoumoro on February 17, 2022, 01:27:36 AM
Ohh that may be my problem as I have motherships set to 6 I think .. damn !
Thanks a lot for the explanation !

In case I need to reroll my game, as it's a fairly advanced playthrough (I'd say 15 hours in), do you know if there is a way to start a new game and then "import" the character/fleet/inventory from a previous game ? I don't have any colony yet so basically if I hop on to a new game with my character / fleet and stuff, i wouldnt mind too much ...
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: FrackaMir on February 21, 2022, 02:22:49 PM
I have counted and adjusted the amount of constellations with relevance to the size and overall sector width, in accordance to what the PC could handle. ALways used the default but now adjusting it to one I'd like

Would this be fine or does it have some hiccups?

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector

   # zero means - they wont spawn


   # this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

   # this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

   # this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2
   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SpartanXZero on February 23, 2022, 10:11:39 PM
Which setting(s) control the generation for the possibility of planets per star system? An a short explanation of which adjustment affects in which direction + / -. Please an thank you.

I'm tired of surveying yellow an orange star systems an finding them empty an devoid of any planets. I get it that this could be a possibility for some, but I'm getting a sense that it's significantly more likely I find them empty or with a single useless planetoid. Doesn't seem to make a difference if I generate using the young, old or mixed setting in the startup.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Vaperius on February 28, 2022, 02:28:44 PM
I am having a hard time figuring out what I am going wrong here:

I am trying to get a map to generate that has 40 constellations and 25 stars per constellation; when I put these settings in, it doesn't generate that way. In fact, in general, the settings I am to understand increase/decrease stars per constellation don't seem to work at all, no matter what value I put in.

Can someone explain this to me?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Justinkid on March 02, 2022, 04:25:12 PM
First off I just want to say I love your mod, thank you. It's worked perfectly except for one very minor detail. For whatever reason, no matter what dimensions I choose, no stars seem to spawn within 7-10 light years from the edge of the map.

Do you know what might be causing this? Again, it's very minor and hasn't affected gameplay at all, I just have to account for the empty space when I choose my dimensions.

These are the settings I used for the game shown in the picture. I can send you all config settings if you want, I just didn't want to make a wall of text.


[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on March 07, 2022, 07:14:43 PM
Strange, no matter what I adjust the Coronal Tap number to be only 2 ever spawn (checked with console commands)... has anyone else had this problem?  ???
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Yunru on March 08, 2022, 02:30:30 AM
Yes, it's a problem plaguing me too.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on March 08, 2022, 04:20:08 AM
No idea what's causing it, eh?

Darn... guess I'll have to see if 'Modified Industry Requirements' works in 0.95.1a . Giving the Taps a range of 80 LY will make being near one less important.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 11, 2022, 10:50:42 PM
Mod is temporary on hiatus due to my city being shelled down.
I'll post whenever i will be back.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Yunru on March 12, 2022, 01:51:17 AM
Good luck!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on March 12, 2022, 02:06:22 AM
Mod is temporary on hiatus due to my city being shelled down.
I'll post whenever i will be back.
Stay safe.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: casualbeer on April 08, 2022, 10:44:17 AM
Mod is temporary on hiatus due to my city being shelled down.
I'll post whenever i will be back.

Hey Nerzhull_AI, let us know if you're ok :(
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: S7 on April 14, 2022, 02:00:50 AM
These params are looking pretty good for me.







I was just wondering if the "accessibilityDistFromCOM" and "accessibilitySameFactionBonus" are appropriate for the Sector size since I just multiplied them by 1.25x, similar to how I multiplied the sector map.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Supreme stone gamer on April 27, 2022, 05:22:36 AM
Can the Modded AI Becaons spawn in the same constellations as Remants or do i have to balance out like if i have 400 constellations i and i have 249 on remant min and 250 on remant max and 49min 50max  on the Modded ai beacons? or can the numbers be all the same?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: battleturkies on May 03, 2022, 06:14:34 PM
Mod is temporary on hiatus due to my city being shelled down.
I'll post whenever i will be back.
Sending all the support and positivity D: D: D: D: hope you and your family are safe
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on May 09, 2022, 02:21:51 PM
Can the Modded AI Becaons spawn in the same constellations as Remants or do i have to balance out like if i have 400 constellations i and i have 249 on remant min and 250 on remant max and 49min 50max  on the Modded ai beacons? or can the numbers be all the same?
They cannot. So essentially you need to balance their numbers.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on May 09, 2022, 02:22:51 PM
These params are looking pretty good for me.







I was just wondering if the "accessibilityDistFromCOM" and "accessibilitySameFactionBonus" are appropriate for the Sector size since I just multiplied them by 1.25x, similar to how I multiplied the sector map.
They are, so you should be good to go.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on May 09, 2022, 02:23:52 PM
Also, i'm not dead! And relatively safe.
I'm probably gonna still take additional time to resolve my work-related stuff, but after - there will be update.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: vok3 on May 09, 2022, 03:15:52 PM
Also, i'm not dead! And relatively safe.
I'm probably gonna still take additional time to resolve my work-related stuff, but after - there will be update.

Good to know!  And good luck to you and your country.

I really like this mod, it is something I pretty much can't play without, now.

The ONE thing I would like to see done, when/if you manage to get back to it - the Agni systems from PRV Starworks do not seem to spawn in Adjusted Sector.  But random systems/constellations for Blade Breakers and Sanguinary Autonomous Defectors (which I learned about by poking around in your code!) and of course Remnant work fine.  I'd really like to have some Agni in Adjusted Sector games - I expect it is just a matter of duplicating what was done for BB / SAD for the Agni, but I don't understand how things work well enough to trust trying to kludge it up myself.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: snopey1 on May 10, 2022, 01:05:24 AM
Hello, I've been trying to make a sector that is overrun with Remnant, I've been trying to get preferably 50-90% of the systems not seeded at the start to have medium/hard remnant with lower ruins around and some Sanguinary for extra flair. I've tried to lower rings in case that was cause no change.

These settings have been higher for me, but only getting what feels like 30% of the worlds right outside center area  (1-3 lyr) but then falls to basically 0 after that. Random Core Worlds disabled its even worse.
Am using Nex but have been seeing this mod work for increasing/lowering remnant and everything else.

I've even tried setting the remnant min/max to 9999, thought maybe it's a % so did 70-90 and nothing I change seems to be adding more remnant. I've tried changing every stat aside from Storms, Arcs (whatever these are), and access bonus.

FYI for 300 constellations I'm getting about 3000-3300 planets in 1100-1300 systems.

Any help/suggestion is appreciated.

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector

   # zero means - they wont spawn


   # this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

   # this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

   # this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2
   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

Edit: Found a better settings closer to what I want, was able to find 40 Remnant beacons fairly quickly in testing. Idk why raising ruins raised remnant when everything I've seen on forums say more  ruins = less resources for remnant.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: casualbeer on May 13, 2022, 02:29:03 PM
Also, i'm not dead! And relatively safe.
I'm probably gonna still take additional time to resolve my work-related stuff, but after - there will be update.

Man, good to hear you're ok. The *** is *** terrifying. Greets from PL. I hope it will calm down soon.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on June 03, 2022, 06:23:51 AM
I only get 2 Shunts even if I have it set to 50.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Khaos on June 07, 2022, 09:53:21 PM
Hello all,

I am just going tro bounce off my numbers off of you, so I can verify if my thinking was right. I am going to sleep, so I hope some responses come in, either correcting or confirming. I want to start my first modded game with nexerelin, and hope for a long game of factions pushing borders back and forth.

Since my pet peeve was both a not large enough sector, and since it was also not rectangular, I took out the calculator, and made up a theoretically large sector with the following details. My aim is literally to only enhance the size of the sector, and keeping vanilla-like proportions with everything that should be in the sector, if not a bit more richer, since constellations and stars can get a bit underwhelming on the vanilla map.
By starters, I figured out that the small cells on the map are 2000 units of width/height, so I made up my number based on that.

After that, I established that my sector dimensions grew with the following amounts: width to 109.75% | height to 173.07%
Multiplying those two, I got the aggregate growth of the sector at about 189.94%. That Basically is 190%, so if I multiply everything to this ratio, the distribution of things should end up vanila like. Since I would not mind a bit more constellations and stars on the map, I can bump that number to a convenient 200%, which should mean that I can multiply my constellation count by 2.

Now, to the things I could not figure out; how are the remnant and ruins spreads calculated? Are these total number based, so i'd need to adjust the numbers based on the sector size, or are they proportional, so I can leave them for the vanilla-like experience?

Game will roll the dice from sectorConstellationRemnantMin to sectorConstellationRemnantMax (in this case - from 75 to 125)

Game will roll from sectorConstellationRuinsMin to sectorConstellationRuinsMax (in this case - from 50 to 75)

And lastly, these are either not modified, because the modded value is already larger, and most likely needed, or were just modified towards the larger sector I made;


And the few not mentioned I don't care about or wanted to modify anyway.

Thanks for whoever takes time to read and respond!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on June 08, 2022, 06:00:15 AM

Since I've been experimenting on adjusted maps myself, I guess I'll give you my opinion.

First thing to take into account when adjusting your settings is how much your game will lag (the larger the map, the farther AI hyperspace fleets will tend to venture, making it more difficult for your pc to handle the game), and how far you're willing to go for low paying bounties (for some reason, they tend to often spawn at the edge of your maps, so it's not worth it to spend 80k in fuel for a 40k bounty). While 180kx180k map size is already pretty big, I think that reducing it to 160kx160k should be enough.

Second comes the constellation count. From what other users have said, it seems that 150 constellations is the absolute max "stable" amount you can put in your game. Any more than that, and it'll visibly contribute to late game lag, while also making your map feel really crowded. Ah and to be frank, you don't really need much more to explore.

Finally, I wanted to know one thing: will you use DME and/or SAD? You said you didn't want to modify their settings, but whether or not you use them will have an impact on the constellation count, so...

As for the theme count you're showing, it should work even if you follow my advice and go for a 150 constellation count, so there shouldn't be any real reason to worry. Just in case, remember that a mothership theme takes 5 constellations from your total count, so here it'd take 25!

And... I think that's about it. Hope my little rant helped!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Khaos on June 08, 2022, 02:39:24 PM
Thanks for the notes!

I have in the meantime grew the width further, and grew the numbers on constellations, systems, motherships, and all the likes. I am not lagging so far, and I have resources in my PC for days for the game. I currently have 8gigs allocated for the game.

I have found some templates for the remnant and ruins ratios,so I have adjusted the numbers, but I still don't necessarily know what's up with them :D
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Khaos on June 08, 2022, 08:35:47 PM
Also, started a topic on the placement of the core sector, to see if it might be something coming from Vanilla, but Alex did not recognize the issue  so I am bringing it here, it might be something to look at when the bad times are behind us...

TLDR: core worlds seem to be displaced compared to the rest of the generated constellations/stars.

Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on June 09, 2022, 10:26:04 AM
Very old known issue from Adjusted Sector, yep. Dunno if it's possible to fix it though.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Khaos on June 09, 2022, 03:46:04 PM
Upon more sector generations, it seems like if I create a not square sector, but a more vanilla like rectangular, the placement is definitely better.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on June 09, 2022, 06:51:25 PM
Upon more sector generations, it seems like if I create a not square sector, but a more vanilla like rectangular, the placement is definitely better.
I do get the best results when I keep the original aspect ratio of 41/26.

205000 x 130000 = 1.25x larger
246000 x 156000 =  1.5x larger
328000 x 208000 =    2x larger
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SurplusDOS on June 12, 2022, 08:40:20 PM
If I only intend to increase the "sectorConstellationRuins" and set everything else to vanilla values, would I encounter any problems? I ask because "AdjustedSectorConstellationSize" has a warning about adjusting its value but the value is already different from the vanilla value and I'm not sure which I should keep.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: MidweekEnd on June 18, 2022, 02:21:07 AM
I'm having an issue where the mod shows up as blue in the mod section but when I launch a game it says it's unsupported. Do you know the fix/cause?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: ghosto on June 24, 2022, 04:21:06 AM
Any chance to have a version of the mod where "AdjustedSectorHS":true function is not in?

As it is right now i can either choose to have no hyperstorms, or have them be generated outside the default size map which makes zooming in/out lag the game.

Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Lemuria on July 03, 2022, 06:42:10 AM
Is the source code for this mod available?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: CrownedC on July 23, 2022, 01:47:48 PM
I made ratio table, if somebody needs it there it is:
164000 x 104000 = 1x (Default size)
205000 x 130000 = 1.25x
246000 x 156000 = 1.5x
287000 x 182000 = 1.75x
328000 x 208000 = 2x
410000 x 260000 = 2.5x
492000 x 312000 = 3x
656000 x 416000 = 4x
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SweetO on July 24, 2022, 03:05:01 AM
Also, i've managed to generate hyperstorms for adjusted sector size.
Bad news is, it's janky and can cover star system jump points and other gravity wells. Vanilla code doesn't do anything to it for some reasons.
So, untill i found how to do it +- correctly, hyperstorm changes won't be included in mod.
Yeah, so I've just solved your Problem ;D... (I hope the attachments work...)

You have to adjust the hyperspace_map.png. I think you did that.
Furthermore if you want to change the format of the map, i.e. 1:1 instead of the actual 61:42 jank, the file needs to have the same format.
I just cropped left and right until I got a 1000x1000 png and now it fits perfectly.

See attachments for screen (StaSecMap) and file (hyperspace_map.png).


My map is 208000 x 208000 and I doubled the img-size of the hyperspace_map.png to get the same result as Nerzhull. Cropping the Image into a Square works fine for a square map.

Tried different map sizes. It looks like you definitely need different hyperspace_map.png's for different map sizes.
Try and generate to see what works for you.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on July 24, 2022, 01:37:05 PM
Thanks for the tip SweetO!

While we wait for Nerzhull_AI's answer, I wanted to share my own attempt at editing the hyperspace map for a 164000 x 164000 sector. While I didn't bother to inspect every single system generated, I think that most if not all of the Core World's systems should stop spawning inside hyperstorms.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SweetO on July 24, 2022, 02:53:18 PM
Thanks for the tip SweetO!

While we wait for Nerzhull_AI's answer, I wanted to share my own attempt at editing the hyperspace map for a 164000 x 164000 sector. While I didn't bother to inspect every single system generated, I think that most if not all of the Core World's systems should stop spawning inside hyperstorms.
In one of the .java s for the generation of the storms there is a line that clears a star of the storm (although occasionally a gravity point or jump point may lay inside the surrounding cloud). As long as nobody messes with that stars should be clear of storms. I haven't encountered such an issue and changing the *_map.png leaves the gen to the vanilla mechanics.

edit: on second thought: If there are too many stars, that may may may be the case. With one quite bad setting I had undiscovered stars pushed into the core worlds.::)
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: temotodochi on August 02, 2022, 01:35:42 PM
Question on redacted star systems because i can't seem to get them to spawn outside core sectors.
I'm not sure i understand the related configs

Game will roll the dice from sectorConstellationRemnantMin to sectorConstellationRemnantMax (in this case - from 75 to 125) with skipping probability of zero, to generated less random amount of remnant-infested systems. Low/Medium/High danger level spread is equal to the vanilla one.
Vanilla value: from 10 to 25(with skip prob 0.25).

This makes no sense to me. 15 to 30 of ... what? 100? Should this roll a dice for every star constellation? Should i raise these numbers? Are they 15 to 30 star systems for the whole sector?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on August 02, 2022, 02:17:43 PM
The idea is that it'll take the amount of constellations you're telling Adjusted Sector to generate, and out of all the constellations created, from 15 to 30 of them will be assigned the theme "Remnants".
So, if you have 100 constellations, you'll be left with 85-70 "normal" ones, which will generate without remnants in them.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: temotodochi on August 02, 2022, 02:40:20 PM
Thanks, that does clear it up. But it doesn't behave like i expected, it takes the first 15 to 30 constellations, not a random sample of 15 to 30 constellations. I generates maps where everything is in the center right next to core systems. So if i want to have 30 constellations spread out among 220 constellations and not just the first 30, how should i configure it?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on August 02, 2022, 03:10:18 PM
Hm... Maybe try to add the vanilla skip prob back?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: temotodochi on August 02, 2022, 03:45:58 PM
I tried to add the skip back, but it didn't work as i expected.

So in a sector of 220 constellations,  i tried to add min 220, max 220 and skip .75 to get 55 redacted constellations spread across the map.
Didn't work. I got 70 clustered around the core.

Next i tried different size of 300, same with min and max to get 75 spread evenly around the map. Nope, i got 64 clustered around the core.

I don't understand the configs enough to pull this off.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on August 04, 2022, 04:16:00 AM
There is a code somewhere in vanilla that makes redacted systems not spawn to far away from the core.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: NoTalkofLowTech on August 04, 2022, 03:27:04 PM
I have had a few maps where systems are almost stacked on top of each other, is that a problem with my configs?
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: giganticats on August 05, 2022, 08:51:27 AM
so i want to lower my constellation count to 180, but i dont know how much to lower each setting by to get the most out of /an good amount of features(ruins, derelicts, remanants, breakers, sad) in my sector
without one feature taking over the other.

what should i change the settings to?

my current settings:
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector

   # zero means - they wont spawn


   # this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

   # this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

   # this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2
   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 25, 2022, 07:49:12 AM
Oh. Hi there.
So, long story short, my real life still forked due to military conflict, but i'm gonna add some additional presets and *try* to fix incompatibility with prv Starworks.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 25, 2022, 10:50:41 AM
Version 0.5.0 is released
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 25, 2022, 11:00:23 AM
so i want to lower my constellation count to 180, but i dont know how much to lower each setting by to get the most out of /an good amount of features(ruins, derelicts, remanants, breakers, sad) in my sector
without one feature taking over the other.

what should i change the settings to?

my current settings:
Try this:

#Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector

# zero means - they wont spawn



# this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

# this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

# this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2

#Random number of arcs apply to map
#Vanilla value 20

#Generate hyperstorms options.
#"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

#Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

#If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

#If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 25, 2022, 11:01:30 AM
I have had a few maps where systems are almost stacked on top of each other, is that a problem with my configs?
That's a sideeffect of your config. Increase AdjustedSectorConstellationSize from 750 to 1250 and see if that changes.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Dadada on August 25, 2022, 12:58:28 PM
"My life for Ner'zhul", regards, a former (RIP) Warcraft III player.
Excellent.  :) Cannot test it since I just started a (test) run and I am not eager abandon yet another run but I am beyond happy we got an update. Stay safe, from an expat.  :)

E: Thank you for the update.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 25, 2022, 02:56:57 PM
"My life for Ner'zhul", regards, a former (RIP) Warcraft III player.
Excellent.  :) Cannot test it since I just started a (test) run and I am not eager abandon yet another run but I am beyond happy we got an update. Stay safe, from an expat.  :)

E: Thank you for the update.
They may refund our game but they will never refund our spirit  8)
I'm still waiting Histidine since i need to transfer a bit of my updated code to Nexerelin for complatibility sake, but anyway - glad to hear people still want to use my mod.
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on August 25, 2022, 03:01:07 PM
... I'm still waiting Histidine since i need to transfer a bit of my updated code to Nexerelin for complatibility sake, but anyway - glad to hear people still want to use my mod.
Oh definitely still in use, now to manually copy over my configuration preferences....

So about that Nexerelin compatibility you mentioned, is that something we should wait on is it good to go?  ???
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 25, 2022, 03:40:46 PM
... I'm still waiting Histidine since i need to transfer a bit of my updated code to Nexerelin for complatibility sake, but anyway - glad to hear people still want to use my mod.
Oh definitely still in use, now to manually copy over my configuration preferences....

So about that Nexerelin compatibility you mentioned, is that something we should wait on is it good to go?  ???
It depends on what's your prefered size of the sector. If you're doing 'normal size, more stuff' - you should probably wait for Nex update, and set AdjustedSectorHS to 'false' - whenever Nex is updated, you're gonna get map with accurate size of hyperstorms which reduces lag. This works ONLY for 'default size' preset.

On the other hand, if you're doing big sector - just set it to 'true' and you're free to go!
Title: Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on August 25, 2022, 03:46:57 PM
.... It depends on what's your prefered size of the sector. If you're doing 'normal size, more stuff' - you should probably wait for Nex update, and set AdjustedSectorHS to 'false' - whenever Nex is updated, you're gonna get map with accurate size of hyperstorms which reduces lag. This works ONLY for 'default size' preset.

On the other hand, if you're doing big sector - just set it to 'true' and you're free to go!
Hmm... 246000 x 156000, so 1.5 times normal size.

'True' it is then, cheers!  8)
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Histidine on August 26, 2022, 09:02:05 AM
For Nexerelin users: Here's a fix .jar ( (place in Nexerelin/jars) for compatibility with the hyperspace setting in the new version of Adjusted Sector (plus some other fixes).
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 26, 2022, 11:24:10 AM
Quick update: Right now i'm adding different versions of hyperspace_new.png for differently sized sector. So the player could just pic the closest in size to his sector and use it.

For that, i need to know what sector sizes (aside from default) do people prefer.
Right now i have following sets done and ready for update:
- default size (164k x 104k);
- 164k x 164k;
- 204k x 164k;
- 204k x 204k;
- 248k x 204k;
- 248k x 248k
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Dadada on August 26, 2022, 11:42:48 AM
You could set up a vote thingy, default for me btw.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 26, 2022, 11:44:13 AM
Well, that's not about voting on anything. I can add many custom sizes for hyperstorm maps now.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: BreadedBlunt on August 26, 2022, 03:38:38 PM
Howdy really want to use this for my next campaign but i get an error even with a fresh install of starsector after the new character is done loading, hope the log helps.

Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 26, 2022, 04:02:10 PM
Howdy really want to use this for my next campaign but i get an error even with a fresh install of starsector after the new character is done loading, hope the log helps.

See the message above from Histidine? You require it if you're using Nex.
And also re-download Adjusted Sector for a good measure
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Aldazar on August 26, 2022, 04:07:16 PM
Will this work?

300 constellations

106/106 for both ruins and remnants

5 motherships

20 SAD/ 21 BB and 21 agni.

This should should be safe and 299 of those stars will be filled correct?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 26, 2022, 04:24:36 PM
Will this work?

300 constellations

106/106 for both ruins and remnants

5 motherships

20 SAD/ 21 BB and 21 agni.

This should should be safe and 299 of those stars will be filled correct?
Hope there's enough space for 300 consts.
But if so, yeah, should work. Run a test, enable devmode, press ctrl+z and go hyper. Count the markers for all those thing from the above - mainly, remnant, sad, bb and agni. All of them gonna be marked on your intel if they present.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on August 26, 2022, 08:20:02 PM
Quick update: Right now i'm adding different versions of hyperspace_new.png for differently sized sector. So the player could just pic the closest in size to his sector and use it.

For that, i need to know what sector sizes (aside from default) do people prefer.
Right now i have following sets done and ready for update:
- default size (164k x 104k);
- 164k x 164k;
- 204k x 164k;
- 204k x 204k;
- 248k x 204k;
- 248k x 248k
Well, I can only speak for myself, but I think it's better to keep the rectangular aspect ratio (41/26). The graphics feel a little weird when I make the map square. Thus I get:

205000 x 130000 = 1.25x larger
246000 x 156000 =  1.5x larger
328000 x 208000 =    2x larger

I don't usually play larger than 1.5 because bounties don't have the distance increase to the map edge factored into them. Makes hunting them literally not worth it.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on August 27, 2022, 02:59:23 AM
Quick update: Right now i'm adding different versions of hyperspace_new.png for differently sized sector. So the player could just pic the closest in size to his sector and use it.

For that, i need to know what sector sizes (aside from default) do people prefer.
Right now i have following sets done and ready for update:
- default size (164k x 104k);
- 164k x 164k;
- 204k x 164k;
- 204k x 204k;
- 248k x 204k;
- 248k x 248k
Well, I can only speak for myself, but I think it's better to keep the rectangular aspect ratio (41/26). The graphics feel a little weird when I make the map square. Thus I get:

205000 x 130000 = 1.25x larger
246000 x 156000 =  1.5x larger
328000 x 208000 =    2x larger

I don't usually play larger than 1.5 because bounties don't have thew distance increase to the map edge factored into them. Makes hunting them literally not worth it.
Alrighty! Proper hyperstorm.pngs were added to the archive of the game - redownload mod if you need 'em!
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: shovelmonkey on September 06, 2022, 10:20:55 AM
Glad to see an update on this, I came back at just the right time! I literally cannot play without this. Many thanks!
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Khaos on September 07, 2022, 06:33:56 AM
For anyone that needs a functioning large map; I have a setting that I found to be a good middle ground between not being too wide (like the vanilla map) and being able to have a good fit for the core worlds; and it is large, amply large for a lot of factions, and near endless power struggle gameplay.




Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: garfu on September 09, 2022, 08:20:43 PM
Howdy, I just came back after a year or so of not playing and I noticed your most recent version does not include the source like it used to. I like to mess around the the station generation in the theme files and was hoping you could provide the source again. I wasn't able to find a github or other public place you keep your stuff. Thanks
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 17, 2022, 02:10:46 AM
Howdy, I just came back after a year or so of not playing and I noticed your most recent version does not include the source like it used to. I like to mess around the the station generation in the theme files and was hoping you could provide the source again. I wasn't able to find a github or other public place you keep your stuff. Thanks
I'm currently recovering from some surgery, but i think this is correct src

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Rybi87 on September 17, 2022, 04:54:41 AM
Loving the mod, I always found the vanilla sector too small. Even if my potato struggles a bit at 2x speed on the hyperspace map, the extra content is worth it.

But I've noticed one thing. Cryosleepers and gates tend to cluster pretty tightly, which leaves most of the sector without them. Is there a way to make gates and cryosleepers generate more uniformly across the sector, so there's a chance of encountering them anywhere? Because right now, if you find one of them in a particular grid, you're gonna find a lot more in the nearby vicinity, and almost none elsewhere. My current game has 3 cryosleepers in one corner of the sector already, within 5LY of each other. But on the other hand I can't find any gates in that area. Ngl, its quite frustrating. I'm sure its to do with constellation generation somehow.

So, is there a way to remedy that and have those assets spawn more uniformly? The only other option I have rn is using console commands to spawn them, but that's a bit cheaty.


I've double checked, gates actually spawn pretty consistently, at least good enough. Cryosleepers however definitely cluster in the same systems/constellations that probes and survey ships do. I get the logic, I assume they're the same class of assets. It would be cool if they could be spread the same way as gates tho.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: ihugyourmom on September 21, 2022, 03:51:24 PM
Started a new game with updated mods.

Now i cant disable hyperstorms, which was my main usage for this mod.

What i have in my settings
	#Generate hyperstorms options.
#"true" for generating hyperstorms for BIG map, "false" to generate default-sized hyperstorms.
#Disclameer - might not work properly in "false" state if Nexerelin isn't updated (v0.10.5 or older) but enabled

I noticed the wording, not sure it had that in earlier versions. But i have since installing this addon, successfully played with HS disabled until now.

Is there a way to completely disable them?

Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: ihugyourmom on September 22, 2022, 01:25:39 PM
Started a new game with updated mods.

Now i cant disable hyperstorms, which was my main usage for this mod.

What i have in my settings
	#Generate hyperstorms options.
#"true" for generating hyperstorms for BIG map, "false" to generate default-sized hyperstorms.
#Disclameer - might not work properly in "false" state if Nexerelin isn't updated (v0.10.5 or older) but enabled

I noticed the wording, not sure it had that in earlier versions. But i have since installing this addon, successfully played with HS disabled until now.

Is there a way to completely disable them?


I did some digging on my rig, and found version 0.4.2. Looking in the config file this is the HS part
	#Generate hyperstorms options.
#"true" for generating hyperstorms, "false" to not generate hyperstorms.

So clearly something have changed. My estimate is that the change must have happened from 0.5 to the newest version.

Please give the ability to 100% disable hyperstorms entirely again.

*!! EDIT !!*
I am lost.. i tried a "few" things.. including a game with only adjusted sectors and version 0.4.2 and i get hyperstorms now. Dont know what i have changed since my last playthough, where i had no hyperstorms! I updated various mods, but only nex and this one should fiddle with hyperstorms :'(

if( HyperStormGen ) {
SectorEntityToken deep_hyperspace = Misc.addNebulaFromPNG("data/campaign/terrain/hyperspace_new.png",
  0, 0, // center of nebula
  Global.getSector().getHyperspace(), // location to add to
  "terrain", "deep_hyperspace", // "nebula_blue", // texture to use, uses xxx_map for map
  4, 4, Terrain.HYPERSPACE, null); // number of cells in texture
} else {
SectorEntityToken deep_hyperspace = Misc.addNebulaFromPNG("data/campaign/terrain/hyperspace_map.png",
  0, 0, // center of nebula
  Global.getSector().getHyperspace(), // location to add to
  "terrain", "deep_hyperspace", // "nebula_blue", // texture to use, uses xxx_map for map
  4, 4, Terrain.HYPERSPACE, null); // number of cells in texture
The above is the code that handles HS. i xchecked with the older version, and the code is simular, only the .png files are different. I tried to replace (both) with the old "no_storms.png". but sadly it didnt do anything, oddly enough seemed to ignore it entirely. I did verify that the png was in the correct folder.
I am really at a loss here. I had a old folder with the game with the 0.4.2 version, and if i play from that folder, it works!

Hoping for some input here, i might not see the forest for the trees at this point. I did notice that the new version have storms in both png's which differs from the earlier version. I searched nex mod for storms, since the text give reference to that mod, but didnt find anything.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Mr_8000 on September 22, 2022, 04:38:39 PM

Set "AdjustedSectorHS" to true and within "Adjusted Sector v0.5.1\data\campaign\terrain" rename "no_storms.png" to "hyperspace_new.png"(you can get rid of the old one). That's how I got rid of the storms. Personally, it seems kinda convoluted, a separate "disable storms fully" option would be nice, especially since with a true/false value you'd assume false disables the option.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Cpt. Longdick Johnson on September 22, 2022, 11:06:52 PM
Just tried the mod. Working properly except one thing: Bounties and Exploration mission payments do not scale at all with the new Sector Size, which kind of brakes the game for me. Is there a way to adjust this? A way to increase mission payment based on distance?

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on September 23, 2022, 02:40:03 AM
Easiest way to fix this is to play on a smaller sector map. Don't need to have a giant one in the first place anyways. From personal testing, I'd say 180k to 200k is the best.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: ihugyourmom on September 23, 2022, 08:02:49 AM

Set "AdjustedSectorHS" to true and within "Adjusted Sector v0.5.1\data\campaign\terrain" rename "no_storms.png" to "hyperspace_new.png"(you can get rid of the old one). That's how I got rid of the storms. Personally, it seems kinda convoluted, a separate "disable storms fully" option would be nice, especially since with a true/false value you'd assume false disables the option.

Sadly i tried that, also the reverse though keeping the false statement. And i still get hyperstorms, why i am very confused.
I also verified that i am in fact editing the correct files. I find it very confusing to say the least. I even downloaded the mod again and only made above changes.

I do agree that there should be a clear option to disable them entirely, cant be hard to make a if statement instead of using bool values.

The wording could indicate that the map size also plays a part, but not sure how, as i haven't went through the code.

Even using the version 0.42 doesnt work now, i keep getting hyperstorms. I find it very odd to say the least

NB: I am testing with default settings, and only changing things connected to HS in the settings file and java file.

Bugreport date:
System info:
Game version: Starsector 0.95.1a-RC6
Game resolution: 1920x1200 (59hz, 32bpp, fullscreen)
Java version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_271-b09 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM)
Platform: Windows (64-bit)
JVM RAM: 832.39 MB / 7,990.50 (7,158.11 MB free, 7,990.50 MB allocatable)
System RAM: 23,598.96 MB remaining, 32,722.55 MB total
Launch args: -XX:CompilerThreadPriority=1 -XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt -Djava.library.path=native\\windows -Xms8g -Xmx8g -Xss2048k -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.saves=..\\saves -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.screenshots=..\\screenshots -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.mods=..\\mods -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.logs=.

 Graphics card info:
GPU Model: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Driver version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 516.59
Free VRAM: 2,478.54 MB
Dedicated VRAM: 4,096.00 MB
Maximum VRAM:   4,096.00 MB

 Active mod list:
Regular mods (15):
 - Adjusted Sector 0.4.2 by NerzhulAI
 - Beyond the Sector 1.0.1 by Kentington
 - Carter's Freetraders 0.7 by Dazs
 - Concord 3.5.2g by Sutopia
 - Grand.Colonies 1.0.d by SirHartley
 - Junk Yard Dogs 1.99 by Dazs
 - Modern Carriers 1.9.5d by Sutopia
 - Nexerelin 0.10.5b by Histidine (original by Zaphide)
 - Outer Rim Alliance 0.94rc1 by Tartiflette
 - QoL Pack 1.1 by PureTilt
 - Roider Union 1.4.4 by SafariJohn
 - Scan Those Gates 1.5.0 by AERO
 - Terraforming & Station Construction 8.1.5 by boggled
 - Unknown Skies 0.43 by Tartiflette
 - WhichMod 1.2.1 by theDragn
Utility mods (14):
 - A New Level of Confidence 40 2.1 by Panteradactyl
 - Autosave 1.2 by LazyWizard
 - Console Commands 2021.12.25 by LazyWizard
 - Detailed Combat Results 5.2.3 by Nick XR
 - Dynamic Tariffs 1.4 by Tuv0x
 - LazyLib 2.7b by LazyWizard
 - MagicLib 0.42.1 by Modding Community: Dark.Revenant, LazyWizard, Nicke, Originem, Rubi, Schaf-Unschaf, Snrasha, Tartiflette, Wisp, Wyvern...
 - Officer Extension 0.4.3 by qcwxezda
 - Planet Search 1.2.0 by andylizi
 - SpeedUp 0.7.2 by DarkRevenant
 - Starship Legends 2.1.2 by Sundog
 - Stellar Networks 2.6.1 by Jaghaimo
 - Version Checker 2.0b by LazyWizard
 - zz GraphicsLib 1.6.1 by DarkRevenant

Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: TrötenUdo on September 23, 2022, 10:23:52 AM
I seem to be having the same problem. I want to adjust the Hyperspace map to my actual map size, but renaming the Mapfiles doesn't do anything. I set "AdjustSectorHS" to true and everything, but no matter which .png file i use, it always defaults to the normal sized Hyperstorm map. I reinstalled both the game and the mod several times. Everything else is working fine.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Fenrir on September 23, 2022, 12:15:30 PM
According to my tests on the setting, I found the following tooltips wrong
"AdjustedSectorConstellationSize": 750,
This field is responsible for size of each constellation cell. You better not touch it, otherwise weird things might happen.
Vanilla Sector value: 2000.

Increase or decrease this number to change the number of stars per constellation.
Increasing this number will result into less stars, decreasing - more stars.
Vanilla Sector value: 10
I've made a number of tries, and found that you might have claimed these two items reversely. In my observation, it seems "ConstellationSize" controls the number of stars in a constellation, and "CellSize" determines the minimum distances between two constellations.

Could anybody also do some tests or check the codes plz?
P.S. I once accidentally set Cell Size to 0 and ended up constellations stack on each other
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Cpt. Longdick Johnson on September 23, 2022, 07:08:35 PM
Easiest way to fix this is to play on a smaller sector map. Don't need to have a giant one in the first place anyways. From personal testing, I'd say 180k to 200k is the best.
Current dimensions are 204k x 106k, so something between 1.25 and 1.5 times vanilla. Reward values are still bonkers tho. Is there a way to increase Exploration payments to offset this? Will play with a 164k x 164k sector with increased star density in  the meantime, but I'd really like to get this solved since is been an issue since forever.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Cpt. Longdick Johnson on September 23, 2022, 07:14:57 PM
I seem to be having the same problem. I want to adjust the Hyperspace map to my actual map size, but renaming the Mapfiles doesn't do anything. I set "AdjustSectorHS" to true and everything, but no matter which .png file i use, it always defaults to the normal sized Hyperstorm map. I reinstalled both the game and the mod several times. Everything else is working fine.
I found a "fix" for this, the instructions are actually wrong. The file that needs to be replaced is 'hyperspace_map.png' not 'hyperspace_new.png'.

Small clarification: As far as I know,  'hyperspace_map.png'  is responsible for what's shown in the  map tab,  it is possible that   'hyperspace_new.png'   is still responsible for the actual game's hyperspace, so replace and rename both files with your desired .png just to be sure.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: TrötenUdo on September 24, 2022, 06:24:57 AM
I seem to be having the same problem. I want to adjust the Hyperspace map to my actual map size, but renaming the Mapfiles doesn't do anything. I set "AdjustSectorHS" to true and everything, but no matter which .png file i use, it always defaults to the normal sized Hyperstorm map. I reinstalled both the game and the mod several times. Everything else is working fine.
I found a "fix" for this, the instructions are actually wrong. The file that needs to be replaced is 'hyperspace_map.png' not 'hyperspace_new.png'.

This works, thank you so much! This is probably the solution to the no-hyperstorms-problem as well?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: IceFire on September 24, 2022, 09:48:04 AM
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   # this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

   # this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

   # this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2

   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms for BIG map, "false" to generate default-sized hyperstorms.
   #Disclameer - might not work properly in "false" state if Nexerelin isn't updated (v0.10.5 or older) but enabled

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

   #If Prv Starworks is enabled, as well as random generated Agni systems, you can change the amount of said Agni-themed constellations.

I have these settings but every rare hull i find is a XIV Legion and redacted show up at medium or hard strength right next to the core worlds. I have tried various settings and i just want to ask if i am missing something or if the aspect change has messed up the settings.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Fulmir on September 29, 2022, 04:50:48 PM
I have these settings but every rare hull i find is a XIV Legion and redacted show up at medium or hard strength right next to the core worlds. I have tried various settings and i just want to ask if i am missing something or if the aspect change has messed up the settings.

The Remnant thing is because you've got "sectorRemnantPresenceLow" set to 0. Set it to 1 and you'll get Low danger Remnant systems again.

The Legion ships are... I dunno there. At a guess set some non-0 values for the "XIV_LEGION_NON_SALVAGEBLE_MIN" and MAX.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Khaos on September 29, 2022, 09:40:42 PM
The Legion ships are... I dunno there. At a guess set some non-0 values for the "XIV_LEGION_NON_SALVAGEBLE_MIN" and MAX.

The "XIV_LEGION_NON_SALVAGEBLE_MIN" and "MAX" settings are independent of rare ships encountered in randomly generated derelict ships. It is literally a category of its own. It does not influence rare ship drops in your game; it adds X number of XIV Legions to your sector upon generating the game.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: IceFire on October 01, 2022, 07:29:53 AM
The Remnant thing is because you've got "sectorRemnantPresenceLow" set to 0. Set it to 1 and you'll get Low danger Remnant systems again.
The Legion ships are... I dunno there. At a guess set some non-0 values for the "XIV_LEGION_NON_SALVAGEBLE_MIN" and MAX.

It appears so obvious now. Its either 1 or 0. Thanks.

The "XIV_LEGION_NON_SALVAGEBLE_MIN" and "MAX" settings are independent of rare ships encountered in randomly generated derelict ships. It is literally a category of its own. It does not influence rare ship drops in your game; it adds X number of XIV Legions to your sector upon generating the game.

I reread the amount of XIV Legion that spawn and noticed how high i set the value, it seems that i loaded one of my test settings.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: IceFire on October 03, 2022, 01:18:25 PM
Are the ruines values in percent or do they follow the bigger the more.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Bradley_ on October 03, 2022, 06:10:04 PM
Im having low FPS in hyperspace with nexerelin on a 344000 x 264000, ConstellationCount:170

The obvious answer is "because i have a giant frigging sector", but when i load up the game an test it, i do the infernal machine start (so i have a big-ish fleet) and add 50 extra colonies via nexerelin start options, i dont have any issues. However, in my playthrough where i've spent a while playing i do have the game running at 10fps and stuttering and slowing down a lot.

So is it related to the map size? Or constelation count? Or something else? I cant really test it as i think i played for hours before it slowed down, so i cant determine what exactly its causing it, but if its, for example, constellation count, id rather not reduce the size, or vice-versa
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: IceFire on October 04, 2022, 02:39:31 AM
Im having low FPS in hyperspace with nexerelin on a 344000 x 264000, ConstellationCount:170

The obvious answer is "because i have a giant frigging sector", but when i load up the game an test it, i do the infernal machine start (so i have a big-ish fleet) and add 50 extra colonies via nexerelin start options, i dont have any issues. However, in my playthrough where i've spent a while playing i do have the game running at 10fps and stuttering and slowing down a lot.

So is it related to the map size? Or constelation count? Or something else? I cant really test it as i think i played for hours before it slowed down, so i cant determine what exactly its causing it, but if its, for example, constellation count, id rather not reduce the size, or vice-versa
I know the feeling. What helped reducing that was getting rid of player history mods or any mods that over time start to compile a lot of data. Other than that there are only the obvious solutions.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Ad-North on October 05, 2022, 01:46:08 PM
I've been trying to use this mod, but to no avail.
I can only augment the height of the sector, not the width (despite changing the numbers), and no new stars or systems spawn.

I'm in dire need of help, as I had thought of using this mod to force the UAF systems to appear in my on-going playthrough.

Any help ?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Aldazar on October 08, 2022, 11:07:26 PM
Does ruins actually take any constellations or does it share? I noticed the last 25 playhtroughs ruins can be in systems with derelicts and remnants/sad/BB.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: IceFire on October 11, 2022, 12:51:58 PM
I've been trying to use this mod, but to no avail.
I can only augment the height of the sector, not the width (despite changing the numbers), and no new stars or systems spawn.

I'm in dire need of help, as I had thought of using this mod to force the UAF systems to appear in my on-going playthrough.

Any help ?
Make sure that you change the values without the#, other than that no clue.
Maybe you can upload the first 15 lines of your settings file.
Other than that could there be a mod that sets you width to a fixed amount.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SoSD on October 11, 2022, 03:47:12 PM
I found the default settings tend to result in a really dense sector, and I quite liked the more spread out feel of the standard sector.

I've found that if you turn up the constellation size, you can get a nice, big spread out sector and still have a lot more star systems:


Full size image here:

These are the settings that I used:


This is working really well for me, but I imagine you could decrease the constellation size a bit and increase the constellation count if you wanted something with even more stars.

I believe that I had to change this configuration, too:

#Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms for BIG map, "false" to generate default-sized hyperstorms.
   #Disclameer - might not work properly in "false" state if Nexerelin isn't updated (v0.10.5 or older) but enabled

Edited to add the bit about the AdjsutedSectorHS configuration.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: vcuh666 on October 13, 2022, 11:33:40 AM
The OP says not to raise the number of themes above 40% of the total number of constellations. Is there any particularly important reason for this?

I'd like to try a sector with 100% high danger remnants and I'd like to know if this will break anything. I will also reduce all other themes to 0.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Koranea on October 13, 2022, 12:34:24 PM
I tryed that setting and it was really crowded/clustered together.. only wanted a few more stars and sligthy larger.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on October 13, 2022, 12:43:57 PM
The OP says not to raise the number of themes above 40% of the total number of constellations. Is there any particularly important reason for this?

I'd like to try a sector with 100% high danger remnants and I'd like to know if this will break anything. I will also reduce all other themes to 0.

You can do that yes, but the problem is that no ruin/derelict theme means no stations/caches/mothership to explore/fight and loot.
As for the 40%, it's more like "1 theme = more than 40% of you total constellation count". If you do it, the remaining themes will likely not have enough constellations to populate, resulting in less constellation per theme than specified in your settings.

So for example: constellation count of 150, 15 derelict motherships, 120 constellations for ruins, 50 for remnants. Since mothership takes 5 constellations each, you'll get 75 constellation for derelicts, 75 constellations for ruins, and none for remnants.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Greatgreengoo on October 15, 2022, 06:27:21 AM
Installed again after a while of not playing. Im not getting any warning beacons anymore. Is that normal?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: G86Kill on October 20, 2022, 06:06:04 AM
Hey Guys!

I'm running latest version of Adjusted Sector + Nex 0.10.5b but i've found that the "AdjustedSectorHS":false setting for hyperstorms is no longer working.

I realise there is a disclaimer stating that it may not work with Nex 0.10.5 but I'm using 0.10.5B, it was also working on previous saves so I'm not sure what's going on.

Any help is appreciated, I really hate hyperstorms :D
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Greatgreengoo on October 29, 2022, 11:00:09 PM
Is there a way to get Warning beacons on the outskirts of the sector? Tried so many config variations.
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jeancastel.exe on November 02, 2022, 07:54:58 AM
Is there any performance impact?
Depending on how many constellations you have, there might be framedrops while on map or intel screen. Past 300 constellations you will feel it. Otherwise - depends on your pc.
Hey sorry man when I activate the mod with the preset 16400x16400 only the space appear, not the star, constellations and storm. It is because it's not a new game, a save of my game ? How I can resolve this problem ?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: stal on November 09, 2022, 11:10:29 PM
Hello, starting a heavily modded game soon (there are currently 137 folders in my mods) with pretty much all of the faction mods in the Mod Index. I've checked if I can run the game with the mods and Adjusted Sector settings that I have and I can after finding this reddit post ( and the G1GC VMParam Collection in the Unofficial Discord with 8Gb (Aggressive).

Wondering if there are any suggestions on changing stuff since I didn't properly check the maths, and I may or may not have either too much or some leftovers for themes. Also, most of the Cryosleeper and Hypershunt seem to spawn around the edges of the sector, leaving the core and its surroundings empty, and that just might be my settings.

My goal for the settings was for the sector to be rectangular so that it forces me to interact with factions I normally wouldn't for resupply and refuel because I wouldn't have enough to go from one side to another, and with the number of factions I have, to be more chaotic. I've also increased the in-faction bonus as I will most likely be farther away from the core worlds, but I haven't touched the normal accessibility distance penalty as I don't know if "accessibilityDistFromCOM": 50 -> 100 is too much or not enough. Also since I'm playing with most factions, the settings for: SAD, DME, and Prv, will be used, but I haven't changed them from default because I'm not sure if they're one-to-one like sectorConstellationRemnantMax":75 == 300-75 = 225 Constellation Count Left or if they're like "sectorDerelictMotherships" where "1 == 5 CC"

TL;DR: I'm dumb and can't do math and probably read despite looking through the thread so please help me.

   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   # this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

   # this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

   # this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2

   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms for BIG map, "false" to generate default-sized hyperstorms.
   #Disclameer - might not work properly in "false" state if Nexerelin isn't updated (v0.10.5 or older) but enabled

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

   #If Prv Starworks is enabled, as well as random generated Agni systems, you can change the amount of said Agni-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oilslick on November 10, 2022, 11:57:02 AM
Hi all!

Quick inquiry. I've just started a new run with the newest version of the game including adjusted sector, Nex, DIY, Industrial Evolution, and a bunch of faction mods. I really like the big sector, but I'm starting to notice that like 70-90% of the solar systems are quite anemic, like containing 0-2 planets and no asteroid belts. Those few plantes very often being situated in or very near the star's corona.

Could that be a side effect of certain adjusted sector's settings? (I used the template from the top post) or is that just the way the base game generates sectors? I can't rememeber the last vanilla playthrough so I don't have any frame of reference anymore...
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Marcoda on November 18, 2022, 11:45:23 PM
I seem to have a constant problem with trying to generate a larger sector in that the stars are always very clustered together no matter what settings I adjust, can anybody help me fix this problem?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: 1c3Br3ak3r on December 03, 2022, 03:44:46 AM
Do sectorConstellationRuinsMin / Max change how many Research Bases, Mining Stations and Orbital Stations, derelict ones, that we find??
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Tito on December 28, 2022, 06:57:44 AM
Any chance this can be added in place of Grande sector midgame?
Title: Re: [0.9.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: TTKLLO on December 29, 2022, 08:21:24 AM
Updated to 0.2.2:
Now you can adjust number of "Blade Breaker"-themed constellations. Requires updated version of DME.
This setting will work only if you have the most recent version of DME (which at the time of this writing isn't present yet).
This could solve my problem. Thank you!
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: MattMan569 on December 31, 2022, 05:36:57 PM
FYI you can disable hyperspace storms with this mod by going to Starsector\mods\Adjusted Sector v0.5.1\data\campaign\terrain and renaming hyperspace_map.png to something else and renaming no_storms.png to hyperspace_map.png.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: hugedude on January 11, 2023, 12:35:12 AM
Do sectorConstellationRuinsMin / Max change how many Research Bases, Mining Stations and Orbital Stations, derelict ones, that we find??

I am also wondering if something is up with this. I am getting no research stations anymore when I fiddled with this setting and instead I am jsut getting a tonne of probes... which have nothing useful in them. I am also not getting many ruins on planets and no mining stations. I have tried like 3 new worlds now.

*edit* So it turns out it is an issue with having hte mothership setting too high. I made it back to 4 and everything is fine again.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: TalRaziid on January 20, 2023, 11:36:26 PM
Just making sure i've got this right:
if i increase "accessibilitySameFactionBonus:0.50" to .75, i can have more in-faction imports, correct?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SpiceyT on January 23, 2023, 11:20:52 AM
Hi, is it possible to edit the values for the small size sector? Id like to have the same size but slightly higher number of planets present.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Saar on January 26, 2023, 06:38:37 PM
Hey there,
My game has been crashing whenever I try to generate a new sector. It seems to be an issue between Adjusted Sector and Industrial Evolution. Specifically Industrial Evolution's artillery placer? These are the logs:
790908 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fs/starfarer/api/plugins/derelicts/IndEvo_ArtilleryStationPlacer
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fs/starfarer/api/plugins/derelicts/IndEvo_ArtilleryStationPlacer
   at org.niatahl.tahlan.utils.IndEvoIntegrations.addDefenses(IndEvoIntegrations.kt:27)
   at org.niatahl.tahlan.TahlanModPlugin.onNewGame(TahlanModPlugin.kt:87)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.N.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.K.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.OoO0.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.oooO.Ã’00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.oooO.processInput(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.V.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.fs.starfarer.api.plugins.derelicts.IndEvo_ArtilleryStationPlacer
   at$ Source)
   at$ Source)
   at Method)
   at Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   ... 18 more

If you have any ideas or fixes, I'd really appreciate it!
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Kris_xK on January 27, 2023, 11:40:59 AM
You need the latest version of Tahlan Shipworks
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Suzuki_Hiakura on February 07, 2023, 05:16:25 PM
Hello, I was wondering what I am currently doing wrong. I got the mod installed and tried multiplying the size of the sector, resetting back to the modified value, and even setting back to the vanilla value and my star map is still quite messed up. The map is only so high (possibly a bit more than vanilla) and exceedingly wide... by about 8 times or so. Setting it to generate a small or normal sector size does nothing to fix it. Also changing values seem to leave the star map wholly unaffected with constellations still sticking to the inside of the map, yet few and far despite my setting it back to 2000 and with it taking longer to generate. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Suzuki_Hiakura on February 07, 2023, 05:25:35 PM
Hello, I was wondering what I am currently doing wrong. I got the mod installed and tried multiplying the size of the sector, resetting back to the modified value, and even setting back to the vanilla value and my star map is still quite messed up. The map is only so high (possibly a bit more than vanilla) and exceedingly wide... by about 8 times or so. Setting it to generate a small or normal sector size does nothing to fix it. Also changing values seem to leave the star map wholly unaffected with constellations still sticking to the inside of the map, yet few and far despite my setting it back to 2000 and with it taking longer to generate. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
I found the issue was that after adding a typo of an extra zero to the width, I started modifying the preset file and not the one actually used ':)
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Tactical Salad on February 21, 2023, 09:48:38 PM
When I download the file from the link it gives me a .rar file. Has me confused because literally everything else is a .zip . I may have just missed it in the text, but i've looked 3 times. How am I supposed to get this mod to work? I have tahlan works.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Tactical Salad on February 21, 2023, 09:58:43 PM
When I download the file from the link it gives me a .rar file. Has me confused because literally everything else is a .zip . I may have just missed it in the text, but i've looked 3 times. How am I supposed to get this mod to work? I have tahlan works.

Oh man I haven't felt this handi-capped in a while. I got it  :-[
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Delares on February 27, 2023, 01:59:50 AM
Please tell me if it is possible how to reduce the distances for the issued  NPC quests. Just the sector is getting bigger, but quests that are constantly spawned in the frontier, quite problematic.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: DDevil on March 04, 2023, 01:28:35 AM
Not sure if this was answered anywhere, but.
Here are the 2 samples, representing something I found the hard way.

Whenever you generate a bigger sector, gates are clustered towards the middle, with around 4 gates basically guaranteed to spawn somewhere close to corners of the map.

Is there a way to make them more dispersed? I would actually prefer to have fewer gates, but spread wide against the sector. I want them to be a bit more rewarding to find, but to actually make exploration more worthy in a sense.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Plasma Phi on March 15, 2023, 07:36:11 AM
Is it just me or is the RAR file pw protected thus cannot be unpacked ?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: PraiseIt420 on March 16, 2023, 10:56:25 AM
Howdy, just redownloaded the mod and wanted to get a sector gen that was somewhere between vanilla and the mod default, say, ConstellationCount 150, CellSize 8 or 9. What would I have to set the other variables to so I don't *** the whole thing? I'm not great with math.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 16, 2023, 05:31:31 PM
Howdy, just redownloaded the mod and wanted to get a sector gen that was somewhere between vanilla and the mod default, say, ConstellationCount 150, CellSize 8 or 9. What would I have to set the other variables to so I don't *** the whole thing? I'm not great with math.
This is something akin to what you need:

#Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector





# this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

# this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

# this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2

#Random number of arcs apply to map
#Vanilla value 20

#Generate hyperstorms options.
#"true" for generating hyperstorms for BIG map, "false" to generate default-sized hyperstorms.
#Disclameer - might not work properly in "false" state if Nexerelin isn't updated (v0.10.5 or older) but enabled

#Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

#If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

#If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

#If Prv Starworks is enabled, as well as random generated Agni systems, you can change the amount of said Agni-themed constellations.
Should do the job. Just don't forget to do "test run" with devmode.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 16, 2023, 05:33:49 PM
Also, i'm alive and yet to be howitzer'd into fine dust. So if there's any issues found in the mod or suggestions, feel free to put it below.
I'm still have quite a schedule, being involved in a gamedev full-time (which isn't something you would assume, looking on this very badly coded mod :D).
But i'm gonna try to make a room for update, if needed.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 16, 2023, 05:38:45 PM
Not sure if this was answered anywhere, but.
Here are the 2 samples, representing something I found the hard way.

Whenever you generate a bigger sector, gates are clustered towards the middle, with around 4 gates basically guaranteed to spawn somewhere close to corners of the map.

Is there a way to make them more dispersed? I would actually prefer to have fewer gates, but spread wide against the sector. I want them to be a bit more rewarding to find, but to actually make exploration more worthy in a sense.
In theory - yes, since mod already touches the procedural gen file related to Gates. In practice, i've yet to test that. But i'll look into it.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Pie Guy on March 19, 2023, 07:05:06 PM
I'm having an issue where literally every system I explore outside the core worlds has remnant fleets in it. Every single one, without fail. It seems like the kind of problem this mod would cause. Is there a setting I broke somewhere?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 19, 2023, 07:14:07 PM
I'm having an issue where literally every system I explore outside the core worlds has remnant fleets in it. Every single one, without fail. It seems like the kind of problem this mod would cause. Is there a setting I broke somewhere?
Make a save.
Enable devmode
press Ctrl+z
Exit into Hyper
This should reveal every remnant beacon in the sector. Post the screenshot here.

Honestly that's unlikely, since:
1) I'm playing right now and i don't have such issue;
2) The remnant procgen is pretty much on the bottom of priorities for Sector Gen, so something like this could be only if you did very bad things to your setting file. So just in case, post it too.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Pie Guy on March 19, 2023, 07:36:55 PM
I'm having an issue where literally every system I explore outside the core worlds has remnant fleets in it. Every single one, without fail. It seems like the kind of problem this mod would cause. Is there a setting I broke somewhere?
Make a save.
Enable devmode
press Ctrl+z
Exit into Hyper
This should reveal every remnant beacon in the sector. Post the screenshot here.

Honestly that's unlikely, since:
1) I'm playing right now and i don't have such issue;
2) The remnant procgen is pretty much on the bottom of priorities for Sector Gen, so something like this could be only if you did very bad things to your setting file. So just in case, post it too.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on March 19, 2023, 09:09:21 PM
I'm having an issue where literally every system I explore outside the core worlds has remnant fleets in it. Every single one, without fail. It seems like the kind of problem this mod would cause. Is there a setting I broke somewhere?
Make a save.
Enable devmode
press Ctrl+z
Exit into Hyper
This should reveal every remnant beacon in the sector. Post the screenshot here.

Honestly that's unlikely, since:
1) I'm playing right now and i don't have such issue;
2) The remnant procgen is pretty much on the bottom of priorities for Sector Gen, so something like this could be only if you did very bad things to your setting file. So just in case, post it too.
Open "intel", "Warning beacons" section
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Alottadamage on April 01, 2023, 09:46:37 AM
Hello just wondering if there is a way i could fully remove hyperspace storms? or if not a way to reduce the amount of them drastically?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 02, 2023, 10:42:11 AM
Hello just wondering if there is a way i could fully remove hyperspace storms? or if not a way to reduce the amount of them drastically?
You actually can.
In the mod folder, there's a file hyperspace_map_filled.png
Delete the file hyperspace_new.png and rename file above into it. Should remove storms completely on a new game.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Daquan_Baton on April 06, 2023, 11:36:08 AM
I'm having issues trying to get remnant beacons to spawn anywhere outside of a 30ly radius from the core worlds, despite my map being about 60ly x 40ly. Any reasons for this happening? I've tried setting the remnant to about 40% of the constellation count and 100% of it as well, both with the same results.

The issue persists when loading the game with only Adjusted Sector 0.5.1 (and console commands to enable devmode ctrl + z).

Here's my settings, thanks for the help.


#Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector

# zero means - they wont spawn



# this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

# this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

# this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2

#Random number of arcs apply to map
#Vanilla value 20

#Generate hyperstorms options.
#"true" for generating hyperstorms for BIG map, "false" to generate default-sized hyperstorms.
#Disclameer - might not work properly in "false" state if Nexerelin isn't updated (v0.10.5 or older) but enabled

#Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

#If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

#If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

#If Prv Starworks is enabled, as well as random generated Agni systems, you can change the amount of said Agni-themed constellations.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on April 07, 2023, 02:23:24 AM
I'm having issues trying to get remnant beacons to spawn anywhere outside of a 30ly radius from the core worlds, despite my map being about 60ly x 40ly. Any reasons for this happening? I've tried setting the remnant to about 40% of the constellation count and 100% of it as well, both with the same results.

The issue persists when loading the game with only Adjusted Sector 0.5.1 (and console commands to enable devmode ctrl + z).

Here's my settings, thanks for the help.


#Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector

# zero means - they wont spawn



# this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

# this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

# this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2

#Random number of arcs apply to map
#Vanilla value 20

#Generate hyperstorms options.
#"true" for generating hyperstorms for BIG map, "false" to generate default-sized hyperstorms.
#Disclameer - might not work properly in "false" state if Nexerelin isn't updated (v0.10.5 or older) but enabled

#Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

#If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

#If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

#If Prv Starworks is enabled, as well as random generated Agni systems, you can change the amount of said Agni-themed constellations.
It happens because of how procgen works internally, and so i was unable to overwrite this. It's possible, i'm just yet to do so.
I'll see if i can tinker with your settings to lessen the impact of this, but that will take some time.
Also, i need you to let me know if you use Agni, Blade Breakers or SAD.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Daquan_Baton on April 08, 2023, 02:21:07 PM
Many thanks for your effort (regardless of whether you can make it work or not lol), as for non-core world factions though, just Blade Breakers.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Question2 on April 25, 2023, 03:15:37 PM
Im seeing some rather odd behaviour with this mod. Yellow beacon systems are being generated with a full remnant nexus rather than damaged ones, although they do not spawn the uber ordos fleets you see in red beacon systems. They only have the damaged version's modules (so they do not have shields) but they are 75 DP and spawn with an alpha core.

Even weirder, i went to a red beacon system, and the nexus there spawned with a beta core officer, although it did spawn with the undamaged modules (so it did have shields). But even the red beacon system do not generate the uber ordos fleets you see in vanilla.

Whats going on? Was this an intentional change? I see nothing in the OP about changing remnant stations this way...
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Danny089/Eridmius on May 08, 2023, 07:04:46 AM
Hello! Can i use this mod for version 0.96a? I tried changing the version number manually in the mod info so i could activate it but i'm not sure that it changed anything... Would it be relatively easy to update myself or do i need extensive modding experience?

Also Awesome mod! Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Zuthal on May 08, 2023, 12:57:00 PM
Hello! Can i use this mod for version 0.96a? I tried changing the version number manually in the mod info so i could activate it but i'm not sure that it changed anything... Would it be relatively easy to update myself or do i need extensive modding experience?

Also Awesome mod! Keep up the great work!

It seems to mostly work - no crashes, star generation and theming seems to work properly - however, the
hidden cache that holds the planetkiller
does not seem to generate, probably because Adjusted Sector overrides the theming generation.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Valinra on May 08, 2023, 01:05:19 PM
Hello! Can i use this mod for version 0.96a? I tried changing the version number manually in the mod info so i could activate it but i'm not sure that it changed anything... Would it be relatively easy to update myself or do i need extensive modding experience?

Also Awesome mod! Keep up the great work!

It seems to mostly work - no crashes, star generation and theming seems to work properly - however, the
hidden cache that holds the planetkiller
does not seem to generate, probably because Adjusted Sector overrides the theming generation.
Anyone know how to increase the number of stars in the sector if for say you increase the sector size?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Danny089/Eridmius on May 09, 2023, 01:35:16 AM

It seems to mostly work - no crashes, star generation and theming seems to work properly - however, the
hidden cache that holds the planetkiller
does not seem to generate, probably because Adjusted Sector overrides the theming generation.

NOICE! Yeah, after you said that i re-adjusted the values and indeed it does work YAAAAAAAAYYY!!! ;D ;D ;D heh thanx!

Also about the question of star density above, i readjusted the constellation values and constellation size values a bit, and it did seem to do the trick of filling up a larger map... though i haven't tweaked it too much...
I only modified the values of:    "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount" and "AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"
The: "sectorConstellationSize" and "sectorConstellationCellSize" i have not touched... yet...But the modifications i did seemed to have done the trick!

Hope this helps  :)
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Valinra on May 09, 2023, 05:21:51 PM

It seems to mostly work - no crashes, star generation and theming seems to work properly - however, the
hidden cache that holds the planetkiller
does not seem to generate, probably because Adjusted Sector overrides the theming generation.

NOICE! Yeah, after you said that i re-adjusted the values and indeed it does work YAAAAAAAAYYY!!! ;D ;D ;D heh thanx!

Also about the question of star density above, i readjusted the constellation values and constellation size values a bit, and it did seem to do the trick of filling up a larger map... though i haven't tweaked it too much...
I only modified the values of:    "AdjustedSectorConstellationCount" and "AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"
The: "sectorConstellationSize" and "sectorConstellationCellSize" i have not touched... yet...But the modifications i did seemed to have done the trick!

Hope this helps  :)
I'm talking base game config btw.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Danny089/Eridmius on May 09, 2023, 09:51:53 PM
Here's what you do:
You go into the mod folder, (adjusted sector) then open the data folder, then the config folder, and there you have two setting files, one for the small cluster and another for the large cluster...
Both have the same lines, you tweak the sector size lines and for the mentioned star density you increase the number of constellations while reducing their cell size --- don't go bellow the value of 10 cause it will cause the cluster generation to either crash, freeze or just take an unholy amount of time before the game starts...

PS: mind using notepad++ tis extra helpful
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Valinra on May 10, 2023, 11:37:19 AM
Here's what you do:
You go into the mod folder, (adjusted sector) then open the data folder, then the config folder, and there you have two setting files, one for the small cluster and another for the large cluster...
Both have the same lines, you tweak the sector size lines and for the mentioned star density you increase the number of constellations while reducing their cell size --- don't go bellow the value of 10 cause it will cause the cluster generation to either crash, freeze or just take an unholy amount of time before the game starts...

PS: mind using notepad++ tis extra helpful
I'm aware, the issues I have and am requesting advice for is base game files. The mod does all this, I am curious how and what it changes in the base game files for star density so I can maybe make myself a lite version where all the other fancy stuff this mod does isn't present. In the base game config files you can make the sector size (XYZ) bigger but this messes with all sorts of things, spreading stars out is one such issue. A simple fix is if you increase star count and I'm hoping someone knows where that is or maybe a work around not this mod related but maybe even similar if not base game.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on May 27, 2023, 08:47:31 AM
Saw questions about updating the mod to the most recent version of the game.
I'll try to push it out if I'm able to. My life is a bit chaotic now.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on May 27, 2023, 12:44:05 PM
Don't you live in Ukraine? Don't rush for our sake, we can wait. 

Stay safe out there.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Fitz006 on May 28, 2023, 09:55:16 AM
Glad to hear this will be getting an update. Does anyone have a settings.json file which is a good size but is that sweet spot before the fps begins to drop too much, or have any recommendations on how to improve fps when on the sector map. I have a pretty good rig and more RAM allocated to starsector but my fps drops to about 15 when in the sector map screen on the provided .json file
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on May 28, 2023, 02:42:01 PM
open the small one and the large one at the same time and try to adjust the large one down to a size you are comfortable with.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: crash7ds on June 06, 2023, 05:28:45 PM
Disabling hyperstorms does not seem to work, sadly. For now it seems everything else looks like it works (sector size/density settings and such), but that's so far based on first glance.

Glad to hear this will be getting an update. Does anyone have a settings.json file which is a good size but is that sweet spot before the fps begins to drop too much, or have any recommendations on how to improve fps when on the sector map. I have a pretty good rig and more RAM allocated to starsector but my fps drops to about 15 when in the sector map screen on the provided .json file

For me, 140000, maybe 150000 for h/w seems to be the edge of noticeable impact on performance. 150000 sees some stuttering if there's more than say your fleet on screen in hyper, 140000 seems to not care until it gets noticeably crowded and often stays butter smooth. I'll leave what I use below if you're interested. Assuming you're not one of those pro-gamer rich-kids that cannot seem to accept anything below 144 and you're more like me where 60 fps is still the standard, I'd start at 140000. And that's for both width and height it just me or does it also seem odd that the vanilla Sector is a rectangle of all things.



   # this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

   # this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

   # this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2

   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms for BIG map, "false" to generate default-sized hyperstorms.
   #Disclameer - might not work properly in "false" state if Nexerelin isn't updated (v0.10.5 or older) but enabled

Edit: Edited because I realized I was using an out-od-date version of AS. I now also know why hyperstorms are not being disabled, which upsets me a fair bit since I've found that storms are not that amusing to deal with and do more to frustrate the player than offer a meaningful mechanic. Hopefully one day they will be something that can be turned off again rather than simply be made either just as much a problem or less so. Supposedly traveling at slower speeds eliminates the constant bouncing and damage of fleets, but that's never worked for me...even cutting speed down below half I still get bounced around like a pinball machine's *** and half my fleet still winds up badly messed up by the time I get anywhere. That's not fun, Fractal, that's blood pressure inducing.

I'm currently using this setup and it seems fine in terms of performance given my aging machine. For reference, I run on an old ass i7 (a 6700, yes that old) with 16Gig RAM, a 1660Ti 8Gig VRAM, and the install is on a mechanical. So unless your rig is barely able to run StarSector vanilla, this should be fine as well. I also have the shaders turned off with GraphicsLib to help since the effects it adds are neat, but costly.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on June 09, 2023, 01:01:21 PM
Hold S to slow down to safe speed.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Arghy on June 15, 2023, 02:35:37 PM
Tried playing without this mod and i ran into 2 cryosleeper pods 2 LY apart in the corner of the map haha--def looking forward to the update.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Blitzm0 on June 16, 2023, 06:31:33 AM
Tried playing without this mod and i ran into 2 cryosleeper pods 2 LY apart in the corner of the map haha--def looking forward to the update.
Ashes of the domain cryosleeper module is separate now. you can install and drag the cryosleeper around if you so wish-the catch being it's used for a planet at a time now and can deplete
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Arghy on June 16, 2023, 11:13:56 AM
Eh while thats definitely an upgrade i still want more stars to explore also and being able to have multiple cryosleepers would be amazing with that.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Noopy757 on July 18, 2023, 12:05:18 PM
Question. What's the performance impact of increasing the map? If I wanted to double the size how bad would the performance degradation be?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nameless on July 18, 2023, 04:02:51 PM
Double the size of the current map? You may need a super computer for that.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on July 18, 2023, 04:41:53 PM
Question. What's the performance impact of increasing the map? If I wanted to double the size how bad would the performance degradation be?

Quite high.

Aspect ratio for width/height is 41/26

205000 x 130000 = 1.25x larger
246000 x 156000 =  1.5x larger
328000 x 208000 =    2x larger

I avoided anything higher than 1.5 myself.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nameless on July 19, 2023, 02:03:47 PM
Instead of making the map bigger I just add more systems.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SpaceMarine100 on July 31, 2023, 08:25:18 AM
Does the mod is up to date ? and if not does it work with the last update of the game
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: johnaaron on July 31, 2023, 09:46:19 AM
Does the mod is up to date ? and if not does it work with the last update of the game

The Random Assortment of Things mod by Lukas04 can also generate more star systems (150% - 250% via Lunalib Mod Settings menu)
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Droll on August 01, 2023, 01:11:04 PM
Does the mod is up to date ? and if not does it work with the last update of the game

The Random Assortment of Things mod by Lukas04 can also generate more star systems (150% - 250% via Lunalib Mod Settings menu)

Also this mod still works.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Horrux on August 02, 2023, 09:24:33 AM
Does the mod is up to date ? and if not does it work with the last update of the game

The Random Assortment of Things mod by Lukas04 can also generate more star systems (150% - 250% via Lunalib Mod Settings menu)

Also this mod still works.

You mean with 0.96? How do you make it work, just change the compatibility flag in uh, a file?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Droll on August 02, 2023, 01:50:19 PM
Does the mod is up to date ? and if not does it work with the last update of the game

The Random Assortment of Things mod by Lukas04 can also generate more star systems (150% - 250% via Lunalib Mod Settings menu)

Also this mod still works.

You mean with 0.96? How do you make it work, just change the compatibility flag in uh, a file?

Find mod_info.json and change the game version to 0.96a and the game will allow it to launch. You can do this with any mod but obviously not every outdated mod is going to play nice with the new starsector version.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Dal on August 02, 2023, 02:11:13 PM
The 0.95a copy will override (never spawn) some 0.96 content, just fyi.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: TheSAguy on August 11, 2023, 11:38:33 AM
Do you know what content get's overwritten and any chance of a hotfix??
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Euripides on August 16, 2023, 10:19:41 PM
My recommendation is to:

1. Download RAT (Random Assortment of Things)
2. Download Adjusted Sector
3. Install and Enable RAT
4. Configure RAT with the extra systems you want and nebula density
5. Edit starsector config
6. Change the map size in the starsector config to one of the sizes that works

Question. What's the performance impact of increasing the map? If I wanted to double the size how bad would the performance degradation be?

Quite high.

Aspect ratio for width/height is 41/26

205000 x 130000 = 1.25x larger
246000 x 156000 =  1.5x larger
328000 x 208000 =    2x larger

I avoided anything higher than 1.5 myself.

7. Open the data/campaign/terrain folder in Adjusted Sector's mod folders and copy-replace the nebula map size that fits the new sector size you chose, replacing the original map in data/campaign/terrain of starsector proper and renaming with the original maps' name ("jyperspace_map" or something like that)

This SHOULD keep all the new stuff in 0.96, but also let you have 250% more systems and a 1.5x larger map for example.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: okj on August 17, 2023, 03:55:22 AM
Question: what file do I replace with the new bigger hyperspace map?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Soviet Tom Bombadil on August 17, 2023, 11:33:00 AM
neat stop gap but has anyone heard from Nerzhull?

1.25x is where I liked it, just big enough to unclutter the new content / systems from faction mods.

My recommendation is to:

1. Download RAT
2. Download Adjusted Sector
3. Install and Enable RAT
4. Configure RAT with the extra systems you want and nebula density
5. Edit starsector config
6. Change the map size in the starsector config to one of the sizes that works

Question. What's the performance impact of increasing the map? If I wanted to double the size how bad would the performance degradation be?

Quite high.

Aspect ratio for width/height is 41/26

205000 x 130000 = 1.25x larger
246000 x 156000 =  1.5x larger
328000 x 208000 =    2x larger

I avoided anything higher than 1.5 myself.

7. Open the terrain folder in Adjusted Sector's mod folders and copy-replace the nebula map size that fits the new sector size you chose, replacing the original map and using the original maps' name

This SHOULD keep all the new stuff in 0.96, but also let you have 250% more systems and a 1.5x larger map for example.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Euripides on August 23, 2023, 03:21:34 AM
Question: what file do I replace with the new bigger hyperspace map?
same file structure as the mod but in the game's proper directory instead; data/campaign/terrain -> hyperspace_map.png

so you take hyperspace_205k_x_130k.png or whatever it's called, and then rename it to hyperspace_map.png (or whatever it was that the original one is called its something like that) and replace the original one that's in starsector-core/data/campaign/terrain/etc. with the new larger one.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Soviet Tom Bombadil on August 26, 2023, 11:05:18 AM
might take a crack at doing this manually later in the day. I'd feel much more confident it I was working buttons and sliders in-game to make these tweaks though. Too worried I'll break something fundamental by fat-fingering.  I just need my sector to be a little bigger, I have a lot of faction mods and just want there to be some space to breathe.

Question: what file do I replace with the new bigger hyperspace map?
same file structure as the mod but in the game's proper directory instead; data/campaign/terrain -> hyperspace_map.png

so you take hyperspace_205k_x_130k.png or whatever it's called, and then rename it to hyperspace_map.png (or whatever it was that the original one is called its something like that) and replace the original one that's in starsector-core/data/campaign/terrain/etc. with the new larger one.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Lycaeon on August 28, 2023, 11:01:04 AM
I'm surprised there isn't an up to date mod that adjusts map size + system amount together in one clean package. The last mod I recall that did this successfully was Grand Sector, but it's abandoned. It seems like there are too many hoops to jump through to approximate the effect using this mod + Random Assortment of Things, and no guarantee it won't mess up something along the way, whether it be other mods or the game itself.

Personally, I think vanilla should have a large option with 1.25x the space and proportionally more systems. It should be a logical option seeing that small/normal sizes already exist, but there must be a problem since it hasn't been implemented already, even as a hidden setting like the spacer start.

Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Soviet Tom Bombadil on August 28, 2023, 03:27:11 PM
this, i'm kind of bad for fat fingering things when tweaking code. I'd like something as simple to use as Lunalib is.

I'm surprised there isn't an up to date mod that adjusts map size + system amount together in one clean package. The last mod I recall that did this successfully was Grand Sector, but it's abandoned. It seems like there are too many hoops to jump through to approximate the effect using this mod + Random Assortment of Things, and no guarantee it won't mess up something along the way, whether it be other mods or the game itself.

Personally, I think vanilla should have a large option with 1.25x the space and proportionally more systems. It should be a logical option seeing that small/normal sizes already exist, but there must be a problem since it hasn't been implemented already, even as a hidden setting like the spacer start.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Kadatherion on August 28, 2023, 08:01:33 PM
Personally, I think vanilla should have a large option with 1.25x the space and proportionally more systems. It should be a logical option seeing that small/normal sizes already exist, but there must be a problem since it hasn't been implemented already, even as a hidden setting like the spacer start.

Problem is performance. A mod can get away with almost anything, given that if something breaks or runs poorly on your rigs well, that's on you. And that's fine, there's always people that prefer Skyrim with 8k textures at 20 FPS rather than playing it at 60 FPS but with vanilla potato heads. When you are the game dev, though, you NEED to be extra conservative, as you have to account for weaker rigs and the smoothest possible user experience across a vast range of preferences and systems.

Fun fact, the game can already natively adapt up to about x1.25 sector size filling it with more constellations as needed (then it reaches the actual cap set elsewhere and you'd have to edit a few more values to keep going even bigger), you just have to increase the size in the config and voilà. Implementing a large starting option would thus be an absolutely trivial affair, but then you'd begin to see more complaints and that's not where you'd wanna be when you are developing a game that's not technically in release state yet.

Also, I may add, there's quite a few gameplay mechanics that are inherently tied to the sector size: increasing it means getting less balanced mission/bounty timers, colony accessibility, fuel management et cetera. So at a certain point to implement a larger setting you'd have to make these values variables too. Plus, we tend to forget it as we haven't played it like that in forever, but the vanilla game actually has relatively minor real 4x content, meaning there's not much point in having a bigger sector considering you're not (yet?) really supposed to stay there THAT long. Nex completely subverts that, and when you throw a few faction mods on top it soon feels cramped, but that's not the originally intended experience.

That being said, if you already use RAT to have a simple one click way to increase the AMOUNT of things that can spawn, this leaves you with really just the matter of increasing TWO numerical values in the core config, height and width, and that's it. And yeah, you may want to also accordingly increase the hypercloud map image size to keep it filling the sector. That's it. Nothing else, nothing breaks, unless you go overboard and then play the game on a potato. I personally feel x1.25 with RAT's +50% spawns is the best balance, and the performance hit is still sort of negligible even on my mid tier laptop (although it can compound depending on what other mods you throw at it, some mods that add complex factions and lots of exploration content can slow things down noticeably in bigger sectors).
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Lycaeon on August 28, 2023, 09:03:51 PM
Problem is performance. A mod can get away with almost anything, given that if something breaks or runs poorly on your rigs well, that's on you. And that's fine, there's always people that prefer Skyrim with 8k textures at 20 FPS rather than playing it at 60 FPS but with vanilla potato heads. When you are the game dev, though, you NEED to be extra conservative, as you have to account for weaker rigs and the smoothest possible user experience across a vast range of preferences and systems.

Fun fact, the game can already natively adapt up to about x1.25 sector size filling it with more constellations as needed (then it reaches the actual cap set elsewhere and you'd have to edit a few more values to keep going even bigger), you just have to increase the size in the config and voilà. Implementing a large starting option would thus be an absolutely trivial affair, but then you'd begin to see more complaints and that's not where you'd wanna be when you are developing a game that's not technically in release state yet.

Also, I may add, there's quite a few gameplay mechanics that are inherently tied to the sector size: increasing it means getting less balanced mission/bounty timers, colony accessibility, fuel management et cetera. So at a certain point to implement a larger setting you'd have to make these values variables too. Plus, we tend to forget it as we haven't played it like that in forever, but the vanilla game actually has relatively minor real 4x content, meaning there's not much point in having a bigger sector considering you're not (yet?) really supposed to stay there THAT long. Nex completely subverts that, and when you throw a few faction mods on top it soon feels cramped, but that's not the originally intended experience.

That being said, if you already use RAT to have a simple one click way to increase the AMOUNT of things that can spawn, this leaves you with really just the matter of increasing TWO numerical values in the core config, height and width, and that's it. And yeah, you may want to also accordingly increase the hypercloud map image size to keep it filling the sector. That's it. Nothing else, nothing breaks, unless you go overboard and then play the game on a potato. I personally feel x1.25 with RAT's +50% spawns is the best balance, and the performance hit is still sort of negligible even on my mid tier laptop (although it can compound depending on what other mods you throw at it, some mods that add complex factions and lots of exploration content can slow things down noticeably in bigger sectors).

I appreciate the long and well-reasoned response. Is RAT and editing the hypercloud map image necessary to support the 1.25x size, or is editing the config and letting vanilla fill it with more systems as you implied sufficient?
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Kadatherion on August 29, 2023, 05:18:54 AM
I appreciate the long and well-reasoned response. Is RAT and editing the hypercloud map image necessary to support the 1.25x size, or is editing the config and letting vanilla fill it with more systems as you implied sufficient?

Well, at least up to 0.95 Alex had left enough overhead in a few values to allow for just about a 20/25% increase in size or so, there's an old post by him buried in the forums somewhere where he mentioned that and indeed I could confirm that was the case in my experience. Basically you increase the size of the sector in the config, then start a new game and use the console command Survey All to see a counter of how many "markets" (planets/stations etc) and systems there are. Obviously the number is a bit random, but indeed you should notice the config allows for a bit of an increase in the markets and systems total amount (which didn't have enough free space to spawn at normal size) before consistently reaching the constellation cap (indeed around the 20/25% mark IIRC) and the sector beginning to generate noticeably less and less densely populated. I'd think it should still be pretty much the same today: there have been a few procgen changes since then, but nothing TOO fundamental.

That being said, we are talking about just an overhead and thus not everything might scale as intended (like the number of domain ships, sleepers etc that can spawn), so I'd say the best bet is still to use RAT to increase the themed spawners by 50% (a 50% increase is pretty much consistent with a 1.25x increase in both width and height, given that 1.25x1.25=1.56), so you are sure that EVERYTHING is set to scale as it should. If I'm not mistaken you can also turn off pretty much all other RAT content you might not like and keep only the procgen edit active, so nothing to lose there. That's very much hassle free.

As for the map (core/data/campaign/terrain/hyperspace_map.png), yes, if you increase the sector size you do have to edit it (regardless whether you also use RAT or not), or the clouds would only still fill a rectangle in the middle with the old size, which is pretty jarring as it's way too regularly geometrical of a shape. For instance, in my current campaign I have indeed increased sector width and height by 1.25x and the same I did with the map, which becomes 1012x625 pixels (vanilla is 810x500), so that the hyperspace clouds fit the borders perfectly.
Interesting factoid: seems it works pretty much the same regardless if you upscale the whole image by 25% (meaning the actual black shadow mask in the middle too), or just expand the canvas by 25% (so the black square in the middle stays the same size, and only the white background is enlarged at the borders). Depending on the software you use to upscale the image, the shadow map might become fuzzier, so the latter method might be actually better and simpler. But indeed there isn't that much of a difference, clouds are still generated and can change a lot depending on the density value you set (you can set it via RAT too) and if you have mods that add new fixed systems and constellations.

Imo this is a good balance to allow for quite a few content and faction mods without feeling cramped, and on the other hand without having silly distances to cover for missions or simply such a big sector that you'd never actually explore extensively before growing bored of the current campaign and feel like starting anew. And it's also still very performance friendly for my laptop.
On my desktop I did run much bigger upscales without issues too (I do tend to be one of those players for whom, instinctively, the bigger the better), but they just get rather unwieldly gameplay wise. Plus, honestly, I wouldn't anyway advise installing more than a dozen faction and heavy content mods (like Tahlan's, SWP etc) per playthrough at most, so there shouldn't be real need to go that much bigger. It's not a matter of VRAM: it's because they are all nice and sparkly and they lure you in with their songs of pretty ships, rainbow lasers and totally out of place catgirls... and then you end up with literally hundreds of different weapon types in your storage and no goddamn way to sort them by manufacturer/design/name or whatever. That alone makes the game a pain as refitting ships can become torture after a while.

Anyway, I digress. TL;DR: yes you do have to upscale the map. You should be able to get somewhat similar results in vanilla without *needing* RAT if you keep below the 25% upscale mark, but RAT is just more foolproof and probably more comprehensive.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Lycaeon on August 29, 2023, 10:39:57 AM
Well, at least up to 0.95 Alex had left enough overhead in a few values to allow for just about a 20/25% increase in size or so, there's an old post by him buried in the forums somewhere where he mentioned that and indeed I could confirm that was the case in my experience. Basically you increase the size of the sector in the config, then start a new game and use the console command Survey All to see a counter of how many "markets" (planets/stations etc) and systems there are. Obviously the number is a bit random, but indeed you should notice the config allows for a bit of an increase in the markets and systems total amount (which didn't have enough free space to spawn at normal size) before consistently reaching the constellation cap (indeed around the 20/25% mark IIRC) and the sector beginning to generate noticeably less and less densely populated. I'd think it should still be pretty much the same today: there have been a few procgen changes since then, but nothing TOO fundamental.

That being said, we are talking about just an overhead and thus not everything might scale as intended (like the number of domain ships, sleepers etc that can spawn), so I'd say the best bet is still to use RAT to increase the themed spawners by 50% (a 50% increase is pretty much consistent with a 1.25x increase in both width and height, given that 1.25x1.25=1.56), so you are sure that EVERYTHING is set to scale as it should. If I'm not mistaken you can also turn off pretty much all other RAT content you might not like and keep only the procgen edit active, so nothing to lose there. That's very much hassle free.

As for the map (core/data/campaign/terrain/hyperspace_map.png), yes, if you increase the sector size you do have to edit it (regardless whether you also use RAT or not), or the clouds would only still fill a rectangle in the middle with the old size, which is pretty jarring as it's way too regularly geometrical of a shape. For instance, in my current campaign I have indeed increased sector width and height by 1.25x and the same I did with the map, which becomes 1012x625 pixels (vanilla is 810x500), so that the hyperspace clouds fit the borders perfectly.
Interesting factoid: seems it works pretty much the same regardless if you upscale the whole image by 25% (meaning the actual black shadow mask in the middle too), or just expand the canvas by 25% (so the black square in the middle stays the same size, and only the white background is enlarged at the borders). Depending on the software you use to upscale the image, the shadow map might become fuzzier, so the latter method might be actually better and simpler. But indeed there isn't that much of a difference, clouds are still generated and can change a lot depending on the density value you set (you can set it via RAT too) and if you have mods that add new fixed systems and constellations.

Imo this is a good balance to allow for quite a few content and faction mods without feeling cramped, and on the other hand without having silly distances to cover for missions or simply such a big sector that you'd never actually explore extensively before growing bored of the current campaign and feel like starting anew. And it's also still very performance friendly for my laptop.
On my desktop I did run much bigger upscales without issues too (I do tend to be one of those players for whom, instinctively, the bigger the better), but they just get rather unwieldly gameplay wise. Plus, honestly, I wouldn't anyway advise installing more than a dozen faction and heavy content mods (like Tahlan's, SWP etc) per playthrough at most, so there shouldn't be real need to go that much bigger. It's not a matter of VRAM: it's because they are all nice and sparkly and they lure you in with their songs of pretty ships, rainbow lasers and totally out of place catgirls... and then you end up with literally hundreds of different weapon types in your storage and no goddamn way to sort them by manufacturer/design/name or whatever. That alone makes the game a pain as refitting ships can become torture after a while.

Anyway, I digress. TL;DR: yes you do have to upscale the map. You should be able to get somewhat similar results in vanilla without *needing* RAT if you keep below the 25% upscale mark, but RAT is just more foolproof and probably more comprehensive.

Again, thanks for the comprehensive explanation. I've decided to stick with the vanilla map for now, as I don't have any modded factions in my current list. But I have no doubt this information will be invaluable for any future readers of the thread with similar questions/issues.
Title: Re: [0.95.1a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 07, 2023, 04:26:54 PM
neat stop gap but has anyone heard from Nerzhull?

1.25x is where I liked it, just big enough to unclutter the new content / systems from faction mods.

My recommendation is to:

1. Download RAT
2. Download Adjusted Sector
3. Install and Enable RAT
4. Configure RAT with the extra systems you want and nebula density
5. Edit starsector config
6. Change the map size in the starsector config to one of the sizes that works

Question. What's the performance impact of increasing the map? If I wanted to double the size how bad would the performance degradation be?

Quite high.

Aspect ratio for width/height is 41/26

205000 x 130000 = 1.25x larger
246000 x 156000 =  1.5x larger
328000 x 208000 =    2x larger

I avoided anything higher than 1.5 myself.

7. Open the terrain folder in Adjusted Sector's mod folders and copy-replace the nebula map size that fits the new sector size you chose, replacing the original map and using the original maps' name

This SHOULD keep all the new stuff in 0.96, but also let you have 250% more systems and a 1.5x larger map for example.
I did hear from him  = )
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 07, 2023, 04:49:14 PM
Adjusted Sector updated to 0.6.0.
2023.09.08 - 0.6.0:
- Updated mod to 0.96a version of the game;
- Fixed errors/legacy changes (related to remnant fleet spawners, etc).

P.s. If everything will be well, there will be another update in a week or so.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: SteelHeart on September 07, 2023, 05:30:28 PM
I was itching to mess with sector generation but found that the base game files only seem to easily expose procgen for gates. Funny this should update just now.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 07, 2023, 05:42:54 PM
I was itching to mess with sector generation but found that the base game files only seem to easily expose procgen for gates. Funny this should update just now.
I   l i v e   i n   y o u r   w a l l s
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Jade Tendency on September 08, 2023, 01:06:46 AM
do the PK quest colony spawn with this mod now?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 08, 2023, 01:35:10 AM
do the PK quest colony spawn with this mod now?
It should, current version of mod uses modified 0.96a theme files and integrated with all the rest of the things.
Put it another way, i don't see a reason why it wouldn't work now.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Dadada on September 08, 2023, 04:24:20 AM
Nice, thank you. :3
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: TheSAguy on September 08, 2023, 08:11:24 AM
So glad to see this mod updated!!

So I used the 0.95 version (hacked) in my current game, was wondering if updating it to the new .096 would fix the "Fixed errors/legacy changes (related to remnant fleet spawners, etc)." or if I had to start a new game?

For future versions, would like to maybe have a slider for number of plants per system.

Thanks again!

Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 08, 2023, 09:32:11 AM
So glad to see this mod updated!!

So I used the 0.95 version (hacked) in my current game, was wondering if updating it to the new .096 would fix the "Fixed errors/legacy changes (related to remnant fleet spawners, etc)." or if I had to start a new game?

For future versions, would like to maybe have a slider for number of plants per system.

Thanks again!
It most certainly won't fix that. Essentially this mod is "one and done" kind of thing. The moment you start a new game, all is done and final.
Unfortunately, you gotta either stick with bugged save file or start a new game.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 08, 2023, 09:33:13 AM
For future versions, would like to maybe have a slider for number of plants per system.

I'm pretty sure Nexerelin/base game settings do this already.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on September 09, 2023, 07:12:56 AM
Nah. Nex has the option to give more markets to factions, but that's it. Vanilla doesn't do anything aside from allowing you to set larger map sizes, and even then you need to go in the game's settings file.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 09, 2023, 08:05:30 AM
Nah. Nex has the option to give more markets to factions, but that's it. Vanilla doesn't do anything aside from allowing you to set larger map sizes, and even then you need to go in the game's settings file.
Hmmm, you right, i was misremembering apparently.
I think i can implement this without big problems. Not sure how hard it will explode mod load on the game tho
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 09, 2023, 08:22:37 AM
Nah. Nex has the option to give more markets to factions, but that's it. Vanilla doesn't do anything aside from allowing you to set larger map sizes, and even then you need to go in the game's settings file.
Ok no, i wasn't wrong.
You can change that manually, it's the file star_gen_data.csv in game folder; No code magic required.
Doesn't mean i won't add it tho :D
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Soviet Tom Bombadil on September 11, 2023, 01:10:06 AM
Do you have any other presets you've cooked up, Nerzhull_AI?

The default that comes packed in with Adjusted sector is about as twice as dense as I would like it. Is there somewhere I can find a list of the defaults so I have a baseline to compare to when changing things?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Lycaeon on September 11, 2023, 05:02:04 PM
I believe a 1.25x size preset with proportional increases in systems/spawns/etc. would be the best default option for the mod. It provides more than enough additional space for exploration and modded factions without impacting performance on the average PC, while simultaneously keeping in line with existing gameplay mechanics such as mission travel distance.

As of now people who download the mod have to get somewhat technical, both with the mod's settings as well as external files such as the hyperspace_map.png, in order to get a good result. A 1.25x default preset should satisfy a majority of players, giving the mod greater accessibility and increasing its popularity.

On the previous page Kadatherion provided an in-depth discussion of the issue for reference.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 11, 2023, 06:41:03 PM
Do you have any other presets you've cooked up, Nerzhull_AI?

The default that comes packed in with Adjusted sector is about as twice as dense as I would like it. Is there somewhere I can find a list of the defaults so I have a baseline to compare to when changing things?
It's on the first page, where the fields are stated - there's "vanilla" value for everything.
As for additional presets, i think i'm going to drop them this week.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Felcaster on September 11, 2023, 08:21:58 PM
Lets goooooo!! I started my first Starsector playthrough years ago with Grand Sector/Nex, and later I switched to Adjusted Sector.

I had no idea how fundamental a massive Persean sector was to my SC experience until I tried playing without on my current save. Even the stop-gap measure with RAT and a custom edit to 1.5 map size just felt like playing on easy mode. I really enjoy the logistics of planning and supplying a long haul to the outer systems.

I'll probably wait for the upcoming patch and then I'm absolutely restarting my game with Adjusted.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 12, 2023, 12:27:28 AM
Lets goooooo!! I started my first Starsector playthrough years ago with Grand Sector/Nex, and later I switched to Adjusted Sector.

I had no idea how fundamental a massive Persean sector was to my SC experience until I tried playing without on my current save. Even the stop-gap measure with RAT and a custom edit to 1.5 map size just felt like playing on easy mode. I really enjoy the logistics of planning and supplying a long haul to the outer systems.

I'll probably wait for the upcoming patch and then I'm absolutely restarting my game with Adjusted.
Upcoming patch is more or less set of setting files you can replace your own with. So if you already have a working preset in mind you may start already.
As for presets, I'll post early version of them just here in a few minutes.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 12, 2023, 01:24:21 AM
Data below is tested on unmodded Starsector, consider that mods may and will cut out additional FPS depending on the mod amount.
To enable choosen preset, just download settings file, rename it to settings.json and replace existing file in your Adjusted Sector config directory.
Vanilla size presets
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 150 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~500
Expected FPS in Hyper: 60
( (
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 200 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~600
Expected FPS in Hyper: 60
( (
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 250 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~750
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~55
( (
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 300 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~900
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~50
( (

Vanilla x1.25 size presets
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 150 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~500
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~50
( (
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 200 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~600
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~45
( (
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 300 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~900
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~30
( (

Unhinged presets
Sector size: x2.5 times default sector (x1.5 Width, about x1.8 Height);
Constellation count: 320 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: 900-1000
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~30
( (
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: 06Elija on September 12, 2023, 04:43:15 AM
Data below is tested on unmodded Starsector, consider that mods may and will cut out additional FPS depending on the mod amount.
To enable choosen preset, just download settings file, rename it to settings.json and replace existing file in your Adjusted Sector config directory.

Since the FPS numbers aren't very representative on their own, what are your specs?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 12, 2023, 05:42:08 AM
Data below is tested on unmodded Starsector, consider that mods may and will cut out additional FPS depending on the mod amount.
To enable choosen preset, just download settings file, rename it to settings.json and replace existing file in your Adjusted Sector config directory.

Since the FPS numbers aren't very representative on their own, what are your specs?
Intel i5-10300H CPU
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
16G RAM (allocated 8 )
2gb vram allocated
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Soviet Tom Bombadil on September 12, 2023, 10:52:27 AM
dope sizzle

Data below is tested on unmodded Starsector, consider that mods may and will cut out additional FPS depending on the mod amount.
To enable choosen preset, just download settings file, rename it to settings.json and replace existing file in your Adjusted Sector config directory.
Vanilla size presets
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 150 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~500
Expected FPS in Hyper: 60
( (
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 200 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~600
Expected FPS in Hyper: 60
( (
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 250 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~750
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~55
( (
Sector size: Vanilla;
Constellation count: 300 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~900
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~50
( (

Vanilla x1.25 size presets
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 150 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~500
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~50
( (
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 200 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~600
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~45
( (
Sector size: x1.25 of Vanilla;
Constellation count: 300 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: ~900
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~30
( (

Unhinged presets
Sector size: x2.5 times default sector (x1.5 Width, about x1.8 Height);
Constellation count: 320 (vanilla - 100).
Star system count: 900-1000
Expected FPS in Hyper: ~30
( (
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Felcaster on September 12, 2023, 09:14:38 PM
Upcoming patch is more or less set of setting files you can replace your own with. So if you already have a working preset in mind you may start already.
As for presets, I'll post early version of them just here in a few minutes.

Sweet, thanks man! Cheers!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 12, 2023, 09:52:58 PM
Upcoming patch is more or less set of setting files you can replace your own with. So if you already have a working preset in mind you may start already.
As for presets, I'll post early version of them just here in a few minutes.

Sweet, thanks man! Cheers!
Already updated 0.6 archive with presets, also you can find them on previous page as standalone archive, same is in discord.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Felcaster on September 12, 2023, 11:10:08 PM
Upcoming patch is more or less set of setting files you can replace your own with. So if you already have a working preset in mind you may start already.
As for presets, I'll post early version of them just here in a few minutes.

Sweet, thanks man! Cheers!
Already updated 0.6 archive with presets, also you can find them on previous page as standalone archive, same is in discord.

Yeah I was checking them out! I think I'm going to role with your "unhinged" preset, with some spawn add for angi and a couple tweaks to reduce ruins loot drop. It's similar to my last couple playthroughs. :)
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Decton on September 15, 2023, 02:10:45 AM
Hey, when using Adjusted Sector my game keeps crashing when loading a new system
 i have a few mods but none like Grand Sector, i already checked the compatability of the other mods
it just refuses to load the sector size (sorry for my bad english)
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 15, 2023, 03:13:15 AM
Hey, when using Adjusted Sector my game keeps crashing when loading a new system
 i have a few mods but none like Grand Sector, i already checked the compatability of the other mods
it just refuses to load the sector size (sorry for my bad english)
Copy your setting file here, please
Mostly likely you've missed a "," after the number of constellationSize.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Decton on September 15, 2023, 03:25:28 AM
I'm only using the defualt settings you have included in the mod
(had to post it in .txt because .json is not allowed
also, how do i choose which setting should be selected?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 15, 2023, 03:27:18 AM
I'm only using the defualt settings you have included in the mod
(had to post it in .txt because .json is not allowed
also, how do i choose which setting should be selected?
Yes, of course :D
You need to rename this file (or whatever you choose) as "settings.json" and remove all other setting files. Didn't you read the big READ_ME.txt? :D
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Decton on September 15, 2023, 03:39:24 AM
Thank you, that worked, i read the "READ ME" txt but it got me confused since it says
"To change preset from one to other, just remove 'no longer needed' " thus i thought i wouldn't have to remove the rest, since i already tried renaming a preset to settings
but maybe i forgot to remove the "_250", not sure, it was pretty late when i tested it, anyways, it works now, thanks  :)
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Oni on September 15, 2023, 08:40:05 AM
I wonder... what recommendations would you give for having close together clusters of stars with larger empty spaces between them?

On a x1.25 size map, but also in general.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: matipacz on September 15, 2023, 12:53:39 PM
Game crashes when generating sector
175251 [Thread-3] INFO  - Starting sector generation...
178112 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorHS"] not found.
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorHS"] not found.
at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings. 00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings$1.getBoolean(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.public.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.L.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.?00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
at Source)
Caused by: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorHS"] not found.
at org.json.JSONObject.get(
at org.json.JSONObject.getBoolean(
... 18 more
  "Adjusted Sector",
  "Angry Periphery",
  "Everybody loves KoC",
  "Mayasuran Navy",
  "Terraforming & Station Construction",
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 15, 2023, 06:45:50 PM
Game crashes when generating sector
175251 [Thread-3] INFO  - Starting sector generation...
178112 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorHS"] not found.
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorHS"] not found.
at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings. 00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings$1.getBoolean(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.public.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.L.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.?00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
at Source)
Caused by: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorHS"] not found.
at org.json.JSONObject.get(
at org.json.JSONObject.getBoolean(
... 18 more
  "Adjusted Sector",
  "Angry Periphery",
  "Everybody loves KoC",
  "Mayasuran Navy",
  "Terraforming & Station Construction",
You need to rename proper file in AdjustedSector/data/campaing/terrain into "AdjustedSectorHS", like in the instruction in the first post.

Now you can set your Hyperstorm pattern to be exact (or close to) the size of your Sector to reduce lag.
How do you do that?
1) Go to Adjusted Sector v0.5.1\data\campaign\terrain\
2) Find the correct .png with size that is equal to your sector;
3) Delete existing hyperspace_new.png
4) Rename the file of your choice to hyperspace_new.png
5) Go to settings of the mod and set 'AdjustedSectorHS' to 'true'.
6) Start a new game!

If you use some size that isn't mentioned in the options - just tag me and i'll add another one!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Ppto_Gr on September 16, 2023, 01:58:04 AM
I downloaded your mod but when launching the game, i got the error JSONObject[Adjusted SectorHS] not found, i checked the versions :
0.96a RC9 running on game 0.96a RC10.
I don't have a warning from my game, if it was too old.
May you help me on this issue ?
Or should i just wait a new version ?
Sorry to bother,
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 16, 2023, 05:29:58 AM
I downloaded your mod but when launching the game, i got the error JSONObject[Adjusted SectorHS] not found, i checked the versions :
0.96a RC9 running on game 0.96a RC10.
I don't have a warning from my game, if it was too old.
May you help me on this issue ?
Or should i just wait a new version ?
Sorry to bother,
Just above is the answer to this question.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Ppto_Gr on September 16, 2023, 09:47:58 AM
Thanks for your swift reply !
I'm sure i'm going to have a LOT of fun with your mod !
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 16, 2023, 12:57:48 PM
Thanks for your swift reply !
I'm sure i'm going to have a LOT of fun with your mod !
Have a great day!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 17, 2023, 11:13:32 PM
Mod's been updated to 0.6.2: (
2023.09.18 - 0.6.1:
- Added additional settings that rule % chance of Ruin-themed things spawned (such as Mining Stations, Research Stations, Ship Graveyards).
2023.09.18 - 0.6.2:
- Added additional settings that rule % chance of Misc-themed things spawned (such as Research Stations, Ship Graveyards).
- Added additional setting that controls how much secondary star systems game "skips" while adding content, for Misc and Ruin themes.

Responsible for not filling secondary star systems with content despite being labled as Ruin-themed, vanilla value is 0.5

Responsible for not filling secondary star systems with content despite being labled as Misc-themed, vanilla value is 0.5

Following fields are responsible for % probability of things that belong to "Ruin/Misc Theme" spawned at star systems designated as "Ruin/Misc-themed".
Control the chance of Mining Station spawned in Ruin-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.5

Control the chance of Research Station spawned in Ruin-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.25

Control the chance of Research Station spawned in Ruin-themed system that is either Black Hole, Nebula or Pulsar.
Vanilla value: 0.75

Control the chance of Ship Graveyard (whole bunch of empty ships, primed for restoring) spawned in Ruin-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.25

Control the chance of Research Station spawned in Misc-themed system that is either Black Hole, Nebula or Pulsar.
Vanilla value: 0.5

Control the chance of Ship Graveyard (whole bunch of empty ships, primed for restoring) spawned in Misc-themed system.
Vanilla value: 0.25
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 17, 2023, 11:22:57 PM
These two subsequent updates are sponsored by "Why am i blind as hell" and "Oh god, Alex, why" in equal margins  ;D
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Dadada on September 18, 2023, 12:18:22 AM
Thank you for the updates. :D
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 18, 2023, 12:51:17 AM
Thank you for the updates. :D
You are welcome!
Have a great day!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Dadada on September 18, 2023, 02:50:28 AM
Thank you! You too!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: TheSAguy on September 18, 2023, 01:31:53 PM
One of my all time MUST HAVE Mods!
thanks for your work on this.

Please make your mod compatible with the version checker. I think it's part of Nexerelin these days.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 18, 2023, 02:30:42 PM
One of my all time MUST HAVE Mods!
thanks for your work on this.

Please make your mod compatible with the version checker. I think it's part of Nexerelin these days.
I'll see what i can do
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Selvaria on September 19, 2023, 08:53:02 AM
Is it compatible with faction mods like UAF, Imperium ect?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 19, 2023, 08:58:04 AM
Is it compatible with faction mods like UAF, Imperium ect?
Absolutely so.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Pet_Mudstone on September 19, 2023, 12:13:04 PM
Is it compatible with faction mods like UAF, Imperium ect?

As Nerzhull said, this works fine. Though from memory having more factions can cause less uninhabited star systems to appear since proc-genned star systems seem to spawn less often near "preset" ones that factions often add.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Waladil on September 23, 2023, 09:17:32 PM
Just an FYI, it appears that there's no default settings.json anymore in the 0.6.2 version, which causes a CTD when the game tries to generate a sector (Due to JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found). It's obviously fixed by just changing any of the presets to settings.json, but that step's not mentioned in any of the documentation.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 24, 2023, 12:40:31 AM
Just an FYI, it appears that there's no default settings.json anymore in the 0.6.2 version, which causes a CTD when the game tries to generate a sector (Due to JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found). It's obviously fixed by just changing any of the presets to settings.json, but that step's not mentioned in any of the documentation.
It is said in READ ME file, that you must rename one of the presets into settings.json.
Regardless, i've put big-ass string onto initial post so people wouldn't get confused.

Have a good day!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Addicted Starfarer on September 26, 2023, 01:12:23 AM
will this apply to both small and normal sized map generation? or only on the latter?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 26, 2023, 04:01:08 AM
will this apply to both small and normal sized map generation? or only on the latter?
Since mod rewrites size of the sector too, you should let it stay on "normal". I'm not actually sure what's gonna happen if you pick small.
Probably no difference at all.

If you want preset that is lesser than normal, you should write down exactly what you want - and i'll send a settings file your way.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Addicted Starfarer on September 26, 2023, 05:55:49 AM
will this apply to both small and normal sized map generation? or only on the latter?
Since mod rewrites size of the sector too, you should let it stay on "normal". I'm not actually sure what's gonna happen if you pick small.
Probably no difference at all.

If you want preset that is lesser than normal, you should write down exactly what you want - and i'll send a settings file your way.

oh no, i was already using this mod since the 0.91, my question was our of pure out of curiosity, thank your for this making this mod it made the game more fun and exciting for me
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Egodeus on September 26, 2023, 07:30:11 AM
I keep getting an error message from Cloudflare when I try to access the link for the download. It says I should provide the ID to the site administration to check what the problem is, I've tried from both Chrome and Edge to download the file.

Cloudflare Ray ID: 80cc2f7fad34d922

In addition to looking what the issue with TinyUrl is here, if someone could give me the non-shortened download url so I could use that directly, since it seems the issue is tinyurl itself in between, I would be much obliged.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on September 26, 2023, 07:48:20 AM
I keep getting an error message from Cloudflare when I try to access the link for the download. It says I should provide the ID to the site administration to check what the problem is, I've tried from both Chrome and Edge to download the file.

Cloudflare Ray ID: 80cc2f7fad34d922

In addition to looking what the issue with TinyUrl is here, if someone could give me the non-shortened download url so I could use that directly, since it seems the issue is tinyurl itself in between, I would be much obliged.
Try this one. (
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Egodeus on September 27, 2023, 10:22:53 PM
Thank you, that link works!  :)
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: p0ip0ip0i on October 05, 2023, 11:00:55 PM
Hello, im encountering this bug

483329 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
   at assortment_of_things.campaign.procgen.RATSectorProcGen.prepare(
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.public.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.L.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I. 00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found.
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings. 00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings$1.getFloat(Unknown Source)
   at data.campaign.procgen.SectorProcGenMod.<clinit>(
   ... 16 more
Caused by: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found.
   at org.json.JSONObject.get(
   at org.json.JSONObject.getDouble(
   ... 19 more

I've taken the rest of the unneeded presets off the config folder and changed my chosen preset to be settings.json, dunno what else I'm doing wrong.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Maple_T36 on October 06, 2023, 04:35:07 AM
hi, any one no who to set up a galaxy with a lot of remnant? i only have domain probe in my galaxy.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on October 06, 2023, 11:27:15 AM
Hello, im encountering this bug

483329 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
   at assortment_of_things.campaign.procgen.RATSectorProcGen.prepare(
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.public.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.L.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I. 00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found.
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings. 00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings$1.getFloat(Unknown Source)
   at data.campaign.procgen.SectorProcGenMod.<clinit>(
   ... 16 more
Caused by: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found.
   at org.json.JSONObject.get(
   at org.json.JSONObject.getDouble(
   ... 19 more

I've taken the rest of the unneeded presets off the config folder and changed my chosen preset to be settings.json, dunno what else I'm doing wrong.

Please attach your settings.json file from the mod
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: p0ip0ip0i on October 06, 2023, 09:27:07 PM
Hello, im encountering this bug

483329 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
   at assortment_of_things.campaign.procgen.RATSectorProcGen.prepare(
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.public.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.L.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I. 00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found.
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings. 00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings$1.getFloat(Unknown Source)
   at data.campaign.procgen.SectorProcGenMod.<clinit>(
   ... 16 more
Caused by: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found.
   at org.json.JSONObject.get(
   at org.json.JSONObject.getDouble(
   ... 19 more

I've taken the rest of the unneeded presets off the config folder and changed my chosen preset to be settings.json, dunno what else I'm doing wrong.

Please attach your settings.json file from the mod

Here is the file, the website doesnt allow json files so i just copypasted the contents into a notepad txt file
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on October 07, 2023, 05:21:11 AM
Hello, im encountering this bug

483329 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
   at assortment_of_things.campaign.procgen.RATSectorProcGen.prepare(
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.public.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.L.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I. 00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found.
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings. 00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings$1.getFloat(Unknown Source)
   at data.campaign.procgen.SectorProcGenMod.<clinit>(
   ... 16 more
Caused by: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found.
   at org.json.JSONObject.get(
   at org.json.JSONObject.getDouble(
   ... 19 more

I've taken the rest of the unneeded presets off the config folder and changed my chosen preset to be settings.json, dunno what else I'm doing wrong.

Please attach your settings.json file from the mod

Here is the file, the website doesnt allow json files so i just copypasted the contents into a notepad txt file
It seems you have several manual errors with your settings file, for example:
These are supposed to be either 0 or 1 (which means either "there won't be this type of presence" or "There will be"). It doesn't change "total" amount of remnant systems, just their difficulty.
Some settings are missing entirely, as if you copy-pasted your settings from older version of the mod.

I've fixed all the errors in your files and tested it. Here you go (just don't forget to remove .text from it).
This is the result:
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: p0ip0ip0i on October 07, 2023, 07:00:18 PM
Hello, im encountering this bug

483329 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
   at assortment_of_things.campaign.procgen.RATSectorProcGen.prepare(
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.public.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.L.dismiss(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I. 00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found.
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings. 00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings$1.getFloat(Unknown Source)
   at data.campaign.procgen.SectorProcGenMod.<clinit>(
   ... 16 more
Caused by: org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["AdjustedSectorConstellationSize"] not found.
   at org.json.JSONObject.get(
   at org.json.JSONObject.getDouble(
   ... 19 more

I've taken the rest of the unneeded presets off the config folder and changed my chosen preset to be settings.json, dunno what else I'm doing wrong.

Please attach your settings.json file from the mod

Here is the file, the website doesnt allow json files so i just copypasted the contents into a notepad txt file
It seems you have several manual errors with your settings file, for example:
These are supposed to be either 0 or 1 (which means either "there won't be this type of presence" or "There will be"). It doesn't change "total" amount of remnant systems, just their difficulty.
Some settings are missing entirely, as if you copy-pasted your settings from older version of the mod.

I've fixed all the errors in your files and tested it. Here you go (just don't forget to remove .text from it).
This is the result:

Ah, I see lol, thank you!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: TheSAguy on October 08, 2023, 10:42:54 AM

These are supposed to be either 0 or 1 (which means either "there won't be this type of presence" or "There will be"). It doesn't change "total" amount of remnant systems, just their difficulty.

This seems like an easy mistake to make. Might be worth it to add a comment on that in the next update.

What command do you run to show all the warning beacons?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on October 08, 2023, 12:08:33 PM

These are supposed to be either 0 or 1 (which means either "there won't be this type of presence" or "There will be"). It doesn't change "total" amount of remnant systems, just their difficulty.

This seems like an easy mistake to make. Might be worth it to add a comment on that in the next update.
All of this info exist on the very first page of this forum thread.

What command do you run to show all the warning beacons?
Start a new game, enter devmode, exist console, press ctrl+z and go into hyper. It will reveal all the beacons.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Radm_Jag on November 03, 2023, 05:09:09 PM
Sorry if this has been asked previously, but is there any settings I can tweak to stop constellations from generating on top of the core systems? It's not gamebreaking exactly, but it's a little annoying that they aren't spaced out away from the inhabited sectors like vanilla proc-gen does.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: IceFire on November 15, 2023, 08:45:17 AM
I was stuck on a 100 cycle playthrough for quite some time. With this new theme thingy, am i still able to create square maps?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 19, 2023, 05:09:28 PM
I was stuck on a 100 cycle playthrough for quite some time. With this new theme thingy, am i still able to create square maps?
There's no preset for that - but i can whip one special for you, if you tell me the other things you want from the preset, according to existing presets.
Unless you want to customize settings yourself - in which case, you obviously can!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: IceFire on November 21, 2023, 03:26:20 PM
I was stuck on a 100 cycle playthrough for quite some time. With this new theme thingy, am i still able to create square maps?
There's no preset for that - but i can whip one special for you, if you tell me the other things you want from the preset, according to existing presets.
Unless you want to customize settings yourself - in which case, you obviously can!
If customization is still a thing, i can do it myself. "You must pick one of these and rename it to settings.json, otherwise your game won't start." made me think customization didnt work anymore.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on November 22, 2023, 12:48:45 PM
I was stuck on a 100 cycle playthrough for quite some time. With this new theme thingy, am i still able to create square maps?
There's no preset for that - but i can whip one special for you, if you tell me the other things you want from the preset, according to existing presets.
Unless you want to customize settings yourself - in which case, you obviously can!
If customization is still a thing, i can do it myself. "You must pick one of these and rename it to settings.json, otherwise your game won't start." made me think customization didnt work anymore.
No, it's a core part of mod and works. People just requested multiple presets to simplify mod usage.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: IRID1UM on November 28, 2023, 06:53:17 AM
what does "AdjustedSectorRndArcs":20, do?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Zorrik on December 02, 2023, 12:56:45 AM
This mod is wonderful, but I have run into a slight problem regarding scaling of profitability in a bigger sector.

Is there a way to increase the average payment for conducting missions (bounties, exploration etc) based on the distance from the core sector? Many jobs seem to become unprofitable and it feels unrealistic to have the same reward for something 30ly vs 50-60ly. Is there any way to curb this or an existing mod which alleviates the issue?

Thanks :)
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on December 02, 2023, 03:55:27 AM
This mod is wonderful, but I have run into a slight problem regarding scaling of profitability in a bigger sector.

Is there a way to increase the average payment for conducting missions (bounties, exploration etc) based on the distance from the core sector? Many jobs seem to become unprofitable and it feels unrealistic to have the same reward for something 30ly vs 50-60ly. Is there any way to curb this or an existing mod which alleviates the issue?

Thanks :)
I'll look into it in a day or so, my irl job and overall mental state require some unwinding. But i think it's possible.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Zorrik on December 03, 2023, 08:34:32 AM
This mod is wonderful, but I have run into a slight problem regarding scaling of profitability in a bigger sector.

Is there a way to increase the average payment for conducting missions (bounties, exploration etc) based on the distance from the core sector? Many jobs seem to become unprofitable and it feels unrealistic to have the same reward for something 30ly vs 50-60ly. Is there any way to curb this or an existing mod which alleviates the issue?

Thanks :)
I'll look into it in a day or so, my irl job and overall mental state require some unwinding. But i think it's possible.

All good, take your time. And thanks for the swift response!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: alp7292 on December 31, 2023, 01:21:09 PM
so Derelicts, Ruins,  Remnants considered theme and by meaning derelicts do you mean

sectorDerelictMotherships and sectorDerelictCryosleepers or does this also includes
i want to get many ruins and remnants and derelicts and balance their numbers so its important which ones counts and which ones dont

edit when i tested XIV_LEGION_SALVAGEBLE_MAX seems to spawn under remnants  so doesnt takes slot
 coronal taps doesnt spawn with others? so i guess it takes slot
derelict motherships goes over everything and takes slot
cryosleepers wont spawn unless there is at least one mothership and doesnt spawn with remnants so it takes a slot

so make sure your total amount of stars are more than sleeper+mothership+ruins+remnants+coronal taps  legions spawn over remnants so you can ignore it
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: vorpal+5 on January 05, 2024, 11:30:58 PM
It works well and without issue for me, except that bounty missions seem to always be at the far end of the galaxy.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: GalliaRaxus on January 10, 2024, 02:36:29 PM
It'd be funny if you did a 505kx320k hyperspace map ;)
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Captain.Conrad.Snider on January 20, 2024, 01:52:04 PM
Hello. Im not sure if its a compatiblity issue or something on my end i messed up, but i dont think this is compatible with Carters Freetraders. Got this error when generating the sector.

ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem loading class [data.scripts.campaign.cft_SmugglingMission]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem loading class [data.scripts.campaign.cft_SmugglingMission]

Mind im not too great with tech or code but i could be wrong. I tried searching for anything else related in my starsector.log and I just dont know enough to say if anything else is wrong.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Captain.Conrad.Snider on January 20, 2024, 01:57:20 PM
Hello. Im not sure if its a compatiblity issue or something on my end i messed up, but i dont think this is compatible with Carters Freetraders. Got this error when generating the sector.

ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem loading class [data.scripts.campaign.cft_SmugglingMission]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem loading class [data.scripts.campaign.cft_SmugglingMission]

Mind im not too great with tech or code but i could be wrong. I tried searching for anything else related in my starsector.log and I just dont know enough to say if anything else is wrong.

Oh and turning off Carters and my sector generated just fine so. Also has a problem with Tranquility's Customizable Star Systems, but I failed to find the error so my bad on that part.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: vorpal+5 on January 20, 2024, 09:56:34 PM
It'd be funny if you did a 505kx320k hyperspace map ;)

Currently playing a 372k x 273k map, Cycle 2010 and all is fine. I have stars 120 LY from me!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Dazs on January 25, 2024, 11:41:56 AM
Hello. Im not sure if its a compatiblity issue or something on my end i messed up, but i dont think this is compatible with Carters Freetraders. Got this error when generating the sector.

ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem loading class [data.scripts.campaign.cft_SmugglingMission]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem loading class [data.scripts.campaign.cft_SmugglingMission]

Mind im not too great with tech or code but i could be wrong. I tried searching for anything else related in my starsector.log and I just dont know enough to say if anything else is wrong.
Hello there, the CFT smuggling mission looks for sectors that this mod most likely modifies depending on the variables you set. If you would still like to use the faction mod with Adjusted Sector, navigate to the CFT folder and in the campaign folder you will see a file called rules.csv. Open it (notepad++ or Excel) and delete lines 2-14 if you use Excel or lines 2-45 if you use notepad++ and save. Now delete the file in that folder named bar_events.csv. This will disable the custom smuggling mission I have in the mod while leaving the other features working. Message me on the CFT forum if you have any questions of concerns. This will only work on a new game btw, hope this helps.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Captain.Conrad.Snider on January 26, 2024, 08:38:52 PM
Hello. Im not sure if its a compatiblity issue or something on my end i messed up, but i dont think this is compatible with Carters Freetraders. Got this error when generating the sector.

ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem loading class [data.scripts.campaign.cft_SmugglingMission]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem loading class [data.scripts.campaign.cft_SmugglingMission]

Mind im not too great with tech or code but i could be wrong. I tried searching for anything else related in my starsector.log and I just dont know enough to say if anything else is wrong.
Hello there, the CFT smuggling mission looks for sectors that this mod most likely modifies depending on the variables you set. If you would still like to use the faction mod with Adjusted Sector, navigate to the CFT folder and in the campaign folder you will see a file called rules.csv. Open it (notepad++ or Excel) and delete lines 2-14 if you use Excel or lines 2-45 if you use notepad++ and save. Now delete the file in that folder named bar_events.csv. This will disable the custom smuggling mission I have in the mod while leaving the other features working. Message me on the CFT forum if you have any questions of concerns. This will only work on a new game btw, hope this helps.

Oooooh okay man ill give that a try. I just now started to get back into Starsector with the new update and this was one of my favorite factions! In the middle of a save right now so ill let you know if that works for me sometime later.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Greatgreengoo on February 06, 2024, 01:21:40 AM
Noooo this isnt compatable anymore, even after changing the file. I litterally cant play without this mod. Hoping for an update soon.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: vorpal+5 on February 06, 2024, 01:57:47 AM
It's working fine for me, what is the message?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Greatgreengoo on February 06, 2024, 04:02:01 AM
Oh odd, I reinstalled it and now its working fine, even though it was the same version. Ah well, alls good!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: GeneralWaffles on February 06, 2024, 03:41:09 PM
So while it does work with the current version (0.97) and I am glad it does. I feel like I can't live without the 200 star version. There can be some. goofy generation with the Abyss where it's less of a literal name and more metaphorical. Nothing game breaking but might be something folks using it might wanna be made aware of.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: jasonxfri13th on February 07, 2024, 03:18:55 PM
Not working with prv starworks anymore. Issue during sector generation with the agni theme generator.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Dadada on February 07, 2024, 04:18:34 PM
Welp, it did work for me in 0.96 and the first post says it works with prv/Agni.

There seems to be a issue with 'adjusted sector' mod when interacting with the agni spawn causing ctd when starting a new game

Yeah AS hasn't had time to do an update yet and there's a classpath that needs to be changed.

Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Nerzhull_AI on February 07, 2024, 08:49:51 PM
I'm still nowhere to be found for 0.97 update; But i've patched out the Agni issue, should be fine for now.
If not, message me.
Redownload mod to apply fix
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: jasonxfri13th on February 08, 2024, 01:50:39 AM
It works now! Thank you so much!
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Dadada on February 08, 2024, 06:15:57 AM
Thx :D
(I have yet to play 0.97)
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: CaptianVlad on February 08, 2024, 05:06:54 PM
thx for the quick update. have a hard time playing without this now
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: whatisthisbug on February 14, 2024, 08:36:59 PM
I'm still nowhere to be found for 0.97 update; But i've patched out the Agni issue, should be fine for now.
If not, message me.
Redownload mod to apply fix

Thanks for the update :)
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: RandomDeath on March 02, 2024, 03:34:52 PM
Hey, so something happened to my game which led me to reinstall all my mods, including Adj sector. The game now works but now my saves won't load, but I can start a new game without problems. With my old I save I've modified the size of the sector and other things and with the new Adj sector its now the base one. Is there anyone I can save my save?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Addicted Starfarer on March 18, 2024, 12:36:46 AM
Hey, so something happened to my game which led me to reinstall all my mods, including Adj sector. The game now works but now my saves won't load, but I can start a new game without problems. With my old I save I've modified the size of the sector and other things and with the new Adj sector its now the base one. Is there anyone I can save my save?

did you game crash while saving? if it did, then its probably bricked, if you use notepad ++ you can probably see what went wrong, this happened to me too back then an untimely BSOD occurred after playing the game for hours on end, upon trying to continue where i left from, the game simply refused to load my save file telling me it might br from some previous version of the game, so i ended up opening it with notepad ++ and compared the code from my previous save files, lo and behold the code it got cut somewhere in the middle hence the code was never finished which meant that only the previous save files before the latest one could be loaded properly

however if not then your probably missing a mod somewhere
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: halfman on April 19, 2024, 01:38:04 PM
since this hasnt been updated yet, is it safe to just manually adjust the game version in the mod files or would that cause problems?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Babkin92 on April 20, 2024, 02:31:34 AM
since this hasnt been updated yet, is it safe to just manually adjust the game version in the mod files or would that cause problems?

same question
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: DankMan on April 20, 2024, 11:07:23 AM
since this hasnt been updated yet, is it safe to just manually adjust the game version in the mod files or would that cause problems?
Lot of people are saying it's ok, but just assume that things might break since it's out of date
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Gunter23 on April 25, 2024, 07:56:56 AM
Is there a way to play this mod on the newest version of the Game?
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: Anexgohan on April 25, 2024, 11:47:15 AM
Is there a way to play this mod on the newest version of the Game?
I'm playing with it on 0.97 latest right now without issues.
Title: Re: [0.96a] Adjusted Sector
Post by: A_Random_Dude on April 25, 2024, 12:33:55 PM
Is there a way to play this mod on the newest version of the Game?

You can update it manually by going in the mod's folder, look for a file called "mod_info.json" and opening it with a text editor. Once there, you simply replace the game version it's asking for by the current one, and you're good to go.