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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.7 - 03/12/25  (Read 348774 times)


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #645 on: July 05, 2024, 04:05:44 PM »

Great work on all your mods, I love them very much!

I was wondering if there was a option that I overlooked on like a grace period when they start attacking and such, currently I am trying to run though a very challenging start but before I can even get any decent ships to help they are already attacking and almost wiping out every faction.


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #646 on: July 05, 2024, 05:27:10 PM »

Great work on all your mods, I love them very much!
Thank you so much. I have put so much work into them and it makes my day when I get a nice comment. :)
I was wondering if there was a option that I overlooked on like a grace period when they start attacking and such, currently I am trying to run though a very challenging start but before I can even get any decent ships to help they are already attacking and almost wiping out every faction.
Yes, in the README that is located in the ZIP and on the Forum OP there are instructions for adjusting the difficulty. I'll copy/paste the relevant snippet here but you may want to check out the entire README as there are multiple optional adjustments included in the mod:

"before you start a new game you can go to the "mod settings" button that LunaLib adds on the top left of the game menu.
Scroll down to the Nexerelin button, select the "fleet and battles" tab and look for an option "invasion grade period". The default is set to 90 which equates to 90 in game days until any invasions occur.
You can use that slide bar on the right and increase it up to 1825 days which is 5 years. Enter the # of days you feel you need to prepare before invasions occur.
NOTE: this will effect ALL faction invasions, not just Hivers. For example, if you set it to say 365 days it will delay ALL faction invasions for 1 in-game year after game start."

I would also recommend having at least 4, at the minimum, faction mods to help keep them in check. The Xhan Empire ( is a good one as they are located directly in the patch of their invasion fleets and it's a well made mod as well. :)

If you have any other questions feel free to reach out, Enjoy!


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #647 on: August 04, 2024, 05:01:41 PM »

Heed my warning and think twice installing this with any heavily scripted mod!
For anyone who runs into com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.econ.MarketAPI.getMemory()" because "market" is null NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.api...
chances are -- Zergs ate and decivilized some relevant planet in some highly scripted mod
For me, it was UAFEventManager$FleetData.removeDespawnedFleet... variety of error, where they ate the Favonius in UAF.
Took me a damn hour...


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #648 on: August 04, 2024, 05:21:00 PM »

Heed my warning and think twice installing this with any heavily scripted mod!
For anyone who runs into com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.econ.MarketAPI.getMemory()" because "market" is null NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.api...
chances are -- Zergs ate and decivilized some relevant planet in some highly scripted mod
For me, it was UAFEventManager$FleetData.removeDespawnedFleet... variety of error, where they ate the Favonius in UAF.
Took me a damn hour...
Hello there, I am confused why you are posting a warning on the Hiver Swarm forum. I do not have any custom code for Hiver invasions, if they invaded another mod's planet then they used standard Nexerelin script. If there is an issue then it is with UAF not having a protection hard code vs invasion if their planets cannot be invaded without causing an issue. I see you posted on the UAF forum as well, perhaps Ryxsen1421 can shed some light on your concern.


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #649 on: August 06, 2024, 05:16:34 AM »

I just started the mod/starsector play recently, and setting this as a mid game threat by delaying invasions and colonizations was what i needed to fix the balance issue.

It is a challenging fight which needs different tactics. I think you will get better feedback on the difficulty of the mod if you put in big red letters at the OP on how to edit Nexerelin and delay the invasions. Judging by the amount of worlds and markets hivers had, and how many invasions they launched in month 4 or so of my new game, there's no way the player can do anything about them unless he has added in a new game plus with a fleet of phase ships and other stuff like aurora overclocked, like I did.

By clearly spelling this out as a mid game threat being added and how Nexerelin should be adjusted accordingly in the beginning post, people will not give you as much negative feedback about the "difficulty" which is more mostly about timing. Redacted are out there for players to find, but this is a pro active end game threat that finds you, the player colonies, and wrecks the local economy too.

The hiver systems are so far away that their market items tend to be either high demand items or low priced items, which floods the F1 market. This is a quality of life issue, since it blocks the entries for the first page on some items. If you equalize the demand and supply of their inter faction economy, perhaps that would rebalance things.

If the redacted started hunting down the player ships and markets in month 4 or 5 of a new game, using their battleships or cruiser spam, then I suspect most people would say the redacted are too difficult too.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2024, 05:20:21 AM by ymarsakar »


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #650 on: August 06, 2024, 06:27:51 AM »

I just started the mod/starsector play recently, and setting this as a mid game threat by delaying invasions and colonizations was what i needed to fix the balance issue.
First off, hello there I will respond point by point but first I want to thank you for taking the time to type all this.
It is a challenging fight which needs different tactics. I think you will get better feedback on the difficulty of the mod if you put in big red letters at the OP on how to edit Nexerelin and delay the invasions. Judging by the amount of worlds and markets hivers had, and how many invasions they launched in month 4 or so of my new game, there's no way the player can do anything about them unless he has added in a new game plus with a fleet of phase ships and other stuff like aurora overclocked, like I did.
Well I do recommend using them with a modded game with at least 3 strong faction mods. I have several options with instructions on the front page as well as in a file labeled README that is in the ZIP. Also there is a player's suggestions on strategy that I copied from reddit on the front page as well. I do take your meaning however about using red as a "hey there is a lot of TLDR on this forum page but this part is super important". I will take some time this week and re-format that page, any ideas on that would be welcomed.
By clearly spelling this out as a mid game threat being added and how Nexerelin should be adjusted accordingly in the beginning post, people will not give you as much negative feedback about the "difficulty" which is more mostly about timing. Redacted are out there for players to find, but this is a pro active end game threat that finds you, the player colonies, and wrecks the local economy too.
I consider them a mid-game threat because even in a lightly modded game that is when they really become a problem. If left alone then they do become an end game existential threat. I do make that point within that layer of spoiler links but as part of the re-design I will make that more clear.
The hiver systems are so far away that their market items tend to be either high demand items or low priced items, which floods the F1 market. This is a quality of life issue, since it blocks the entries for the first page on some items. If you equalize the demand and supply of their inter faction economy, perhaps that would rebalance things.
OK this is a TLDR but it lays out the issue in detail so please bear with me. I have tried so many ways to make their markets not effect the F1. I even reached out to Alex and tried some of his ideas but they did not work. I eventually asked the author of StelNet, Jaghaimo, and was told they would have something in the next update only for that mod to be seemingly abandoned.

The issue lies in that the only way I can have them interact with the Nexerelin invasion system is to set them up as a playable faction with a flag that makes them not offer a commission to a player at game start combined with a script that resets any faction (including the player) that gets to neutral to hard reset it back to vengeful. Combine that with the fact that they have no trading partners and no black market trading with Pirates.

To make them a threat I needed to give them a strong economy that is insular (since they have no possible trading partners) with stockpiling for times of invasion when a system of theirs is eventually conquered, the other systems can still mount an affective fleet of ships which requires a strong economy. That built in overlap bleeds into the F1 market showing the stockpiling. As I stated earlier I have spent dozens of hours trying to prevent that but the game just does not have an option since Alex has stated that the base game is not a 4X. Hiver Swarm is unique in what it does and I am no coding genius, I am frankly surprised I was able to cobble together a mod that does what does. I will still seek out a way and if anyone reading this has an idea, I am more than open to it.
If the redacted started hunting down the player ships and markets in month 4 or 5 of a new game, using their battleships or cruiser spam, then I suspect most people would say the redacted are too difficult too.
I take your point and will rephrase the wording of the mod description. I want to make the point and at the same time try to reduce the eye straining TLDR of links on the forum page and that may take me some time. I thank you for the well thought out post and will do my best to be more clear in the optionals. If you have any further suggestions or comments please post them. I am a solo mod maker and rely on player input for all my mods to make them the best they can be.


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #651 on: August 06, 2024, 06:48:56 AM »

I really enjoy this mod. It adds a really terrifying enemy that the player has to intervene in otherwise they'll eat up the whole sector. Definitely makes my games more interesting. Great work!


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #652 on: August 06, 2024, 06:58:17 AM »

I really enjoy this mod. It adds a really terrifying enemy that the player has to intervene in otherwise they'll eat up the whole sector. Definitely makes my games more interesting. Great work!
Pardon the pun but Adam you are becoming a legend on the forums ;) Seriously though, thank you for the kind words. I do my best to balance this mod for varying difficulty levels for different types of players. Your comment is the core of my intent and it is reassuring to hear that at least one player enjoys it :)


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #653 on: August 07, 2024, 02:42:14 AM »

Yes, I can see the point where the hiver economy needs to be self sufficient to handle unexpected issues. The defense fleets should already be pretty strong if multiple planets are in the same system. They all kind of cluster together or hive defend. You are running administrator +1 and AI core + 1, which boosts many of these economic and military factors. I do think having strategic weaknesses in the hiver economy that can be taken advantage of, such as taking over their fuel economy and reducing their military fleets is a natural product of how nexerelin works.

The way the inter faction or internal faction economy works, they only need one world that supplies x number for their military bases to operate. So take the highest number of supplies used, and a single world can provide all of that in the faction, and that world is usually very high in population and defenses, in the center of their empire/system defense triangle. I have a lot of fun with special operations, stealthing into heavily occupied systems and raiding their spaceports, disabling them and an enemy economy. Emergent gameplay to me. Given the size of the Hiver fleets and the strength of their ships, I don't they need a redundancy of 3 or 4 worlds that have supplies +2 un needed exports, is necessary to sustain them in the nexerelin war. Especially since you can stack the worlds into all 1 or 2 systems and have them defend each other. It may decrease their offensive output fleets, but it would provide feedback that the hivers can be weakened.

I have read most of the opening spoiler quotes in the mod thread, it is simply a matter of what people see first. That is what gives an overall impression and judgment criteria. So while you should not decrease the difficulty of the hiver faction because of the feedback you have received, you can make adjustments based on human psychology. That makes the experience of the mod better for players, and it also will improve the feedback you as a mod content creator gets. Since you noted that it demotivates you to hear so many negative comment that you cannot actually do anything to change.

I have not played nexerelin long enough to game out the economic consequences of various markets going off line in the long term, like say a 5-15 year campaign of war and conquest, but consider using a minor script to code in some kind of improvement to the hiver economy, instead of having it set to the beginning to be +2 export that nobody can use, which makes their supplies cost 55 credits per on the market. I don't know how feasible this is, as I don't mod starsector code, but it will be a lot easier than trying to adjust the F1 market UI.

A simple idea would be to AI script the hiver relationship to pirates and other pirate like factions/independents, to neutral but only when the hiver systems worlds are conquered or close to losing critical markets. This would allow some trading to offset the hiver deficiencies if they have them. The hivers also need a fuel station, they are running out of fuel also and driving up their local market prices.

I just started the mod/starsector play recently, and setting this as a mid game threat by delaying invasions and colonizations was what i needed to fix the balance issue.
First off, hello there I will respond point by point but first I want to thank you for taking the time to type all this.
It is a challenging fight which needs different tactics. I think you will get better feedback on the difficulty of the mod if you put in big red letters at the OP on how to edit Nexerelin and delay the invasions. Judging by the amount of worlds and markets hivers had, and how many invasions they launched in month 4 or so of my new game, there's no way the player can do anything about them unless he has added in a new game plus with a fleet of phase ships and other stuff like aurora overclocked, like I did.
Well I do recommend using them with a modded game with at least 3 strong faction mods. I have several options with instructions on the front page as well as in a file labeled README that is in the ZIP. Also there is a player's suggestions on strategy that I copied from reddit on the front page as well. I do take your meaning however about using red as a "hey there is a lot of TLDR on this forum page but this part is super important". I will take some time this week and re-format that page, any ideas on that would be welcomed.
By clearly spelling this out as a mid game threat being added and how Nexerelin should be adjusted accordingly in the beginning post, people will not give you as much negative feedback about the "difficulty" which is more mostly about timing. Redacted are out there for players to find, but this is a pro active end game threat that finds you, the player colonies, and wrecks the local economy too.
I consider them a mid-game threat because even in a lightly modded game that is when they really become a problem. If left alone then they do become an end game existential threat. I do make that point within that layer of spoiler links but as part of the re-design I will make that more clear.
The hiver systems are so far away that their market items tend to be either high demand items or low priced items, which floods the F1 market. This is a quality of life issue, since it blocks the entries for the first page on some items. If you equalize the demand and supply of their inter faction economy, perhaps that would rebalance things.
OK this is a TLDR but it lays out the issue in detail so please bear with me. I have tried so many ways to make their markets not effect the F1. I even reached out to Alex and tried some of his ideas but they did not work. I eventually asked the author of StelNet, Jaghaimo, and was told they would have something in the next update only for that mod to be seemingly abandoned.

The issue lies in that the only way I can have them interact with the Nexerelin invasion system is to set them up as a playable faction with a flag that makes them not offer a commission to a player at game start combined with a script that resets any faction (including the player) that gets to neutral to hard reset it back to vengeful. Combine that with the fact that they have no trading partners and no black market trading with Pirates.

To make them a threat I needed to give them a strong economy that is insular (since they have no possible trading partners) with stockpiling for times of invasion when a system of theirs is eventually conquered, the other systems can still mount an affective fleet of ships which requires a strong economy. That built in overlap bleeds into the F1 market showing the stockpiling. As I stated earlier I have spent dozens of hours trying to prevent that but the game just does not have an option since Alex has stated that the base game is not a 4X. Hiver Swarm is unique in what it does and I am no coding genius, I am frankly surprised I was able to cobble together a mod that does what does. I will still seek out a way and if anyone reading this has an idea, I am more than open to it.
If the redacted started hunting down the player ships and markets in month 4 or 5 of a new game, using their battleships or cruiser spam, then I suspect most people would say the redacted are too difficult too.
I take your point and will rephrase the wording of the mod description. I want to make the point and at the same time try to reduce the eye straining TLDR of links on the forum page and that may take me some time. I thank you for the well thought out post and will do my best to be more clear in the optionals. If you have any further suggestions or comments please post them. I am a solo mod maker and rely on player input for all my mods to make them the best they can be.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2024, 02:47:04 AM by ymarsakar »


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #654 on: August 07, 2024, 06:19:37 AM »

Yes, I can see the point where the hiver economy needs to be self sufficient to handle unexpected issues. The defense fleets should already be pretty strong if multiple planets are in the same system. They all kind of cluster together or hive defend. You are running administrator +1 and AI core + 1, which boosts many of these economic and military factors. I do think having strategic weaknesses in the hiver economy that can be taken advantage of, such as taking over their fuel economy and reducing their military fleets is a natural product of how nexerelin works.
Their main system is overlapped and very dense with fleets by design. I recommend going after one of their satellite systems first if a player plans to go after them on their own. Personally, when I am ready to take them on I wait until I see a strong friendly faction send an invasion fleet and tail them with my fleet. Let them act as tanks and send my fleet as help as they engage. Hivers are meant to be a war of attrition that the entire Corvus is needed to defeat them. The NPC's involved may be enemies but they will work toward their common enemy more than go after each other if multiple NPC fleets are invading.
The way the inter faction or internal faction economy works, they only need one world that supplies x number for their military bases to operate. So take the highest number of supplies used, and a single world can provide all of that in the faction, and that world is usually very high in population and defenses, in the center of their empire/system defense triangle. I have a lot of fun with special operations, stealthing into heavily occupied systems and raiding their spaceports, disabling them and an enemy economy. Emergent gameplay to me. Given the size of the Hiver fleets and the strength of their ships, I don't they need a redundancy of 3 or 4 worlds that have supplies +2 un needed exports, is necessary to sustain them in the nexerelin war. Especially since you can stack the worlds into all 1 or 2 systems and have them defend each other. It may decrease their offensive output fleets, but it would provide feedback that the hivers can be weakened.
To an extent I agree but the difference is HIVERS have no friends and EVERY faction is sending fleets against them. For example the church and Tri-Tac may be at war but Sindran allies with one and the Hegemony allies with the other. That leaves the league, independents, pirates, and any mod faction that can help either side without penalty. As a player you can use the tactics you describe to take advantage and help one side w/out committing. Now take Hivers, they have no allies and all enemies. There is no subtle or diplomatic way to fight them. To be the big bad that the entire sector fears well they need to be fearsome.
I have read most of the opening spoiler quotes in the mod thread, it is simply a matter of what people see first. That is what gives an overall impression and judgment criteria. So while you should not decrease the difficulty of the hiver faction because of the feedback you have received, you can make adjustments based on human psychology. That makes the experience of the mod better for players, and it also will improve the feedback you as a mod content creator gets. Since you noted that it demotivates you to hear so many negative comment that you cannot actually do anything to change.
The base mod installed is meant for a modded game with at least 3 strong faction mods. However I have addressed multiple questions by providing several different options on how to modify their strength down to the point if someone wanted to play with HIVER installed and no other mods than Nexerelin and it's dependents. I plan take your advice and move that information to the top of the page with subsequent information on how to enable those options.
I have not played nexerelin long enough to game out the economic consequences of various markets going off line in the long term, like say a 5-15 year campaign of war and conquest, but consider using a minor script to code in some kind of improvement to the hiver economy, instead of having it set to the beginning to be +2 export that nobody can use, which makes their supplies cost 55 credits per on the market. I don't know how feasible this is, as I don't mod starsector code, but it will be a lot easier than trying to adjust the F1 market UI.
An interesting idea, I am not sure if that is a thing but I will look into it.
A simple idea would be to AI script the hiver relationship to pirates and other pirate like factions/independents, to neutral but only when the hiver systems worlds are conquered or close to losing critical markets. This would allow some trading to offset the hiver deficiencies if they have them. The hivers also need a fuel station, they are running out of fuel also and driving up their local market prices.
I understand your reasoning but their core lore is they despise ALL non hiver forms of life and enslave/eat them for snacks. They are meant to be an active existential threat that the player needs to take an active role in defeating. I am big on my mods staying true to their established lore and design their ships, weapons, features. etc. to match that lore. It is all in for Hivers, even though they are biomechanical in nature they despise the remnant as well.

You have given me some ideas for the mod as well as for the mod page, which frankly is in need of a re-do. Essentially as I changed and added things to the mod I just piled on another spoiler tab and it is about time that I give the mod page a cleaner interface. I am currently working on an update to my newest mod TTE but once that is out I will work on Hiver after so no ETA but it is next in the queue. The time you have put into this reply is impressive and I truly appreciate it.
Thank you.


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #655 on: August 07, 2024, 10:57:36 AM »

I took a closer look at the hiver internal colony stats to see why their economy is so strange.

Chozanti needs 8 fuel, but they have so many colonies with AI cores producing +1 but there is only max 7 fuel produced. 7 cannot meet the internal needs of 8. So I would try to reduce chozanti's consumption by 1 at least.

They also have essentially an accessibility problem that can be relieved by giving them freeport/megaports on all their colonies. As the faction mods increase, their "hostile faction" malus to their accessibility just keeps growing.

With a negative -44 accessibility, wazner, that small outpost, is suddenly unable to even import internal faction fuel and other supplies.

This can be essentially tweaked and reworked by having all their colonies only have the industries that produce what their military high command/spaceport needs to function. That way they don't even need to worry about exporting to their own faction. Right now they even have a heavy machinery surplus/lack in many colonies. And that's without anyone attacking them at all, just a few months in.

So basically all the non essential industries that they don't need for war, needs to go bye bye, and every world has to be edited to produce almost all of what their war machine needs. This will then end up looking kind of strange lore wise if every planet produced the exact same minerals they needed, but that's a necessity for making them into a self sufficient economy. Since accessibility is affected by their distance from the core colonies "aka other colonies" and also from their hostility towards all factions, the only way to ensure they don't have surplus/shortage issues is to edit each colony to only produce/consume as much as they need. No more or less. This can be done, game/lore wise using a combination of AI cores and other just straight edit/modding them.


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #656 on: August 07, 2024, 02:58:07 PM »

Just had another idea. If the hivers are as xenophobic as depicted, why do they have open markets and allow trade with other species just because their transponder is off? Would it not be more logickal for the hivers to ban sale of supplies and fuel and other stuff, to outside forces? This would also resolve the open market F1 price distortion issue, since heavy armaments and black markets don't show up on F1 for hivers (oops, it does, scratch that idea). This would conveniently also not need a complete rebalance of the hiver internal economy, although some things should be adjusted simply because they are not self sufficient enough for a war machine.

Best of all, this is likely the simplest change that takes the least effort, as it would just mean editing a faction line.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2024, 03:03:38 PM by ymarsakar »


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #657 on: August 07, 2024, 04:57:44 PM »

Just had another idea. If the hivers are as xenophobic as depicted, why do they have open markets and allow trade with other species just because their transponder is off? Would it not be more logickal for the hivers to ban sale of supplies and fuel and other stuff, to outside forces? This would also resolve the open market F1 price distortion issue, since heavy armaments and black markets don't show up on F1 for hivers (oops, it does, scratch that idea). This would conveniently also not need a complete rebalance of the hiver internal economy, although some things should be adjusted simply because they are not self sufficient enough for a war machine.

Best of all, this is likely the simplest change that takes the least effort, as it would just mean editing a faction line.
Hello again, I am still processing your previous post but since this one just came in I figured I would address it first because I am confused. Just to clarify that we are on the same page here:

Navigate to data\world\factions and open HIVER.faction and navigate to line 311
Is the current setting.

With that set to false there should be no trading with other factions so I am unsure which other faction line you suggest changing. Some clarity on that would be appreciated.


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #658 on: August 07, 2024, 11:24:22 PM »

I meant each faction has commodities they declare illegal, thus they cannot be traded on the open market only the black market. So from the player point of view, the hivers will still trade, just with the transponder off.

If the hiver faction declares many commodities illegal to sell, that would fit more with the lore you have in mind. I thought it would also clear up the F1 menu issue, but I saw wrong, it still shows up even for black market goods not on the open market/legal.

There may be other military/economic ramifications to it, but I cannot think of what they may be without testing it.

I am testing with a console dev mode, I'll switch it off and see what else is going on. I do seem to remember it right, I can dock to hiver stations with transponder off and trade items on the open or black market.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2024, 11:27:15 PM by ymarsakar »


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Re: [0.97a] Hiver Swarm - V1.1.3 - 07/05/24
« Reply #659 on: August 11, 2024, 03:01:38 AM »

Okay I did some testing and experimentation, and with console commands devmode, I can add and change the AI cores. So what's causing the surplus excess is mostly the AI cores, so I removed most of them, except for the ones that star stations and heavy industry needed, cause that makes their military fleets better. For most commodities, like supplies and fuel, they can be more or less balanced by upgrading the demand and lowering the productivity. The accessibility is almost negative even with freeports, so they are missing like 1 fuel at times, but that's not going to cripple them or make too big a number on F1. This ends up with balanced demand and supply for supplies, which is a major improvement for the F1 market UI. Heavy batteries can simply be upgraded further to create demand for heavy armaments.

This will take some time to manually edit the colony economies, but I think it is worth it to me. I attached a screenshot. There are several worlds that have organics when mining, which is simply flooding the market because there's no military or economic use for it on each of those worlds. It is difficult to remove planet traits, and removing the mining would then require minerals to be shipped in faction, which is not a bad way to resolve that until the worlds are edited sometime in the far future.
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