So, I was playing this mod for a long time, and I really like the concept of a space Roman Empire. However, there is one small issue that bugged me for a long time - portraits. Like, we have powerful interstellar space state, ruled by AI, with weapons, capable of turning planets uninhabitable, and yet it's generals wearing the Lorica Hamata of the Principate Era. Not a best choice of clothing for, you know, an star empire of far future.
So I decided to take the matter in my own hands and replace some of the portraits (the "historical" ones) with portraits that I see as more or less fitting the theme of Interstellar Imperium. Here's what I've done:
I mostly used various illustrations of Severan Dominate from WH40k, some other pictures from the same source and some edited pictures I've found on the internet.
So, what do you guys think about it? Should I create a submod with these portraits?