I feel like non of you use the VIC capital ship. it has such a high DPS that it can take on basically anything, shields covers both front and back(to a degree) when pointing to the side, shturm overhaul makes it have the flux for it, more charges(important for later) and while having the DPS of safety overrides it still has (part of) the range, namely 700 which is considerable compared to SO. just controll the shield, controll the useless kinetic missle weapon and let it auto fire onto everything in front. HE weapons destroy armor even though each shot is weak, for an absurd DPS that even destroys shields with ease, and if it actually comes to worst you can use the - now i talk about it - it's system
It's system allows it to jump trough anything(except a station, it gets stuck in those) damaging it with EMP/energy(or HE considering how much armor it strips) in the procces, with a pretty big damage to armor, though it does neglible damage to shields. it gets improved cooldown with shturm overhaul as well. what is it good for, listed?
-stripping armor
-attacking a ship's rear that do not have 360 shields
-quickly repositioning for:
--killing those stray freighters that try to escape my greedy ass
-disabling weapons and engines
so really, while I would agree with some/most of you about it being underpowered if it was not for this subsystem, it just is so OP both on it's own and especially with a shturm overhauled ship. if you want to get the blueprint for it just be hostile to VIC and raid them with industrial evolution colonies with privateer bases. or raid them themselves, now you can get the blueprints. and also get even better subsystems. when it updates that is
I don't even use any other VIC ships tbh. anyways, that is my take. if u try it out, what do u say about it?