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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Luddic Enhancement (New Version Ed. 1.2.6e)  (Read 428894 times)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5j
« Reply #120 on: February 07, 2022, 09:43:15 AM »

I like this mod, thank you! Playing Luddic and it feels good when looking at a station and seeing the big capital ships on offer. I can't imagine what the game would be like without them.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5j
« Reply #121 on: February 15, 2022, 10:53:21 AM »

The IED tankers hitting phase ships is an unintentional fun/silly thing, but it has a few bugs with the damage. Using the Prometheus, a phase ship in phase takes over +100k damage in a very large radius while not being phased takes only ~5-6k with damage control. The phase ship takes +100k damage roughly 800 units away while an adjacent ship takes 1-2k armor damage.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 07:48:18 PM by NaitNait »

King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5j
« Reply #122 on: February 16, 2022, 02:31:44 AM »

In light of feedback, and watching the Tournament stream (oh ludd what have I done) comes this quick update.

Changes with 1.2.5k
-Slightly reduced the damage (IED)s on initial explosion - should be damaging but not deleting as they were before.
-Panic nerf to the Lector's stats (900 armour -> 750, 6000 -> 5000 hull points).

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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5k
« Reply #123 on: February 16, 2022, 03:52:17 AM »

Speaking of IEDs, they are non threatening to shielded ships at all, how about add them shield disruption when ship caught in explosion depending on IED size? Like Harbinger subsystem does? Its looks silly, when you take bounty to kill a pather, and he rams into your ship and destroy himself without inflicting any kind damage, and they often blow up their allies more than player ships.

King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« Reply #124 on: February 16, 2022, 11:53:07 PM »

Made a HUGE mistake, here's the quick-fix.

Changes with 1.2.5l:
-Prometheus (IED) no longer wipes the entire map when it explodes.

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King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5k
« Reply #125 on: February 16, 2022, 11:56:20 PM »

Speaking of IEDs, they are non threatening to shielded ships at all, how about add them shield disruption when ship caught in explosion depending on IED size? Like Harbinger subsystem does? Its looks silly, when you take bounty to kill a pather, and he rams into your ship and destroy himself without inflicting any kind damage, and they often blow up their allies more than player ships.

That's a tricky thing to try and handle. Right now the IED's explosions are fragmentation, to replicate the idea that these are IEDs not proper explosives. They're not as strong as an actual explosive, and thus their explosions are inherently flawed. Making them kinetic would make them delete shields and overload ships, but also make it much more potent vs armoured ships without serious tweaking. With them being fragmentation they're equally bad vs shields and armour, and it's much easier to balance as an all-round *oh no* sort of vessel.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« Reply #126 on: February 17, 2022, 08:12:17 AM »

Can the Prom 4 reload the Dram bomb?  Maybe I end up fighting shielded enemies a lot but I don't really n otice the dram IED doing much

Twilight Sentinel

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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« Reply #127 on: February 19, 2022, 11:13:55 AM »

One issue I've noticed with this mod is that the Luddic church blueprint package is now far too stacked with blueprints, including a large number of rare blueprints in it.  So the player gets almost the entire Luddic church roster from one relatively common package, making it easily the best package in the game.  All you'd need past that weapon and fighter blueprints.

I'd suggest splitting off most of the rare blueprints and any particularly special LC variants out of the package into rare blueprints.  That way they work like other blueprints in the game.  Keep the common variants and maybe low tech package ships in the main package.  The rest should be in rare blueprints.

Current LC package ships:
  • Venture (LC) - common variant
  • Sebastion - new
  • Eradicator (LC) - rare variant
  • Dominator (LC) - package recolour
  • Christopher - new
  • Mule (LC) - common recolour
  • Manticore (LC) - rare recolour
  • Lector - new
  • Fasces - new
  • Enforcer (LC) - package recolour
  • Buffalo (LC) - vanilla
  • Vanguard (LC) - rare recolour
  • Lasher (LC) - vanilla
  • Hound (LC) - vanilla
  • Fidem - new
  • Cerberus (LC) - common recolour
  • Brawler (LC) - package variant

That's 3 rare vanilla ships, 5 new ships, 2 recolours from the low tech package (3 if you count the vanilla lasher), and a variant from the mid line package.  Recolours of common ships are irrelevant, everyone always has those blueprints.  The enforcer also has a recolour available in the pirate package, so it's very easy to get that one so I'd be fine with discounting it as well.

Overall that's 10 warships, 12 if you count the enforcer and lasher.

By contrast, the best blueprint package of the core three is midline with 6 warships and 2 carriers.  Plus a civilian carrier freighter ship, several weapons, and two fighters.

Immediately I think you should make the rare low tech ships all rare blueprints as well, that's the eradicator, manticore, and vanguard.  It's fine if they're recolours, they're better than the Tri-tach buffalo.  Then pull 2-3 of the new ships into rare blueprints.  I'd take one of each of the cruisers and destroyers, maybe the Fidem?

Maybe take the dominator recolour out of the mod entirely?  LC has enough cruiser warships at this stage and it's a better fit for the Hegemony.  I'm torn on the LC Brawler, on one hand the Tri-tach variant is a rare blueprint, on the other I don't think it's a good rare blueprint.  So I'd recommend keeping that, but I could see swapping it for the Fidem as a rare blueprint.

The LC would still know all of these blueprints for their fleets and they could all be bought from the faction, but this way the player doesn't get their entire kit minus the two capitals in one common package.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2022, 09:31:59 AM by Twilight Sentinel »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« Reply #128 on: February 22, 2022, 03:56:13 PM »

random question, I have the prometheus LP ied class,  with the version of this mod that it wipes the map :) which made a fun surprise and made me consider focusing this ships (no I am not going to update the mod now because I like the risk).  But I was able to capture one of those prometheus ied,  how do I use its system ? I tried using it in battle after a prolonged fight I was losing and I wanted to make sure both fleets would leave in bad shape.  But I was unable to use the system at all, is there a condition to use the system?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« Reply #129 on: March 08, 2022, 06:17:05 PM »

random question, I have the prometheus LP ied class,  with the version of this mod that it wipes the map :) which made a fun surprise and made me consider focusing this ships (no I am not going to update the mod now because I like the risk).  But I was able to capture one of those prometheus ied,  how do I use its system ? I tried using it in battle after a prolonged fight I was losing and I wanted to make sure both fleets would leave in bad shape.  But I was unable to use the system at all, is there a condition to use the system?

Lock on to a target then activate the ability. That's how the smaller ones work


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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« Reply #130 on: March 27, 2022, 10:24:54 PM »

So out of curiosity, any current ideas for what your plans for LE 1.3 will be, in light of this bombshell? I'm guessing the LC Onslaught and Legion will be jettisoned (as Alex now plans for those to be Hege-exclusive) and the Invictus and Retribution will both be Luddic-exclusive now; will they get cosmetic LC paintjob skins, you reckon?

I also couldn't help but notice that they're definitely "on theme" with the sub-capitals added by LE. :P I'm guessing the smaller ships will stick around?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« Reply #131 on: March 29, 2022, 02:28:27 AM »

So out of curiosity, any current ideas for what your plans for LE 1.3 will be, in light of this bombshell? I'm guessing the LC Onslaught and Legion will be jettisoned (as Alex now plans for those to be Hege-exclusive) and the Invictus and Retribution will both be Luddic-exclusive now; will they get cosmetic LC paintjob skins, you reckon?

I also couldn't help but notice that they're definitely "on theme" with the sub-capitals added by LE. :P I'm guessing the smaller ships will stick around?

I feel like onslaughts were already heg exclusive before. Was it never explicitly mentioned prior to the blog post?

King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« Reply #132 on: April 01, 2022, 12:42:40 AM »

So out of curiosity, any current ideas for what your plans for LE 1.3 will be, in light of this bombshell? I'm guessing the LC Onslaught and Legion will be jettisoned (as Alex now plans for those to be Hege-exclusive) and the Invictus and Retribution will both be Luddic-exclusive now; will they get cosmetic LC paintjob skins, you reckon?

I also couldn't help but notice that they're definitely "on theme" with the sub-capitals added by LE. :P I'm guessing the smaller ships will stick around?

In all honesty Luddic Enhancement was mostly just to uniquify the Luddic Church, and the new lore update essentially goes about fixing that. As a direct consequence of it I'm going to be making changes:

-Dominator (LC), Enforcer (LC), Onslaught (LC) and Legion (LC) will be far rarer, acting like an XIV-tier ship for the Church. These will be explained as the result of lend-lease with the church during the AI Wars. I plan on doing a bit of overhauling of how they work and look, making them more in line with the future LC meta of low tech armour blocks; this is something I plan on doing once the new update is out. They'll be moved to their own faction-specific blueprint.
-Eradicator (LC) and Manticore (LC) will stay on with existing Eradicator and Manticore ships in a reduced number (maybe 20% of the time they'll be swapped out). I feel tempted to remove them entirely however, so fair warning if they dissappear.
-Christopher and Lector will be completely reworked and split up into two versions; one will be definitively LC (complete rework), and the other will be more general Hegemony design (these ones will be closer to what you see in the current version of LE).
-Sebastian and Lector will get a minor graphical update, but will otherwise remain untouched; Lector may just get bog-standard Damper field with appropriate armour balancing.
-Mule (LC), Brawler (LC), Venture (LC), Cerberus (LC), Vanguard (LC) and Fidem will remain unchanged.

There might also be changes to the LP line-up if new ships appear that could be pathified, but for the most part their roster is set.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« Reply #133 on: April 01, 2022, 12:54:23 AM »

-Dominator (LC), Enforcer (LC), Onslaught (LC) and Legion (LC) will be far rarer, acting like an XIV-tier ship for the Church. These will be explained as the result of lend-lease with the church during the AI Wars.

That's a great idea and makes sense in game :D I'm looking forward to seeing the new update LEM


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Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« Reply #134 on: April 21, 2022, 06:20:44 AM »

WARNING: If you install this mod know that it was changed significantly to make the "IED" mechanic, the exploding ships, EXTREMELY unbalanced. It will destroy any non capital ship in range regardless of what you do, and unless you're fighting with overwhelming firepower, you cannot kill it prior to detonation. This is true even for the most recent patch (5l). You cannot evade the damage using mobility either.

I'm still trying to figure out how to fix it without breaking the mechanic entirely. Changing the numbers in weapon_data.csv doesn't seem to affect the Prometheus explosion at all.
The numbers seem to be locked somehow.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2022, 10:51:23 AM by Kasimir »
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