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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Xi Liu Fiddling Ed., 0.3.8f)  (Read 833829 times)

King Alfonzo

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"The Hazard Mining Company doesn't run on supplies - that'd be too expensive, too inconvienient. Instead, it's run on meat, on the poor unfortunates that get in it's way and the lost souls decieved by profits and advancement until it's too late." ~ Folly of Greed, Jebidiah Exalted

Many cycles ago, a daring space miner called Haseo 'Hazard' Fuyutsuki set out into the Outer Rim to make his fortune with nothing by a Shepherd, some loose change and a dream. Today, the Company he founded holds an iron grip beyond the Core Worlds, always seeking more profit. Made up of adventurers, freebooters and mercenaries, Hazard Mining Incorporated is well known as a company where anyone can make their fortune. It is also well known for being unethical in the acquisition of goods, luxuries and technology from the Outer Rim colonies. The Luddic Church often demands the destruction of this 'Soulless Machine', and other established factions are rendered nervous by the accusations of briganditry, banditry, protection racketeering, and possibly even genocide. But while the Company continues to churn out absurdedly high profits and an endless supply of raw goods, the major factions remain placated...for now...

Hazard Mining Incorporated holds tenuous dominion over four systems, and an iron grip on a fifth, beyond space claimed by Luddic Church. These systems are filled to the brim with pirates, luddites, and dangers unheard of in the Core Systems. It is heavily advised that anyone seeking high adventure or lucrative trading opportunities there be well-equipped and ready for anything - not even the expensive protections offered by the Company can guarantee your safety there. However, if one can survive the gauntlet of horrors, insane profits can be made trading with the more difficult to reach colonies of the HMI.

The Company is well reknowned for their Junker ships. These vessels are cheap, efficient but fair poorly in combat. Their key advantage is that they are nigh impossible to completely destroy, with lost hulls being put back together in more efficient ways. With increasing number of d-mods on these ships, there is an increase in the number of Ordinance Points up to 4 d-mods.

Another known feature of Hazard Mining Incorporated is their library of unusual technologies acquired from the dark recesses of space. These designs are often incomplete; but Hazard Mining, not wanting to sell these on or spend the time to fix them, instead hack the LPC of the ship to produce something functional. These Techmined Hulls have unusual features and can be incredibly powerful, but suffer from key drawbacks in long engagements and can be problematic to handle logisitically. Techmined Hulls are powerful, however they lose Combat Readiness twice as fast after their Peak Time has expired, repair 50% slower out of combat, and take 50% more damage from storms and coronas.

Further, several hulls have entered circulation in other factions as a result of HMI activity, including some rare ones not seen here:

Possibly due to rampant Company harvesting of systems infested with [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], there appears to be new hulls observed in these [REDACTED] fleets, along with rare and unusual [REDACTED] hulls:

In addition to the seemingly endless supply of raw materials, unique and rare commodities from beyond the Core Worlds are also produced by the HMI. Many are considered illegal by the established factions, but they still remain in high demand:




Due to the original mod becoming too large, I split the mod up into three seperate mods. Below you can find the two 'sub' mods of HMI; these mods can be downlaoded and used independantly of HMI and each other.

The Brighton Federation

A collection of refugees from some terrible disaster, the Brighton Federation is a desperate polity. Given their location, and how they lie firmly beneath the attention of the other major powers as a weakling polity without access to great resources, the Brighton Federation relies heavily on hulls scavanged from Remnants and Derelicts, and converted into crewable vessels. These vessels are somewhat poorer in quality than expected, but mass well.


In addition to these scavanged hulls, Brighton also uses the hulls to recreate base-blueprint hulls from the main core systems. These ships suffer terrible drawbacks to everything from armour to hull, but are much cheaper to run and pack a significantly greater missile complement than their well-constructed cousins.




Hazard Mining Supervillains

The Draco Group and the Fang Society are two truly deranged factions that inhabit the south-western part of the sector. Both organisations suffer from an obsession with gene-modding to go above conventional humanity in strength, speed, intelligence - and cruelty.

The Draco Group, aristocratic and cold, harvest populations to imbibe their blood in their hedonistic rituals, reaving on high-tech derivatives of midline ships from the system of Prester John. The Fang Society, animalistic and vicious, prey on defenseless peoples to consume, eat and torture, roaming the sector from deranged, Orion-Device modified vessels. Often destroying these ships leave behind grim cargoes that the enterprising and amoral captain can sell later on for profit.

While their hatred for the Sector is well known, their loathing for each other is even greater. It is for this reason that their impact on the Sector at large is relatively minor, as they are more content to butcher each other.





This is my third 'faction' so to speak. It has since morphed from a small modification to an altogether hungrier beast. This beast became so bloated that I split it up into three more mods, which are independantly useable in their own right. All the secret, hidden content remains in the main HMI mod, and to find it you'll have to read the clues and figure things out rather than find a guy to give you the quest - largely because coding a quest is beyond my capabilities. This mod pack contains a now unique 'Junker' faction, five mini-boss factions, an optional Scavanged Derelict/Remnant faction, and four hidden systems for you to stumble upon in your adventures. This mod is inspired by ORA, Metellson and the idea of a player-created space empire based on conquered pirate markets. Hopefully this will be an interesting addition to any game, however be forewarned that some people take issue to some of the more...unusual content added by this mod. Please let me know if I've done anything hilariously wrong. I will also rename the Scarecrow if the Obscene Mod Nevermore is ever made into an IBB.

Dark.Revenant, Histidine and Alex for coding help - this mod could not be done without these brilliant people
Mesotronik, AxleMC, Tartifletee, HELMUT, Azmond and the Discord Server for inspiration, spriting help and refinement (and in the case of Meso, Sounds).
Gen Waffle, Avanitia, Nia and HELMUT for doing an outrageous amount of playtesting - very much appreciated!

If you feel like giving me a tip - please don't. Instead, please direct any donations to the Mesotronik Charity Drive. The guy needs it a heckovalot more than I do, and he's in a really bad situation at the moment. Anything you can give helps.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2018, 07:50:38 PM »

Not 100% sure about the scavenged domain drone frigates. They always felt to me like they would need serious hull extension or modification to accommodate a crew, and even then...why? Otherwise I like the look of this, fringe miner coalition with hodgepodge starships is a fun concept.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2018, 10:36:31 AM »

The Double IR Pulse Laser doesn't seem to be any different from the regular pulse laser, besides costing more OP. Is this intentional?

King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2018, 02:31:24 PM »

The Double IR Pulse Laser doesn't seem to be any different from the regular pulse laser, besides costing more OP. Is this intentional?

Yes. The double IR pulse laser is two IR pulse lasers welded together with slightly better stats. It should be slightly more flux efficient than the pulse laser (which I will check and fix the next time I get a chance) but overall worse than the pulse laser in damage output and OP cost. The idea behind the weapon came about when damage outputs were being calculated a ways back - which would be better, a high alpha shot of energy, or lots of less damaging energy shots? The calculations pointed to the high damage shots being the best (even with cooldowns), with more volume of smaller fire being the worst. So I made the Double IR pulse laser to test this meta, and then ended up liking it for being a very pew-pew sort of weapon, as well as going well with safety override builds. In the next release I will tweak it be more flux efficient to solidify that low power for low flux-cost idea, but overall it is supposed to be worse than the pulse laser.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2018, 07:22:59 PM »

I am getting a error of facility explosions texture is missing

King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2018, 12:24:12 AM »

I am getting a error of facility explosions texture is missing

Dang, that'll be fixed in the next version.



Fix the Explosions Illustration Crash
Rate of fire of the double IR laser increased, flux per shot decreased - now a more knife-fighty weapon that is still worse than the pulse laser.
Sprite update for the Zebu
Sprite tweak for the Shepherd (Heavy)


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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2018, 08:33:46 AM »

Seems to be a bit of an issue with damage and flux per second values here

A Random Jolteon

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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2018, 11:03:39 AM »

Seems to be a bit of an issue with damage and flux per second values here
You almost made me choke on the cupcake I was eating.

Hi. I exist. Bye.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2018, 01:23:26 PM »

BWAHAHAHA I see what you've done there. :P Someone's set a cooldown value to 0...  8) Btw, that number there is apparently the largest number weapons can have in the refit screen there. (I've done it before)

King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2018, 04:01:18 PM »

Yeah, it's not as powerful as you think it is. I'll fix that, along with all the rest of the little things that have popped up.

Now for the 'Downsizing' Update.

-Removed Herakles.
-Removed the Pirate market in Galena; Anthracite takes it's place instead.
-Removed Nevermore Station.
-Vast majority of markets reduced in size.

-This was done because my CPU can't handle the extra markets, and I wanted to avoid bloating. If you guys want Herakles back I can stick it back in, but I don't think it'll be missed.

-Tweaked the Pummerer Cannon to have a longer burst delay, but faster bullets; should now not be OP in general as an assault weapon, whiel also remaining good at missile swatting.
-Tweaked the Richardson Cannon sprite so it doesn't look like a sawn-off Mk9, and fixed the burst delay.
-Removed active flares from the ships which should have only had flares.


Link, and please tell me if anything is horrifically wrong. Since been updated.

Null Ganymede

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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2018, 12:36:48 AM »

Doing a Nexerelin+lotsa factions conquest-heavy playthrough with 1.0 of H.M.I.

I think I get what you're going for here. :) Cool star systems, I like the effort put into world building. Possible content spoilers ahead:

I got three Moras and some low-tech ships via a Hegemony commission and salvage, then went to conquer the southwest side of the map. Nobody likes the Ludds and the Persean systems north of them are juicy,
 although I have a ton of faction mods enabled and have the feeling they'll get in my way moving north. So far I've spread out from the pirate stations to all HMI planets except the north-easternmost one.

HMI as an easy to conquer quasi-pirate/pather faction works. The sieges are viable with a small-ish fleet, but still varied and fun. The ship modifications have quite a bit of flavor.

One nitpick - the FANG fleets stick out a little due to awesome Enforcer hulls loaded with really ineffective weapons. Maybe I was expecting more with the paint scheme, maybe they're not quite tweaked in yet...

Curious to see how the economy will stabilize once the invasion penalties wear off and market stabilizes. Will try to make captures outside the carved out "empire" strategic based on supply/demand and see what that does!

King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2018, 02:21:08 AM »

Doing a Nexerelin+lotsa factions conquest-heavy playthrough with 1.0 of H.M.I.

I think I get what you're going for here. :) Cool star systems, I like the effort put into world building. Possible content spoilers ahead:

I got three Moras and some low-tech ships via a Hegemony commission and salvage, then went to conquer the southwest side of the map. Nobody likes the Ludds and the Persean systems north of them are juicy,
 although I have a ton of faction mods enabled and have the feeling they'll get in my way moving north. So far I've spread out from the pirate stations to all HMI planets except the north-easternmost one.

HMI as an easy to conquer quasi-pirate/pather faction works. The sieges are viable with a small-ish fleet, but still varied and fun. The ship modifications have quite a bit of flavor.

One nitpick - the FANG fleets stick out a little due to awesome Enforcer hulls loaded with really ineffective weapons. Maybe I was expecting more with the paint scheme, maybe they're not quite tweaked in yet...

Curious to see how the economy will stabilize once the invasion penalties wear off and market stabilizes. Will try to make captures outside the carved out "empire" strategic based on supply/demand and see what that does!

Good to hear you've been having fun mate! Rock on.

As for the REDACTED hulls: Yeah, I plan on making them a bit better, but mind they are supposed to be a low tech+.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2018, 04:24:38 PM »

I give it a try today. A really nice mode, I love the creepy feeling about all the systems of HMI. Everything make it feel something is wrong (and I'm not talking about the stuff that is clearly wrong) : planets, the way HMI is working, the background, the emptyness of the systems... It remind me Homeworld Cataclysm. You know, the part just before it goes terribly wrong.

(By the way, what is the code line you use to clean Hyperspace around the systems? I would like to borrow it for my mod)

King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta)
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2018, 10:18:21 PM »

I give it a try today. A really nice mode, I love the creepy feeling about all the systems of HMI. Everything make it feel something is wrong (and I'm not talking about the stuff that is clearly wrong) : planets, the way HMI is working, the background, the emptyness of the systems... It remind me Homeworld Cataclysm. You know, the part just before it goes terribly wrong.

Good to hear it's working as intended!

(By the way, what is the code line you use to clean Hyperspace around the systems? I would like to borrow it for my mod)

I honestly don't know. I think there's a 'cleanup' function somewhere that does it?

King Alfonzo

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Re: [0.8.1a] Hazard Mining Incorporated (Beta, 1.5)
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2018, 10:36:43 PM »


The 'Refinement' Update.

-Fixed the Economy setup of Fuyutsuki, to keep things from becoming ridiculous if captured and held by a faction that could supply it.
-Fixed the name of Fuyutsuki not reading correctly in the Hyperspace mode
-Made Nevermore Station slightly larger. And also brought it back.
-Fixed the market flavour of Timms.

Mule (Heavy), a more combat orientated version of the Mule.
Mule (Light), designed to strip mine and scavange, and provide harassment support in combat.
Mule (X), a pirate mod of the Mule with added engines and large missile hardpoint.
Scale, a bombardment support fighter.
Scintilla, a fragile combat carrier.

-Scavanged ships have been retooled. They are now cheaper to run and maintain, and have better weapon slot loadouts. They now act as cheap options for fleet roles, if not very good ones.
-Tweaked several things with the weapons and variant spawning.
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