Comments on new skills in .1a
Thanks I'm finishing up the first pass now for the release.
- The skill gate system I always talk about, better diversifying. So the last two perks require 4 and 6 lower skill's skill points respectively.
Yeah that's how it works now. I think it works very well at a first assessment. My only concern is that there really isn't a reason not to spend 6 points considering the power of the highest tier skills.
- Damage Control: big hit Damage reduction once every 2 sec is kind of interesting but I'm certain it's not enough to do anything in my kind of large combat.
It's the current mod version for now and set as a tier 2 skill choice.
- Best of the Best: 10% DP bonus in outnumber fight is also a good addition.
It's in there, but I have plans to also combine part of the bonus of Support Doctrine - which is currently not a choice.
- Support Doctrine: It's borderline OP
Not all of this one will make the cut. Especially the built in hullmods to non-officered ships. Some of it will get combined with Best of the Best.
- Neural Link: Honestly the most interesting of all, I want that in your mod.
It's the tier 4 choice alongside Automated Ships atm.

- Ordinance Expertise: Should be hard to balance. Just ditch it.
My thoughts exactly.
- Polarized Armor: At the moment, I think there should be a new hull mod or for this skill to provide 100% EMP immunity when hitting just armor. If the armor has a hole in it then it's another story.
I'm not sure that this is possible but with some fancy scripting it might be. I'll keep this in mind but its too much of an effort for the next release at least.
- Hull Restoration: OP. I also want this kind of perk for Frigates only. So players won't be afraid to use smaller ships. Actually, the frigate perk should be built-in.
You mean as in part of the hullsize itself? That skill currently isn't available as I think my Industry tree was already pretty good, but I'm not 100% decided yet. Some changes may come in the second micro-update.
What to implement? I think you should keep your skill tree. I like that one more, we have more interesting stuff like missile mod. Just port that into this new layout. Add some interesting things to it such as Neural Link. The new system doesn't have any implication in adding more lower-tier skills. The permanent skills seem to be no more, I'm not sure what Alex did to solve all that mess behind the scene when reassign.
I'm removing the permanent tags and formatting the skills to the new system - which I like a lot more atm.