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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.96a] Red - the Oculian Armada (0.10.0-RC2) Mod  (Read 388354 times)


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[0.95a] Red (0.9) Mod
« Reply #285 on: May 02, 2021, 05:15:10 AM »

This is a major update, so better keep your run as is until you're finish.
So, start a new round if you're playing the mod for the new patch.
Or the game crashes.

Edit: Before anyone asks for 0.9 Red. Yeah, there iswas a crash where if you don't have Blue the procedural generation would try to call something that doesn't exist for relations. It's gone and fixed. You can download again.

Red: Download RAR / ZIP
Version 0.9
**** Version 0.9 ****
      Most of the Oculian portraits are now listed in the Player roster and can be chosen.
      All markets involved in this mod use the cooked script instead of the econ folder.
      Oculian Station now replace the old High-Tech stations. The blueprint rests on Adalie.
         Hyperspace Gate has been moved to Atalie II for defensive reasons.
         Poor Farmland is removed.
         Plentiful Organics reduced to Abundant.
         Dense Atmosphere replaced with Inimical Biosphere.
         Commerce replaced with Mining for sustainability.
      Atalie III-a:
         Ground Defenses are replaced with Heavy Batteries.
      Haelim I:
         Market size increased from 3 to 4.
         Mining replaced by Commerce.
      Rebels are now referred from "Outmodes" to "Severed".
      Alignment changed.
      Now has Low Profile diplomacy trait.
      Some starting fleets will have civilian ships for a quicker start.
         Oculian Hull:
            Fixed the incorrect value displayed for the increased OP costs.
         Overdriven Clock Systems hullmod added:
            Added the missing no-removing script for non-Oculian weapons installed with the hullmod.
         Oculian Pulse Core:
            Added Capital Speed bonus by 10u.
            Capital Range threshold increased from 500 to 700.
            Removed Capital flux bonus penalty.
            Removed Capital overload bonus.
         Finally no longer has a Breeze built-in and is now a modular hangar.
         Ship system changed from Active Flares to Mollusc Drones x2.
         Modular slot changes:
            From 3 Small Energy
            To 1 Small Energy, 2 Glint built-ins.
         Ordinance points reduced from 20 to 15.
         Added 1 Small Synergy Mount.
         Hardpoint Arcs increased from 5 to 10 degrees.
         Ordinance Points increased from 25 to 30.
         Sprite readjusted again.
         Modular slot changes:
            From 3 Large Energy, 4 Medium Energy, 2 Small Energy, 4 Small Synergy, 2 Freya built-ins
            To 3 Large Energy, 2 Large Synergy, 4 Medium Energy, 2 Small Energy, 4 Small Synergy.
         2 Center Large Energy mounts are facing somewhat forward and have their Arcs reduced from 210 to 120 degrees.
         2 Large Synergy (was Energy) hardpoint Arcs increased from 5 to 10 degrees.
         2 Front Medium Energy mount Arcs increased from 90 to 210 degrees.
         Ordinance Points increased from 200 to 220.
         Added the missing description.
         Modular slot changes:
            From 4 Large Energy, 5 Medium Energy, 2 Medium Synergy, 1 Flandrey built-in, 8 Glints
            To 4 Large Energy, 1 Large Synergy, 4 Medium Energy, 4 Medium Synergy, 2 Small Synergy, 1 Flandrey built-in, 14 Glints.
         All modules and the ship now a Linked trait that synchronizes commands and speeds up from losing modules.
         Ordinance Points increased from 210 to 230.
         Hangar Sections:
            Modular Slot changes:
               From 1 Large Energy, 2 Small Energy
               To 1 Large Energy, 2 Medium Synergy, 1 Small Energy.
            Built-in Breeze Hangar replaced with a Modular Hangar.
            Ordinance Points increased from 60 to 70.
         Added 1 additional Hangar Module with 3 Hangars at the front.
      Kaleido Escort Drone:
         Armor increased from 100 to 150.
         Flux Capacity reduced from 1000 to 300.
         Flux Dissipation reduced from 150 to 70.
            Armor increased from 200 to 225.
            Flux Capacity reduced from 1500 to 500.
            Flux Dissipation reduced from 225 to 120.
      Added two new weapons that will rarely show up in the market or in fleet spawns.
      Added Resel and Resel+, bottomless fragmenting rockets that take time to fly at full speed.
         Flux per shot reduced from 55 to 45.
         Spread completely removed.
         Flux per shot increased from 50 to 60.
         Flux per shot reduced from 300 (900) to 180 (540).
         Maximum Spread reduced from 15 to 5 degrees.
         Spread per shot reduced from 1 to 0.5.
         Projectile Speed reduced from 900 to 750.
         Damage per second increased from 210 to 240.
         Flux per shot reduced from 350 to 310.
         Minimum Spread increased from 5 to 7 degrees.
         Maximum Spread increased from 20 to 25 degrees.
         Reload Size reduced from 60 to 20.
         Reload Size reduced from 180 to 60.
         Added a script that doubles the micromissiles fired.
         Ammo Capacity reduced from 450 to 360.
         Ammo Regeneration reduced from 1.5 to 1.2 per second.
         Reload Size reduced from 450 to 120.
         Charge Down increased from 1.55 to 2.05.
   Ocutek Pirates:
         Ocutek Hull:
            Added an OP cost reduction for Oculian weapons but without the penalties.
         Added the Dingus Condor.
            Swapped Shield sizes between itself and the module.
            Added missing Ship_with_modules tag.
            Built-in Fouettes replaced by Glint PDs.
            Added 2 Small Hybrid mounts.
            All small frontal Ballistic mounts are changed to Hybrids.
            Flux Dissipation increased from 250 to 300.
            Added 2 Medium Ballistic mounts.
            Ordinance Points increased from 220 to 240.
      Some typos are fixed while the rest will never be found out until it is too late.

i just played with this mod for the first time and i have to say... imbalanced... I am sorry to say but some of the ships are simply without a counter, or atleast one that i can figure out.

Seriously this mod is a walking cheat. Maybe list in the description that it is completely impossible to beat some of the most basic cruisers with any weapons in the game upto date..... sorry but this mod is simply not for me.

There isn't really a way to convince you otherwise, nor this mod will ever intend to get anywhere near being balanced in such a way. It's not really my intention nor the original author's goal anyway.

I kinda just wanted to make cheap ships that zoom around fast while still being too weak unshielded to stand around for over a few seconds. And watch how many fighters could fill an entire screen without actually look too broken or how far would some builds like a Frigate with a very big gun can still compete against the more complicated ones. Fun fact: The Gretly, that same frigate, just dies when it rams once to an Atlas test dummy.

Thanks for at least trying out the mod, some criticism really helps set a boundary that tells me if I go too far with these ships. Or at least if I could ever see it. .m.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2021, 06:45:04 AM by Protonus »

The cookies are a weird one, okay.


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Re: [0.95a] Red (0.9.0) Mod
« Reply #286 on: May 03, 2021, 01:56:15 PM »

that station kinda THICC


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Re: [0.95a] Red (0.9.0) Mod
« Reply #287 on: May 07, 2021, 12:19:08 AM »

any chance of making another version without the anime portraits or is there a way to remove them manually. Personally i'm just not a fan of having this dark, gritty universe then proceeding to have a blood red hatsune miku obliterate my fleet. Other than that though I really like the mod :D


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Re: [0.95a] Red (0.9.0) Mod
« Reply #288 on: May 07, 2021, 03:09:13 AM »

any chance of making another version without the anime portraits or is there a way to remove them manually. Personally i'm just not a fan of having this dark, gritty universe then proceeding to have a blood red hatsune miku obliterate my fleet. Other than that though I really like the mod :D

Sure, I'll post a faceless variant, with only the Oculian bot as the actual portrait.

Though the lore kinda writes it in that the Armada has this animesqe physique was more of a marketing purpose to sell their cookies. Additionally the idea of the cookies itself, the faction's premise, is fairly a dead giveaway where the faction already went to.

Faceless Red: Download RAR / ZIP

The cookies are a weird one, okay.


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Re: [0.95a] Red (0.9.0) Mod
« Reply #289 on: May 07, 2021, 03:20:32 AM »

any chance of making another version without the anime portraits or is there a way to remove them manually. Personally i'm just not a fan of having this dark, gritty universe then proceeding to have a blood red hatsune miku obliterate my fleet. Other than that though I really like the mod :D

Sure, I'll post a faceless variant, with only the Oculian bot as the actual portrait.

Though the lore kinda writes it in that the Armada has this animesqe physique was more of a marketing purpose to sell their cookies. Additionally the idea of the cookies itself, the faction's premise, is fairly a dead giveaway where the faction already went to.

Perhaps since their lore is (from what i've gathered) kinda rogue ai'ish i'd defnitely be down to see some glitched versions of the current portraits kinda like what the [REDACTED] admirals look like


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Re: [0.95a] Red (0.9.0) Mod
« Reply #290 on: May 09, 2021, 12:01:11 AM »

Well handing Excel the altered file does work... but why don't I take a sec to teach the man to fish?  ;)
From the start I'm gonna assume you know how to reach the Starsector game folder. Since putting mods in the game folder is the only way for them to work and you are.. well.. here. The mod site.
First go to the mod, "Oculian Armada" in this case, you want to edit in your "Mods" folder.
Open the "data" folder. -> Then the "world" folder. -> Then finally the "factions" folder. This is where who gets what portrait is decided along with some other things.
Your gonna need a program like Notepad++ in order to edit the files here. Its a free program and is literally just a buffed up notepad. Highly recommend it. If you don't have or don't want a program like that I'm afraid things end here. Otherwise on to the next step: Editing!
Left click on "ocua.faction" and "player.faction" and open them in your Notepad++ or similar program.
What your looking for is the list of "Portraits" near the bottom of the Ocua file. Its a short list it wont be hard to find. The player list has nothing but that list on it.
Now you have options; like just deleting the ones you don't want. They do need a portrait for both male and female tho so be sure to leave 1. It can even be the same 1 just copy it to both gender listings.
To actually SEE the portraits and determine the keepers go back to your mod file and look into "graphics" -> "Oculian Armada" -> "portraits"
In this case the 2 male portraits both work for not getting curb stomped by a red headed Miku. So you could just copy those 2 lines and replace the female listings with it.
"graphics/Oculian Armada/portraits/ocua_m1.png",
"graphics/Oculian Armada/portraits/ocua_7.png",
You can do the same for the "Player.faction" side. Or you can simply delete that file if you don't want those portraits yourself.
Another option you have is to copy a portrait list from the base game. You can reach those the same way you reached the mod lists. Just look into "Starsector-core."
Lets use Hegemony has an example. Just pull up their faction file and copy everything from the ""portraits":{" line all the way down to the "]," line and replace the same section on the mod file list. Now the Ai driven nutcases of the Oculian will all charade has upstanding hegemony officers in order to blend in with the rest of the gynocidal sector!  8)
Finally you could skip text editing altogether and simply Replace the portraits you don't want from the graphics/portraits folder with ones you do like from elsewhere. Just copy the name of the portrait your replacing onto its replacement and swap them out. Just make sure the 2 portraits are the same gender or in game descriptions could get weird lol.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2021, 12:05:57 AM by legion499 »


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Re: [0.95a] Red (0.9.0) Mod
« Reply #291 on: May 16, 2021, 12:13:08 AM »

damn dat station sucked up 300dp of my ships wtf rip my fleet


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[0.95a] Red - the Oculian Armada (0.9.1) Mod
« Reply #292 on: May 23, 2021, 11:22:47 PM »

This update comes with new script changes and an altered ship.
So, there's a possibility it will crash save.

Also, this is the return of the long awaited removed elite units, expect a bit of a spike when fighting some fleets.

Red: Download RAR / ZIP
Version 0.9.1
Forgotten to be added in the patch notes:
   Campaign planets have their own descriptions in world generation.
      Important: Updated outdated descriptions.
      Oculian Hull hullmod:
         Supply cost reduction increased from 20% to 25%.
         Supply reduction now carries over to Recovery cost.
      Mikanate Overhaul hullmod:
         Has been completely overhauled:
            Was able to provide flat buffs towards ship stats and increase damage output.
            Now, it accepts 2 core configurations that merges into a specialized core mod.
            Additionally increases flux efficiency for weapons.
            Comes with a Catalyst core that amplifies pure-strain core mods.
      (New) Mikanate Override hullmod:
         A makeshift hullmod that allows non-Mikanate ships to have 2 cores. Only sold in Oculian markets, not dropped.
      Overdriven Clock Systems:
         Priced added.
      Chemical Core hullmod:
         Flux Reduction bonus reduced from 20% to 15%.
         Recovery Cost penalty reduced from 100% to 67%.
      Crystalline Core hullmod:
         Zero Flux bonus multiplier added to compensate Maximum Speed loss.
         Note: The additional multiplier is still seen in the UI but the gameplay stats will say otherwise.
         Mikanate variant added.
         Mikanate variant added.
         Mikanate variant added.
         Sprite and Loadout overhaul.
         Modular slot changes:
            From 3 Small Synergy, 6 Medium Energy, 1 built-in Kurtina and 6 built-in Glints,
            To 2 Large Synergy, 4 Small Synergy, 5 Medium Energy and 10 built-in Glints.
         Mass reduced from 2700 to 1800.
         Hangar Module:
            Additional 1 is added to the main hull and is moved to the sides, similar to Old Red Kuria.
            Loadout overhaul:
               Moved Large mount to the main hull.
               Now has 1 Medium Energy Turret and 2 built-in Glints.
         Mikanate variant added.
         Mikanate variant added.
         Mikanate variant added.
         Mikanate variant added.
         Price increased from 32000 to 60000.
         Temporal Overclock:
            Charge Up time increased from 2.5 to 4.
            Active time increased from 12 to 15.
            Charge down time increased from 0.5 to 1.
         Mikanate variant added.
         Sprite adjusted.
         Added 2 more built-in Glints.
         Fixed Titanic Phase Columns indiscriminately removes any buffs that tie to its current bonuses.
      Added 1 new Mikanate weapon in the elite roster.
      Added Macroxel and Macroxel+, armored torpedo finishers.
         Tier reduced from 3 to 2.
         Rarity removed.
         Tier reduced from 1 to 0.
         Role changed from Strike to Support.
         Cooldown time reduced from 10 to 8.
      Mollusc (Mi):
         Hull increased from 50 to 100.
         Flux Capacity increased from 225 to 300.
         Shield Arc reduced from 180 to 150.
         Shield Efficiency increased from 0.9 to 0.85.
         Range increased from 3000 to 4000.
      Elite Breeze/Superelite Breeze:
         Range reduced from 3000 to 2000.
         Attack Run size reduced from 300/400 to 200.
         Collision Bounds simplified.
         Added the missing Autonomous Drone hullmod.
         Mikanate variant added.
            Added the missing Elite Software hullmod.
         Accelerated Energy Vents hullmod built-in added.
         Range reduced from 6000 to 2000.
         Added 1 Glint and 2 Pirouettes.
            Base OP cost reduced from 10 to 7.
            Wing size reduced from 3 to 2.
            Hull reduced from 200 to 150.
            Flux Capacity reduced from 500 to 200.
            Flux Dissipation reduced from 100 to 50.
            Accelerated Shields built-in added.
            Base OP cost reduced from 18 to 12.
            Wing sized reduced from 2 to 1.
            Base OP cost reduced from 25 to 22.
            Elite Software hullmod built-in added.
            Accelerated Shields built-in added.
            Wing size reduced from 2 to 1.
            Hull increased from 250 to 300.
            Flux Capacity increased from 500 to 600.
            Flux Dissipation increased from 120 to 150.

Perhaps since their lore is (from what i've gathered) kinda rogue ai'ish i'd defnitely be down to see some glitched versions of the current portraits kinda like what the [REDACTED] admirals look like

I've taken this in and made all 6 of the portraits in a glitched state. Since I kinda know how to do it now.

The cookies are a weird one, okay.


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Re: [0.95a] Red - the Oculian Armada (0.9.1) Mod
« Reply #293 on: May 24, 2021, 02:15:52 AM »

What happened to the Ocutek Pirate mod that came with this? Was it integrated?


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Re: [0.95a] Red - the Oculian Armada (0.9.1) Mod
« Reply #294 on: May 24, 2021, 03:02:50 AM »

What happened to the Ocutek Pirate mod that came with this? Was it integrated?

Ah. I forgot to compile them with it. It's still unchanged, at least.

Edit: Done, it's added again.

The cookies are a weird one, okay.


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Re: [0.95a] Red - the Oculian Armada (0.9.1) Mod
« Reply #295 on: May 25, 2021, 09:29:56 AM »

Want to give an honest opinion about the mod, I kind of don't like the design/shading. Initially looked decent in the preview but after putting them inside the game, i feel like there is something lacking with this design, it doesn't match the game's aesthetics.


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Re: [0.95a] Red - the Oculian Armada (0.9.1a) Mod
« Reply #296 on: June 13, 2021, 09:34:01 AM »

I like this faction, its the closest I can get to playing as a rampant AI.
Is there a way to get the big mobile station capital without using cheats/commands?


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Re: [0.95a] Red - the Oculian Armada (0.9.1a) Mod
« Reply #297 on: June 13, 2021, 10:07:37 AM »

Want to give an honest opinion about the mod, I kind of don't like the design/shading. Initially looked decent in the preview but after putting them inside the game, i feel like there is something lacking with this design, it doesn't match the game's aesthetics.

It isn't really in the resembling anywhere close to the locals. And I do have no idea how to put up a unique theme, other than having these hulls really do look like they came from a prefab factory. That or being stuck being a repainted, poorly kitbashed High-tech ships the faction used to have.

I like this faction, its the closest I can get to playing as a rampant AI.
Is there a way to get the big mobile station capital without using cheats/commands?

The Galalixia is a rare spawn for both the market and the fleet. Though, by sheer luck, you might even get a blueprint, through raids or some other means to get rare blueprint.

The cookies are a weird one, okay.


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Re: [0.95a] Red - the Oculian Armada (0.9.1a) Mod
« Reply #298 on: June 29, 2021, 03:37:47 PM »

Lights need more depth, and maybe add more detail to any parts that are too "smooth", if you get my drift. Only a few tweaks, really.
Otherwise, very cool.


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Re: [0.95a] Red - the Oculian Armada (0.9.1a) Mod
« Reply #299 on: July 01, 2021, 06:19:00 PM »

Two things.

First one is a bug. Oculian took a planet (Nex) at some point and as I visited the planet and no music played. Felt rather eerie honestly. I'll report to you if this applies to their own planets as well and then see what might be causing the bother.

Next thing. I want to say, I absolutely adore this mod and it's contents. I'm playing a free start nex run with way too many faction mods and other utility mods added in and all the smaller oculian details I keep seeing absolutely adore me. I love the fact the faction itself is a rampant AI that want's to mass produce cookies. I love the fact that the ships can turn the pirates into s tier problems while also being balanced enough to basically be swarming glass cannons. I love using the ships. I love it all and it feels very ever presently complimentary. I have through the power of magic and prisoner exchange also appeased the oculian's and they now don't want to commit murder against me so I can start poking at their actual star systems. I also adore the idea (and at this point head canon) that these AI decided that taking on the persona of anime girls to better interact with customers and are designed so simplistically that having automated knowledge isn't needed.

My only bother and this is just a specific personal bother, is the cookie resource itself. I don't know if you added it in yourself or someone else did, but I can build a food manufacturing plant that has a small resource output of cookies attached to it. The issue is the cookie resource doesn't count into the monthly pool the same way recreational drugs and harvested organs do. I think there are a few other mods that poke the idea of making special resources an actual resource unit in the game that certain structures and industries need, which I'd love to see implemented. I've also seen something involving clones organs that count's like that in a similar manner but I've yet to build a producer for them so I'm not certain. Either way I think the idea of them being a later down the line big planet requirement for planetary inferstructure would be a good idea, giving me a way to turn a profit off of them and also satisfying my own factions internal need for the resource.
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