- Added Stymphalian Bird frigate: Next generation frigate of immense power but extreme rarity. Specifically designed to take on Capital ships, fares much worse against fighters and other frigates. (You can imagine the damned child of an Hyperion and a Nevermore)
- Added Dual Laser Torpedo rack for 6 OP, reduced single Laser Torpedo to 3 OP from 4
- Nexerelin compatibility
- Intel Chip commodity. Very valuable and only droped by some specific Scy fleets
- Spy fleets. Well, those fleets.
- Scy is now suspicious with most factions instead of inhospitable.
- Reworked Acheron system, with a pirate hideout and a special independent station that can sell military grade hulls from any faction at a huge mark up price.
- New backgrounds for both Acheron and Tartarus.
- Nerfed the Megeara:
Teleporter, three charges instead of two, but recharge delay raised from 10 to 30 seconds
Phase, upkeep raised to 7.5% flux per second from 5%.
- Baliuses FP reduced from 7 to 5.
- Significantly buffed the Telchine miner ship hull and armor
- Buffed Telchine's Deconstruction beam to reduce the target's HP 1% per second: same speed for a capital ship or a fighter. Still useless against shielded targets.
- The siren now only deploy two drones at once
- Slasher beam flux usage reduced to 313 FPS from 645 (near 1:1 ratio), also has a new hit visual effect.
- Burst Repeater Beam reverted to Vibrating beam but now fire continuously, with a much better flux efficiency and range.
(It's now a potent support weapon against frigates, but not efficient against fighters.)
- Corrected Medium and Large HEMor flux requirement.
- Slightly reduced the Focus Beam flux requirement.
- Vastly buffed the Medusa frigate's EMP Nova ship system:
In addition to overloading every ships in a 1500 SU radius, the EMP also disable some weapons and engines, causing flameouts and confusion in the enemy fleet...
And your own ships too if you didn't took care to hold them back!
- Interceptor fighters flak now fire continuously.
- All Atfi wings received short range missiles instead of coasting missiles
- All prices have been adjusted to be in line with vanilla:
Frigates and destroyers are slightly more expensive
Cruisers are less expensive
Weapons are far cheaper.
- Reduced the OP cost of small missile weapons across the board.
- slightly nerfed the Coasting missiles health and speed toward Harpoons values (250 speed instead of 300, 175hp instead of 250).
- Slightly buffed the rockets health from 50 hp to 75 hp, reduced the acceleration from 250 su.s-2 to 100.
- Increased rocket damage from 100 to 200 High Explosive damage.
- Severely reduced the OP cost for mounting EMP sweeper missile from 15 to 10.
- Increased Laser Torpedo Launcher's ammo from 10 to 15 missiles, decreased the reloading delay from 10s to 6s.
- Reduced the OP cost for mounting Heavy Modular Swarmers from 26 to 20.
- Singularity Torpedo Launcher's ammo raised from 8 to 15 missiles, OP cost reduced from 30 to 25
- Small flak DPS raised from 67 to 100, OP cost reduced from 8 to 6.
- Small KAcc and HEMor OP cost reduced from 8 to 6.
- Medium KAcc OP cost raised from 12 to 13.
- Changed the Khalkotauroi's main weapon from a burst beam to a normal beam,
- Changed the damage type to Energy, was High Explosive for the base 200dps and Energy for the bonus 600 dps from the Accelerators pods.
- Raised the base damage without accelerators from 200 to 400 dps, reduced it's flux produced from 2000 to 400 flux/s but the accelerators now also produce flux.
- Reduced the Khalkotauroi flux capacity from 30000 to 20000.
- Nerfed drones speed and accelerations.
- converted the Centaurs haulers' hardpoint from medium ballistic to medium universal
- Reduced the OP available of most ships due to the OP cost reduction of most weapon. On average, -10 to -20.
- Improved feedback on the effect of various hullmods and ship-systems, smoothed some effects on activation and deactivation.
- The minigun is no longer animated while venting or at max flux.
- Improved placement logic for the random position of Acheron.
- Some offseted hardpoint sprites have been corrected.
- The Siren main gun now properly affect Twig ships.
- Hacking Commlink now properly affect Twig ships.
- Miner ship's drone's GravGuns now properly affect Twig ships.
- Anti-missiles now target nearby fighters if there aren't any missiles to intercept.
- Built-in hull-mods no longer clutter the list.
- Improved AI for the Precision Gear ship-system: it no longer activate when retreating or when the targets a way out of range even with the system active.
- The Talos shield now unfold at normal speed when not using the Stasis Shield ship-system. Behavior improved and the shield can be modified by other weapons/ship systems.
- Added SS+ "Drive Shunt" to the list of incompatible hullmods.
- Improved the Manticore's Phase Missile launcher animation.
- Extensive modifications and optimization of the Khalkotauroi's main weapon's animation due to the switch to a standard beam.
- Extensive modifications and optimization of the siren's main weapon's animation to prevent it from playing in full when the ship is overloaded mid-chargeup/don't have enough flux room once charged.
- corrected the Keto's main gun appearing "on" in refit.
- Optimized blinkers, with more variations between them
- Optimized Medusa's lightnings deco, randomized the animation.
- General cleanup of unused scripts and non matching names. Lot of "under-the-hood" improvements and some preparations for future SS+ integration