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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Console Commands v2024.10.04  (Read 1815680 times)


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #690 on: September 09, 2019, 04:43:58 PM »

I'm assuming that you mean "add a blueprint to the player inventory", in which case, yes.

The command is, for example, something like "addspecial ship_bp Omen"
Use the various "list" commands to see what your options are.
"list specials" should give you the list of all available "special" items, which includes all of the blueprint packages, as well as the necessary key codes for ship/weapon/industry blueprints.  (For example, in the above, I said "ship_bp", but that's going from memory and might not be quite right - use "list specials" to find the exact string needed.  As with anything programming-related, precision is important, and trying to "addspecial ship-bp Omen" will just get you an error message.)
And "list ships" will give you all the ID strings of the various ships.  Vanilla ships are usually just the ship name, but most mods use prefixes to help preserve uniqueness, so you might see a ship ID string of "ms_tartarus" when the actual ship's name is just "Tartarus".  Also, as these strings aren't normally player-facing, people tend not to update them when ship or weapon names change during development; if you can't find what you're looking for, check the various .csv files to see if it exists with an id string that doesn't match its name.

Some specials - blueprints for individual ships or weapons or industries - need that third argument.  Others, like the various blueprint packages, don't.  I.E. "addspecial high_tech_package", with no third argument.
Wyvern is 100% correct about the math.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #691 on: September 11, 2019, 05:18:07 PM »

I've had an issue where when ever I try to open the console ( I press ctrl + backspace ) but when ever I do the game just closes. no error messages. the game just closes and I have to restart the game. any reason why?  I have LazyLib installed and enabled.  am just very confused why this is happening.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #692 on: September 11, 2019, 06:18:28 PM »

Hello! I'm quite new to the modding community but I was wondering for the next update if you could add a AddAdmin command.

Specifically so we can have more admins for colonies!

« Last Edit: September 11, 2019, 09:37:35 PM by Fireballin17 »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #693 on: September 12, 2019, 12:36:26 AM »

The next version will have a SpawnCustomEntity command.

Until then, you can spawn one at the player fleet's location by copy+pasting the following command into the console:
runcode PlanetAPI star = ((StarSystemAPI) $loc).getStar(); if (star != null) { $loc.addCustomEntity(null, null, "stable_location", "neutral").setCircularOrbitPointingDown(star, VectorUtils.getAngle(star.getLocation(), $playerFleet.getLocation()), MathUtils.getDistance(star.getLocation(), $playerFleet.getLocation()), 180f); }

This just spawns a stable location, you still have to build the structures

Speaking of stable location, is there a way to spawn the better relays?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #694 on: September 12, 2019, 12:46:16 PM »

Is there any way for commands to stay through loading the game? Every time I load a save I have to put in the same commands again
oh god..


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #695 on: September 14, 2019, 12:24:54 PM »

The next version will have a SpawnCustomEntity command.

Until then, you can spawn one at the player fleet's location by copy+pasting the following command into the console:
runcode PlanetAPI star = ((StarSystemAPI) $loc).getStar(); if (star != null) { $loc.addCustomEntity(null, null, "stable_location", "neutral").setCircularOrbitPointingDown(star, VectorUtils.getAngle(star.getLocation(), $playerFleet.getLocation()), MathUtils.getDistance(star.getLocation(), $playerFleet.getLocation()), 180f); }

This just spawns a stable location, you still have to build the structures

Speaking of stable location, is there a way to spawn the better relays?

There is, but whether they actually work and contribute bonuses like "naturally" spawned relays isn't something that I've confirmed or not.

I actually experimented a ton with that runcode that can spawn stable locations and you can actually spawn a lot of stuff with it, but most of it is not fully usable or accessible.

This should spawn a Domain-era comm relay you control:
runcode PlanetAPI star = ((StarSystemAPI) $loc).getStar(); if (star != null) { $loc.addCustomEntity(null, null, "comm_relay", "player").setCircularOrbitPointingDown(star, VectorUtils.getAngle(star.getLocation(), $playerFleet.getLocation()), MathUtils.getDistance(star.getLocation(), $playerFleet.getLocation()), 180f); }

Replace "comm_relay" with "nav_buoy" or "sensor_array" to spawn the Domain-era equivalents of those, as well. Adding "_makeshift" to them spawns the makeshift player/AI variants.

Again, just because they've spawn doesn't mean you get the benefits of them in-game. So confirm whether you do or not by looking at the modifiers to see if they appear as they should in your colonies and whatnot.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #696 on: September 14, 2019, 12:29:15 PM »

Hello! I'm quite new to the modding community but I was wondering for the next update if you could add a AddAdmin command.

Sweet Jesus, yes, please. Despite all my playtime I have a whopping 3 administrators that I've gained. This is ridiculous. And, since my previous answer of whether or not there was ANY way to spawn administrators wasn't answered, I'm guessing that there is no way to currently spawn them.

It's like the game wants to force you to utilize Alpha core AIs. Which gets old quick with how fast the Hegemony catches on that so much as even a single computer beeps at your colony like they're playing the intergalactic version of "Pandemic 2" and you're the man in Brazil with a cough.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2019, 08:29:04 PM by BeltfedVendetta »


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #697 on: September 14, 2019, 06:23:00 PM »

i was wondering would be possible to get commands which return total count of

stars, nebulas at galaxy map
fleets in hyperspace

fleets in system (all of them for start, but of course IF it's doable, then maybe even list each type count)
planets / moons / stations / outposts / colonies / relays / derelicts within star system


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #698 on: September 14, 2019, 10:29:02 PM »

Hello! I'm quite new to the modding community but I was wondering for the next update if you could add a AddAdmin command.
Sweet Jesus, yes, please. Despite all my playtime I have a whopping 3 administrators that I've gained. This is ridiculous. And, since my previous answer of whether or not there was ANY way to spawn administrators wasn't answered, I'm guessing that there is no way to currently spawn them.

I think I found 6 captains and 5 administrators when I was exploring star systems, just kinda, popped out of pods.

Also, as I traveled from and to, I hit every bar of colonies size 4 and up. After three months of reaching size 4, your own colonies can also spawn administrators. Highscore was 2 admins, 2 officers present for hire at the same time on one of mine.

Additionally, you can also look into X:\Starsector Install Folder\starsector-core\data\config\settings.json and find the entry for "adminMaxHireable":20, and crank that up to 50, for example. Should spawn more.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #699 on: September 19, 2019, 09:47:25 AM »

Is there a command to complete a mission? Explaination: I accidentally left the game running all day while I went to do my business, being in the tutorial mission I was relatively safe from pirates, but the system (so I read) was isolated resulting in the death of Ancyra. I stabilized the jumpgates and now I'm supposed to report it to Ancyra, but the colony is no longer there. I found that getting Transverse Jump still allowed me to get escape the system and play the game normally, and so I did even building a considerable fleet and a couple colonies. Problem is that the game is now bugged: every monthly event does not trigger at all (income, custom manifactory, any sort of mission). Is there a way to use the command console to skip the mission or complete it so that I can play the game normally?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #700 on: September 21, 2019, 05:38:36 PM »

 ;D I am shocked that it is actually possible to create a planet through the console commands.

If that is possible.... can I create a star? Double neutron star systems are quite rare, so is it possible to create one through console commands? What is the command if that is possible?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #701 on: September 21, 2019, 06:33:10 PM »

Late, but:

Is there a command to complete a mission? Explaination: I accidentally left the game running all day while I went to do my business, being in the tutorial mission I was relatively safe from pirates, but the system (so I read) was isolated resulting in the death of Ancyra. I stabilized the jumpgates and now I'm supposed to report it to Ancyra, but the colony is no longer there. I found that getting Transverse Jump still allowed me to get escape the system and play the game normally, and so I did even building a considerable fleet and a couple colonies. Problem is that the game is now bugged: every monthly event does not trigger at all (income, custom manifactory, any sort of mission). Is there a way to use the command console to skip the mission or complete it so that I can play the game normally?
Try (copy and paste into console) runcode com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.tutorial.TutorialMissionEvent.endGalatiaPort ionOfMission()


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #702 on: September 22, 2019, 01:27:34 PM »


This is installed just like any regular mod. Put it in the mods folder and make sure it's tagged in Starsector's launcher. Once in the game, you can summon the console with control+backspace and enter your commands. While the commands themselves aren't case sensitive, arguments are. For a full list of supported commands enter 'help' in the console. For more information on a specific command use 'help <command>'.

You can enter multiple commands by separating them with a semicolon. For example, "god;nocooldown;reveal;infiniteflux;infiniteammo" would run all of these combat cheats in a row. RunCode is an exception and can't be used with the command separator.

If you want to change the key that summons the console or the command separator, you can change these and several other console settings by using the "settings" command during a campaign.

Current features:
  • Input commands using a custom overlay
  • A large list of included commands, and the ability to add your own custom commands to the console
  • Write, compile and run code in-game using the Janino library
  • Doesn't require a new game, and can be safely untagged from a running game without issues
  • Should be compatible with all mods, even total conversions

Included commands:
Universal commands (6):
  • DevMode, Help, Reload, RunCode, SourceOf, Status

Campaign commands (40):
  • AddAptitudePoints, AddCredits, AddCrew, AddFuel, AddItem, AddMarines, AddOfficer, AddOrdnancePoints, AddShip, AddSkillPoints, AddSupplies, AddWeapon, AddWing, AddXP, AdjustRelation, AllCommodities, AllHulls, AllWeapons, AllWings, FindItem, FindShip, ForceMarketUpdate, GoTo, Hide, Home, InfiniteFuel, InfiniteSupplies, Jump, Kill, List, OpenMarket, Repair, Respec, Reveal, SetHome, SetRelation, ShowLoc, SpawnFleet, Storage, Suicide

Combat commands (19):
  • AddCommandPoints, EndCombat, Flameout, God, InfiniteAmmo, InfiniteCR, InfiniteFlux, Kill, NoCooldown, Nuke, RemoveHulks, Repair, Reveal, Rout, ShowBounds, ShowLoc, Suicide, ToggleAI, Traitor

Some commands are listed under both campaign and combat. These work in both contexts, but function in different ways.

Upcoming/planned features:
  • More commands! If you have any requests let me know in this thread and I'll try to add them to the next version.

One final note:
While I've tried to keep everything as user-friendly as possible, this is primarily intended as a tool to aid mod development. This means it does require some knowledge of Starsector's inner workings. Most importantly, you will need to know the internal IDs of various objects in order to use any commands dealing with them. The command "list" will help with this; alternatively these IDs can be found in the data files, usually in the CSVs or variant files.

Using this mod as a cheating tool will suck all of the fun out of Starsector for you. You have been warned. :)

Hello?! I would like to add a material from Fringe Defense Syndicate the material is "crystal energy". Could you tell me what to do to add this material? I tried: "addcrystal energy", + the amount I wanted and the command said there is no such command.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #703 on: September 23, 2019, 03:56:50 AM »

Hello?! I would like to add a material from Fringe Defense Syndicate the material is "crystal energy". Could you tell me what to do to add this material? I tried: "addcrystal energy", + the amount I wanted and the command said there is no such command.

...Why did you quote the whole first post which serves as the mod info/description? That makes no sense.

Also, you can type "help" and "help all" to get a list of commands and "help list(or any other command)" to get a description of that. And if you ever want to find something like items or commodities you can "list items" or "list specials."

In which case what you want to add is likely "energy_crystals" (HMI also has "HMI_crystal"/Quantum Crystals). To do this you'd type "additem energy_crystals [amount]" without quotations or the brackets.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Console Commands v3.0 WIP 7.6 (released 2018-12-07)
« Reply #704 on: September 23, 2019, 12:31:26 PM »

Hello?! I would like to add a material from Fringe Defense Syndicate the material is "crystal energy". Could you tell me what to do to add this material? I tried: "addcrystal energy", + the amount I wanted and the command said there is no such command.

...Why did you quote the whole first post which serves as the mod info/description? That makes no sense.

Also, you can type "help" and "help all" to get a list of commands and "help list(or any other command)" to get a description of that. And if you ever want to find something like items or commodities you can "list items" or "list specials."

In which case what you want to add is likely "energy_crystals" (HMI also has "HMI_crystal"/Quantum Crystals). To do this you'd type "additem energy_crystals [amount]" without quotations or the brackets.

I'm sorry for the full post. And thanks for the tip.
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