Is it possible to change the way the current beams work? In freespace when the beams are "Loading" you just see the weird colored ball on the weapon and after a while it fires a "short" high damage burst. If this would be possible i think it might give some extra time to actually aim at the enemy or maybe aim off so you wont fire at your friendlies like i tend to do. xD
I don't know if I can do that in Starsector, but as this one is mostly (not entirely, I know) cosmetic it will be low on the priority list.
Keep in mind that as the beams are starting they are doing significantly less damage than once they are going full-bore.
Second thing is with the Anti-fighter beams that they arent supposed to be continuous like the normal beams. It's more like a pulse of 3 shots that gives it the much needed accuracy against agile fighters. Not sure is it possible to create this with the starfa... *krhm* starsector engine....?
I had forgotten about this.
Yes, it should be possible. I'll have to mess with the sound effects so that this works, though--I'm not sure that Starsector supports a warm-up sound played before a burst of three beams (without playing it for each of the three).
3rd and last thing.. is it possible to make beams to go through the enemy wrecks? Like cutting through a single part of the wreck and possibly hitting an enemy on the other side? Of course if all thease 3 things would be done the weapons would probably be even more "overpowered" (i use that word lightly for now).
Possibly, there is a flag. That said, I don't really want to do it because as you said, it'd be overpowered. Of course, these beams will easily destroy most wreaks, so it'll "punch" through that way.
Edit1: Almoust forgot. The thing in freespace with the beams was that after the beam stopped loading and fired away it was fixed at the target... hence the pulse with the Anti-fighter beams. You could correct the aim after each pulse making it more effective against fighters... though since the speed of fighters in starcontrol isnt that big dont think this is needed.... maybe?
I think with LazyWizard's suggestion for how to do slashing beams I might be able to do this, yes. However, they might get it for free with the triple-burst since it is a Point Defense weapon. It depends on if the game engine allows the weapon to re-aim between bursts.
Another question... Does the station get resupplied with weapons and ships? Asking for supplies might be a bit useless when the "Campaign" is only 1 area long but.. i still havent got enough money to test the Hecate and Orion class destroyers. Q_Q
Yes, it does get resupplied. (or it should--if it isn't, let me know)