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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a-RC11] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.8.0 (2024.03.30)  (Read 20235 times)


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[0.97a-RC11] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.8.0 (2024.03.30)
« on: December 12, 2023, 06:09:42 AM »

Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.8.0

Remove vanilla hullmod restrictions, restore hidden hullmods, and add s-mod interactions to built-in hullmods.

Tired of only building in Integrated Targeting Unit, Expanded Missile Racks, Advanced Turret Gyros, and Hardened shields?

As a spiritual successor to Better Deserved S-Mods, this mod improves S-Mods. It also adds hullmod rewards for story content, removes vanilla hullmod restrictions, restore hidden hullmods, and improve bad ones!

Note: Certain built-in only hullmods may show up if you use console command allhullmods. This is not intended and these hullmods won't drop in the campaign.

[Vanilla Hullmods]


Hullmods that are currently obtainable but with restrictions removed and/or rebalanced.

- Safety Overrides

   Can now be applied on capital class ships (70 OP) and civilian ships.
   Can now be S-modded at the small "benefit" of applying ill-advised modifications. Praise Ludd.

- Shield Shunt

   Provides a 15% bonus to top speed in addition to the 15% armor. Basically the reverse of Makeshift Shield Generator.
   S-modding provides an additional 15% speed bonus & 15% armor.
   Now can be applied to phase ships to remove Phase. Same bonuses as shielded ships but replaces phase with damper field.

- Converted Fighter Bay

   Can now be applied to regular carriers and not just drone carriers.
   Now provides a 1/1/2/2 DP reduction per bay removed.
   S-modding additionally increase hull integrity by 15% per bay removed.
   OP increased to 3/6/9/15.

- Converted Hanger

   Removed restrictions for ships with existing fighter bays and drone bays.
   Removed restrictions for frigates and phase ships.
   Increase DP increase threshold to 10.
   Cruiser/Capital ships and ships with existing fighter/drone bays will no longer suffer the DP penalty. All other penalties (refit, recovery, relaunch, crew) still apply.
   If the ship already has existing bays, penalty to rearm and replacement time is reduced depending on the number of bays.
   0 bay = 100% penalty, 1 bay = 50% penalty, 2 bay = 33% penalty and so on.   
   OP changed to 10/10/12/20.

- Makeshift Shield Generator

   Now reserves 25% of flux cap and dissipation.
   Now compatible with shield shunt.
   Adds a modular front shield with that stat. Does not contribute flux to the main ship.
   Ships with existing shield will have double shield.
   Can now be applied to phase ships.


   Reverted the strike weapon restriction. Antimatter blasters are now PD.
   S-modding is no longer required to make small non-missile weapons into PD.
   S-modding will cause ALL non-missile weapons to act as PD, with hilarious results.

- Defensive Targeting Array

   Also increases damage against ships by 10%.
   S-mod bonus increased to 200 range.
   S-modding will increase missile range as well.
   This will make DTA viable with bombers and other fighters, and not just Xyphos and Sarissa.

- Unstable Injector

   No longer decreases weapon range and fighter replacement times.
   Now also affects zero flux boost.
   Engine now has a slight chance of malfunctions during combat. (No critical malfunctions, 0.5% per second per engine block)
   S-modding will boost the bonus by 2.5 times.
   However, doing so will cause the ship to not be able to decelerate.

- Dedicated Targeting Core

   Reduced OP cost to -/-/9/15 to make the S-mod bonus make sense.
   This will make the hullmod somewhat competitive in the late game, and buff factions using them.

- High Scatter Amplifier

   Reduce range penalty from above 200 to above 400. Should make 1000 range weapons competitive with ballistics like the storm needler.
   Now stacks with Advanced Optics.

- Auxiliary Thrusters

   S-mod bonus removes acceleration/deceleration bonus. (Acceleration 100% / Deceleration 50% -> 0% / 0%)
   Improves turn rate by 100%. (Turn Acceleration 100% / Max Turn Rate 50% -> 200% / 100%)

- Shield Conversion - Front

   Restriction when used with Shield Conversion - Omni removed.
   S-modding now provides a 200% arc bonus instead of a 5% damage reduction.
   Stacking both front and omni shield will result in a 1.4x arc increase. S-modding both will result in a 3x arc increase.

- Armored Weapon Mount

   S-modding will now additionally reduce flux cost of weapons by 10%, (kinda) canceling out the flux increase due to fire rate change.

- Augmented Drive Field

   Reduced cost to 4/8/12/20 to make the S-mod bonus make sense.

 - Neural Integrator & Neural Interface

   Now provides fighters launched from this ship the skills from captains.
   Same rules apply as neural switching. No ammo increase and whatnot.

- ECM Package

   Lowered cost to 4/8/12/20
   S-mod Bonus - Provides a range increase based on ECM difference.

- Nav Relay

   Lowered cost to 4/8/12/20
   Now provides 15% top speed bonus to fighters launched from this ship, in addition to the nav rating bonus.
   S-modding provides 20% engagement range to fighters launched from this ship.

- Expanded Deck Crew

   Now reduces fighter relaunch time by 25% in addition to the regular bonuses.

- Recovery Shuttles

   Now reduces fighter replacement rate by 15% in addition to the regular bonuses.

- Phase Anchor

   Removed incompatability with Adaptive Phase Coils, and vice versa.

- Reinforced Bulkhead

   OP adjusted to 5/10/15/25.
   S-modding provides an additional 5% hull bonus per D-mod.
   Reason for S-mod bonus on an expensive hullmod is that the "ship almost always recoverable if lost" portion gets invalidated since an S-modded player ship is almost always recoverable anyways.

- Blast Doors

   OP adjusted to 3/5/8/12.

- Drive Field Stabilizer

   S-modding doubles both the burn level bonus and sensor profile drawback.


[Restored Hullmods]


Vanilla hullmods that were not obtainable, now restored!

- Ill Advised Modifications

   Updated description to show the probability of malfunctions and critical malfunctions.
   Critical malfunctions only occur after PPT runs out.
   Added engine malfunction chance.
   Activates the S-mod effect of other hullmods. (Excluding logistic hullmods and modded hullmods)
   Counts as a D-mod for derelict operations.

- Special Modifications

   The hullmod can now be obtained (rarity 3) and installed. Praise Supreme Executor Philip Andrada.
   Improves CR by 7%.
   Counts as a D-mod for derelict operations.

- Energy Bolt Coherer

   Now obtainable in the campaign.
   Combine with IPDAI + PD skill for 700 base range antimatter blaster.

- BDeck
   Now obtainable in the campaign.
   Added hanger requirement.
   OP changed to 4/8/12/20.
   S-mod Bonus - Increase fighter per bay by 1. Removes passive effect.

- Civilian Grade Hull

   S-mod bonus negates the sensor range/strength penalty.

- Assault Package

   Added back into the game to provide a powerful tool for civilian grade hulls.
   No longer requires Militarized Subsystems. Now requires Civilian Grade Hull.
   Top speed and zero flux boost increased by 50%. However, can no longer decelerate.
   Weapon fire rate (including missiles) increased by 25%. Recoil increased by 100%.

- Escort Package

   Added back into the game to provide a powerful tool for civilian grade hulls.
   No longer requires Militarized Subsystems. Now requires Civilian Grade Hull.
   Bonus adjusted to 25% manuvability, 100 flat PD range and 25% damage against fighters and missiles.
   These bonuses also applies to any fighters launched by this ship.

- Shielded Cargo Holds

   Now can be obtained during the campaign.

- Experimental Phase Coils (Story Reward - Hullmod)

   Can now be obtained by defeating a certain phase [REDACTED].
   OP increased to 10/20/30/50.
   Cannot be built in.
   Added phase requirement.

- High Volition Attractor (Story Reward - Hullmod)

   Can now be obtained by repairing a Coronal Hypershunt.
   OP increased to 70.
   Made mote attractor system a requirement.
   Crew casualty increased by 100000% (They all die on hull damage)
   Cannot be built in.

 - Phase Field

   Now can be obtained during the campaign.


[Built-in S-mod interactions]


Hullmods only featured in certain ships. Now can be S-modded to change the ship's role.

- Flux Shunt

   Can now be S-modded to provide the following effects:
   Bonus decreased to 25% of the normal rate while shields are on instead.
   The shunt is diverted to the weapon mounts. Weapons no longer generate flux.
   Reduce hard flux dissipation by 25%, improve overall dissipation by 50%. (For modded ships)
   The intention is to provide an alternate viable monitor that leans towards offense.

- Fourteenth Battlegroup

   S-mod option will show up after defeating a certain automated XIV fleet.
   The heavier armor plating is completely removed. Negates the armor bonus and reduces it by 100.
   Increases top speed and maneuverability by 16% instead of decreasing it by 8%. Flux throughput and capacity remains the same.
   Changes system depending on the hull:
      Enforcer XIV, Dominator XIV - Accelerated Ammo Feeder
      Eagle XIV - Plasma Burn
      Falcon XIV - Plasma Jets
      Legion XIV - Fast Missile Racks
      Onslaught XIV - Degraded Phase Skimmer

- Advanced Targeting Core

   Can now be S-modded to provide the following effects:
   For the Paragon, the S-mod bonus swaps Fortress shield with Plasma Jets.
   For others, the S-mod bonus allows the zero flux boost to engage regardless of hard flux.
   Reduce range by 40% for both cases. (100% -> 60%, point defence unaffected)

- Rugged Construction

   S-modding will now only reduce the effect of d-mods by 25%.
   Instead, each d-mod will increase hull by 20%, and armor by 20%.

- Heavy Ballistics Integration

   Integration is removed for versatility. S-mod bonus Removes OP discount.
   S-mod bonus will now change all large ballistic slots with hybrid slots and increase the arc by 50% (Vanilla ships)
   For the Conquest, this means that the 4 Large slots will be able to point forwards. However, the arc does not converge.
   For the Onslaught, this means that all 3 Large slots will be able to point forwards. Dissipation may be a problem.
   For the Invictus, The 2 large slots in the back-middle can now point forwards. OP is now a big problem.
   For other ships, refund 10 OP per large ballistic slot. (For modded ships)
   Invictus cannot use beam weapons due to LIDAR array implementation. Added dynamic flavour text to reflect this.

- Distributed Fire Control

        Can now be obtained.
   No longer blocks the installation of Integrated Targeting Unit or a Dedicated Targeting Core.
   However, the bonus to weapon damage reduction and EMP resistance is disabled if either of those hullmods are installed.

- Integration Suite

   Currently AI faction only hullmod that enables the S-mod bonuses of other hullmods. (5/10/15/25)
   This will allow the AI to use the new S-mod only effects(including built in mods like Heavy Balistics Integration) at an OP cost.
   Currently used in AI faction variants. If you want to test it out, use console commands allhullmods.

- Converted Cargo Bay

   Added S-mod bonus. Changes system from Flare Launcher to Reserve Deployment.
   Fighter replacement rate can no longer recover.
   (Not to be confused with Converted Hanger, this is the unique built in hullmod for the colossus mk3)

- Ablative Armor

   S-mod bonus changes the defensive system of the Invictus to entropy damper.
   For other hulls, Revert armor to space grade (10 times less armor, no penalties) and add the reduced amount to hull. (For modded ships)

- Delicate Machinery

   S-mod reduces PPT by 50%.
   Changes ship depending on the hull.
      Shade - Change system to overclocked EMP emitter. 3x range. Can no longer phase.
      Doom - Change system to Interdictor Array. Mines are now deployed automatically to the closest enemy within 1500su.
      Revenant - Change system to Gargoyle Drones. Removes cargo capacity.
      For other hulls, activates the S-mod effect of other hullmods. (Excluding logistic hullmods and modded hullmods)




Restored hidden fighter wings.

- [DORITO REDACTED] Wings (Story Reward - Wings)

   Hypershunt encounters will now drop 2 [DORITO REDACTED] Fighter wings from each variants.
   Adjusted OP cost to 30.

- Borer Drone Wing

   Now obtainable.
   Basically a Talon with only a mining laser, less speed and engagement range.
   OP unadjusted. Still 0.
   Sold and used by the same factions that use Mining Pods.

- Terminator Drones

   Now obtainable.
   A PD focused support wing with a PD Laser and an IR Pulse. (Even with Terminator Core hullmod it's not great)
   OP adjusted to 8.
   Termination sequence will require a vessel with that system.
   Sold and used by the same factions that use Xyphos Support Wings.


To utilize these changes, the AI factions now has variants of existing hull designs.

These range from simple changes like carriers using Nav Relay, to more radical and ill-advised ones like converted hanger phase ships and even SO [REDACTED] capitals.

[Ill-advised Variants]


Added 74 variants to existing hulls from various factions so that the AI can utilize the modified hullmods better.

These variants have around a ~30% chance to spawn over the original variants.

Energy Bolt Coherer is now known to the Sindrian Diktat and Tri-Tachyon.

Escort Package and Assult Package is now known to every faction.


Currently has no dependencies and is safe to add to existing games.

Supports version checker.

Big thanks to Alex for the excellent comments on the hullmod code, and theDragn for suggesting the use of variants files.

If you have any balance suggestions or issues please leave a comment.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2024, 07:53:27 AM by ymfah »


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.3 (2023.12.12)
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2023, 01:56:18 PM »

well, this is about average as far as "my first mod" balance goes, I suppose

If you care about that sort of thing:
The system that outfits NPC ships isn't clever enough to take advantage of hullmod synergies, nor does it have any conception of what bonuses a hullmod grants. It uses a number of pre-set variants; if the variant has a hullmod, the ship it spawns will try to have that hullmod. If you change hullmod effects radically (especially here, where you're making all of them vastly more powerful), NPCs can't take advantage of it, so you're just making the game way easier for the player. You would need to make your own variants to replace vanilla ones to prevent this, but it would still break other mods.

If you don't care about that sort of thing: congrats on your first mod


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.3 (2023.12.12)
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2023, 02:48:42 AM »

well, this is about average as far as "my first mod" balance goes, I suppose

If you care about that sort of thing:
The system that outfits NPC ships isn't clever enough to take advantage of hullmod synergies, nor does it have any conception of what bonuses a hullmod grants. It uses a number of pre-set variants; if the variant has a hullmod, the ship it spawns will try to have that hullmod. If you change hullmod effects radically (especially here, where you're making all of them vastly more powerful), NPCs can't take advantage of it, so you're just making the game way easier for the player. You would need to make your own variants to replace vanilla ones to prevent this, but it would still break other mods.

If you don't care about that sort of thing: congrats on your first mod

Thank you for testing out the mod and for the suggestion theDragn!

I realise that the AI cannot properly stack buffs like the player, which is why in the next patch I'm looking to dial down the stacking bonuses, especially the PD range bonuses while still providing players with the option to make unconventional builds viable.

I have also started to look into creating some custom variants files so that the AI can better utilize some of the interactions. e.g. Doom variant with converted hanger. Thanks again for this suggestion.

Hopefully the hullmods that are buffed and also used by the AI (shield shunted eradicator_Overdriven.variant, converted hanger falcon_p_Strike.variant, unstable injector shrike_p_Attack.variant, etc) will provide a more challenging experience for the player as well.

You can check out my other works on the link below. Thanks again for the suggestions!

[links removed - Hartley]
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 07:41:52 AM by SirHartley »


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.3 (2023.12.12)
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2023, 05:04:08 AM »

You can check out my other works on the link below.


Works are looking quite rad.  ;D

Thanks for your contributions and congratulations on the release!
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 07:41:31 AM by SirHartley »


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.3 (2023.12.12)
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2023, 07:40:08 AM »

While I understand that there is sometimes bad blood between mod authors, I do request that threads be kept civil in both spirit and letter.
The forums are supposed to be a place of cooperation, and attempts to spite someone else do not fall within that scope.

There are better places to vent your anger.
Thank you and please re-familiarize yourself with our rules, specifically the first and second one.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 07:45:10 AM by SirHartley »


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.3 (2023.12.12)
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2023, 08:31:20 AM »

well, this is about average as far as "my first mod" balance goes, I suppose
Re-treading this, a response like this to a new modder posting their work is also not acceptable.
We are looking to foster a positive environment, and something like this will not encourage others to keep working on their mods.

Please re-read our rules, especially the first one, and reconsider your approach to leaving feedback.
Thank you.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.4 (2023.12.14)
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2023, 10:23:57 AM »

Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.4

Fixed potential crash with Heavy Balistics Integration when used with other mods.

Added 49 variants to existing hulls from various factions so that the AI can utilize the modified hullmods better.

These range from simple changes like carriers using Nav Relay, to more radical and ill-advised ones like converted hanger phase ships to SO capitals.

These variants have around a ~30% chance to spawn over the original variants.

Energy Bolt Coherer is now known to the Sindrian Diktat and Tri-Tachyon.

Escort Package and Assult Package is now known to every faction.

Nerfed Escort Package and Assult Package. OP increased to (5/10/15/25).

Indirectly nerfed EP/AP by making Civilian grade hull no longer drop.

If you have any balance suggestions or issues please leave a comment.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 10:40:29 AM by ymfah »


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.4 (2023.12.14)
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2023, 12:48:33 PM »

Oh man I absolutely love so many of the ideas in this mod! Seriously creative, well done!

For some reason the effect for Unstable Injectors in particular jumps out as me as really fun and flavorful. Full speed ahead! No brakes!


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.4 (2023.12.14)
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2023, 04:30:49 PM »

I feel like this mod's batshit / strange new variants added might mesh well conceptually with the batshit / strange pirate refits added by the Pirate Mini Mod, vibes wise. Anyway, really glad to see someone picking up the torch of BDSM, I genuinely miss how it made pretty much all the hullmods have useful S-Modding, even after general S-Mod bonuses were added to a fair few things. Thanks for your work!


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.4 (2023.12.14)
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2023, 04:16:51 AM »

Nice idea, thank for your contribution.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.5 (2023.12.18)
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2023, 07:40:12 AM »

Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.5

Modified 8 hullmods.

- Distributed Fire Control

   No longer blocks the installation of Integrated Targeting Unit or a Dedicated Targeting Core.
   However, the bonus to weapon damage reduction and EMP resistance is disabled if either of those hullmods are installed.

- Integration Suite

   Currently AI faction only hullmod that enables the S-mod bonuses of other hullmods. (5/10/15/25)
   This will allow the AI to use the new S-mod only effects(including built in mods like Heavy Balistics Integration) at an OP cost.
   Currently used in AI faction variants. If you want to test it out, use console commands allhullmods.

- Shielded Cargo Holds

   Now can be obtained during the campaign.

- Phase Anchor

   Removed incompatability with Adaptive Phase Coils, and vice versa.

- Reinforced Bulkhead

   OP adjusted to 5/10/15/25.
   S-modding provides an additional 5% hull bonus per D-mod.
   Reason for S-mod bonus on an expensive hullmod is that the "ship almost always recoverable if lost" portion gets invalidated since an S-modded player ship is almost always recoverable anyways.

- Blast Doors

   OP adjusted to 3/5/8/12.

- Experimental Phase Coils

   Added back into the game.
   OP adjusted to 5/10/15/25.

- Automated Ship

   S-mod effect temporarly disabled due to bug with Automated XIV variants. (looking at the s-mod menu would remove the automated ship hullmod)

Added 19 more variants to existing hulls from various factions. Modified some previous variants.

   These new vartiants use the new Integration Suite hullmod to utilize the S-mod effects.
   Include but not limited to: Rugged variants(Rugged Construction), Mobile Pargon(ATC), Mobile XIV(Fourteenth), Strike Monitor(Flux Shunt), Siedge Invictus(DTC) and more.
   Fixed Persean League not spawning custom variants of Monitor (Cancer class - Classic SO, Strike class - Flux Shunt S-mod variant).
   Slightly increased the chance for all modified variants to appear.


   Compiled to JAR to avoid pre-compilation lag with Janino.
   Added version checker support.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2023, 08:02:44 AM by ymfah »


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.5 (2023.12.18)
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2023, 05:52:35 PM »

that unstable injector change is a bit ... painful, for those without the combat readiness skill. i guess it is some sort of balance, yeah, but it might make people just not use UI at points.


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.6 (2023.12.18)
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2023, 09:37:52 PM »

Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.6

Modified 8 hullmods.

- Fourteenth Battlegroup (Story Reward - Dynamic S-mod)

   S-mod option will show up after defeating a certain automated XIV fleet.
   Now changes ship system depending on the hull.
      Enforcer XIV, Dominator XIV - Accelerated Ammo Feeder
      Eagle XIV - Plasma Burn
      Falcon XIV - Plasma Jets
      Legion XIV - Fast Missile Racks
      Onslaught XIV - Degraded Phase Skimmer
   S-mod mobility bonus reduced to 16%.

- Advanced Targetting Core

   For the Paragon, the S-mod bonus swaps Fortress shield with Plasma Jets.
   For others, the S-mod bonus allows the zero flux boost to engage regardless of hard flux.
   Reduce range by 40% for both cases. (100% -> 60%, point defence unaffected)

- Shield Shunt

   Now can be applied to phase ships to remove Phase.
   Same bonuses as shielded ships but replaces phase with damper field.

- Converted Cargo Bay

   Added S-mod bonus. Changes system from Flare Launcher to Reserve Deployment.
   Fighter replacement rate can no longer recover.
   (Not to be confused with Converted Hanger, this is the unique built in hullmod for the colossus mk3)

- Experimental Phase Coils (Story Reward - Hullmod)

   Can now be obtained by defeating a certain phase [REDACTED].
   OP increased to 10/20/30/50.
   Cannot be built in.
   Added phase requirement.

- High Volition Attractor (Story Reward - Hullmod)

   Can now be obtained by repairing a Coronal Hypershunt.
   OP increased to 70.
   Made mote attractor system a requirement.
   Crew casualty increased by 100000% (They all die on hull damage)
   Cannot be built in.

- Drive Field Stabilizer

   S-modding doubles both the burn level bonus and sensor profile drawback.

- Unstable Injector

   Removed combat readiness penalty.
   Engine now has a slight chance of malfunctions during combat. (No critical malfunctions, 1% per second per engine block)

Restored 6 hidden fighter wings.

- [DORITO REDACTED] Wings (Story Reward - Wings)

   Hypershunt encounters will now drop 2 [DORITO REDACTED] Fighter wings from each variants.
   Adjusted OP cost to 30.

- Borer Drone Wing

   Now obtainable.
   Basically a Talon with only a mining laser, less speed and engagement range.
   OP unadjusted. Still 0.
   Sold and used by the same factions that use Mining Pods.

- Terminator Drones

   Now obtainable.
   A PD focused support wing with a PD Laser and an IR Pulse. (Even with Terminator Core hullmod it's not great)
   OP adjusted to 10.
   Termination sequence will require a vessel with that system.
   Sold and used by the same factions that use Xyphos Support Wings.

Modified built-in only hullmods OP cost to make sense in the main menu missions.

Big thanks to DeCEll-1 for the help with the boss drop script!


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.6 (2023.12.22)
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2023, 02:59:15 PM »

At first I wasn't too sure about your mod, but after trying it I really enjoy the sheer versatility it offers! Thanks for your work!


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Re: [0.96a-RC10] Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.7 (2023.12.30)
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2023, 09:02:59 AM »

Better Vanilla Hullmods v0.7

Bug Fixes

- Fixed CTD when used with progressive S-mods.

- Fixed Drive Field Stabilizer S-mod not working.

Modified hullmods.

- Heavy Ballistics Integration

   Integration is removed for versatility. S-mod bonus Removes OP discount.
   S-mod bonus will now change all large ballistic slots with hybrid slots and increase the arc by 50% (Vanilla ships)
   For the Conquest, this means that the 4 Large slots will be able to point forwards. However, the arc does not converge.
   For the Onslaught, this means that all 3 Large slots will be able to point forwards. Dissipation may be a problem.
   For the Invictus, The 2 large slots in the back-middle can now point forwards. OP is now a big problem.
   For other ships, refund 10 OP per large ballistic slot. (For modded ships)
   Invictus cannot use beam weapons due to LIDAR array implementation. Added dynamic flavour text to reflect this.

- Flux Shunt

   S-mod bonus for other ships besides the monitor: reduce hard flux dissipation by 25%, improve overall dissipation by 50%. (For modded ships)

- Ablative Armor

   S-mod bonus changes the defensive system of the Invictus to entropy damper.
   For other hulls, Revert armor to space grade (10 times less armor, no penalties) and add the reduced amount to hull. (For modded ships)

- Delicate Machinery

   S-mod reduces PPT by 50%.
   Changes ship depending on the hull.
      Shade - Change system to overclocked EMP emitter. 3x range. Can no longer phase.
      Doom - Change system to Interdictor Array. Mines are now deployed automatically to the closest enemy within 1500su.
      Revenant - Change system to Gargoyle Drones. Removes cargo capacity.
      For other hulls, activates the S-mod effect of other hullmods. (Excluding logistic hullmods and modded hullmods)

- Ill Advised Modifications

   Updated description to show the probability of malfunctions and critical malfunctions.
   Critical malfunctions only occur after PPT runs out.
   Added engine malfunction chance.
   Activates the S-mod effect of other hullmods. (Excluding logistic hullmods and modded hullmods)
   Can now be obtained.

- Safety Overrides

   Previous S-mod interaction that gave Ill advised modifications was too harsh and benefited the monitor massively.
   Penalty updated to current ill advised modifications without the S-mod effect activation.
   Monitor would suffer from engine malfunctions, and other hulls can avoid critical malfunctions as long as PPT remains.

- Special Modifications

   Improves CR by 7%.

- Converted Hanger

   If the ship already has existing bays, penalty to rearm and replacement time is reduced depending on the number of bays.
   0 bay = 100% penalty, 1 bay = 50% penalty, 2 bay = 33% penalty and so on.

- Auxiliary Thrusters

   S-mod bonus removes acceleration/deceleration bonus. (Acceleration 100% / Deceleration 50% -> 0% / 0%)
   Improves turn rate by 100%. (Turn Acceleration 100% / Max Turn Rate 50% -> 200% / 100%)

- Unstable Injector

   The previous implementation made the hull generally slower than before.
   Now affects zero flux boost as well.
   Decreased malfunction chance to 0.5%
   Since engine malfunctions reduce top speed and manoeuvrability, these changes should make the hullmod a net positive for straight lines, and negative for anything else.
   Reduced cost to 4/8/12/20
- ECM Package

   Reduced cost to 4/8/12/20
   Reduced effect of system cooldown bonus.

- Nav Relay

   Reduced cost to 4/8/12/20


- Terminator Drones

   Can now be installed on automated hulls.
   Reduced OP to 8.

- Updated 11 variants to utilize these changes.
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