Hullmods that are currently obtainable but with restrictions removed and/or rebalanced.- Safety Overrides
Can now be applied on capital class ships (70 OP) and civilian ships.
Can now be S-modded at the small "benefit" of applying ill-advised modifications. Praise Ludd.
- Shield Shunt

Provides a 15% bonus to top speed in addition to the 15% armor. Basically the reverse of Makeshift Shield Generator.
S-modding provides an additional 15% speed bonus & 15% armor.
Now can be applied to phase ships to remove Phase. Same bonuses as shielded ships but replaces phase with damper field.
- Converted Fighter Bay
Can now be applied to regular carriers and not just drone carriers.
Now provides a 1/1/2/2 DP reduction per bay removed.
S-modding additionally increase hull integrity by 15% per bay removed.
OP increased to 3/6/9/15.
- Converted Hanger
Removed restrictions for ships with existing fighter bays and drone bays.
Removed restrictions for frigates and phase ships.
Increase DP increase threshold to 10.
Cruiser/Capital ships and ships with existing fighter/drone bays will no longer suffer the DP penalty. All other penalties (refit, recovery, relaunch, crew) still apply.
If the ship already has existing bays, penalty to rearm and replacement time is reduced depending on the number of bays.
0 bay = 100% penalty, 1 bay = 50% penalty, 2 bay = 33% penalty and so on.
OP changed to 10/10/12/20.
- Makeshift Shield Generator
Now reserves 25% of flux cap and dissipation.
Now compatible with shield shunt.
Adds a modular front shield with that stat. Does not contribute flux to the main ship.
Ships with existing shield will have double shield.
Can now be applied to phase ships.
Reverted the strike weapon restriction. Antimatter blasters are now PD.
S-modding is no longer required to make small non-missile weapons into PD.
S-modding will cause ALL non-missile weapons to act as PD, with hilarious results.
- Defensive Targeting Array
Also increases damage against ships by 10%.
S-mod bonus increased to 200 range.
S-modding will increase missile range as well.
This will make DTA viable with bombers and other fighters, and not just Xyphos and Sarissa.
- Unstable Injector
No longer decreases weapon range and fighter replacement times.
Now also affects zero flux boost.
Engine now has a slight chance of malfunctions during combat. (No critical malfunctions, 0.5% per second per engine block)
S-modding will boost the bonus by 2.5 times.
However, doing so will cause the ship to not be able to decelerate.
- Dedicated Targeting Core
Reduced OP cost to -/-/9/15 to make the S-mod bonus make sense.
This will make the hullmod somewhat competitive in the late game, and buff factions using them.
- High Scatter Amplifier
Reduce range penalty from above 200 to above 400. Should make 1000 range weapons competitive with ballistics like the storm needler.
Now stacks with Advanced Optics.
- Auxiliary Thrusters
S-mod bonus removes acceleration/deceleration bonus. (Acceleration 100% / Deceleration 50% -> 0% / 0%)
Improves turn rate by 100%. (Turn Acceleration 100% / Max Turn Rate 50% -> 200% / 100%)
- Shield Conversion - Front
Restriction when used with Shield Conversion - Omni removed.
S-modding now provides a 200% arc bonus instead of a 5% damage reduction.
Stacking both front and omni shield will result in a 1.4x arc increase. S-modding both will result in a 3x arc increase.
- Armored Weapon Mount
S-modding will now additionally reduce flux cost of weapons by 10%, (kinda) canceling out the flux increase due to fire rate change.
- Augmented Drive Field
Reduced cost to 4/8/12/20 to make the S-mod bonus make sense.
- Neural Integrator & Neural Interface
Now provides fighters launched from this ship the skills from captains.
Same rules apply as neural switching. No ammo increase and whatnot.
- ECM Package
Lowered cost to 4/8/12/20
S-mod Bonus - Provides a range increase based on ECM difference.
- Nav Relay
Lowered cost to 4/8/12/20
Now provides 15% top speed bonus to fighters launched from this ship, in addition to the nav rating bonus.
S-modding provides 20% engagement range to fighters launched from this ship.
- Expanded Deck Crew
Now reduces fighter relaunch time by 25% in addition to the regular bonuses.
- Recovery Shuttles
Now reduces fighter replacement rate by 15% in addition to the regular bonuses.
- Phase Anchor
Removed incompatability with Adaptive Phase Coils, and vice versa.
- Reinforced Bulkhead
OP adjusted to 5/10/15/25.
S-modding provides an additional 5% hull bonus per D-mod.
Reason for S-mod bonus on an expensive hullmod is that the "ship almost always recoverable if lost" portion gets invalidated since an S-modded player ship is almost always recoverable anyways.
- Blast Doors
OP adjusted to 3/5/8/12.
- Drive Field Stabilizer
S-modding doubles both the burn level bonus and sensor profile drawback.