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Author Topic: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?  (Read 6619 times)


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Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« on: May 13, 2021, 07:33:35 AM »

With the size 6 cap the cryosleepers just don't seem as valuable in 0.95 as they were before. Sizes above 6-7 are really hard to reach without a cryosleeper but when you cap out at size 6 the need is quite limited and the colony's growth phase relatively short. Given that you'll have at least a somewhat significant force already to kill the boss guarding the sleeper it's likely that you have a relatively large colony already by the time you can access the sleeper. It makes for a nice bonus if you happen to find a sleeper covering places you'd want to colonize anyway but it's no longer the case that you want to grab a colony just because a sleeper is available.

So allowing a colony with sleeper access to grow to size 7 would be a nice reward for settling near one of them.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2021, 07:38:33 AM »

I don't know if size 7 is the right reward, but something has to change. With the lower limit AND the crazy organic requirements the things aren't worth using at all.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2021, 07:52:27 AM »

I think that’s a terrible idea.
If the bonus from these random structures are too good it will incentivize people to only play with good seeds. I think it’s better kept mediocre.

Since all my mods have poor reputation, I deem my efforts unworthy thus no more updates will be made.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2021, 08:24:34 AM »

Maybe they can supply Harvested Organs then?
I'm not going to check but you should feel bad :( - Alex


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2021, 09:01:24 AM »

Maybe they can supply Harvested Organs then?
Useless without Free Port. Which is admittedly still an improvement over "not useful in general".


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2021, 12:25:29 PM »

I think that’s a terrible idea.
If the bonus from these random structures are too good it will incentivize people to only play with good seeds. I think it’s better kept mediocre.
Going through a rare boss fight for a mediocre reward just feels terrible.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2021, 03:07:29 PM »

I think that’s a terrible idea.
If the bonus from these random structures are too good it will incentivize people to only play with good seeds. I think it’s better kept mediocre.
Going through a rare boss fight for a mediocre reward just feels terrible.
Trade request
You get: epic battle and a small additional reward
You pay: supplies and fuel

What a bargain

If you don’t like the reward or think it’s not worth it just don’t fight it.
I can’t even make correlation between being a rare boss and giving “exceptional” rewards.
It’s not some *** MMO using rnjesus to deliberately lengthen your active play time.

Since all my mods have poor reputation, I deem my efforts unworthy thus no more updates will be made.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2021, 03:16:48 PM »

I don't agree with this argument. Do we just remove all RNG from sectorgen to prevent people from "playing only good seeds"? Most people don't care, they roll the dice and take the result. Sometimes you get a really exciting one and it's fun. Sometimes you don't and it's still fine.

The better solution would be to add more unique things like cryosleepers and hypershunts, so that you will always find something nice in a convenient location, but it might be a different thing depending on the seed.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2021, 03:22:17 PM »

I think that’s a terrible idea.
If the bonus from these random structures are too good it will incentivize people to only play with good seeds. I think it’s better kept mediocre.

I don't think that's much of a concern, I'd expect most people to use random seeds in order to get a different experience each run. Besides, is a size 7 colony really too good? It's not like size 6 colonies are so bad that one size more would radically change your fortunes.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2021, 04:40:36 PM »

I think that’s a terrible idea.
If the bonus from these random structures are too good it will incentivize people to only play with good seeds. I think it’s better kept mediocre.

I don't think that's much of a concern, I'd expect most people to use random seeds in order to get a different experience each run. Besides, is a size 7 colony really too good? It's not like size 6 colonies are so bad that one size more would radically change your fortunes.
It’s something otherwise unobtainable and breaks economy if you will.
If you’re running pather-free inspection-free and 0 SP upgrade, size 6 sits at a delicate balance.

Think in the opposite direction, if it’s not that good why would people demand it and many posts littering around asking and sharing “good” seeds?
Just like people trying so hard to get hupershunt tap working makes me laugh so hard. I had to assume they were using some indevil stuff that takes so many industry slots, 5th industry is otherwise not remotely useful in base game.

That said I wouldn’t mind if Guardian fight itself provide better loot, but cryosleeper really should be left something people can live without.

Since all my mods have poor reputation, I deem my efforts unworthy thus no more updates will be made.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2021, 04:48:46 PM »

Maybe its because I restart games often, but I find cryosleepers pretty helpful because it takes a really long time to grow to size 6 (in game years I think right?). The organics is a bit of a pain and its not like I wait till I find one to colonize, but its pretty awesome when I do have a good one a few systems over.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2021, 04:57:26 PM »

Think in the opposite direction, if it’s not that good why would people demand it and many posts littering around asking and sharing “good” seeds?
Just like people trying so hard to get hupershunt tap working makes me laugh so hard. I had to assume they were using some indevil stuff that takes so many industry slots, 5th industry is otherwise not remotely useful in base game.
I had a set of useful colonies barely within hypershunt radius, and if I did not have an aversion to zombie Pathers, I would have tried to meet 10 demand for transplutonics.

But the moment I read +8 to Pather interest, I dumped the tap and never looked back.  I have no interest in playing whack-a-mole enemy (pirate OR pather) bases.  First 0.9 release, it was both pirates and pathers.  0.9.1, it was pirates (pathers were bugged, which was great).  Now, it can be pathers if I get cells.  I do not want cells.  I can deal with Hegemony (by wiping them off the map).  Pathers are immortal zombies that cannot be eradicated.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2021, 09:53:05 AM »

What do pathers do other than cause occasional disruptions and lower stability? Do they actually destroy colonies if left for long enough? I haven't seen them as enough threat to really bother with at all, I just put items in.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2021, 09:56:11 AM »

I put items in, kill bases when convenient, never actually had an accident. It really doesn't seem like a big issue to me.


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Re: Make Cryosleeper increase the maximum colony size?
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2021, 10:16:25 AM »

What do pathers do other than cause occasional disruptions and lower stability? Do they actually destroy colonies if left for long enough? I haven't seen them as enough threat to really bother with at all, I just put items in.
Disruptions and stability loss.  They were a royal pain in the first 0.9a release (when player needed Intel bug to find them too), and I do not want to experience that ever again.  Once a year, I need to kill one base, or maybe more.  I tried to synch all Pather activity to a single base.  If the cells were backed by different bases, I need to chase and play whack-a-mole bases, and that was mixed in with expeditions and whack-a-mole pirate activity.  They added more whack-a-mole madness to the already insane whack-a-mole pirates.  At least pirates have been seriously tamed this release.  I do not know how restless major factions become when Free Port is on (they mostly left me alone with it off).

I guess I could use cores to build extra colonies and let Pathers have at them while I keep my first four worlds clean so that if the other worlds get hit, I do not care.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2021, 10:37:47 AM by Megas »
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