I don't know if this is relate to wingcom since it doesn't change AI or ship classification, but i'll double check.
To clarify, in case it wasn't apparent. Battles cannot be ended via a retreat while named strikecraft are currently being fielded. To reproduce, simply start a retreat or disengaging battle with at least one ship, equipped with a WINGCOMM, in the field, and retreat that first once it deploys its strikecraft.
The fighters will linger off-screen and prevent a resolution to the battle.
In my specific case, it's during a disengage battle, after fighting my way to the top of the screen with a carrier-based capital ship and having it retreat, the strikecraft do not dock, instead lingering offscreen in an unreachable position, leaving me with no other option but to "Quit Campaign".
Here is my modlist, in case there are any conflicts.
I may start a new game with just Arma Armatura installed and see if it may be the result of another mod, but as my modlist is pretty extensive, that may take some time.
To my knowledge, no mod here features another Strikecraft-based overhaul, however several of them (Exotica, Quality Captains, UAF) have
modifiers or Strikecraft-affecting perks.