Really been enjoying this mod, the idea of piloting fighters and especially mech is something many of us dream of. Especially since you can use them to help with raids / invasions.
So I figured I would give my 2cents on some stuff. Fair warning, I am just revisiting starsector after a 2 year break so maybe im just not used to things again.
Firstly, I dont think you need that many separate types of frigate mechs. One of the big appeals to the mod is the customization, so why not have fewer mechs but with more module options? From personal experience, and looking through the posts, it seems the main (Non-super) frigate mechs are the VX commander, Spriggan, and AE. The others have their use of course, Love the idea of the mech that gives the damage buff for example, but I feel alot of these could be worked into a few base frames rather that each as an individual. Because who doesn't want the option of a spriggian type shield on a melee, beam sword or heat axe swinging mech.
Second, and this may be my inexperience. The Fenris seems mandatory if your using frigate mechs. I have not seen an AI strikecraft in general land to repair or rearm except for when called back by the fenris ability.