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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Underworld 1.8.3  (Read 692825 times)


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[0.97a] Underworld 1.8.3
« on: April 20, 2016, 01:42:33 AM »

Having problems?  Visit the Mod Troubleshooting Guide!

Underworld seeks to flesh out the pirates and criminal elements in Starsector.  Included are numerous new ships, the Starlight Cabal faction, Cabal skins, an IBB battle featuring a unique Astral, a new star system, and numerous campaign features.


Sidecar-class Frigate[/sup]


Venom-class Combat Freighter


Torch-class Gunboat


Scythe-class Phase Frigate

Shellster and Tartiflette

Tiger-class Frigate


Predator-class Frigate

AxleMC131 and Dark.Revenant

Predator-X-class Frigate

AxleMC131, Dark.Revenant, and HELMUT

Venom-X-class Frigate

Tartiflette, Shellster, and MesoTroniK

Boar-class Destroyer

Shellster, Tartiflette, and MesoTroniK

Shark-class Battle Barge


Mongrel-class Gunboat


Barbarian-class Cruiser

HELMUT, Shellster, Tartiflette, and MesoTroniK

Stalker-class Cruiser

HELMUT, Shellster, Tartiflette, and MesoTroniK

Amalgam-class Death Barge


Dragon-class Battlecruiser

HELMUT, Shellster, Tartiflette, and MesoTroniK

Renegade-class Battlecruiser

Alfonzo, MesoTroniK, and Cycerin

Infernus-class Battlewagon

HELMUT, Shellster, Tartiflette, and MesoTroniK


Revolver Support Fighter Wing

Tartiflette, HELMUT, MesoTroniK

Razor Fighter Wing

HELMUT, MesoTroniK

Starlight Cabal

HELMUT, King Alfonzo, Lloyd, Tartiflette, Nia, MesoTroniK, SleepyFish/Foxer, and the unofficial Starsector Discord community

The Starlight Cabal is an exclusive cult of like-minded entrepreneurs and inheritors deeply embedded within the Tri-Tachyon Corporation. Believing that the future of mankind mandates complete technological synthesis, the Cabal ostensibly seeks a higher, euphoric state of being. However, to attain ascension within this scientific dark age, the price is steep. For the privilege of membership, tremendous sums of credits must be paid - either directly or indirectly - into a dark web of Cabal-controlled hedge funds and capital investments.

Skeptics mock the Starlight Cabal as an elaborate financial scam, and others excoriate the organization as nothing more than a corpo-backed privateer group. Critics of the Cabal tend to lay low, however; more than a few whistleblowers have mysteriously disappeared over the cycles...

The Starlight Cabal encourages a "doctrine of acquisition" (read: hyperspace robbery), broadly engaging in acts of piracy and the occasional bout of terrorism or vandalism. Direct strikes on political entities are rare, however.

Change Log
Version 1.8.3 (February 3, 2024):
- Updated for Starsector 0.97a

Version 1.8.2 (October 30, 2023):
- Gala Parade fleet has better loot but takes longer to respawn, especially if you kill it
- Palace always deploys and cannot retreat, like a station
- Cabal bar event can now occasionally generate Cabal contacts
  * Dice wagers depend on the importance of the contact
- New text for Cabal reputation level descriptions
- Cabal fleets spawn less often near player colonies at higher reputation levels
  * This is in addition to the behavior described in the 1.8.0 patch notes
- Cabal submarket no longer allows the player to sell items back to them
- Nexerelin Random Sector compatibility fix
- Slight performance optimization when Underworld weapons/ships are not present in a battle
- Slight performance improvement in campaign when using Cabal
- Palace music doesn't play in the menus erroneously
- IndEvo crash fix

Version 1.8.1 (May 29, 2023):
- The bonus items sold by the Cabal submarkets are now globally unique (you can't buy two Pristine Nanoforges anymore, just one)
- Cabal submarkets now sell one each of IndEvo Luxury Goods VPC, Drugs VPC, Relay Hypertransmitter, and Simulation Engine
  * No effect if Industrial Evolution is not enabled
- Another Cabal-related crash hotfix

Version 1.8.0c (May 27, 2023):
- Attempted Cabal-related crash hotfix

Version 1.8.0b (May 27, 2023):
- Cabal-related crash hotfix

Version 1.8.0 (May 26, 2023):
- Updated for Starsector 0.96a
- New Renegade sprite (thanks Alfonzo and MesoTroniK!)
- Cabal only appear around larger/richer/high-tech player colonies, otherwise they don't appear outside of core
  * This depends on Hostile Activity progress
  * They do *not* add their own Hostile Activity factor; the Cabal does not impose a stability penalty etc.
- Cabal skins reworked; slot changes are the same but they no longer offer bonus OP
  * Cabal Upgrades mostly offers stat penalties and doesn't count as a d-mod (it isn't removed with hull restoration)
  * Instead, Cabal Upgrades increases the s-mod limit of the ship by 1
- Cabal Submarket access is easier / more consistent
  * No longer scales in price based on assets, only by reputation
  * Better variety of items
  * Now has additional one-off prize items that can be purchased with enough reputation, including an Alpha Core, Pristine Nanoforge, Mini-Blueprint Package, and the full Blueprint Package
- The Cabal's Palace will spawn periodically and roam the sector, spawning extra Cabal fleets and offering a unique challenge, should you choose to fight it
  * Has loot equivalent to a Research Station in a Remnant system
  * Easily detectable from afar...
- Easier to raise reputation with the Cabal
- Scythe CR %/deploy increased to 30
- Revolvers now stay in front of the ship, armor increased to 125 from 60, refit time reduced to 10 from 15 seconds
- Razors are faster (300 from 250) and have significantly improved maneuverability
- Mongrel DP (supplies/deploy) reduced to 12 from 15
- Amalgam DP (supplies/deploy) reduced to 24 from 30
- Succubus armor increased to 1000 from 900, hull increased to 12000 from 11000, speed increased to 50 from 45, maneuverability improved
- Renegade DP (supplies/deploy) reduced to 30 from 35, hull decreased to 15000 from 18000
- Starscream DP (supplies/deploy) reduced to 15 from 18
- Reworked or recreated numerous ship variants, tailoring them to their expected vanilla factions
- Numerous doctrinal changes across the board:
  * Luddic Church has access to Shark (uncommon) and Venom
  * Luddic Path has access to:
    - Barbarian (uncommon), Predator, Sidecar (uncommon), Shark (uncommon), Tiger (rare), and Torch
    - Razor Fighter Wing
  * Revamped Cabal doctrine to include exclusively Cabal-themed combat ships
    - Few carriers, moderate number of phase ships, mostly standard combat ships
    - Access to just about every type of non-[REDACTED] weapon, including Kinetic Blaster and Gigacannon
  * Independents/Scavengers have access to:
    - Barbarian, Boar, Predator, Scythe, Shark, Stalker, Tiger, and Venom
    - Razor Fighter Wing and Revolver Support Wing
  * Mercenaries have access to:
    - Barbarian, Boar, Dragon, Predator, Renegade, Scythe, Shark, Stalker, Tiger, and Venom-X
    - Razor Fighter Wing and Revolver Support Wing
  * Pirates have access to:
    - Amalgam (uncommon), Barbarian, Boar, Dragon (uncommon), Infernus (rare), Mongrel, Predator, Predator-X, Renegade (uncommon), Scythe, Shark, Sidecar, Stalker (uncommon), Tiger, Torch, Venom, Venom-X (rare)
    - Razor Fighter Wing and Revolver Support Wing
- LunaLib support

Version 1.7.1 (January 5, 2022):
- Updated for Starsector 0.95.1a RC6
- Slightly buffed TIM's minefield upgrade, also made it less likely to mine yourself
- Cabal cannot take ships that can't be scuttled (such as Ziggurat) or those that have unremovable captains (such as integrated AI cores)
- Cabal cannot take mission items (such as Janus Device)

Version 1.7.0 (December 13, 2021):
- Updated for Starsector 0.95.1a
- Added Cabal skin for the Fury
  * Thanks to King Alfonzo for the sprite!
- Added Climax-class Cruiser
  * Cabal equivalent of the Apogee
  * Thanks to King Alfonzo for the sprite!
- Infernus shield arc reduced to 90 from 180 degrees
- Infernus shield upkeep reduced to 300 from 480
- Infernus armor increased to 1600 from 1400
- Starscream now uses Advanced Ground Support instead of Ground Support
- Cabal ships no longer have S-mods when recovered in Nexerelin
- Added Rugged Construction to shieldless ships
- Barbarian hull increased to 11000 from 9000
- Mongrel hull increased to 10000 from 6500
- Amalgam hull increased to 16000 from 12000
- Renegade supplies decreased to 35 from 40

Version 1.6.1 (April 21, 2021):
- Palace sprite updated
- Fixed a major bug that made a SP-cost Cabal interaction item not actually cost a SP

Version 1.6.0 (April 19, 2021):
- Updated for Starsector 0.95a
- Cabal forced combat and transponder hostility fix
- Fixed bug that caused Cabal fleets to bother the player more often than intended near high-Cabal-activity areas
- Improved Cabal TOff behavior and other interaction aspects
- Added fighter weapon descriptions
- Venom cargo increased to 90 from 65
- Starscream fuel increased to 120 from 100
- Starscream fuel per light year increased to 4 from 3
- Fleet extortion options are disabled if the other fleet is not intimidated by player
- Removed Cabal Hyperion
- Temporarily removed Cabal Scarab
- Added Story Point options to get out of giving the Cabal your stuff
- Integrated various new campaign features into existing content
- Revolver OP reduced to 9 from 10
- Razor OP reduced to 7 from 10
- Razor AI behavior tweaked

Version 1.5.0 (March 10, 2021):
- Added Succubus-class Pocket Battleship (Cabal)
  * Appears in Cabal fleets as a capital ship; should make them spam Odysseys less
- Added Palace-class Enlightenment Center (Cabal)
  * Will appear in a future update with special campaign integration...
  * For now, is just part of a special HVB (Vayra's Sector required)
- Added special new late-game IBB fleet of... abominations
- Diablo Cannon is now a STRIKE, USE_VS_FRIGATES weapon, like the Hellfire Cannon

Version 1.4.7 (January 10, 2021):
- Made the Infernus less likely to be available to purchase in markets
- Added custom Nexerelin start "The Infernal Machine"
  * Start with a salvaged unique Infernus (Augmented Drive Field built-in) and a mid-size scavenged fleet (all with starting d-mods)
  * Start inhospitable with most factions (and vengeful with pirates)
  * Restore the ship, one upgrade at a time, to its former glory and beyond
  * Branching and mutually-exclusive upgrade paths

Version 1.4.6 (December 25, 2020):
- Cabal extortion/contribution: Force open comm link on fleet interaction (fixes the "skip contribution by closing dialog" exploit)
- Dragon now has a large composite mount on the left side
- Fixed version file HTTPS redirect

Version 1.4.5 (September 28, 2020):
- Fixed bug where most battles with Dickerson counts as a Dickerson kill
- Fixed a Cabal dice game having the wrong score requirement
- Made the Infernus rarer
- Some configuration for compatibility with various other mods
- Prevent Cabal from spawning with unnatural sizes if there's somehow a Cabal-owned market somewhere in the sector
- Migrated version file to custom host (sigh)

Version 1.4.4 (July 11, 2020):
- Actual fix for Cabal extortion causing transponder-on hostilities with disguise faction(s)
- Some configuration for Vayra's Sector and Starship Legends

Version 1.4.3 (July 8, 2020):
- Shielded Cargo Holds now loosely affects the demands of Cabal extortion attempts
- Fix a rare crash in Cabal fleet AI
- Possible fix for Cabal extortion causing transponder-on hostilities with disguise faction(s)
- Migrated version file to BitBucket

Version 1.4.2 (December 23, 2019):
- Added Starlight Doom
- Added Cabal bar event
- Fixed issue where turning transponder off and on after paying a Cabal shakedown "reveals hostile actions"

Version 1.4.1 (September 8, 2019):
- Dickerson fleets prefer larger ships at higher levels; have more and better officers
- Fixed "loose" enemy fighter wings in Purple Haze mission
- Revolver's main weapon will target missiles if no other targets are in range
- Made Cabal somewhat less aggressive in the early game
- Cabal spawns decrease to near-0 when far from Cabal-influenced or Tri-Tachyon markets
- Tweaked CR/deploy for multiple ships to adjust the cost of full recovery
- New sprites for Euphoria, Starlight Afflictor, and Starlight Wolf

Version 1.4.0 (July 12, 2019):
- Added Starlight Odyssey
- Added Starlight Eos
- Added Starscream-class Combat Transport
- Cabal Upgrades is now a 50% supply penalty, from 33%
- Adjusted Cabal spawning to have fewer logistics ships (especially for the small fleets)
- Adjusted Cabal spawning to trend much larger over time and with higher player levels
- Cabal fleets will now change factions on-the-fly to avoid difficult situations and hopefully survive longer
- Cabal extortion refusal reputation penalties work now
- Mongrel and Amalgam are now tagged with ALWAYS_PANIC

Version 1.3.3 (June 28, 2019):
- Fixed extorting own faction fleets
- Added Starlight Shrike
- Enhanced each Starlight skin...

Version 1.3.2 (May 17, 2019):
- Updated for Starsector 0.9.1a
- Various minor updates to bring in line with the new Starsector version
- Updated ship prices
- Increased Renegade flux capacity to 20,000 from 18,000
- Increased Renegade top speed to 40 from 35, improved accel/decel/turning
- Cabal commanders can now be found with Loadout Design skill
- Fixed Cabal-related non-CTD NPE
- Fixed Cabal taking marine slaves...

Version 1.3.1 (February 2, 2019)
- Biased Cabal fleet sizes to be smaller on average
- Made Cabal fleet aggression triggering range shorter
- Adjusted negative reputation impact from refusing Cabal extortion
- Revised Cabal spawning behavior, should be in-system more often and avoid crazy build-up
- Fixed Cabal submarket access behavior when the player is Friendly or Cooperative
- Vesperon Combine whitelist

Version 1.3.0b (January 13, 2019)
- Emergency Cabal-related crash hotfix

Version 1.3.0 (January 12, 2019)
- Removed Pillage event
- Predator and Predator-X flux capacity reduced to 2200 from 2500
- Stalker top speed reduced to 45 from 50, reduced deceleration
- Renegade shield efficiency nerfed to 1.4 from 1, but increased flux capacity to 18,000 from 16,000
- Boar shield efficiency buffed to 1 from 1.2
- Removed all (D) skins
- Scythe now has a normal phase cloak
- Infernus' built-in wings are now both borers
- Added a fancy trail for the Prototype Gauss Cannon
- Infernus now uses the Burn Drive system
- Dramatically reduced the number of preset variants
- Reworked nearly every remaining preset variant
- Fixed/standardized file and ID prefixes
- You can now buy the Cabal Blueprint Package at the Cabal Exchange... if Cooperative with them
- Cabal Exchange fee and tariff now depends on wealth, income, and relationship level
- Cabal Exchange will refuse to sell certain ships if you don't have enough money
- Reworked a whole bunch of descriptions
- Works in Starsector 0.9a

Version 1.2.2 (April 23, 2018)
- Revamped Dickerson's level scaling and added a utility console command
- Minor Dickerson, extortion, crash fixes
- Improved pirate fleet composition
- Cabal submarket no longer free to enter at zero stability

Version 1.2.1 (January 26, 2018)
- Improved/fixed player extortion

Version 1.2.0 (December 1, 2017)
- Added Revolver-class support fighter
- Added Razor-class fighter

Version 1.1.3 (October 1, 2017)
- Fixed crash on game start in Nexerelin's random mode
- Fixed rare possibility of getting stuck in interaction dialog with Cabal
- Fixed some player extortion issues

Version 1.1.2 (June 19, 2017)
- Predator and Predator-X now have a 150-degree 0.4-upkeep front shield (was 120-degree 0.5-upkeep omni)
- Fixed Cabal still being aggressive to poor players
- Disco Ball now has 6 Tachyon Lances
- Major adjustment to fleet composition ratios for various factions

Version 1.1.1 (June 10, 2017)
- Improved Cabal extortion calculations, especially for fighter LPCs
- Cabal leaves you with more supplies
- Cabal won't attack you if you're so poor that you have nothing to extort, unless reputation is Vengeful
- Additional DynaSector support
- Added a relay to Styx
- Improved various odds and ends

Version 1.1.0 (June 4, 2017)
- Updated to support Starsector 0.8.1a
- Added pirate pillager fleet event
- Added player extortion of NPC trade fleets
- Added super secret ship and weapon
- Added Styx system featuring a special pirate station with a new submarket
- Adjusted various ship stats to meet new standards
- Killer Bee (IBB wing) now has Heavy Burst PD instead of Phase Lance (oh god)
- Infernus now has two built-in wings: one borer wing and one mining pod wing
- Infernus system is replaced with Reserve Deployment
- Infernus now has built-in Operations Center and Salvage Gantry
- Dragon now has two flight decks
- Renegade now has a flight deck
- Stalker now has a built-in wing: borer wing
- Stalker system is replaced with Accelerated Ammo Feeder
- Stalker now has built-in Survey Equipment
- Updated sprites for Tiger, Shark, and Renegade
- Rebalanced Torch
- Adjusted debris/derelict spawning for Cabal fleet battles

Version 1.0.5 (March 26, 2017)
- Added Predator, Predator D, and Predator-X ships
- Fixed Cabal market tariff bug
- Added Purple Haze mission

Version 1.0.4 (January 8, 2017)
- Added Cabal Tempest
- Updated all Cabal ship sprites
- Prevented exploit where you can buy Cabal Exchange weapons even if you have not paid to unlock the market (they now have an absurd tariff until unlocked)
- Increased OP of Barbarian to 135 from 130
- Updated ship prices
- Slightly increased Barbarian maneuverability

Version 1.0.3 (September 17, 2016)
- Cabal fleet count improved (smarter)
- Updated for Exigency
- Shark and Venom now have shielded cargo holds

Version 1.0.2 (May 21, 2016)
- Cabal faction entry is now hidden if Cabal is disabled
- Cabal faction no longer uses a nonexistent name source
- General compatibility update

Version 1.0.1 (April 22, 2016)
- Fix an ID change

Version 1.0.0 (April 20, 2016)
- Initial release (split from Starsector+)
- startOptions.json now called UNDERWORLD_OPTIONS.ini
- Removed Bull
- Renegade and Infernus reworked
- Fixed Cabal bug that made it impossible to become non-Hostile with them
- Removed High Maintenance from Cabal ships, added nominal logistics penalty to Cabal Upgrades

Dark.Revenant for general development
HELMUT, Shellster, King Alfonzo, Lloyd, and SleepyFish/Foxer for art assets
Cycerin for Cabal music and various art assets
MesoTroniK for numerous art assets
AxleMC131 for the original Predator sprite
Bloodtrailkiller for a portrait
Psiyon for a system background
Some of these may be modifications of the original work.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 11:52:31 PM by Dark.Revenant »


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[0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.1
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2016, 07:31:40 PM »

Download Underworld 1.0.1
Download Mirror
(Requires LazyLib 2.1)
(Requires GraphicsLib 1.0.1) (Updated!)

- Supported by DynaSector 1.0.1 (Updated!) -

Edit UNDERWORLD_OPTIONS.ini to enable or disable Underworld features!


If you want to convert a save (from vanilla or an old version), use Save Transfer to keep your progress.

We also recommend Version Checker to notify you when an update is ready.

Having problems?  Visit the Mod Troubleshooting Guide!

Change Log
Version 1.0.1 (April 22, 2016)
- Fix an ID change


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.1
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2016, 12:19:31 PM »

Oh yes. Yes please. I need more Cabal.
In fact, since before you split SSP and Cabal your work with the high-end alternative to pirates has made me wish the Luddic Path and Pirates were worked a bit more like the Cabal-- the Luddic Path in that you could (through console if nothing else) become a part of them and Pirates to make them attempt to extort you if they're just on the underside of being able to take you but you're carrying valuable cargo inside of non-dedicated (which would be out of a fight and therefor not risk being lost if one or two ships get tanked in an otherwise won fight) so as to give them a bit more wiggle room to interact with and threaten you besides chasing you down if you're weaker and running away if you're stronger-- and giving you more reason to run them down when you have the opportunity to make pirates see you as being more of a threat and less likely to harass you for extortion money
Quote from: Deshara
I cant be blamed for what I said 5 minutes ago. I was a different person back then


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.1
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2016, 11:54:47 AM »

I like the new pirate ships but prefer to play without the Cabal. Has anyone had success setting "starlightCabal":false--are they supposed to still appear in the Factions screen when off?


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.1
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2016, 12:08:04 PM »

They don't spawn.  I didn't implement anything that would remove them from the faction screen.


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.1
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2016, 01:54:02 AM »

The Cabal Encounter music is a good bit louder than other music

eg. I was cruising along, hunting some Cabal, when suddenly SPACE DISCO MUSIC!
Oh man, please reduce the volume to vanilla music levels


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.1
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2016, 02:06:54 AM »

The Cabal Encounter music is a good bit louder than other music

eg. I was cruising along, hunting some Cabal, when suddenly SPACE DISCO MUSIC!
Oh man, please reduce the volume to vanilla music levels

I maybe speaking out of turn here but I think the Cabal music is meant to be loud and annoying. Kind of snobbish if you will.

I could have sworn DR mentioned it was supposed to be a bit over the top somewhere. I just don't remember where.


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.1
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2016, 07:31:35 AM »

I maybe speaking out of turn here but I think the Cabal music is meant to be loud and annoying. Kind of snobbish if you will.

I could have sworn DR mentioned it was supposed to be a bit over the top somewhere. I just don't remember where.

It seems appropriate in my opinion.  Imagine your fleet is flying around and minding their own business when some rich jerk in a purple Medusa flies up and wants you to fund his next ship purchase, with Space Disco blasting in the background of the comm channel while he makes his request.


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.1
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2016, 09:17:44 AM »

It seems appropriate in my opinion.  Imagine your fleet is flying around and minding their own business when some rich jerk in a purple Medusa flies up and wants you to fund his next ship purchase, with Space Disco blasting in the background of the comm channel while he makes his request.

Which said, he still does that even when i'm in my Conquest. With the full fleet. On my way to invade some poor faction's station


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[0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.2
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2016, 02:18:10 PM »

Routine update.

Download Underworld 1.0.2
Download Mirror
(Requires LazyLib 2.1)
(Requires GraphicsLib 1.0.2) (Updated!)

- Supported by DynaSector 1.0.3 (Updated!) -
- Supported by Nexerelin 0.7.5c (Updated!) -

Git Repository

Edit UNDERWORLD_OPTIONS.ini to enable or disable Underworld features!

If you want to convert a save (from vanilla or an old version), use Save Transfer to keep your progress.

We also recommend Version Checker to notify you when an update is ready.

Having problems?  Visit the Mod Troubleshooting Guide!

Change Log
Version 1.0.2
- Cabal faction entry is now hidden if Cabal is disabled
- Cabal faction no longer uses a nonexistent name source
- General compatibility update


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.2
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2016, 04:08:29 PM »

It says in OP that this is Nexerelin supported but it is not showing as an option to start in the faction. I have also not come across any if the ships, weapons etc.. but I really haven't explored much yet. Is this not a playable faction?


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.2
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2016, 06:40:59 PM »

Try starting as a pirate. The mod is designed to be an extension to the Pirate faction. Oh,and if you want the Cabal to be friendly to you, try starting as a tritach. or... if you want to keep your faction (and save) you can hunt pirates or cabals and hope that the ship you want is captureable. and make sure you have enough marines.


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.2
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2016, 04:17:01 AM »

So has anyone actually been able to use the cabal markets?

I have them at (81/100) cooperative and their markets still say "requires clandestine approach"


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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.2
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2016, 06:33:39 AM »

So has anyone actually been able to use the cabal markets?

I have them at (81/100) cooperative and their markets still say "requires clandestine approach"

That usually means transponder off, if I'm not mistaken
"A story teller and a trader. Tell me your tales and I'll tell you no lies."

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Re: [0.7.2a] Underworld 1.0.2
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2016, 12:32:19 PM »

So has anyone actually been able to use the cabal markets?

I have them at (81/100) cooperative and their markets still say "requires clandestine approach"

That usually means transponder off, if I'm not mistaken

You are totally right, Tyvm.
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