I need help here, I am trying to make a quite unique system
I want to make hologram ships, the way i plan to make those is from using the station drone system with the drones being big fighters with the same sprite as the mothership, the problem comes from when they get hit, i want to have the holograms either vanish or glitch out (jittering/variations in the sprite alpha/afterimages) when hit, but I am not sure on how to make those work.
1: Vanish
There are two possible ways to do this one, by retracting the drone instantly like the ship system that teleports fighters back to the ship or by killing it, either way, i am afraid this could cause nullpointers by having the ship vanishing when something is selecting/tracking it/etc...
1 a) Retracting: I haven't checked yet, but i suspect the source code from recall device will not work on these drones, also they are not the ship main system they will be the defensive system.
2 b) Destroying: I would need a way to kill and make the ship vanish without leaving anything behind, nor exploding and in a way it is safe as to not cause nullpointers from anything selecting it
2: Glitching
This is more simple, the player can see the visual effects and notice this is a hologram, but the AI would need a way to figure out this is not a real target and ignore it, is there a way to make the AI completely ignore a ship temporarily?
Either solution is fine, but i need help to reach any of them here.