holy hek those pre collapse facilities are tough nuts to crack! im not sure how im gonna be able to get in there, each one is guarded by multiple battleships with a big fleet and i dont even know what theyre guarding. remnants are always hard to deal with for me without some silly modded shenanigans, or my own remnant fleets
I was having exactly this issue, I understand that people want a late game challenge but for me it brought exploration to a screeching halt and gated access to loads of ruins that are needed for mid game.
One option is to go into \Starsector\mods\Ashes of The Domain- Vaults of Knowledge\data\campaign\procgen\salvage_entity_gen_data.csv and then change their defender fleets - not sure if that works on existing saves though.
Look for line 43 and column K:Q in the CSV, and there are other encounters in there on the lines above you can use as a template to shift them to something a bit less spicy
EDIT: Nope, apologies, doesn't seem to work... I thought it was a slam dunk but my newly generated facilities are still crawling... I'll keep digging