-Added Hull Beam, Hull Beam II
-Weaker HE beam with heavy frag damage arcs, scales with enemy hull size.
-Added Pike Beam
-Longboi beam designed to suppress from a distance. Probably disgusting.
-Creates low damage frag arcs when impacting hull, scaling on enemy hull size.
-Added Microbeam
-Basically a mini pikebeam, but no range.
-Really good damage potential for a small beam weapon.
-Glaive, Halberd beams
-Increased damage numbers slightly. Could be scary.
-Slightly increased refire delay.
-Pierce/arc damage scales with hullsize.
-New sounds, old sounds given to Hull beams.
-Artillery Beam
-Increased power of beam arcs on shield/hull, including EMP.
-Always penetrates shields, but will only arc at half the rate.
-Ion Flooder
-Changed. Again. Now a constant fire, mag limited weapon.
-Greatly increased EMP from 400/shot to 600/shot.
-Flux capacity buff from 18000 -> 22000.
-Disspation increased from 1000 -> 1200.
-Shield efficiency improved from 1.2 -> 1.0
-Stop casually losing to Onslaughts
-Ship system rework coming soon??
-Nerfed flux capacity to 22000 -> 18000.
-Nerfed disspation from 1200 -> 1000.
-Shield efficiency improved from 1.0 -> 0.8.
-Stop casually soloing Onslaughts (in player hands)
-Prow Armor Module hull increased from 4000 -> 5000.
-Increased arcs of medium weapon slots, collision be damned.
-Added Cruise Engines hullmod.
-Reduced Cost of Heavy Burst Capacitors to 3/6/9/12
-Star Federation derelicts wont respawn every save load in Random Sector.
-Star Federation stations are now compatible with the Ind.Evo artillery station!
-Star Federation Star Fortress has distinct armor modules in campaign/sprite/previews.
-Probably some other things.