-Added custom relation texts in the campaign
-Shortened planetary descriptions and docking prompts
-Legion (SF) should actually appear as a derelict in new games
-Can still be a historian BP drop in saves using RC4
-Stoopid fishe
-Federation Construction
-Shield arc losses from 50/60/80/65% -> 45/50/55/60%
-Weapon RoF changer no longer affects missiles
-Removed debug floating-texts on disabled engines
-Probably some other things I forgot
-Legion (SF)
-Reduced armor from 1550 -> 1400
-Increased flux dissipation from 550-> 750
-Increased flux capacity to 12000(?) -> 16000
-Accordant-class Battlecruiser
-Trying to make it feel more tanky, but still mobile enough
-Armor/hull increased to 1400/12500 respectively (about 20%)
-Speed reduced from 60 -> 50
-Increased shield efficiency from 0.9 -> 0.8
-Increased flux capacity to 17000
-Interdictor Array base range increased from 1000 to 1200
-Rebellion-class Battleship
-Gained Missile Micro-replicator hullmod
-Power Surge range increased from 1000 -> 1500
-Mod Rebellion-class Battleship
-Large ballistic turrets changed to energy
-Lost Heavy Ballistics Integration hullmod
-Gained Integrated Burst Capactiors hullmod
-Gained Missile Micro-replicator hullmod
-Power Surge range increased from 1000 -> 1500
-Kestrel-class Cruiser
-4 frontal small energies changed to ballistic
-Universal mediums changed to ballistic
-Flux dissipation increased from 550 -> 600
-Removed Missile Microforge hullmod
-Armor increased from 800 -> 1000
-Hull increased from 7000 -> 10000
-Armored Prow reflects changes to durability
-Increased shield efficiency from 1 -> 0.9
-Added Missile Autoloader hullmod
-Added a rear small hybrid turret
-Nesasio-class Infiltrator
-Sprite updated
-Added one small energy mount replacing front coil
-Changed small hardpoints from universals to missiles
-Cormorant-class Bomber Destroyer
-Central ballistic turret is now Composite
-Added Missile Micro-replicator hullmod.
-Red Drum launcher
-Fires 3 shots, 1000 damage each
-Changed sprite to reflect this
-Barracuda Torpedo Launcher
-Damage changed from frag to energy
-Torpedo acceleration increased from 25 to 150
-Hull Beam I, II
-Decreased flux/damage ratio from ~0.9 -> ~0.4
-Most missiles
-Increased HP to ~400