Thanks guys.
I made some changes, according to your requests:
TLDR, removed the faction and a bunch of weapons, refined some sprites and sound effects. Added a couple of stuff.
- Removed the faction stuff, it'll be a future standalone mod.
- frank: OPs 13 -> 12, Mortar DMG 120 -> 160, minor sprite change and new SFX
- Mallet torp: dmg 2000 -> 3000, new projectile sprite and trail.
- Demo Hammer: dmg 900 -> 1000, flux/shot 300 > 500
- Scorpion Artilery: dmg/shot 300 -> 400, reload 3 -> 4, new SFX
- Leveler and Big Bertha: minor sprite change and new SFX
- Squall medium and small, rare swarmer, rare locust, rare mining laser, rare flak: gone
- rare light mortar: same stats but new name and sprite.
- Pilum Rockets: reverted to a Squall like behavior, the AI can now use it as a dollar store harpoon.
- Added a large reloadable Atropos.
- Added Tirpitz XIV
- Eagle XIV: hidden mount -> hardpoint with decor.
- Tirpitz (LC) built in hammer: range 1200 > 1600, ammo 8 -> 12
- Talisman Wing:Shield arc: 90 -> 270°, added a small salamander.
- Ascalon: Cheaper to mount, I forgot the numbers.
- Gunther: tweaked HP/Flux/Dissipation a bit, sort of a buff.
- Gunther (LG): built-in hullmod now reduces the OP cost of all large weapons by 8 (previously only ballistics).
- Gunther (LP): added a built-in hammer torp.
- Added mining data to nexerelin
- Added descriptions to a bunch of stuff.