Sorry for my absence lately. I've been reading but not replying to save some time as I do some things. (Once again, thank you Albreo for answering questions.

1) Balance feedback - I appreciate it! Please state whether the perspective is from the Beta or the last official mod update on the OP. I am going to assume its the Beta, but if I'm wrong I may make unnecessary changes that I already have addressed because I am assuming the wrong context for the feedback. (Re: Phantom - I think there are some changes to strike craft not in the Beta DL yet. I'll try to get those in at some point today along with a few other things. From testing, it is better than torpedo bombers at this point - at least when used in large numbers such as when using the Astral.)
2) The
Valkyrie still doesn't have Ground Support Package?? I could have
sworn I fixed that. *Checks* Argh, nope it's not there! I added it and it will be in the DL when I update. Sorry about that. This isn't the first time it was reported and I must have forgot to actually make the change. Either that or I removed it later for some reason though I don't remember what that was. I probably just forgot.
3) I buffed the duration of
Plasma Jets to help the Tyrant and Odyssey. It probably won't prevent them from being vulnerable to strike craft, however, so interceptor escorts from allied carriers is still advised. Reminder for those unaware: The allied carrier must be built with all interceptors (Anti-Strike Craft gunships count as interceptors to the AI) and non-strike fighters for the AI to defend allied ships. Escort orders are advised as well. If this is insufficient, I'll first look at buffing the speed boost of Plasma Jets, and if
that doesn't do it then I will consider giving the Tyrant the mine system from vanilla. The Odyssey at least has 360 shields so that probably helps a lot in comparison.
4) Bombers vs Fighters - Good point, Darrow, the ability of fighters and interceptors to suppress weapon systems and engines is a powerful tool. Bombers are more about creating and exploiting vulnerabilities. Albreo pretty much sums it up. If the bomber squadron hits with little to no mitigation, then the damage to the ship is usually pretty severe. That isn't the standard experience, however, because that would make carriers too strong considering their range. If you are having trouble with AI carriers, that is very understandable because I am realizing that they have to be built pretty carefully. I need to get this information in the manual at some point, but the AI behavior of the carrier seems to change based upon the type of craft it has equipped. I've noticed that bombers, gunships, and fighters that use missiles and require reloading do not fit as well with craft that stay on target when equipped on the same carrier. The AI won't use regroup as much as it needs to in order to keep its replacement rate up. Similarly, strike craft without reloading requirements go best with other craft that don't, but the AI carrier will tend to keep engage on and trickle in reinforcements instead of building an attack wave. From what I can gather, both types of strike craft have uses depending upon the situation. Bombers and strike gunships are damage spiking craft that are often mitigated by PD
but tend to stay alive longer and keep the carriers replacement rate up for a longer period of time assuming they are protected. It is different depending upon the particular wing, however, as some strike gunships and bombers also use projectiles which
aren't mitigatable. Gunships and fighters that stay on target are powerful initially and then as they are destroyed it is harder for the carrier to replace them most of the time because the carrier keeps engage on and trickles replacements in which is a lot easier for the target ship to manage. Combining the two types using two separate carriers assigned to the same target will likely yield some pretty potent results - especially if flares are involved in the assault group carrier.
TLDR: Essentially, there is a trade off of reliable effectiveness vs survivability between the two. Combining to two types of builds on separate carriers and assigning them to the same target should be more effective. Combat ships can replace assault group carriers and perform the same role. At least in theory and from my testing. In practice, it may likely be harder to tell sometimes. Opinions certainly welcome and the more details the better.
5) Radiant difficulty: Heh heh, be careful what you wish for... something in the works for this.