Another thing I found with a garbage-ball fleet is how the fleet engages with the AI piloting garbge ships. There are very real stacking efficiency penalties that play out in an actual battle, where the AI's engagement width is a lot lower than it should be. More often than not, the AI will engage 1 v 1, even though the enemy fleet is outnumbered maybe 3:1 or 4:1. I've observed my lasher ball to frequently engage in a triangle, where one ship goes first, and two ships remain behind it. This is especially true when my AI is piloting ships against enemy ships that outclass it. A lot of this leads to the garbage fleet becoming less and less effective as its size increases.
One other way I've thought about to make garbage hulls more effective is to buff ships that are more designed to be garbage hulls (maneuverable and houses nothing but missles). The kite is not meant for garbge balls; needs a buff changing its maneuver jets with flairs, no civiling hull, and burn 10. Same thing with the buffalo 2, but only remove its civvy hull. This way, I can just throw a much of these garbage missles balls at my enemy, and watch the magic happen.