For the record, I wasn't aware that what I had pointed out was of such a massive concern, and I sincerely apologise to all who have been inconvenienced by my actions, especially DR himself.
The truth is that I recently encountered a few numerical values and mechanisms in the game which I thought were stock and gave advice as if they were so, but it turned out they were modified to be so by SWP (how could I know?) and therefore I was giving incorrect advice. To avoid such an instance happening again I have disabled SWP on my own install of the game and will keep it that way until I have learned the stock game better. I maintain that this is fully my own fault, and I understand now how big of an impact this has had on the mod and the wider community, and I request that no-one get annoyed at DR for pulling the download link. If you're going to be tetchy at anyone, then the cuplrit is right here.
<--Also an apology to those on the Discord who had to go through my psuedo-rant on the subject, which looking back on it really did carry on far longer than it should have. It won't happen again.