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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)


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Author Topic: [0.9.1a-RC8] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2.1a - Updated 11/1/19  (Read 493680 times)


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Re: [0.8.1a] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2 - Updated 11/12/18
« Reply #375 on: August 24, 2019, 04:01:57 AM »

like it // don't forget stations  we need heavie stations  we need superweapon
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 04:06:23 AM by moegundam »


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Re: [0.8.1a] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2 - Updated 11/12/18
« Reply #376 on: August 24, 2019, 07:28:31 PM »

Stations will come in good time, certainly not this update and likely not the update after but we shall see...

Peanut Man

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Re: [0.8.1a] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2 - Updated 11/12/18
« Reply #377 on: August 25, 2019, 05:13:40 AM »

Hallo! It seems when ever I try to load your mod, I get a crash dubbed (Ship hull variant [kite_stock] not found! Any suggestions? You might have? Perhaps I'm missing a mod of some sort?


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Re: [0.8.1a] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2 - Updated 11/12/18
« Reply #378 on: August 25, 2019, 06:00:46 AM »

If you try use mod on 0.9.1 actuall version of game, Tiandong is not yet updated to this spec.

Peanut Man

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Re: [0.8.1a] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2 - Updated 11/12/18
« Reply #379 on: August 25, 2019, 01:00:07 PM »

I hadn't actually noticed that. Bah.
My fault, thanks for pointing it out!


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Re: [0.8.1a] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2 - Updated 11/12/18
« Reply #380 on: October 25, 2019, 05:08:28 PM »

Its been quiet for a while. Figured 2 months would be a long enough time to bump the chat and see how its going! Looking forward to using this mod.


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Re: [0.8.1a] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2 - Updated 11/12/18
« Reply #382 on: October 26, 2019, 01:44:09 PM »

*Meanwhile Hrothgar is watching Mesotronik hitting repeatadly computer with wrench.*


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Re: [0.8.1a] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2 - Updated 11/12/18
« Reply #383 on: October 27, 2019, 01:02:33 PM »

I do look forward to when the mod is updated to the most recent version, but so long as it is not abandoned, I can wait.


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Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2.1 - Updated 10/27/19
« Reply #384 on: October 27, 2019, 08:49:30 PM »

Evening folks, here is the long awaited update of Tiandong Heavy Industries so go ahead and grab the new version from original post.

It has been a long time coming and I am sorry to disappoint you all. But this update does not contain any updated ship / fighter / weapon art nor does it add any new combat layer content.

But what it does do? Well in short...
- Jumped from 0.8.1a to 0.9.1a-RC8 in one fell swoop.
- Fixed a mountain of bugs, some of which were years old :(
- Lots of polish and balance tweaks.
- New campaign layer content, including a quest, some secret things to discover, and unique mechanics to learn how to build some THI ships and fighters.
- Lots of support added for other mods.
- Dev tools that will make my modding life easier later, could call this non-linear development. More work now, to ease work done later and some of them are pretty cool too.
- And well too many other things to list here, find them in game or read the lengthy and manic changelog if you dare!

Also a big shout out and thank you to Histidine for providing help with this update and bailing me out of a few situations such as these.

And also thank you to Gwyvern and Avanitia for providing assistance here and there as well.

Anyways, feel free to leave feedback, complaints and suggestions! Though if I was to be more specific? I would love to hear how useful and or balanced players think these things are:
- Rotary Autocannon
- Superheavy Machine Gun
- Shen-Class Multirole Fighter
- Dadao-Class Assault Bomber
- Also please tell me if you think I "spread around" THI tech too much to other factions. I can't decide if it is perfect, or if I should retcon some of the things I gave some vanilla factions access to.

And now I am gonna take a break from modding for two or three days probably unless a hotfix ends up being needed which is unlikely. After the break and or hotfix? I am going to work on some sounds I owe a few people heh, and also resume the art pass and thus do that update I *really* promised a while back. Fortunately the scope of this one? Both makes doing that update in the future easier, and allows this version to be stable for as long as needed which gives me some much needed peace to focus on doing the art :)


Campaign stuff:
- Campaign rig in general tweaked for 0.9.1a compliance.
- Added a persistent NPC to the bar of Shanghai that currently offers a single quest (will be expanded greatly in the future with more quests), present in standard games and Nexerelin Corvus mode games.
- Hegemony, Lion's Guard, and the Sindrian Diktat will now use some THI weapons.
- Independents, Luddic Church, Luddic Path, Persean League, Pirates, and scavenger fleets all will now use export grade THI ships and fighters, and all THI weapons.
- Shanghai's Military Base replaced with Mercenary HQ (new unique structure type that Does Stuff), retrofitting submarket had its UI and tooltips greatly improved, now visibly lists skins of compatible hulls (it can refit them as always, just is more clear now), had many pertinent ships added to the refit table so many that is it not worth it list them all, and various other tweaks and quality of life improvements.
- Macau had Light Industry removed.
- Added custom bar text and commission dialogs.
- THI mercenary fleets now have improved escortee picking logic, spawn at a higher rate, fixed a bug where they could sometimes join a battle *against* their escortee, and fixed several other edge case battle joining logic bugs.
- THI mining fleets now have improved spawning logic, and fixed a bug that prevented some of the ships from having officers.
- THI survey fleets now have a vastly higher ratio of tankers.
- Shaanxi star sized increased.
- Zaolei orbit moved slightly farther out.
- Mogui market is now a free port, and it no longer does any mining.
- Shaanxi relay is now makeshift, and makeshift nav buoy and sensor array added to the star system.
- Updated faction relationships with various mod factions.
- Fixed bug with Shaanxi star system procgen custom entity naming rig that caused it to fail in some cases.

Ship stuff:
- Fighter attack position offsets added for 0.9x compliance, balanced to be similar to equivalent fighters in vanilla.
- Many ship variants were adjusted, and some new ones were added.
- Combat Autoloader ship system ballistic and missile rate of fire bonus increased to 40% from 30%, reduced its weapon flux cost reduction to be neutral, and improved its status indicator message.
- Xu, Xiakou, Shouren, Dingjun, Tianshui, Chengdu, Qianzi, Hujing, Hanzhong, Tuolu, Guandu, Wujun, Nanzhong, Luoyang, Laohu, Hefei, Jian, Armored Mining Drone, and Yiling are lore wise retrofits of other ships and now this is reflected in gameplay! To learn how to manufacture them you must have the Retrofit Template item and also know how to manufacture the base hull that the THI retrofit it is based on. Yes I know this is brutal and grindy, but it will be less so later when more quests are added as many of them will pay out Retrofit Templates and blueprints (including the base hull blueprints needed for retrofits)!
- Dingjun, Chengdu, Hujing, Guandu, Luoyang, Laohu, Jian, Armored Mining Drone, and Yiling are considered "export grade" ships and fighters. This means their Retrofit Templates are sold in THI military submarkets and also black markets of locations that also have a military market, and export grade ships and fighters also used now by other factions.
- Shen and Dadao are part of the Tiandong blueprint package (later more package types will be created when additional content is added and some things will be moved to them and or to standalone rare blueprints).
- Xu max flux increased to 18000 from 17000, flux dissipation increased to 800 from 700, ordnance points increased to 295 from 285, both built-in Swarmer SRM Launchers were removed and those mounts are now modular small missile turrets, credit cost increased to 300500 from 180500, and made some weapon render order changes for visual improvements.
- Xiakou CR to deploy reduced to 15 from 20, and credit cost increased to 125000 from 100000.
- Shouren credit cost increased to 120500 from 44500.
- Wuzhang credit cost increased to 140000 from 60000, received Stereoscopic Sensors as a unique built-in hullmod that dramatically increases target leading accuracy, also Earthsalter Shells as a unique built-in hullmod that improves effectiveness of raids and reduces the cost of saturation bombardment, and added a unique ammo cook-off mechanic where if the Macro Cannon is loaded, not disabled, and passes a luck roll at the time of death it will fire the gun.
- Dingjun credit cost increased to 110500 from 44500.
- Tianshui credit cost increased to 47000 from 23500, and added the NO_AUTO_ESCORT ship AI hint.
- Chengdu shield efficiency improved to 1 from 1.2, and credit cost increased to 27000 from 15500.
- Qianzi flux dissipation increased to 500 from 475, and credit cost increased to 46500 from 26000.
- Hujing max flux increased to 4200 from 4000, flux dissipation increased to 250 from 225, and credit cost increased to 40500 from 20500.
- Hanzhong credit cost increased to 38500 from 19500.
- Tuolu credit cost increased to 22500 from 17000.
- Guandu medium energy turret changed to synergy, ordnance points increased to 85 from 70, max speed increased to 50 from 30, acceleration increased to 35 from 25, and credit cost increased to 34500 from 20500.
- Luoyang ordnance points increased to 40 from 38.
- Shen max flux reduced to 410 from 450, flux dissipation reduced to 15 from 25, and gave it a fancy hax script that Does Stuff to its AI weapon selection decisions as another balance lever.
- Hefei max flux reduced to 300 from 600, and flux dissipation reduced to 50 from 110.
- Dadao ordnance point cost increased to 23 from 22, and refit time increased to 20 from 15.
- Jian max flux reduced to 400 from 600, and flux dissipation reduced to 50 from 90.
- Armored Mining Drone visible variant name changed to Heavy Auxiliary from Standard, armor increased to 175 from 125, max flux reduced to 200 from 500, flux dissipation reduced to 40 from 90, gave it a fancy hax script that Does Stuff to its AI weapon selection decisions as another balance lever, changed its autofit tag to support2 from support1, and also changed another of its autofit tags to fighter from drone.
- Yiling ordnance point cost increased to 2 from 0.
- Liberty had its built-in Dedicated Targeting Core hullmod replaced with Integrated Targeting unit, received the no_autofit tag, and credit cost increased to 382000 from 202000.

Weapon stuff:
- Weapon visible roles changed for 0.9x compliance.
- Added custom stat card strings to appropriate weapons with unusual mechanics.
- Macro Cannon put into its own groupTag, added STRIKE,USE_VS_FRIGATES hints, on hit visuals / custom sound played / bonus damage / push force now become less strong when impacting while the shot is fading out, made its applied force more consistent, and improved the shot trail alignment and fade out visuals.
- Ultra Autocannon credit cost reduced to 4500 from 6500, and changed one of its autofit tags to kinetic19 from kinetic18.
- Mauler Battery damage per shot reduced to 275 from 300, flux per shot reduced to 275 from 300, burst delay increased to 2.2 from 2.1 (damage per second and flux per second reduced to 330 from 375), credit cost reduced to 4250 from 6000, and changed one of its autofit tags to he18 from he17.
- Triphammer range increased to 650 from 600, put into its own groupTag, added STRIKE,USE_VS_FRIGATES hints, and its autofit tag changed to energy17 from energy14.
- Superheavy Machine Gun credit cost reduced to 3750 from 5500, and removed its SR autofit tag.
- Rotary Autocannon credit cost reduced to 1700 from 2300.
- Burst Flak Cannon credit cost reduced to 1200 from 1800, also fixed a bug where its fuze could fail if fired from a station or ship with modules.
- Heavy Mining Laser was added to the Base blueprints and thus is known by all factions (unless a mod faction opts out of the Base set) and the player at game start, and fixed a rare bug where its custom firing glow visuals could sometimes persist past death of the ship equipping it.
- Apsis LRT Launcher missile hitpoints reduced to 425 from 450, and it now has a custom on hit explosion visual (similar to the Macro Cannon).
- Muscle LRM Launcher had one of its its autofit tags changed to utility13 from utility12.
- Punisher Torpedo Rack OP cost reduced to 2 from 3, max projectile speed increased to 275 from 250, launch speed increased to 60 from 50, engine time reduced to 4.6 from 5 seconds, acceleration increased to 85 from 75, now has a custom on hit explosion visual (similar to the Macro Cannon), added to the Base blueprints and thus is known by all factions (unless a mod faction opts out of the Base set) and the player at game start, and it got some hax to make them always remain armed after engine fizzling (unless hit by EMP arcs or whatever).
- Fission Mortar (fighter only weapon, for now) on hit visuals / bonus damage now become less strong when impacting while the shot is fading out, increased tier to 1 from 0, and changed its autofit tag to he5 from he7 while also adding the strike0 tag.
- Light Thumper (fighter only weapon) flux per shot reduced to 30 from 50, added the FIRE_WHEN_INEFFICIENT hint (minimal balance impact), and its autofit tag changed to kinetic5 from he7.
- Annihilator Rocket Rack (fighter only weapon) burst delay increased to 12 from 10.
- Concussion SRM (Single), (fighter only weapon) missile hitpoints reduced to 150 from 200.
- Heavy Assault Chaingun put into its own groupTag.
- Bulwark Countermeasure (ship system flare) projectile hitpoints increased to 30 from 10, also fixed a bug where its fuze could fail if fired from a station or ship with modules.
- All flare weapons put into their own groupTag.
- Ultra Autocannon, Mauler Battery, Superheavy Machine Gun, Rotary Autocannon, Burst Flak Cannon, Apsis LRT Launcher, Muscle LRM Launcher, Concussion Missile Pod, and Concussion Missile Rack (all of their modular weapons barring the Heavy Mining Laser and Punisher Torpedo Rack which are part of the Base blueprints) are part of the Tiandong blueprint package (later more package types will be created when additional content is added and some things will be moved to them and or to standalone rare blueprints).

Miscellaneous stuff:
"Now we forge a new alliance, to guard the tomb of space, and to find within its cold expanse, the salvation of our race."
- Now requires the MagicLib mod as a library and notifies with a useful crash message if is not enabled.
- Now enforces a specific (or newer than specified) version of Nexerelin if both mods are enabled and notifies with a useful crash message if the wrong version.
- Now enforces a specific (or newer than specified) version of Dynasector if both mods are enabled and notifies with a useful crash message if the wrong version.
- Now enforces a specific version of Starsector and notifies with a useful crash message if the wrong version.
- Now prevents adding the mod to an existing save where it was not present before and notifies with a useful crash message.
- Now prevents loading a save that had an older version of the mod if the new update is not save compatible with it and notifies with a useful crash message.
- Now prevents loading Starsector if the mod was installed incorrectly (overwrote the mod folder instead of deleting it first) and notifies with a useful crash message.
- Now has a nag message if the Version Checker and or Nexerelin mods are not enabled (Nex has its own Version Checker), this feature can be disabled in the tiandong_options.ini file.
- Fixed (probably) the bug where ships with modules can fail to retreat properly (even though THI uses no such ships, it is for the benefit of all).
- Updated Shaanxi star system procgen custom entity naming rig data for the changes made in recent updates of the Unknown Skies mod.
- Updated Scy / Nexerelin mods Prism station market whitelists / blacklists.
- Added Vesperon Combine mod whitelist support for most of THI's content.
- Added Starship Legends mod support for THI's content (thank you Sundog!).
- Added Ruthless Sector mod whitelist / blacklist support.
- Added New Beginnings mod whitelist / blacklist support for most of THI's content.
- Added Vayra's Sector mod player bounty support.
- Added Commissioned Crews mod support via the Shanghai Mechatronics hullmod (10% armor and hull damage repaired after battle at no cost and increases ship recovery chance by 25%), this hullmod can be equipped on your ships if you are commissioned with THI as per the mechanics of Commissioned Crews if both mods are enabled.
- Added Roider Union mod support (for a future version of it heh) concerning retrofitting some THI ships into Roider ones.
- Gunboat Diplomacy mission was rebalanced to be a bit easier, gave it some fancy code that Does Stuff to the enemy admiral AI decisions as another balance lever, and improved its briefing bullet points.
- Monopoly mission was rebalanced to be slightly more difficult, and improved its briefing bullet points.
- A Game Of War mission now has the Xu as the player side flagship instead of the Shouren, made some other minor changes to fleet composition and ordering (minimal balance impact), and improved its briefing bullet points.
- Big Trouble in Little Rocks mission was rebalanced to be more difficult, and improved its briefing bullet points.
- Random Battle missions now have a chance of adding a station to one side of a battle, can no longer pick Domain Drones or Remnants if you have not met them in the campaign yet (met them state persists across different saves), enhanced and added several hidden features (heh), and fixed some bugs with while also improving the flagship picker logic.
- Custom console commands GoToTHIMerc, GoToTHIMiner, and GoToTHISurvey simplified and consolidated into GoToTHIFleet <merc/miner/survey>, <> being the argument to choose which fleet type.
- Custom console command added CountTHIFleets <merc/miner/survey>, <> being the argument to choose which fleet type.
- Custom console command added ShootingGallery, is primarily used for debugging and testing content, only works in the simulator, can be a spoiler for hidden content and also is *extremely* hard on computers, especially with many faction / ship pack mods enabled, you have been warned! Also to other modders, there is the shootingGallery.json which is a mergeable config file where you can customize how your mod is handled by this rig if you care enough about a debugging command to do so (the script has a lot of rules to try and get things as right as possible, but in the end there are too many edge cases to *not* need a manual config available though it handles *most* things correctly by default). I already added support myself for edge cases of several common mods and ones that I use but there are certainly ones I didn't try and thus didn't do.
Arguments (comma-separated):
 <no args>: Spawns one of each ship (with some exceptions).
 hull/variant ID: Spawn the specified ship hull or variant.
 manufacturer: Spawn one of each ship associated with that manufacturer.
 ReloadConfig: Reloads shooting gallery config from file. Only works as standalone arg.
- Added a couple of runcode style testing / debug commands and a boolean switch that doesn't really concern anyone but me.
- Added various under the hood quality of life features and scripts that are there as treasures of the damned to discover and also for all normal players to benefit from.
- Improved descriptions for various things.
- Refactored, bug-fixed, optimized, and improved various scripts.
- Changed around which songs (both in THI and vanilla) play in what layers of the campaign for 0.9.1a compliance.
- Probably some things I don't recall and a few secret things as well.

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Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2.1 - Updated 10/27/19
« Reply #385 on: October 27, 2019, 08:50:56 PM »

The Dong is here!
Help out MesoTroniK, a modder in need

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Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2.1 - Updated 10/27/19
« Reply #386 on: October 27, 2019, 09:44:50 PM »

Finally, we can have our.


Wait...I might have gotten one of those wrong.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 09:48:11 PM by Gwyvern »


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Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2.1 - Updated 10/27/19
« Reply #387 on: October 28, 2019, 02:37:49 PM »


Randall Hynes

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Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2.1 - Updated 10/27/19
« Reply #388 on: October 28, 2019, 05:20:59 PM »

I noticed retro-fitting needs a pristine, no d-mods hull, maybe this could be mentioned in the text that shows up when you hover over the Refitting market?

Harmful Mechanic

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Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Tiandong Heavy Industries v1.2.1 - Updated 10/27/19
« Reply #389 on: October 28, 2019, 06:33:06 PM »


Really glad to see you get this update out; I know it was a struggle, and that changelog is immense.

I'm loving the refit template mechanics - you tuned their drop frequency just about right, and they're just different enough from ordinary blueprints. Looking forward to seeing the new art when you're finally done with it.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2019, 06:34:37 PM by Soren »
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