It not large mount, it is medium mount, ah ah. Yes thank, i search just a small style for my faction which is ugly.
I found in fight, it is better :

It is a gunship cruiser who attacking side, ah ah. Like a pirate, Yeah '.' .
So, while it looks promising, like it could be a nice and fun armored high-tech gun platform there are currently some issues with the sprite imo.
The frontal medium gun arch does not fit the sprite, currently there is a command bridge structure between the gun and its target, and considering that the shading of the sprite pretty obviously tells that the command bridge is on a higher position than the gun, it looks like the gun is shooting through the command bridge.
This is related to a general problem with the sprite itself, beside the command bridge and the other kitbashed parts of the sprite it is extremely flat due to lack of shading, thus it is hard to imagine the 3d structure of the ship, this makes the gun placements and potential gun arches seem very random and a bit "unrealistic" as the guns would shoot into each other, the colored lines could help with emphasizing any 3d structure but would have to be redrawn on several places as their current layout emphasize that the sprite is indeed totally flat. Also, the slight texture with horizontal canvas stripes is not really working very well, it looks like it's soft and plushy instead of hard armor, which is not the look I assume you were after. I suggest you try to skip using any of the standard textures as using them instead of more custom solutions such as hand drawing texture features might save time but almost always looks worse. And a final detail is that you currently have all turret mounts faced in the same direction which is usually not how sprites are drawn in this game, usually a rear facing gun has it's turret mount facing backwards and not forward, currently all your small gun mounts face backwards and all your medium gun mounts face forward.
Your ship do look like it could be a really cool ship though, but more work with overall structure, shading and details would be needed to really make it great.