- comparing it to the other one points me at colouring.
the purple-blue color is nice ,but i am more pointing at the coloured details
the middle got a lot of them but the back and the front not.
for me this seems a bit out of balance (in my opinion).
- you also might wanna change the window colouring so they are a bit more clear.
i mean that especially the front windows seem to blend with the rest of the ship instead of
.... how would i say samething like that in english... we would say "jump out".
like orange paint on ash.
. it might look better if it would be more like some of the other details like the yellow bars.
- one thing that also bothers me ,especially on a closer look,
is that the plating seems to disappear closer to the higher part of the ship (where the windows are).
i understand that you probaply did this due to the shadow but i think it woyuld be better to just continue those lines in a darker color.
- in my opinion the "poles" (is this the word?) in the middle don't fit the ship,
but i dont have any motivation for it :/ .
stomach feeling....