That does look very fun! I'm concerned that'd be too strong, though, especially combined with the other buffs; you might see an Astral mono-fleet just deleting things!
I'm surprised to hear you don't have a fleet composition testing scripts already. I'd expect you'd to have created away to automated fleet vs fleet using specific loadouts loaded from a file for QA purposes.
Here's some extra suggestions on that.
Have the method for testing be a command line for the game exe that designates a file to load that has all the ship/station/officer/fleet info.
Have the results output in a .csv so you can easily load it into excel.
After you make it, go back and make a large quality set of ship configurations and fleets using the .97a release, run the tests, so you have a baseline.
Have a progress bar/console text update regularly so you know if it is stalled.
Maximize how fast the combat can run, don't have it draw anything, etc.
Have different sections in said file so you can tightly control what is different. Splitting 40,60,80,100, 150, 200, 240, 300 dp fleets into different pools is a start, but it's also really good to limit as many variables as possible and just change one thing. Like x fleet vs y fleet, just with ion pulsars instead of gravitons on mediums energy.
Have a little flexibility in ship design input such as "fill the rest with vents", so that there's flex for automation to change out parts and still be in OP budget for the ship.
And for mental fun, do a genetic algorithm option too. Randomly create fleets, ships, officers, etc, have them fight each other, and save the top 30? or so winners. Create a copy of the winners to randomly mutate them a small amount. Then have them fight the originals along with 30 more new random entries. Take the top 30 from that, and repeat. After some 1000 iterations you should have some moderate fleets, and in 50000, you should have a solid top 30 fleets list. Then you can look at those and see why.