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Author Topic: Does the Fearless AI intentionally suicide?  (Read 1323 times)


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Does the Fearless AI intentionally suicide?
« on: July 07, 2023, 10:19:37 AM »

Just kind of curious. I like the way the Novae and Brilliants burst in, it makes Ordos fights a lot more dynamic. However, I'm noticing that they seem to run in even at high flux / low hull, whether via their ship system, or just by regular maneuvering, when they're close to dying. Obviously then their explosion does a large amount of damage to my fleet. This even involves bursting in right when they're at the end and dying, so that their hulk flies through my fleet at high speed. I don't know if that's actively part of the AI or if it just happens because they don't care about dying in general.

Of course, I'm pointing it out because I see it happening annoying often when I'm high on flux myself and not able to use shields to defend against it lest I overload :)


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Re: Does the Fearless AI intentionally suicide?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2023, 10:29:51 AM »

It's not strictly speaking intentional, but the "fearless" AI - in addition to a few other things on top of being "reckless" - does not back off unless it's venting (or overloaded), and does not care about enemy ships in the path of its mobility systems, i.e. it's happy to ram.


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Re: Does the Fearless AI intentionally suicide?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2023, 10:33:42 AM »

Wow nice! I had a very cool death when practicing with my Astral fleet. A Nova on the edge of dying rammed into my Astral with its Nova device, turning itself into a giant bomb. Pieces of the Astral flew to map edge at Nova burst speed  :D the new Remnants are special. Although the Brilliant is also the clown of the sky due to what happens when it loses engines when boosting.

But that also explains why player owned Remnant ships are no longer as nice since they tend to die.
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Re: Does the Fearless AI intentionally suicide?
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2023, 10:43:44 AM »

Haha, that's awesome! (Been keeping up with your Astral thread, btw, it's super interesting.)

This behavior is not new at all, iirc! Though of course plasma burn on the Brilliant *is*.


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Re: Does the Fearless AI intentionally suicide?
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2023, 10:49:01 AM »

Ahh okay, that's good to know. Yeah the new Ordos fights are much more interesting. In 0.95.1a the best way I found to farm them was just to missile/ballistic spam them from long range because after the initial fleet, they'd basically just spawn in as a stream in the middle, until they get to the ball in the middle where they're just taking damage from all sides until they died. Very predictable and easy to manage when their offense is nullified by being unable to get within range. For 0.96a this still works but it's punctuated by random Novae and Brilliants bursting in, which leads to them individually dying, but messes up my fleet formation. That means I have to stay more on top of things to make sure that no ships break through my line. So 0.96a Ordos fights are much more dynamic and unpredictable.

So I guess it's something I do have to worry about and defend against, even if it's not exactly intentional. One of the unintentional side effects of their AI, I guess.


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Re: Does the Fearless AI intentionally suicide?
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2023, 11:08:00 AM »

Can't be mad at the AI for doing the right thing - if you have numerical superiority then one for one trades are great (and also it does it quite spectacularly on occasion). Fearless AI would also go great on Luddic Path ships, probably especially Venture (LP) and Colossus MkII.
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Re: Does the Fearless AI intentionally suicide?
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2023, 03:48:34 AM »

I think Alex can try to play <EXCEPTION>


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Re: Does the Fearless AI intentionally suicide?
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2023, 02:05:37 PM »

Can't be mad at the AI for doing the right thing - if you have numerical superiority then one for one trades are great (and also it does it quite spectacularly on occasion). Fearless AI would also go great on Luddic Path ships, probably especially Venture (LP) and Colossus MkII.

Actually I think it would be great for some "themed" fights. For example, right now the focus is on [REDACTED] simply because there really aren't other fights that are "endgame"-worthy, i.e. most of the battles are simply not challenging enough; faction fleets aren't really that hard. The differences between factions also aren't really showcased. Also, it seems strange that any random fleet can go to a planet and saturation bomb the place, killing upwards of tens of millions of people. You'd think the people would do more to prevent it.

What if, when you try to saturation bomb a planet, you have to fight a defense fleet of some sort, that represents the population's last-ditch effort to prevent itself from getting eradicated? It would be larger than usual, showcasing the particular faction's fleet style, and also, the fleet would have Reckless/Fearless AI -- since they're basically trying desperately to prevent you from eradicating their world, it makes sense that they'd fight to the death. Then there would be a reason to "care" about how the different factions' fleet styles are. Maybe trying to saturation bomb Chicomoztoc would be the equivalent of roughly a double Ordos in difficulty, but with Hegemony fleet composition and Reckless/Fearless AI, since you're basically talking about a population of hundreds of millions pooling together their resources to prevent themselves from being eradicated.

The Luddic Path might make sense for Reckless/Fearless AI, since it's also somewhat of a desperation thing that they got going on.