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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: Expectations for 1.0  (Read 5638 times)

Cyan Leader

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Expectations for 1.0
« on: May 22, 2023, 10:46:18 PM »

I've been thinking of making this thread for a while and I think it could be a good way to give Alex some feedback on what some of us expect from the future of the game, especially now after we just got a major patch. Of course in the end it's his game and I expect him the others at Fractal to do what they have been dreaming of doing, but it doesn't hurt right? Some of us must have been around for like 10 years!

Anyway, here is what I personally would expect from 1.0:

- A conclusion to the many storylines and quests that have been introduced in the last few versions, as in the main storyline involving the hypershunt, the Sindria spymaster one, the Ludd one with the shrines, consequences for taking that alpha core package, etc.
- Some sort of endgame event. Hopefully involving the Omega and all factions in some sort of crisis and hinting at/answering what caused the collapse
- Some sort of control of our faction fleets and more uses for our own colonies
- Maybe a way to end the game for good, as in winning? (and get the option to continue if so wanting, ala Civilization and Factorio)
- Codex being flushed out
- More unique threats to fight
- A Steam release

The following are what I'd love to see but I'd considering it going above of what I reasonably expect:

- An official mod distribution system, built in-game (something akin to what Factorio has)
- Expansion content after 1.0


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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2023, 04:42:55 AM »

Official co-op battle support. Let me be an officer in my buddy's campaign, I don't need my own fleet, I don't need my own colonies, I don't need to make story choices, just let me pilot a ship and watch his campaign.


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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2023, 05:06:21 AM »

A set of endgame "cataclysms" depending on the player's actions, sector wide events that lead to a climactic showdown where all the factions have to put up their dukes for survival, think mount'n'blade's endgame invasion event where a massive horde of an army called "the legion" just shows up and starts tearing the place appart

Same deal but in the Starsector cannon I could see, the Hegemony making a comeback, a REDACTED legion showing up, a Luddic Jihad turning the sector into a state of all-out civil war....

Basically a big bad event that will well a truly test the sector

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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2023, 05:28:06 AM »

autosave, faster saves, full story


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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2023, 05:39:06 AM »

A proper win condition.

Some plot-relevant use for the hypershunt, and one that does not involve planting Pather cells on (or otherwise harm) your colonies.  Currently, hypershunt is only good for killing Omega ships and taking their weapons.

Recurring Omega fights that drop more Omega weapons.  Does not have to be common like Ordos.  Maybe one Tesseract per year if nothing else.

Better skill system than we have today.  Meta today is mostly about Leadership, strong fleets, and missiles.  Player is gimped without a Leadership capstone (or Ziggurat).

More recurring late-game enemies on par with Ordos and do not rely on shields.  (i.e., have an Ordos caliber faction that use heavy armor and unique defenses, and no normal shields, so that kinetics is not the one damage type to rule them all.)

More - and better balanced - ships for Derelicts, give them at least as much variety as Remnants.  Find another way to make Derelicts weak aside from small hulls not worth their DP weight.  (Remnants are strong not because of their hulls, but because of excessive alpha core spam.)  Bonus points if Guardian gets replaced for Derelicts by more appropriate ships and used only as the sleeper ship boss.  (If Guardian stays with Derelicts, it needs to be rebalanced badly, and ideally recoverable for those with Automated Ships.)

Uniquify the player faction, with paintjob hulls and a unique ship or two his industries can build for his patrols and personal use, even if it has to be a conversion job like Pegasus->Executor.  (Although it would be better if it was a unique design altogether.)  Diktat seems relatively young like the player faction, why can't the player do it if his game lasts long enough?  Five size 6 planets with strong economy and military is major faction strength.

Flying Birdy

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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2023, 10:11:33 PM »

I think there needs to be one more balance pass to the in-game economy, before 1.0 is released. As it stands, black market trading is overpowered, relative to all the other economy options. If it is so profitable, black market use should also have greater downsides (greater relation penalty, fines if you get caught by patrols, etc).

Alex could do more to introduce more unique starts to add variety. Starfarer mode is interesting and should be in the main menu. Maybe a pirate/pather mode (permanent hostile relations with all factions).

The late-game definitely needs a patch as well. The current colony threat system is excellent and could be used to implement some kind of crisis mechanic. As the sector starts becoming more chaotic, a crisis bar ticks up in progress towards another AI war, economic collapse (like a bronze age collapse), or Pather terrorist events.

I think contacts and faction reputation need another look. Contact don't feel very important right now. Faction reputation also feels like a grinding chore with very little strategic choice. Both systems just involve repeating fetch quests for reputation gain without a sufficient reward at the end. Maybe one way is to tie faction relations to relations with contacts? For instance, maintaining high relations with very high/high importance contacts can lead to gradual faction reputation gain over time. The current agreement with the Pathers and Pirates could result from having very high reputation with a very high/high contact with either Pirates or Pathers.

More ships! I like the current roster, but it would be neat to get more ships in Vanilla.



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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2023, 01:11:30 AM »

Aside from the straightforward features-not-yet-done like completing the story/adding a lategame event and fleshing out the recently added features:

- A revamp to the save system would be good, yes. Both in terms of functionality (autosave in particular) and the UI.
- That codex redesign has been pending for a while now...


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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2023, 01:51:55 AM »

More simulator options. There's absolutely no reason why we can't pick any ship we want, clutter is a weak excuse when there's a bunch of d-modded ships and 3 Dominator variants. Adding ships manually is tedious. And since the game shifted so much in gameplay, we should be able to put officers in opponents. You will never fight a capital that has zero combat skills. So let me try fighting a realistic opponent. I know the average player is not crazy about this but for us test junkies this would be really cool to have.

And yeah the Codex revamp has been mentioned many many moons ago but I suspect it's being witheld since it's not a very exciting update.

EDIT: Funny thing, ever since campaign started being developed and we slowly got new stuff, my number one thing was faction diversity, so that fighting each of them has a unique feel. And this patch brought us exactly that so I can't say it anymore  :'(
« Last Edit: May 24, 2023, 01:57:15 AM by Grievous69 »
Please don't take me too seriously.

Dread Pirate Robots

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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2023, 07:10:49 AM »

I definitely agree with improvements to the simulator. I'm sure I'm not the only person who spends a significant amount of my playing time in the simulator, and It's a little limited right now.

I remember a while back there was a mod that made it so new ships unlocked in the simulator as you fought them in the game, that would be a great way to make it feel a little more fleshed out.


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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2023, 05:55:35 PM »

Colony orders and managing invasions on other factions, maybe some diplomacy system (trade deals/non-aggression pacts/exclusive trading), more quests and colony buildings/colony types.


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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2023, 08:19:21 PM »

One thing I haven't seen mentioned here is more varied/unique exploration content.

The new
system with AI XIV ships
is *chefs kiss* amazing. I want to see more stuff like that where there is unique, interesting and challenging stuff to find out in the void. Currently exploration content can feel a bit cookie cutter, but I suppose that's also partly because I know all the things that can be out there.

I dream of the day when I pop into a system and ominous music starts playing along with a large unidentified contact approaching on radar :) .


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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2023, 08:29:55 PM »

One thing I haven't seen mentioned here is more varied/unique exploration content.

The new
system with AI XIV ships
is *chefs kiss* amazing. I want to see more stuff like that where there is unique, interesting and challenging stuff to find out in the void. Currently exploration content can feel a bit cookie cutter, but I suppose that's also partly because I know all the things that can be out there.

I dream of the day when I pop into a system and ominous music starts playing along with a large unidentified contact approaching on radar :) .
That system is great! Especially what happens afterwards. Although I wish players could as a colony item.

I'm not going to check but you should feel bad :( - Alex


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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2023, 09:24:13 PM »

Everyone wants more Phase/Hyperspace ***. The sensor ghosts need to actually amount to real content. Spooky, creepy content. Like whatever was controlling the REDACTED ship. The music/sounds coming from the GATES. People gobble this stuff up, they love it.

If David and Alex don't introduce some sorta extradimensional threat or possibly even ally that is related to Phase/Hyperspace, its gonna be a big let down for a lot of people. I know this cause I frequent these forums, Reddit AND Discord and I always hear people talking about such things and how they hope the main story dives deeper into what has already been teased.

Embrace it. Dive into it. A whole new faction? The foil to the Omega threat? An additional end game threat? An unlikely ally? Oh, the opportunities are so very ripe...don't let them rot on the vine.


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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2023, 12:14:33 PM »

Colonies playing a bigger role  by providing the economic power to support large fleets.

Said large fleets will be required to deal with the endgame crisis which is a larger existential threat than anything else encountered in the game before.


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Re: Expectations for 1.0
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2023, 01:01:30 PM »

I'm really just craving an endgame - both in terms of narrative and challenge.
TL;DR deez nuts
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