If the player does not throw everything in personal skills, he probably has about as much personal skill power as an Alpha core if he bothered to invest in Combat, which makes a duel comparable to unskilled vs. unskilled in terms of power parity, and an Ordos fleet has that skill power for the majority of its ships. Even if player throws everything in personal power, he may be merely equal or barely better than Omega cores that pilot Alpha Site Ziggurat or the Omega ships, and those ships are SNK Boss types with toys that are purposefully overpowered. (Ziggurat does not keep its purple lights when recovered by the player.)
During 0.6x, only the enemy fleet commander had skills, and became ludicrously overpowered (as much as your flagship with all Combat skills) when his skills were at max level, but it was just that one ship. All ships that were not the flagship were unskilled, much like in the SIM.
During 0.7x, the enemy had the same ten officers as yours, and the player could have much better skill power than them.
Today, the endgame enemies generally have better skill power than the player's fleet, at least because they have more officers than you (unless you buy mercs or take Automated Ships and use smaller ships), and automated fleets have superior AI cores.