i believe you said quite a number of other things that (imo) paint a pretty clear picture of your issue with it
including but not limited to arguing against the piety of the catholic church, describing gothic architecture as "a middle finger to god", explicitly describing any culture other than small eastern european nations as never having placed faith highly, insisting on the idea that actually it's visually complex architecture that's advanced and not holy and visually simple (but no less complex or, arguably, ostentatious) architecture is great and pious (even though understated-but-grand architecture is still plenty showy, just in a different way), and also outright admitting that it's probably just your headcanon
spoiler: it is in fact your headcanon, yes
my gripe personally isn't with you wanting them to be different in a certain way - everyone wants some part of just about anything to be different in some fashion
it's with you awkwardly masking it behind weird proxy arguments about piety and religious architecture when it's just not liking them not fitting the mental image you had for them in all respects (which is an especially odd decision when you're talking about a group that explicitly don't have a truly centralised standard, and whose faith is shaped heavily by location and local populace)
Because if i just outright say i don't like it i need to provide a reason, so i provided my reason. If i don't provide a reason i get harped for not doing that, i don't get the issue.
Yeah i may have gone too far with my opinions, but it all plays into the fact that the luddic church has way more potential than just being the space papacy.
I am mostly translating in my head so if something comes off wrong i can't really re-learn english all over again. I can make up misstranslation excuses but what does that really mean
I didn't insult anyone, i stated my honest opinion on something, maybe i should've just not kept on explaining the same thing over and over again, i'll admit wrong there.
Including my views on real religion is reasonable here because if the world of starsector wants to feel real, it needs real elements, writing fiction from real example just makes it feel more real in general.
Your headcanon about the church might differ from mine, it might align with the devs views, but i payed full price for this game and i get to have a voice if i feel it's going in the wrong direction.
I like the luddics and i don't want them to go in the complete opposite direction of what i wanted them to be
Why do you insist on the developer submitting to your ideas when you could draw them up yourself and mod them in? If your idea's as cool as you're trying to make us believe, convince us. (And no, spamming googled images doesn't count, nor do arguments)
it's different when it's official, sure i can just make my own illustrations but that's just not the same.
Don't want to argue, just voicing what i think and elaborating when asked