I played Highfleet for a few days, and all the time i was thinking "man, i'd rather be playing Star Sector". Glad to see the thread here.
I was really hyped for it, the gameplay looked amazingly rad and of all the things in the game, the heavy UI/Carriergroup type of interface is totally my jam. I even enjoyed the RP aspects/random events and generally the factions systems, but jesus christ the gameplay is atrocious.
For one thing, i entirely abhor the 'send one ship at a time versus five enemy ships plus ground support'. It feels like i'm playing a full Star Sector campaign with the older Hyperion where you could solo fleets. It was challenging, and sometimes fun, but would i want to play like that as a default? God hell no. I have ZERO idea what the guys in charge of Highfleet were thinking with the 1 vs all system. They have the AI there for handling ships, obviously. I just have no idea why, or at what point in the development they decided to remove fleet on fleet combat and make this very clunky 'hyperion' system. It skews the game to such a level and tier that of course the subreddit is hyping up the Lightning as the fast/nimble/allbattlesnowtake10minutes ship. You go in and fifty missiles are firing at you, and you're dodging four other ships, while YOUR ENTIRE ARMADA OF DOOM is sitting offscreen eating potato chips. What? And maybe, MAYBE, it would have been ok if you could relatively effortlessy and easy swap ships somehow, like how swapping fighters in fighting games work. But even then, jesus, just bring all my ships in what the hell.
Then there's the reticle thing. I love the actual movement and dynamics of the ships, but the reticle thing? What the hell were they thinking. It wouldn't even be TOO bad if you could zoom in, but you're piloting a flee fighting other flees bouncing around and popping off some spitter which already has spread in it. And you can't even aim.
The aim reticle allows the player to learn a lot of cognitive skills regarding the game systems in terms of projectile speed, spread and just the 'feel' of weapons. There is NONE of that in highfleet. Compare nailing that out-of-range heavy blaster shot on a Hound, to.. whatever the hell's going on in Highfleet. It's terrible, feels bad, and makes me not want to play the combat. I also hear it gets worse, with aircraft attacking your fleet (well, your flagship since of course) and other such things like cruise missiles.
PS: Retrying combat, even though it feels like an 'out of game' event, actually lowers your crew's morale. ... Wow.
Ship construction is also something i bounced really hard off of. You can't zoom in, AGAIN, and you're building on 'layers' that are never really clear, and there's some relation to space/distance from things to other things, and it's rarely clear how stuff fits together and whether they're actually together after that. Like Alex, i tried to do some modifications like guns and whatever, and nope.. also the fact that there's no way to 'sim' your ship after designing it... you could do it in the main menu Shipworks but it feels like five extra steps for something that should take one. Also no grid button so you know what clicks on to what and how?
It just feels extremely granular for no good reason.
Also, my god, Star Sector's weapon groups feel like a call from heaven. In Highfleet i need to what, use half my keyboard to fire my guns, that's aside from the special systems and whatever? Makes me want to never fly big complicated ships.
I hate the landing. Like, i like the general concept of it, but at the very least, i wish i could 'reset' just the last ship i fail to land, NOT THE ENTIRE SEQUENCE OF FIVE SHIPS I JUST LANDED. It feels like landing should be somewhat optional, but it ends up being very important, especially as you're fighting with a single ship most time and you use that as the basic assaulter, and when it gets damaged, you need to repair it quickly on the ground. Again, i love the way it looks and how it's done but jesus christ man.
Also chiming in on the mouse-drag-messages-tune-in-thing. It feels terrible, like it's on some axis i'm not seeing and interpreting Y coordinates as some tangential X coordonates or wahtever and overshoots. No idea, feels bad, they should feel bad. And the mouse scroll speed should be capped logarithmic, not linear. Linear works for fine tuning but i just wish i could do the entire thing with my mouse scroll. Hell, have the thing move to the next active element, as not like there's any other options, and you just don't have to move your mouse, and just scroll wheel the entire thing. Again, makes me not want to engage with it.
In the end, it feels like what xeno said, "Alex, Highfleet is like every choice you've ever made that made Starsector clunky and rough-feeling, compounded was never, ever fixed." There's a great, GREAT, game under all those issues, but it just feels like they're almost not even issues, but actual choices made during development, and that's worse.
I love the ease of splitting the fleet and the logistics of setting down and landing and the detail in going stealth and the information warfare that's going on, the 'carrier command' style of detail to logistics and generally the entire strategical layer is really cool. I like the roguelikey events and the factions and roleplaying in it, but it's just too bad the meat of the game is just something i'd rather not play.
And that's not touching on the nitpicky and annoying issues in regards to the UI which is down to execution, not design. The review on RockPaperShotgun, and i quote:
"Some of it is down to the controls, which are maddeningly inconsistent. Let me copy an example directly from my notes: "when I click on a module in my cargo in an attempt to attach it to a ship, it instantly sells. If I click and drag, nothing happens. How am I supposed to use the stuff in my cargo? To move my fleet I right click, but when I create a splinter group and right click with that, it deselects them instead". I have more notes like this than I'm willing to put a number on."
On that note, i'm sure none of you realised you can 'PAN' RIGHT the Supplies screen, where you buy fuel, to buy special ammo and missiles. Seriously devs? Seriously? Anyway, for anyone that still wants to give this a fair shot, the manual for the game is here: