That's right. I claim Starsector to be my favorite game of all time. There are many various criteria how to determine a favorite game, and, although I do not spent the most of hours into it across all games that i've played, there much to come, i'm certain of it. It's hard, really, to determine a favorite game, not as hard as determine a favorite waifu of course, but still. And as in choosing a fav waifu decisive point is uniqueness. Like, it's not cool to have the same waifu as the other million of people, something wrong about it, i can feel it. Same sort of thing as "if we all superheroes, nobody is (c)". And I feel the same for games.
All of that was said because i want to point out why i making this video. I believe with such claim comes great responsibility, I just need to make a feedback. I'd like to paint something or write a poem of some sort, or even make a mod, but i can not. It happens what i can press some buttons in a video redactor, i've done it for a while ago with not so much luck, the last montage i've made was a three years ago, i think. But hands are still remember.
So, i present to you, my magnum opus.End-game ships spoilers warning.The main idea of this comes from @Arcagnello , with frigates strategy and loadouts, i've slightly changed it after a build in SO nerf, invested 9 in leadership, gave scarabs sabots, change gamma cores to beta ones etc, but the main theme stays the same. Thanks for showing me that strategy.
Thanks to @DE.Calvin who allowed me to use his artwork in a youtube thumbnail. Very appreciated. I like how it work out.
So, I hope Starsector community will like that i bring today. It's very dense montage. It may be hard to catch all the pressed content by the first watch. Enjoy.
Update 1. Almost forgot, here's how it looks like in the editor, if anyone wonders.