Before I forget, Andamantine Consortium seems to be neutral toward REDACTED. I saw a raid and it excluded Andamantine Consortium from the hit list. Presumably, it shouldn't be that way.
Ah yeah oversight I'm not sure I handled REDACTED rep with any of the new factions. I'll take care of that.
@DarrowAlbreo already pretty much covered it, but its also technically impossible to limit strike craft from specific carriers. The hullmods/OP differences were the next best thing I could do. As far as low tech and midline carriers etc, they will be useful for two things:
- They can strike with bombers and gunships from a much longer range over warships with the same wings equipped.
- They replace strike craft much faster than warships (I'm emphasizing this a little more in the next update now that low tech wings replace a lot faster.)
In the case of midline carriers, they also usually have ship systems that even further increase the effectiveness of their wings, so I'd say that you
can ignore them and use a purely warship fleet-build for your interceptors or even low-tech or midline bombers/gunships, but if you
do use carriers you are certainly going to see a difference.
It is also worth mentioning that the range differences mean that interceptor carriers can actually support other allied ships (and I think the AI does do this if the carrier is pure interceptor) whereas warship interceptors are mostly limited to the warship. For reference, a carrier interceptor wing has 4x the range of a warship interceptor wing.
For the graviton beam.
I checked, looks like I was just really confused as to how beam damage was displayed normally. The issue here is probably that it just doesn't tell you how long the beam lasts, I think.
And yea, it is clearly a pulse beam.
Yeah I don't think the tooltip tells you duration at all. As to where it's getting its overall math from I have no idea. I would guess that maybe some faction of the dps is technically dealt during chargeup/chargedown but the targeted ship would have to be at point blank range for this to matter so it is likely misleading in that sense. Btw, I added beam/projectile speeds to all weapons last night so the next update should have that info in the tooltip.
I just got an Alpha core to govern my colony, and it is a downgrade from governing myself. It appears to not have the elite varient of the three skills. Not sure if this is vanilla, modded, intended or not.
I'd say that it's because the vanilla versions of those skills don't have elite versions, and so the cores aren't coded to have them be elite. It would probably be the same way with Admins, though it may be possible to use SP to make them elite - I never checked.
However, I'm generally ok with this because:
A) Not every playthrough will the player take all 3 elite colony skills and when they do it is supposed to impact how the player plays - which it looks like it definitely is here.

B) Alpha cores are still good to use on REDACTED ships the player controls should they take Automated Ships or on any colonies that the player cannot personally govern - with the expected downsides.
I was made aware of the fact that it is impossible to get the mod's version of the Ziggurat in the current version, so the next version addresses this and also makes it possible to recover the Legion (XIV) in the constellations that have them as derelicts.
The vanilla versions of these ships will no longer be available even if the player changes the mod's settings, but there is nothing I can do about that since for whatever reason the code that deals with this sort of thing hardcodes the encounters by hull id. That means the only way to change it to the mod version while preserving the vanilla ships would be to override and replace large swaths of both code and rules. That's not a road I want to go down unless
absolutely necessary. Especially since this stuff is relatively new content and its very possible that it will change in some way within the next couple of Starsector updates.