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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.95.1a] TC: Archean Order: Rebalanced Combat/Lore RPG - *hotfix* 4/14/22  (Read 802403 times)


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An extra mount is appreciated on the Falcon, but I gotta say I much preferred the look of the old one. Especially the front left hangar bay. Having it just end at the same angle in mid-space as the hull looks odd to me. The recessed one that had some extra hull after the bay ended looked much better to me.

I also liked the asymetrical second bay placement a lot visually, but obviously that takes away the mount option. But it helped make the Falcon visually distinct from the Eagle and that was cool.


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Oh hey I'm glad I'm not the only one who appreciated the distinctness of the right bay. :)

The bays were one of the things that people on the discord were saying looked bad. That and the sprite's blending and shading made the ship look flat and blurry. While I liked the placement of the right bay, I agree that it didn't look that great. You could tell what it was but it was a little awkward visually.

The advice I received about the left bay was that the hull at the edge made it look too small for Starsector. Therefore, bringing it out to the edge and having it encompass a greater swath of the of the ship's side would help.

So I spent a few hours trying to improve it and that was the final result. I did save the original though and the weapons and bays haven't changed from the original implementation (well the right one moved to join the left but the number is the same) other than the addition of the medium weapon. I could very easily revert it back to the old style. I ran a couple sim tests to see how it looks/plays and I like it but I also liked the other one too.

To be completely honest, while I understand and appreciate super detailed sprite work and all the time that goes into it, I sometimes think people go overboard with its importance when the sprite looked good enough to begin with. It's probably a matter of individual tastes though. I grew up with low pixel count games so I am likely less picky about details like that.


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This's going to be a short diary:

Fire support Legion is super dope this patch. Dual Artillery needs some damage nerf. There's a problem with AI not raising shield or lowering shield prematurely when long-range massive bullets heading their way which look like an inevitable thing.

Squall needs its range extended somewhat to fill the missing mid role of anti shield support. There're plenty of medium-range explosive missiles but only some short range anti shields and one ultra long range Thunderbolt available.

New midline bombers did not survive one bombing run. I think all torp & missile base bombers should have their weapon range longer than a small PD weapon that way the only way to counter it is to use an interceptor or larger PD. If it's possible, I would wish to have evasion stat build in too all craft that way it won't all get wiped by hail of non-PD bullets.

Paragon speed might be of concern as it can kite with Tachlance. Tachlance this patch is pretty good, though, it's still no match to zero flux weapon. Not that I got one to play with yet. Gotta farm some REDACTED.

Archean's fleet failing repeatedly in auto resolve due to a lower number of capitals. Culann fell again. This roaming Hegemony fleet thing is a bit too OP.

Just remembered that Terraforming mod spawns a new Guardian ship every time so I can shoot at it in unlimited number.

Pretty tanky but otherwise weak to swarm tactic would need some scripted ability like entering permanent buff state when hull below 20% or detonate hard flux and damage itself and knockback any ship around it.

There's something fishy about the Persean diplomatic trait. I haven't done anything yet and I'm already at vengeful.

Heron, Epiphany, and other small carriers are too good DP wise IMO. I would cut one craft slot out for each one of them. I'm putting Flash on Herons. Don't stop me. :D
It's not scary until I have to fight Trader guild + Persean alliance invasion with 30+ Herons.

FS weapons work flawlessly, I like it but some would need flux cost up or lower fire rate since these ships don't have to care about flux anymore with active vent. I'm not too keen on Beam weapons friendly pass. Beam accuracy makes it quite OP. Tooltip on Pass through could be color coded for easy identification.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 07:58:21 PM by Albreo »


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The advice I received about the left bay was that the hull at the edge made it look too small for Starsector. Therefore, bringing it out to the edge and having it encompass a greater swath of the of the ship's side would help.

Strikecraft are still smaller in AO than vanilla (visually I mean) aren't they? That combined with the increased number of mounts and smaller large weapons makes AO ships look bigger anyway. Regular Starsector scale doesn't really apply, imo.


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Re: Albreo
Fire support Legion is super dope this patch. Dual Artillery needs some damage nerf. There's a problem with AI not raising shield or lowering shield prematurely when long-range massive bullets heading their way which look like an inevitable thing.

Unfortunately yeah probably not going to be fixed (AI dropping shields), but do you mean hit damage or dps should be reduced for Dual Artillery? I have noticed its pretty darn strong. Similarly, Support Dominators are really scary even with the inefficiency. They are the only variant that can reliably beat the Persean League Eagle variants. Somehow those have become really, really strong. They consistently beat the Aurora and Dominator (XIV) builds in the latest tests. I'm trying to decide if it's build related or a problem with the Eagle's stats. I've been tossing around an armor reduction but it could also be the strength of the Photon Cannon in this update.

Squall needs its range extended somewhat to fill the missing mid role of anti shield support. There're plenty of medium-range explosive missiles but only some short range anti shields and one ultra long range Thunderbolt available.

What about Sabots? That is supposed to be the mid range anti-shield missile. Is it bad this update after the changes?

New midline bombers did not survive one bombing run. I think all torp & missile base bombers should have their weapon range longer than a small PD weapon that way the only way to counter it is to use an interceptor or larger PD. If it's possible, I would wish to have evasion stat build in too all craft that way it won't all get wiped by hail of non-PD bullets.

The evasion thing isn't possible without heavy scripting iirc. I looked into that a while back when I was first developing the mod. Nothing in vanilla supports fighter passthrough (without damage). I will see about the range part but I thought that was already true in pretty much every case. If it's not firing it might be due to overload for the high tech bombers or in the case of the Thunder - because the weapon has a cooldown and more missiles stored than in the initial burst. I'll explain why: 

My thoughts regarding midline bombers are that the Thunder is stronger than the Hoplon since it fires more missiles and the nature of its strike run can get damage across the ship in unshielded places for non-360 shielded ships. Its assault weapon can also fire behind it allowing it to hit engines after its run (assuming it survives). The Hoplon has anti-interceptor defense though. And it deals far more damage when unmitigated.

My tests with midline bombers was using the Heron and Mora. Are you testing using Legion? What are you fighting that they don't survive a run? Another capital? Or do they not generally survive a large-scale fleet battle well? From my perspective, they seemed to perform ok but not as good as high tech. That is important since the OP differences are a little larger, but I could increase their defenses and simultaneously increase the damage multiplier that anti-strike craft wings have against other strike craft. That way, interceptors still do their job against them.

Paragon speed might be of concern as it can kite with Tachlance. Tachlance this patch is pretty good, though, it's still no match to zero flux weapon. Not that I got one to play with yet. Gotta farm some REDACTED.

Thanks I like where TL is at too. It feels better than it did before with a longer cooldown and heavier flux costs. Especially since beam inconsistency looks like it's here to stay. That might be one case where I delve into a custom AI, but that would be very, very far down the line since there is a lot of work to do first. That's even assuming I could fix it without breaking other things - which is frankly a long shot.

Archean's fleet failing repeatedly in auto resolve due to a lower number of capitals. Culann fell again. This roaming Hegemony fleet thing is a bit too OP.

Ok I'll increase their capital counts and hope the FP adjustments are enough to ensure they don't start dominating the sector. So Heg killed Tri-Tachyon this time? I'm a little confused as to what you mean. Like Culann was captured by Hegemony or it lost it's station fairly quickly?

Just remembered that Terraforming mod spawns a new Guardian ship every time so I can shoot at it in unlimited number.

Pretty tanky but otherwise weak to swarm tactic would need some scripted ability like entering permanent buff state when hull below 20% or detonate hard flux and damage itself and knockback any ship around it.

That's one of the reasons I introduced the autofactories pumping out drones. To buy it time to reposition/kill off its target and vent when outnumbered. It falls apart when capitals join the battle, but at least now you likely need a capital to handle that fight. If it could beat the fleet you fielded it would probably be too good imo. And for those who play with smaller max fleet sizes, it could make the fight impossible if I balanced around high max DP and 2v1 or 3v1 capitals. When I tested it out it beat a bunch of Hegemony cruisers and almost killed an Onslaught in a 2v1 capital scenario.

There's something fishy about the Persean diplomatic trait. I haven't done anything yet and I'm already at vengenceful.

Weird. What start did you pick in Nex? Or was it a Nex start? I'll double check the files but I don't *think* I did anything to cause this.

Strikecraft are still smaller in AO than vanilla (visually I mean) aren't they? That combined with the increased number of mounts and smaller large weapons makes AO ships look bigger anyway. Regular Starsector scale doesn't really apply, imo.

Yes and that is one of the reasons I didn't mind the look. You know, I didn't even consider that Discord sprite feedback probably is without ever even playing the mod and understanding the differences between standard Starsector and the TC. To be fair, I like how the colors blend better in the new sprite especially around the side turret mounts. I really like the new lighting of the hangar glow too.

I might experiment with moving the bay further inward again and see how it looks. Then maybe I can split the bays off and implement them on the other side in a new way in order to accentuate the asymmetry and keep it different-ish from the Eagle. The only caveat is that it requires editing like 4 sprites with all the skin files so I don't want to spend too much time on it. I think it is worth another pass though.


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but do you mean hit damage or dps should be reduced for Dual Artillery?
I think both. Cus you just downgraded it from the large mount.

What about Sabots? That is supposed to be the mid range anti-shield missile. Is it bad this update after the changes?
Consider that only less than half reach the target and practically none reach the target in a large fight. It's not that great. Did you increase its missile HP yet?

I will see about the range part but I thought that was already true in pretty much every case. If it's not firing it might be due to overload for the high tech bombers or in the case of the Thunder - because the weapon has a cooldown and more missiles stored than in the initial burst. I'll explain why:
Think it mostly from the craft turn radius. It has to make a U-turn inside a capital ship. gruesome.

Like Culann was captured by Hegemony or it lost it's station fairly quickly?
Hegemony just went straight to Culann first thing. Rarely anything survive the Hegemony invasion. One part is due to the roaming Hegemony fleet joining the fray. Another part is due to their capital ship count in the fleet probably. I think another defense platform in Hybrasil and Askonia might help a bit.

That's one of the reasons I introduced the autofactories pumping out drones. To buy it time to reposition/kill off its target and vent when outnumbered. It falls apart when capitals join the battle, but at least now you likely need a capital to handle that fight. If it could beat the fleet you fielded it would probably be too good imo. And for those who play with smaller max fleet sizes, it could make the fight impossible if I balanced around high max DP and 2v1 or 3v1 capitals. When I tested it out it beat a bunch of Hegemony cruisers and almost killed an Onslaught in a 2v1 capital scenario.
If it could get a team of crappy Domain ships that will really help spread out the damage. But the fight might become too intense for other players.

Weird. What start did you pick in Nex? Or was it a Nex start? I'll double check the files but I don't *think* I did anything to cause this.
I started with no faction and not ally with anyone particularly. And I don't remember hitting any of their fleets. The moment I set up my faction, it just keeps reducing from events. But look at the picture on the trait column there is -7.5. I wonder what causes it? I also don't have freeport and have only 2 colonies at the moment.

If you already read it, just skip.
Heron, Epiphany, and other small carriers are too good DP wise IMO. I would cut one craft slot out for each one of them. I'm putting Flash on Herons. Don't stop me. :D
It's not scary until I have to fight Trader guild + Persean alliance invasion with 30+ Herons.

FS weapons work flawlessly, I like it but some would need flux cost up or lower fire rate since these ships don't have to care about flux anymore with active vent. I'm not too keen on Beam weapons friendly pass. Beam accuracy makes it quite OP. Tooltip on Pass through could be color coded for easy identification.

I forgot what I'm about to say. lol

There's some vanilla weapons mix into the weapon blueprint roster?
« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 10:33:45 PM by Albreo »


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Re: Albreo

I think both. Cus you just downgraded it from the large mount.

Huh? The large version is the Punisher Artillery System. I think it has always been a medium weapon. I'll reduce its damage though. It does seem very good.

Consider that only less than half reach the target and practically none reach the target in a large fight. It's not that great. Did you increase its missile HP yet?

Point taken. I did iirc, but the extra damage/spread on high-end ballistic PD weapons probably evened it back out into unreliable. I'll have to increase it some more.

Think it mostly from the craft turn radius. It has to make a U-turn inside a capital ship. gruesome.

Interesting. I'll increase it and see if it makes a difference in how the strike run performs.

Hegemony just went straight to Culann first thing. Rarely anything survive the Hegemony invasion. One part is due to the roaming Hegemony fleet joining the fray. Another part is due to their capital ship count in the fleet probably. I think another defense platform in Hybrasil and Askonia might help a bit.

Hmm, ok. I also had plans for another nearby system. I just haven't gotten to it yet.

If it could get a team of crappy Domain ships that will really help spread out the damage. But the fight might become too intense for other players.

An actual support fleet would require overriding the encounter itself which would cause incompatibilities with other mods. I thought about having large drones come from the bays but there are collision complications and visually it is a bit of a stretch.

I started with no faction and not ally with anyone particularly. And I don't remember hitting any of their fleets. The moment I set up my faction, it just keeps reducing from events. But look at the picture on the trait column there is -7.5. I wonder what causes it? I also don't have freeport and have only 2 colonies at the moment.

If you go under data/config/exerelinFactionConfig/persean.JSON you can see everything the mod adds. It looks like it just adds diplomacy config for the mod's new factions it doesn't do anything to effect the player from what I can see. Do you have the latest version of Nex? Or are you somehow taking a large percentage of the market share away from the Persean League for some commodity? I have heard that can cause them to become hostile towards your colonies.

Heron, Epiphany, and other small carriers are too good DP wise IMO. I would cut one craft slot out for each one of them. I'm putting Flash on Herons. Don't stop me. :D
It's not scary until I have to fight Trader guild + Persean alliance invasion with 30+ Herons.

They should be effective, definitely, but consider that a cornered carrier is almost certainly a dead carrier. From that perspective I think they are pretty DP efficient if they are scary to confront overall.

What you are talking about sounds like large-scale spam which requires dedicated hard counters like PD focused ships and interceptor carriers. Though I'm not 100% certain if this actually is true, the goal was to make them feel good small scale too. During early game when a player is trying out different designations, I want smaller carriers to have an impact even if there are only a couple of them. I don't want the player to have to wait until late game to realize their potential through spamming. Spamming is a specific strategy some factions utilize. However, once it is hard countered the carriers should be sitting ducks.

Flash on Herons... I feel sorry for your opponents lol. But as far as my opinion? Go for it! Midline should be able to support some high end wings. Each carrier should be able to technically support one tech up from their tech with a bit of sacrifice to other parts of the build.

FS weapons work flawlessly, I like it but some would need flux cost up or lower fire rate since these ships don't have to care about flux anymore with active vent. I'm not too keen on Beam weapons friendly pass. Beam accuracy makes it quite OP. Tooltip on Pass through could be color coded for easy identification.

I'll keep it in mind but glad they are working overall. Beams are just tricky. They are either OP or underwhelming it seems. I'm going to leave them how they are for the time being, but I will address them again after the next official update when I can have them cause hard flux. That should put them in a much better spot and allow me to reduce their damage without making them worthless against high tech ships.

FWIW the accuracy part sort of helps explain why it can have pass-through to begin with.

The tooltip is part of the weapon spreadsheet. Afaik I can't color code it. It just uses the standard highlight color. Unless there are other parameters I am unaware of.

There's some vanilla weapons mix into the weapon blueprint roster?

For the player you mean? I might not have accounted for that all the way. I should have removed all the base_bp tags but maybe some are being added before that occurs?

Some questions:
Did you do a clean install of the mod? (Deleting or moving the old folder out of mods and replacing it with the test folder.) If you didn't override or replace the settings file then the logic won't pick up the config values it needs to remove the vanilla files from the campaign layer.

Also are they showing up in markets or are you just finding them as blueprints? And are they in the codex? They shouldn't be.

If you did a clean install and haven't messed with settings, go to settings and make sure "logOverrideInfo":true is set at the bottom of the TC settings section, start a new game, and then link the log file. That might help me find out what is going on.


I might experiment with moving the bay further inward again and see how it looks. Then maybe I can split the bays off and implement them on the other side in a new way in order to accentuate the asymmetry and keep it different-ish from the Eagle. The only caveat is that it requires editing like 4 sprites with all the skin files so I don't want to spend too much time on it. I think it is worth another pass though.

Ok I spent a couple of hours playing around with this last night. This is a blend of the two styles. How does it compare?

« Last Edit: December 13, 2020, 03:54:40 PM by Morrokain »


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I think both. Cus you just downgraded it from the large mount.

Oh! Nvm I see now. I didn't catch that. I haven't gotten to the bombers yet, but here is a hotfix for ballistic artillery and sabot. Archean ships *should* also have more capitals in their fleets. The download link is already updated, but for added convenience the files can be downloaded and replaced using this hotfix so a full download isn't required:

Let me know if I need to explain where these files are located!


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If you go under data/config/exerelinFactionConfig/persean.JSON you can see everything the mod adds. It looks like it just adds diplomacy config for the mod's new factions it doesn't do anything to effect the player from what I can see. Do you have the latest version of Nex? Or are you somehow taking a large percentage of the market share away from the Persean League for some commodity? I have heard that can cause them to become hostile towards your colonies.
Hmm, this might be pure bad luck, we will see. They're reeling in pain right now plus surrender.

What you are talking about sounds like large-scale spam which requires dedicated hard counters like PD focused ships and interceptor carriers. Though I'm not 100% certain if this actually is true, the goal was to make them feel good small scale too. During early game when a player is trying out different designations, I want smaller carriers to have an impact even if there are only a couple of them. I don't want the player to have to wait until late game to realize their potential through spamming. Spamming is a specific strategy some factions utilize. However, once it is hard countered the carriers should be sitting ducks.

Flash on Herons... I feel sorry for your opponents lol. But as far as my opinion? Go for it! Midline should be able to support some high end wings. Each carrier should be able to technically support one tech up from their tech with a bit of sacrifice to other parts of the build.
I think the change is pretty good. More craft on the field at a given time. Not sure about other thoughts, cus I'm playing main carrier fleet so I can spam back as a counter.
And I got Legendary blueprints left and right, It's time to release the Kraken.

The tooltip is part of the weapon spreadsheet. Afaik I can't color code it. It just uses the standard highlight color. Unless there are other parameters I am unaware of.
I remembered other mods have some in red and green. Approlight has red for flame damage.

For the player you mean? I might not have accounted for that all the way. I should have removed all the base_bp tags but maybe some are being added before that occurs?

Some questions:
Did you do a clean install of the mod? (Deleting or moving the old folder out of mods and replacing it with the test folder.) If you didn't override or replace the settings file then the logic won't pick up the config values it needs to remove the vanilla files from the campaign layer.

Also are they showing up in markets or are you just finding them as blueprints? And are they in the codex? They shouldn't be.

If you did a clean install and haven't messed with settings, go to settings and make sure "logOverrideInfo":true is set at the bottom of the TC settings section, start a new game, and then link the log file. That might help me find out what is going on.
Yes, I deleted the entire Archean folder as usual. The weapons show up in markets as well as blueprints but there's no drop as no one is using them.
I did turn off Total conversion though if that matters. I need to use Combat Analytic.

Log file:


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I think the change is pretty good. More craft on the field at a given time. Not sure about other thoughts, cus I'm playing main carrier fleet so I can spam back as a counter.
And I got Legendary blueprints left and right, It's time to release the Kraken.

Nice find!

I remembered other mods have some in red and green. Approlight has red for flame damage.

Ok I'll look into it. I know you can highlight your own text color using code, so they may have gone that route. If so, that would be down on the priority list as the current highlight at least stands out over plain text. It would certainly be a nice QOL improvement in the long term though.

If not and it is relatively simple, what would be a good highlight color in your opinion? Green maybe?

Yes, I deleted the entire Archean folder as usual. The weapons show up in markets as well as blueprints but there's no drop as no one is using them.
I did turn off Total conversion though if that matters. I need to use Combat Analytic.

Log file:

Here is the relevant part of the log:
76207 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: pirates - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, advancedshieldemitter, insulatedengine, fluxbreakers, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_armoredweapons, archeus_converted_hangar, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_frontshield, archeus_heavyarmor]
76207 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: remnant - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, advancedshieldemitter, eccm, ecm, insulatedengine, pointdefenseai, nav_relay, recovery_shuttles, fluxbreakers, solar_shielding, surveying_equipment, archeus_advancedoptics, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_armoredweapons, archeus_augmentedengines, archeus_autorepair, archeus_converted_hangar, archeus_expanded_deck_crew, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_extendedshieldemitter, archeus_frontemitter, archeus_frontshield, archeus_hardenedshieldemitter, archeus_heavyarmor, archeus_targetingunit, archeus_adaptiveshields, archeus_operations_center, archeus_stabilizedshieldemitter]
76207 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: scavengers - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, advancedshieldemitter, eccm, ecm, insulatedengine, nav_relay, recovery_shuttles, fluxbreakers, surveying_equipment, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_armoredweapons, archeus_augmentedengines, archeus_autorepair, archeus_converted_hangar, archeus_expanded_deck_crew, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_extendedshieldemitter, archeus_frontemitter, archeus_frontshield, archeus_hardenedshieldemitter, archeus_heavyarmor, archeus_targetingunit, archeus_adaptiveshields, archeus_operations_center, archeus_stabilizedshieldemitter]
76207 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: lions_guard - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, advancedshieldemitter, eccm, ecm, insulatedengine, pointdefenseai, nav_relay, recovery_shuttles, fluxbreakers, solar_shielding, surveying_equipment, archeus_advancedoptics, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_armoredweapons, archeus_augmentedengines, archeus_autorepair, archeus_converted_hangar, archeus_expanded_deck_crew, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_extendedshieldemitter, archeus_frontemitter, archeus_frontshield, archeus_hardenedshieldemitter, archeus_heavyarmor, archeus_targetingunit, archeus_adaptiveshields, archeus_operations_center, archeus_stabilizedshieldemitter]
76207 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: independent - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, advancedshieldemitter, eccm, ecm, insulatedengine, nav_relay, recovery_shuttles, fluxbreakers, surveying_equipment, hiressensors, efficiency_overhaul, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_armoredweapons, archeus_augmentedengines, archeus_autorepair, archeus_converted_hangar, archeus_expanded_deck_crew, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_extendedshieldemitter, archeus_frontemitter, archeus_frontshield, archeus_hardenedshieldemitter, archeus_heavyarmor, archeus_targetingunit, archeus_adaptiveshields, archeus_operations_center, archeus_stabilizedshieldemitter]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: luddic_church - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, advancedshieldemitter, insulatedengine, nav_relay, recovery_shuttles, fluxbreakers, surveying_equipment, efficiency_overhaul, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_armoredweapons, archeus_augmentedengines, archeus_converted_hangar, archeus_expanded_deck_crew, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_extendedshieldemitter, archeus_frontemitter, archeus_frontshield, archeus_heavyarmor, archeus_operations_center]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: sindrian_diktat - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, advancedshieldemitter, eccm, ecm, insulatedengine, pointdefenseai, nav_relay, recovery_shuttles, fluxbreakers, solar_shielding, surveying_equipment, hiressensors, efficiency_overhaul, archeus_advancedoptics, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_armoredweapons, archeus_augmentedengines, archeus_autorepair, archeus_converted_hangar, archeus_expanded_deck_crew, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_extendedshieldemitter, archeus_frontemitter, archeus_frontshield, archeus_hardenedshieldemitter, archeus_heavyarmor, archeus_targetingunit, archeus_adaptiveshields, archeus_operations_center, archeus_stabilizedshieldemitter]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: knights_of_ludd - []
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: hegemony - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, advancedshieldemitter, insulatedengine, nav_relay, fluxbreakers, surveying_equipment, efficiency_overhaul, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_armoredweapons, archeus_augmentedengines, archeus_autorepair, archeus_expanded_deck_crew, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_extendedshieldemitter, archeus_frontemitter, archeus_frontshield, archeus_heavyarmor, archeus_targetingunit, archeus_operations_center, archeus_stabilizedshieldemitter]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: derelict - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, advancedshieldemitter, eccm, ecm, insulatedengine, pointdefenseai, nav_relay, fluxbreakers, solar_shielding, surveying_equipment, archeus_advancedoptics, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_armoredweapons, archeus_augmentedengines, archeus_autorepair, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_extendedshieldemitter, archeus_frontemitter, archeus_frontshield, archeus_heavyarmor, archeus_stabilizedshieldemitter]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: luddic_path - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, insulatedengine, fluxbreakers, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_armoredweapons, archeus_augmentedengines, archeus_converted_hangar, archeus_expanded_deck_crew, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_frontshield, archeus_heavyarmor]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known hullmods for: tritachyon - [archeus_fluxdistributor, hardened_subsystems, militarized_subsystems, expanded_cargo_holds, reinforcedhull, archeus_safetyoverrides, additional_berthing, auxiliary_fuel_tanks, auxiliarythrusters, blast_doors, archeus_fluxcoil, archeus_unstable_injector, advancedshieldemitter, eccm, ecm, insulatedengine, pointdefenseai, nav_relay, fluxbreakers, hiressensors, efficiency_overhaul, archeus_advancedoptics, archeus_turretgyros, archeus_augmentedengines, archeus_expanded_deck_crew, archeus_magazines, archeus_missleracks, archeus_extendedshieldemitter, archeus_frontemitter, archeus_frontshield, archeus_hardenedshieldemitter, archeus_targetingunit, archeus_adaptiveshields, archeus_operations_center, archeus_stabilizedshieldemitter, archeus_beamdefenseai]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: pirates - [archean_marauder_pirates_wing, archean_talon_pirates_wing, archean_broadsword_pirates_wing, archean_interdictor_drone_wing, archean_mauler_pirates_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_barbarian_pirates_wing, archean_piranha_wing, archean_gauntlet_wing]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: pirates - [archean_marauder_pirates_wing, archean_talon_pirates_wing, archean_broadsword_pirates_wing, archean_interdictor_drone_wing, archean_mauler_pirates_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_barbarian_pirates_wing, archean_piranha_wing, archean_gauntlet_wing]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: remnant - [archean_lux_wing, archean_flash_wing, archean_spark_wing]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: remnant - []
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: scavengers - [archean_warrior_wing, archean_gauntlet_wing, archean_liberator_wing, archean_broadsword_wing, archean_paradigm_wing, archean_interdictor_drone_wing, archean_cyclops_wing, archean_longbow_wing, archean_dagger_wing, archean_mauler_wing, archean_marauder_wing, archean_hellcat_wing, archean_vanguard_wing, archean_retribution_wing, archean_bulwark_wing, archean_claw_wing, archean_mining_drone_wing, archean_sabertooth_wing, archean_xyphos_wing, archean_thunder_wing, archean_hydra_wing, archean_barbarian_wing, archean_warthog_wing, archean_trident_wing, archean_hercules_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_gladius_wing, archean_talon_tritachyon_wing, archean_renegade_wing, archean_pd_drone_heavy_wing, archean_talon_wing, archean_hoplon_wing, archean_piranha_wing]
76208 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: scavengers - [archean_warrior_wing, archean_gauntlet_wing, archean_liberator_wing, archean_broadsword_wing, archean_paradigm_wing, archean_interdictor_drone_wing, archean_cyclops_wing, archean_longbow_wing, archean_dagger_wing, archean_mauler_wing, archean_marauder_wing, archean_hellcat_wing, archean_vanguard_wing, archean_retribution_wing, archean_bulwark_wing, archean_claw_wing, archean_mining_drone_wing, archean_sabertooth_wing, archean_xyphos_wing, archean_thunder_wing, archean_hydra_wing, archean_barbarian_wing, archean_warthog_wing, archean_trident_wing, archean_hercules_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_gladius_wing, archean_talon_tritachyon_wing, archean_renegade_wing, archean_pd_drone_heavy_wing, archean_talon_wing, archean_hoplon_wing, archean_piranha_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: lions_guard - [archean_fang_wing, archean_warrior_wing, archean_gauntlet_wing, archean_interdictor_drone_wing, archean_cyclops_wing, archean_mauler_wing, archean_marauder_wing, archean_hellcat_wing, archean_vanguard_wing, archean_bulwark_wing, archean_mining_drone_wing, archean_sabertooth_wing, archean_thunder_wing, archean_hydra_wing, archean_barbarian_wing, archean_warthog_wing, archean_hercules_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_gladius_wing, archean_talon_tritachyon_wing, archean_pd_drone_heavy_wing, archean_talon_wing, archean_hoplon_wing, archean_piranha_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: lions_guard - [archean_fang_wing, archean_cyclops_wing, archean_hellcat_wing, archean_bulwark_wing, archean_sabertooth_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_hoplon_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: independent - [archean_warrior_wing, archean_gauntlet_wing, archean_interdictor_drone_wing, archean_mauler_wing, archean_marauder_wing, archean_vanguard_wing, archean_bulwark_wing, archean_mining_drone_wing, archean_barbarian_wing, archean_warthog_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_pd_drone_heavy_wing, archean_talon_wing, archean_piranha_wing, archean_cyclops_wing, archean_hoplon_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: independent - [archean_warrior_wing, archean_gauntlet_wing, archean_interdictor_drone_wing, archean_mauler_wing, archean_marauder_wing, archean_hellcat_wing, archean_vanguard_wing, archean_bulwark_wing, archean_mining_drone_wing, archean_barbarian_wing, archean_warthog_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_pd_drone_heavy_wing, archean_talon_wing, archean_piranha_wing, archean_cyclops_wing, archean_hoplon_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: luddic_church - [archean_gauntlet_wing, archean_talon_luddic_wing, archean_warrior_luddic_wing, archean_perdition_wing, archean_marauder_wing, archean_walrus_luddic_wing, archean_mining_drone_wing, archean_barbarian_wing, archean_vanguard_luddic_wing, archean_warthog_wing, archean_talon_wing, archean_warthog_luddic_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: luddic_church - [archean_talon_luddic_wing, archean_warrior_luddic_wing, archean_perdition_wing, archean_walrus_luddic_wing, archean_vanguard_luddic_wing, archean_warthog_luddic_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: sindrian_diktat - [archean_warrior_wing, archean_gauntlet_wing, archean_interdictor_drone_wing, archean_mauler_wing, archean_marauder_wing, archean_hellcat_wing, archean_vanguard_wing, archean_bulwark_wing, archean_mining_drone_wing, archean_barbarian_wing, archean_warthog_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_pd_drone_heavy_wing, archean_talon_wing, archean_hoplon_wing, archean_piranha_wing, archean_hydra_wing, archean_cyclops_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: sindrian_diktat - [archean_talon_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_hellcat_wing, archean_hydra_wing, archean_cyclops_wing, archean_hoplon_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: knights_of_ludd - []
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: knights_of_ludd - []
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: hegemony - [archean_warthog_hegemony_wing, archean_warrior_wing, archean_gauntlet_wing, archean_interdictor_drone_wing, archean_talon_hegemony_wing, archean_mauler_wing, archean_marauder_wing, archean_walrus_wing, archean_hellcat_wing, archean_vanguard_wing, archean_bulwark_wing, archean_mining_drone_wing, archean_barbarian_wing, archean_warthog_wing, archean_brute_wing, archean_retribution_hegemony_wing, archean_pd_drone_heavy_wing, archean_talon_wing, archean_vanguard_hegemony_wing, archean_piranha_wing, archean_arcangel_hegemony_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: hegemony - [archean_talon_hegemony_wing, archean_vanguard_hegemony_wing, archean_warthog_hegemony_wing, archean_bulwark_wing, archean_arcangel_hegemony_wing, archean_retribution_hegemony_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: derelict - []
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: derelict - []
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: luddic_path - [archean_gauntlet_wing, archean_talon_luddic_wing, archean_warrior_luddic_wing, archean_perdition_wing, archean_marauder_wing, archean_walrus_luddic_wing, archean_mining_drone_wing, archean_barbarian_wing, archean_vanguard_luddic_wing, archean_warthog_wing, archean_talon_wing, archean_warthog_luddic_wing]
76209 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: luddic_path - [archean_talon_luddic_wing, archean_warrior_luddic_wing, archean_perdition_wing, archean_walrus_luddic_wing, archean_vanguard_luddic_wing, archean_warthog_luddic_wing]
76210 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Currently known fighters for: tritachyon - [archean_gauntlet_wing, archean_liberator_wing, archean_paradigm_wing, archean_longbow_wing, archean_dagger_wing, archean_marauder_wing, archean_retribution_wing, archean_goliath_wing, archean_claw_wing, archean_mining_drone_wing, archean_xyphos_wing, archean_wasp_wing, archean_barbarian_wing, archean_warthog_wing, archean_trident_wing, archean_talon_tritachyon_wing, archean_renegade_wing, archean_talon_wing]
76210 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current priority fighters for: tritachyon - [archean_longbow_wing, archean_dagger_wing, archean_goliath_wing, archean_claw_wing, archean_xyphos_wing, archean_wasp_wing, archean_trident_wing, archean_talon_tritachyon_wing]
76210 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: pirates - [archean_annihilatorpod, archean_trebuchet, archean_heavyneedler, archean_javelin, archean_shredder, archean_dualflak, archean_lightmg, archean_mininglaser, archean_sabot, archean_hveldriver, archean_firestorm, archean_autocannon, archean_chaingun, archean_bola, archean_scythecannon, archean_heavymg, archean_hammerrack, archean_trapdoor, archean_fissure_cannon, archean_railgun, archean_lightac, archean_iridiumgun, archean_harpoon_single, archean_lightag, archean_heatseeker, archean_miningblaster, archean_guillotine, archean_basicblaster, archean_reaper, archean_sabot_single, archean_heavyvulcan, archean_basilisk, archean_stinger, archean_minelauncher, archean_avalanche, archean_salamanderpod, archean_annihilator, archean_flak, archean_pilum, archean_hvycutlass, archean_pdlaser, archean_swarmer, archean_pulser, archean_gauss, archean_arbalest, archean_hellbore, archean_lightassaultbeam, archean_fragbomb, archean_icergun, archean_microlaser, archean_basicdualblaster, archean_artilleryblaster, archean_hammer, archean_clusterbomb, archean_rapier, archean_typhoon, archean_mark9, archean_gatlinglaser]
76210 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: remnant - [archean_annihilatorpod, archean_vulcan2, archean_trebuchet, archean_irpulse, archean_gatlinglaser, archean_pulselaser, archean_javelin, archean_hvyterrabane, archean_shredder, archean_lightmg, archean_mininglaser, archean_cloudburst, archean_hvyfissure, archean_sabot, archean_firestorm, archean_autocannon, archean_bola, archean_heavymg, archean_hammerrack, archean_trapdoor, archean_fissure_cannon, archean_dual_artilleryblaster, archean_lightac, archean_iridiumgun, archean_harpoon_single, archean_lightag, archean_icergun, archean_heatseeker, archean_heavymortar, archean_miningblaster, archean_basicblaster, archean_hvyioncannon, archean_reaper, archean_sabot_single, archean_heavyac, archean_heavyvulcan, archean_lightmortar, archean_stinger, archean_terrabane, archean_minelauncher, archean_cutlass, archean_microlaser, archean_salamanderpod, archean_annihilator, archean_flak, archean_pilum, archean_hvycutlass, archean_pdlaser, archean_lightdualac, archean_ballista, archean_artilleryblaster, archean_mark9, archean_razor, archean_swarmer, archean_pulser, archean_basicdualblaster, archean_vulcan, archean_lightassaultbeam, archean_fragbomb, archean_hvygatlinglaser, archean_lightneedler, archean_railgun, archean_dualflak, archean_heavymauler, archean_hveldriver, archean_heavyneedler, archean_gauss, archean_mjolnir, archean_multineedler, archean_sabotpod, archean_phasecl, archean_cyclone, archean_hurricane, archean_squall, archean_locust, archean_pdburst, archean_amblaster, archean_phasebeam, archean_heavyblaster, archean_heavyburst, archean_ionpulser, archean_ionbeam, archean_plasma, archean_paladin_pdlaser, archean_tachyonlance, archean_gravitondriver]
76210 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: scavengers - [archean_gravitonbeam, archean_gravitonlance, archean_gravitondriver, archean_phasebeam, archean_vulcan2, archean_irpulse, archean_heavyneedler, archean_hvyshatterstorm, archean_phalanxcannon, archean_pulsecannonlr, archean_gatlinglaser, archean_pulselaser, archean_hvyterrabane, archean_multineedler, archean_shredder, archean_dualflak, archean_terminatorbeam, archean_lightmg, archean_mininglaser, archean_hephag, archean_hvyfissure, archean_ionbeam, archean_hveldriver, archean_firestorm, archean_autocannon, archean_chaingun, archean_bola, archean_scythecannon, archean_heavymg, archean_dualrailgun, archean_trapdoor, archean_fissure_cannon, archean_paladin_pdlaser, archean_dual_artilleryblaster, archean_railgun, archean_lightac, archean_iridiumgun, archean_lightag, archean_icergun, archean_avalanche_dual, archean_heatseeker, archean_heavymortar, archean_dualartillery, archean_miningblaster, archean_hvy_pulsecannon, archean_guillotine, archean_basicblaster, archean_heavymauler, archean_hvyioncannon, archean_sabot_single, archean_heavyblaster, archean_lightdualmg, archean_heavyac, archean_twintac, archean_burstpulser, archean_heavyvulcan, archean_lightmortar, archean_basilisk, archean_amblaster, archean_terrabane, archean_minelauncher, archean_avalanche, archean_cutlass, archean_microlaser, archean_ionpulser, archean_siegebeam, archean_salamanderpod, archean_shatterstorm, archean_flak, archean_hil, archean_hvycutlass, archean_pdlaser, archean_hvyrailgun, archean_lightdualac, archean_autopulse, archean_ballista, archean_artilleryblaster, archean_mark9, archean_razor, archean_pulser, archean_gauss, archean_heavyburst, archean_arbalest, archean_basicdualblaster, archean_pdburst, archean_iridiumgun_hvy, archean_hellbore, archean_vulcan, archean_lightneedler, archean_taclaser, archean_lightassaultbeam, archean_fragbomb, archean_hvygatlinglaser]
76210 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: lions_guard - [archean_gravitonbeam, archean_clusterbomb, archean_annihilatorpod, archean_gravitonlance, archean_vulcan2, archean_trebuchet, archean_irpulse, archean_heavyneedler, archean_phalanxcannon, archean_fury, archean_gatlinglaser, archean_sabotpod, archean_rapier, archean_pulselaser, archean_javelin, archean_hvyterrabane, archean_multineedler, archean_shredder, archean_dualflak, archean_hailstone, archean_terminatorbeam, archean_shockwave, archean_typhoon, archean_lightmg, archean_mininglaser, archean_hephag, archean_hvyfissure, archean_sabot, archean_hveldriver, archean_firestorm, archean_autocannon, archean_chaingun, archean_bola, archean_scythecannon, archean_heavymg, archean_hammerrack, archean_dualrailgun, archean_trapdoor, archean_fissure_cannon, archean_dual_artilleryblaster, archean_railgun, archean_lightac, archean_atropos_single, archean_iridiumgun, archean_harpoon_single, archean_lightag, archean_locust, archean_icergun, archean_avalanche_dual, archean_heatseeker, archean_heavymortar, archean_harpoon, archean_dualartillery, archean_miningblaster, archean_guillotine, archean_basicblaster, archean_heavymauler, archean_hvyioncannon, archean_reaper, archean_sabot_single, archean_lightdualmg, archean_heavyac, archean_heavyvulcan, archean_lightmortar, archean_basilisk, archean_stinger, archean_terrabane, archean_minelauncher, archean_avalanche, archean_cutlass, archean_microlaser, archean_iontorp, archean_salamanderpod, archean_annihilator, archean_flak, archean_pilum, archean_hvycutlass, archean_twinshockwave, archean_pdlaser, archean_hvyrailgun, archean_lightdualac, archean_ballista, archean_artilleryblaster, archean_mark9, archean_razor, archean_swarmer, archean_pulser, archean_gauss, archean_arbalest, archean_basicdualblaster, archean_iridiumgun_hvy, archean_hellbore, archean_vulcan, archean_lightneedler, archean_vespid, archean_lightassaultbeam, archean_fragbomb, archean_maelstrom, archean_hvygatlinglaser]
76210 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: independent - [archean_annihilatorpod, archean_vulcan2, archean_trebuchet, archean_heavyneedler, archean_javelin, archean_multineedler, archean_shredder, archean_dualflak, archean_lightmg, archean_mininglaser, archean_hvyfissure, archean_sabot, archean_hveldriver, archean_firestorm, archean_autocannon, archean_chaingun, archean_bola, archean_scythecannon, archean_heavymg, archean_hammerrack, archean_dualrailgun, archean_trapdoor, archean_fissure_cannon, archean_railgun, archean_lightac, archean_iridiumgun, archean_harpoon_single, archean_lightag, archean_avalanche_dual, archean_heatseeker, archean_heavymortar, archean_dualartillery, archean_miningblaster, archean_guillotine, archean_basicblaster, archean_heavymauler, archean_reaper, archean_sabot_single, archean_heavyac, archean_heavyvulcan, archean_lightmortar, archean_basilisk, archean_stinger, archean_minelauncher, archean_avalanche, archean_salamanderpod, archean_annihilator, archean_flak, archean_pilum, archean_hvycutlass, archean_pdlaser, archean_hvyrailgun, archean_lightdualac, archean_ballista, archean_mark9, archean_swarmer, archean_pulser, archean_gauss, archean_arbalest, archean_hellbore, archean_vulcan, archean_lightassaultbeam, archean_fragbomb, archean_hailstone, archean_locust, archean_fury, archean_sabotpod, archean_hurricane, archean_clusterbomb, archean_cutlass, archean_artilleryblaster, archean_dual_artilleryblaster]
76211 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: luddic_church - [archean_annihilatorpod, archean_vulcan2, archean_trebuchet, archean_hammer, archean_fury, archean_javelin, archean_shredder, archean_lightmg, archean_mininglaser, archean_hvyfissure, archean_sabot, archean_firestorm, archean_autocannon, archean_bola, archean_heavymg, archean_hammerrack, archean_trapdoor, archean_lightac, archean_harpoon_single, archean_heatseeker, archean_heavymortar, archean_miningblaster, archean_basicblaster, archean_reaper, archean_sabot_single, archean_heavyac, archean_heavyvulcan, archean_lightmortar, archean_stinger, archean_minelauncher, archean_salamanderpod, archean_annihilator, archean_flak, archean_pilum, archean_hvycutlass, archean_pdlaser, archean_lightdualac, archean_ballista, archean_mark9, archean_swarmer, archean_pulser, archean_arbalest, archean_hellbore, archean_vulcan, archean_lightassaultbeam, archean_fragbomb]
76211 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: sindrian_diktat - [archean_annihilatorpod, archean_vulcan2, archean_trebuchet, archean_heavyneedler, archean_javelin, archean_multineedler, archean_shredder, archean_dualflak, archean_lightmg, archean_mininglaser, archean_hvyfissure, archean_sabot, archean_hveldriver, archean_firestorm, archean_autocannon, archean_chaingun, archean_bola, archean_scythecannon, archean_heavymg, archean_hammerrack, archean_dualrailgun, archean_trapdoor, archean_fissure_cannon, archean_railgun, archean_lightac, archean_iridiumgun, archean_harpoon_single, archean_lightag, archean_avalanche_dual, archean_heatseeker, archean_heavymortar, archean_dualartillery, archean_miningblaster, archean_guillotine, archean_basicblaster, archean_heavymauler, archean_reaper, archean_sabot_single, archean_heavyac, archean_heavyvulcan, archean_lightmortar, archean_basilisk, archean_stinger, archean_minelauncher, archean_avalanche, archean_salamanderpod, archean_annihilator, archean_flak, archean_pilum, archean_hvycutlass, archean_pdlaser, archean_hvyrailgun, archean_lightdualac, archean_ballista, archean_mark9, archean_swarmer, archean_pulser, archean_gauss, archean_arbalest, archean_hellbore, archean_vulcan, archean_lightassaultbeam, archean_fragbomb, archean_lightneedler, archean_sabotpod, archean_cyclone, archean_hurricane, archean_squall, archean_locust]
76211 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: knights_of_ludd - []
76211 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: hegemony - [archean_clusterbomb, archean_annihilatorpod, archean_vulcan2, archean_trebuchet, archean_heavyneedler, archean_fury, archean_sabotpod, archean_rapier, archean_javelin, archean_multineedler, archean_shredder, archean_dualflak, archean_hailstone, archean_shockwave, archean_typhoon, archean_lightmg, archean_mininglaser, archean_hvyfissure, archean_sabot, archean_hveldriver, archean_firestorm, archean_autocannon, archean_chaingun, archean_bola, archean_scythecannon, archean_heavymg, archean_hammerrack, archean_dualrailgun, archean_trapdoor, archean_fissure_cannon, archean_railgun, archean_lightac, archean_atropos_single, archean_iridiumgun, archean_harpoon_single, archean_lightag, archean_locust, archean_avalanche_dual, archean_heatseeker, archean_heavymortar, archean_harpoon, archean_dualartillery, archean_miningblaster, archean_guillotine, archean_basicblaster, archean_heavymauler, archean_reaper, archean_sabot_single, archean_heavyac, archean_heavyvulcan, archean_lightmortar, archean_basilisk, archean_stinger, archean_minelauncher, archean_avalanche, archean_iontorp, archean_salamanderpod, archean_annihilator, archean_flak, archean_pilum, archean_hvycutlass, archean_twinshockwave, archean_pdlaser, archean_hvyrailgun, archean_lightdualac, archean_ballista, archean_mark9, archean_swarmer, archean_pulser, archean_gauss, archean_arbalest, archean_hellbore, archean_vulcan, archean_vespid, archean_lightassaultbeam, archean_fragbomb, archean_maelstrom, archean_gatlinglaser, archean_hvygatlinglaser, archean_terminatorbeam, archean_cyclone, archean_devastator]
76211 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: derelict - [archean_lightmg, archean_lightac, archean_lightdualac, archean_lightag, archean_shredder, archean_heavymortar, archean_flak, archean_arbalest, archean_dualflak, archean_chaingun, archean_heavyac, archean_mark9, archean_hellbore, archean_hammer, archean_swarmer, archean_annihilator, archean_heatseeker, archean_sabot, archean_sabot_single, archean_sabotpod, archean_salamanderpod, archean_annihilatorpod, archean_pilum, archean_hurricane, archean_locust, archean_hammerrack, archean_mininglaser, archean_pdlaser, archean_irpulse, archean_miningblaster]
76211 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: luddic_path - [archean_annihilatorpod, archean_vulcan2, archean_hammer, archean_fury, archean_javelin, archean_shredder, archean_lightmg, archean_mininglaser, archean_hvyfissure, archean_firestorm, archean_autocannon, archean_bola, archean_heavymg, archean_hammerrack, archean_trapdoor, archean_lightac, archean_heatseeker, archean_heavymortar, archean_miningblaster, archean_basicblaster, archean_sabot_single, archean_heavyac, archean_heavyvulcan, archean_lightmortar, archean_minelauncher, archean_salamanderpod, archean_annihilator, archean_flak, archean_hvycutlass, archean_pdlaser, archean_lightdualac, archean_ballista, archean_mark9, archean_pulser, archean_arbalest, archean_vulcan, archean_lightassaultbeam, archean_fragbomb]
76211 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known weapons for: tritachyon - [archean_gravitonbeam, archean_smokescreenpod, archean_shockstorm, archean_gravitonlance, archean_gravitondriver, archean_phasebeam, archean_irpulse, archean_hvyshatterstorm, archean_pulsecannonlr, archean_gatlinglaser, archean_shockstormpod, archean_pulselaser, archean_hvyterrabane, archean_shredder, archean_terminatorbeam, archean_hunterkiller, archean_lightmg, archean_mininglaser, archean_ionbeam, archean_firestorm, archean_autocannon, archean_bola, archean_phasecl, archean_heavymg, archean_widow, archean_trapdoor, archean_paladin_pdlaser, archean_dual_artilleryblaster, archean_lightac, archean_icergun, archean_hurricane, archean_heatseeker, archean_thunderbolt, archean_thunderboltpod, archean_miningblaster, archean_squall, archean_harpoonpod, archean_hvy_pulsecannon, archean_basicblaster, archean_hvyioncannon, archean_sabot_single, archean_heavyblaster, archean_lightdualmg, archean_twintac, archean_burstpulser, archean_heavyvulcan, archean_basilisk, archean_amblaster, archean_terrabane, archean_minelauncher, archean_cutlass, archean_microlaser, archean_ionpulser, archean_siegebeam, archean_salamanderpod, archean_shatterstorm, archean_flak, archean_hil, archean_hvycutlass, archean_pdlaser, archean_smokescreen, archean_trishockwave, archean_autopulse, archean_artilleryblaster, archean_atropos, archean_widow_hvy, archean_razor, archean_pulser, archean_heavyburst, archean_basicdualblaster, archean_pdburst, archean_lightneedler, archean_taclaser, archean_lightassaultbeam, archean_fragbomb, archean_hvygatlinglaser, archean_plasma, archean_tachyonlance]
76212 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: pirates - [archean_afflictor_d_pirates, archean_gremlin, archean_anchorage, archean_shepherd_pirates, archean_mudskipper2, archean_mudskipper, archean_nebula, archean_wayfarer_d_pirates, archean_shrike_pirates, archean_shade_d_pirates, archean_venture, archean_buffalo_pirates, archean_mule_d_pirates, archean_mora_d_pirates, archean_gremlin_d_pirates, archean_osprey, archean_hound_d_pirates, archean_buffalo, archean_wolf_d_pirates, archean_condor, archean_kite_pirates, archean_colossus3, archean_bull_pirates, archean_atlas2, archean_mule, archean_phaeton, archean_dram, archean_anchorage_pirates, archean_cerberus_d_pirates, archean_venture_d_pirates, archean_osprey_pirates, archean_shepherd, archean_falcon_d_pirates, archean_condor_d_pirates, archean_monitor_d_pirates, archean_buffalo2, archean_buffalo2_pirates, archean_enforcer_d_pirates, archean_dominator_d_pirates, archean_hound, archean_kite, archean_bull, archean_falcon_p, archean_atlas_mk2_pirates]
76212 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: remnant - [archean_glimmer, archean_scintilla, archean_fulgent, archean_brilliant, archean_remnant_station2, remnant_station2, archean_radiant, archean_lumen]
76212 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: scavengers - [archean_aurora, archean_cerberus, archean_gremlin, archean_anchorage, archean_colossus, archean_gryphon, archean_wolverine, archean_rhino, archean_heron, archean_mudskipper, archean_nebula, archean_shrike, archean_starliner, archean_crucible, archean_odyssey, archean_valkyrie_mk2, archean_venture, archean_monitor, archean_wolf, archean_hammerhead, archean_falcon, archean_osprey, archean_enforcer, archean_buffalo, archean_condor, archean_atlas_mk2, archean_hermes, archean_drover, archean_medusa, archean_tarsus, archean_conquest, archean_epiphany, archean_mule, archean_sunder, archean_mora, archean_phaeton, archean_dram, archean_crig, archean_templar, archean_vigilance, archean_lancer, archean_apogee, archean_shepherd, archean_centurion, archean_brawler, archean_mercury, archean_lasher, archean_wayfarer, archean_buffalo2, archean_ox, archean_eagle, archean_havok, archean_hound, archean_kite, archean_bull, archean_dominator, kite_original, archean_atlas, archean_doom, archean_afflictor, archean_prometheus, archean_omen, archean_shade, archean_tempest, archean_onslaught, archean_valkyrie, archean_harbinger]
76213 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: lions_guard - [archean_cerberus, archean_gremlin, archean_anchorage, archean_colossus, archean_gryphon, archean_wolverine, archean_rhino, archean_heron, archean_mudskipper, archean_nebula, archean_starliner, archean_crucible, archean_valkyrie_mk2, archean_venture, archean_monitor, archean_hammerhead, archean_falcon, archean_osprey, archean_enforcer, archean_buffalo, archean_condor, archean_atlas_mk2, archean_hermes, archean_drover, archean_tarsus, archean_conquest, archean_mule, archean_sunder, archean_mora, archean_phaeton, archean_dram, archean_crig, archean_vigilance, archean_lancer, archean_shepherd, archean_centurion, archean_brawler, archean_lasher, archean_wayfarer, archean_buffalo2, archean_ox, archean_eagle, archean_havok, archean_hound, archean_kite, archean_bull, archean_dominator, kite_original, archean_atlas, archean_prometheus, archean_legion, archean_onslaught, archean_valkyrie]
76213 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: independent - [archean_aurora, archean_cerberus, archean_gremlin, archean_mule_d, archean_anchorage, archean_colossus, archean_gryphon, archean_wolverine, archean_rhino, archean_lasher_d, archean_heron, archean_mudskipper, archean_hermes_d, archean_nebula, archean_shrike, archean_starliner, archean_dominator_d, archean_wolf_d, archean_crucible, archean_tarsus_d, archean_odyssey, archean_mercury_d, archean_valkyrie_mk2, archean_venture, archean_hammerhead_d, archean_monitor, archean_wolf, archean_hammerhead, archean_falcon, archean_eagle_d, archean_osprey, archean_enforcer, archean_buffalo, archean_condor, archean_atlas_mk2, archean_sunder_d, archean_hermes, archean_drover, archean_medusa, archean_tarsus, archean_conquest, archean_epiphany, archean_mule, archean_kite_d, archean_sunder, archean_hound_d, archean_mora, archean_phaeton, archean_dram, archean_crig, archean_templar, archean_vigilance, archean_falcon_d, archean_lancer, archean_apogee, archean_shepherd, archean_centurion, archean_brawler, archean_mercury, archean_lasher, archean_wayfarer, archean_buffalo2, archean_ox, archean_cerberus_d, archean_eagle, archean_havok, archean_enforcer_d, archean_hound, archean_kite, archean_bull, archean_dominator, kite_original]
76214 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: luddic_church - [archean_gremlin, archean_anchorage, archean_gemini_luddic_church, archean_lasher_luddic_church, archean_buffalo2_luddic_church, archean_hammerhead_luddic_church, archean_mudskipper, archean_nebula, archean_enforcer_luddic_church, archean_wolverine_luddic_church, archean_venture, archean_mora_luddic_church, archean_condor_luddic_church, archean_osprey, archean_buffalo, archean_condor, archean_mule_luddic_church, archean_mule, archean_hound_luddic_church, archean_phaeton, archean_dram, archean_dominator_luddic_church, archean_lancer_luddic_church, archean_rhino_luddic_church, archean_atlas_mk2_luddic_church, archean_shepherd, archean_buffalo2, archean_buffalo_luddic_church, archean_osprey_luddic_church, archean_hound, archean_kite, archean_bull, archean_legion_luddic_church]
76215 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: sindrian_diktat - [archean_cerberus, archean_gremlin, archean_mule_d, archean_anchorage, archean_colossus, archean_gryphon, archean_rhino, archean_lasher_d, archean_mudskipper, archean_hermes_d, archean_nebula, archean_starliner, archean_dominator_d, archean_wolf_d, archean_crucible, archean_tarsus_d, archean_mercury_d, archean_valkyrie_mk2, archean_venture, archean_hammerhead_d, archean_monitor, archean_hammerhead, archean_falcon, archean_eagle_d, archean_osprey, archean_enforcer, archean_buffalo, archean_condor, archean_atlas_mk2, archean_sunder_d, archean_hermes, archean_drover, archean_tarsus, archean_mule, archean_kite_d, archean_hound_d, archean_mora, archean_phaeton, archean_dram, archean_crig, archean_vigilance, archean_falcon_d, archean_lancer, archean_shepherd, archean_brawler, archean_lasher, archean_wayfarer, archean_buffalo2, archean_ox, archean_cerberus_d, archean_enforcer_d, archean_hound, archean_kite, archean_bull, archean_dominator, kite_original, archean_atlas, archean_prometheus, archean_conquest, archean_legion, archean_onslaught, archean_valkyrie]
76215 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: knights_of_ludd - []
76215 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: hegemony - [archean_mora_hegemony, archean_cerberus, archean_gremlin, archean_anchorage, archean_colossus, archean_falcon_xiv, archean_rhino, archean_mudskipper, archean_nebula, archean_condor_hegemony, archean_legion_xiv, archean_crucible, archean_venture, archean_rhino_hegemony, archean_hound_hegemony, archean_monitor, archean_eagle_xiv, archean_osprey, archean_enforcer, archean_buffalo, archean_condor, archean_atlas_mk2, archean_hermes, archean_buffalo_hegemony, archean_onslaught_xiv, archean_gemini, archean_mule, archean_mora, archean_phaeton, archean_dram, archean_crig, archean_shepherd, archean_enforcer_xiv, archean_lasher, archean_buffalo2, archean_ox, archean_kite_hegemony, archean_dominator_xiv, archean_brawler_hegemony, archean_hound, archean_kite, archean_bull, archean_wolf_hegemony, archean_centurion_hegemony, archean_dominator, archean_atlas, archean_prometheus, archean_valkyrie]
76215 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: derelict - [station_derelict_survey_mothership, archean_bastillon, archean_warden, archean_sentry, archean_defender, archean_picket, archean_station_derelict_survey_mothership, archean_guardian, archean_berserker, archean_rampart]
76215 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: luddic_path - [archean_gremlin, archean_anchorage, archean_crucible_pather, archean_eagle_pather, archean_condor_pather, archean_mudskipper, archean_lasher_pather, archean_nebula, archean_venture, archean_hammerhead_pather, archean_osprey, archean_gremlin_luddic_path, archean_buffalo, archean_condor, archean_colossus2, archean_hound_luddic_path, archean_anchorage_pather, archean_mule, archean_prometheus2, archean_phaeton, archean_dram, archean_rhino_pather, archean_buffalo2_pather, archean_monitor_pather, archean_shepherd, archean_buffalo2, archean_buffalo_luddic_church, archean_brawler_pather, archean_cerberus_luddic_path, archean_enforcer_pather, archean_hound, archean_kite, archean_bull, archean_kite_luddic_path, archean_mora_pather]
76216 [Thread-4] INFO  data.scripts.overrides.AOVanillaOverridesManager  - Current known ships for: tritachyon - [archean_aurora, archean_gremlin, archean_anchorage, archean_buffalo_tritachyon, archean_mudskipper, archean_nebula, archean_shrike, archean_odyssey, archean_venture, archean_tempest, archean_wolf, archean_osprey, archean_buffalo, archean_condor, archean_medusa, archean_epiphany, archean_mule, archean_phaeton, archean_dram, archean_templar, archean_scarab, archean_apogee, archean_shepherd, archean_mercury, archean_buffalo2, archean_hound, archean_kite, archean_bull, kite_original, archean_astral, archean_atlas, archean_doom, archean_afflictor, archean_prometheus, archean_hyperion, archean_brawler_tritachyon, archean_omen, archean_shade, archean_paragon, archean_harbinger]

I didn't check every nook and cranny but it seems that the override logic is working as far as removing them from factions. I was told that removing them would prevent them from showing up in markets and "no_drop" would prevent them from dropping as blueprints. Those are separate settings iirc. The TC toggle shouldn't affect anything I don't think.

Well, the next step would be to link the save file and the settings file. That way I can dig into the campaign status more and get a mod list to see if another mod is adding these back in or overriding them, etc. I'll also look at the related code and double check that I'm adding/removing the appropriate tags.


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Just coming back

Fresh save:

Do tell if it's the wrong files.


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The settings file is from starsector core. I need the one from the mod. (I'm just double checking the settings for the TC overrides.)


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Alright, I replaced the file. you can use the same link.

Doom with a proper loadout and captain can solo Paragon no problem in open space. Its speed might be too fast.

Kraken's Proximity mine is too strong. The damage should be reduced a lot. I'm also confused about Kraken and Kraken (L). Look like I got the Ludic blueprint.
Goliath is still not worth 30 OP. I would either reduce the OP to around 25 or make it comes in a pair with increase OP.

I'm still a little uncomfortable with Executor OP. A very tight fit with no vents. I think around 460-480 base should be better.
On another hand, I feel Paragon has too much OP.

Obliterator is too damn strong, nerf pls. Capital pulse is not desirable somehow, a bit too weak.

Megalith doesn't have a dedicated carrier bay?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 04:47:51 AM by Albreo »


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I can't apply Militarized Subsystems to the Mercury Shuttle.


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All of the below mentioned changes should be in the download and hotfix link. I will re-provide both below. For those who are downloading the test version for the first time you don't need to worry about the hotfix. Everything is already included. The hotfix is just for convenience for those who already downloaded it and dont want to wait for another download time each time a change is made and requires knowing where the files are located in the mod.

Test Update Link:

Hotfix Update Link:

Alright, I replaced the file. you can use the same link.
Ah I found it. There is a typo in the file that determines which factions are overridden. "persean_league" should be "persean"

In the save file you linked the Hegemony also knows vanilla weapons even though that ID is fine - so I assuming some kind of trading happened or something. Just to be sure I made the correction and started a new game. I checked the Persean League and Hegemony's known weapons and they looked correct. Assuming nothing modifies it afterward it should be fixed.

This makes me want to work on the logic that will update the campaign based upon the settings every time a save is loaded (can be disabled for faster loading). For now, if you go to "data/config/ArcheanOrderEcon/ids" and open vanillaFactionIds in notepad you can correct the id. I have updated the download and will provide the file for replacement in the hotfix link for an alternative.

Thanks for the help!

Doom with a proper loadout and captain can solo Paragon no problem in open space. Its speed might be too fast.
Not seeing that with my builds but the officer probably makes a large difference. I decreased the speed to 70.

Kraken's Proximity mine is too strong. The damage should be reduced a lot. I'm also confused about Kraken and Kraken (L). Look like I got the Ludic blueprint.
Reduced its damage by a lot. And I should have fixed a bug where it would cause friendly fire during an extremely brief fade out time that would trigger a FF explosion if an allied fighter was on top of it at that exact moment.

Krakken: Yup there are two variants. One is used by the Lions Guard and I think there may be a Trader Guilds variant too but I may not have added that yet. The Luddic variant is used by both Luddic factions (or at least will be as I go through variants). They each have different weapons though iirc the Luddic variant you have is better against strike craft counters and the standard variant is slightly higher damage per strike.

Goliath is still not worth 30 OP. I would either reduce the OP to around 25 or make it comes in a pair with increase OP.
I increased the defenses of all gunships even further. I may need to increase the multiplier to strike craft so interceptors have more impact as a result, but I haven't decided yet.

I'm still a little uncomfortable with Executor OP. A very tight fit with no vents. I think around 460-480 base should be better.
On another hand, I feel Paragon has too much OP.
Increased it to 480 but didn't modify stock variants yet.

Obliterator is too damn strong, nerf pls. Capital pulse is not desirable somehow, a bit too weak.
I am assuming you are speaking about the large version? The medium seems relatively balanced. Reworked the large one a bit. Reduced the 6 shots per burst to 3 though capacity and clip amount is the same. I also increased the time for a clip to regenerate by 20%. For the Capital Pulse Cannon, I changed its burst from 4 to 2 and lowered the cooldown between bursts. This will mostly have an impact in that its less likely to be on a burst cooldown at the point of initial contact after firing at nearby strike craft. I also increased its armor penetration substantially and slightly increased its dps.

New Stat Cards:


As a side note on weapon balance, I further increased the first stage hitpoints of the Sabot line of weapons and increased the first stage missile speed. It should be noticeably more reliable at getting hits - though some medium/large PD can still snipe it before it activates the second stage. Especially the Graviton Beam.

Megalith doesn't have a dedicated carrier bay?
I thought that might be too powerful considering its stats. It does, however, have a much better version of Reserve Deployment that has more charges and a faster recharge rate. I am hoping that is enough to make it feel like a carrier.

I can't apply Militarized Subsystems to the Mercury Shuttle.

Thanks I'll take a look at it. Not sure if its the code or the shuttle itself atm. If its a ship issue I'm not sure if I can hotfix it if it needs a hullmod. If its a code issue I probably can though.
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