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Topics - hydremajor

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Suggestions / Mining Weapons
« on: December 15, 2023, 02:52:34 AM »
Make it so them things get a massive damage boost against asteroids and a reduced damage boost against wrecks so you can get them out of your way faster

Its a niche use but one I feel would make sense

Suggestions / Questline: Infinity
« on: June 05, 2023, 01:44:56 AM »
The idea is simple

A quest line that takes place in a single system, upon entering the system the player is LOCKED inside of that system and all attempts at leaving are met with time resetting to an earlier point, specifically the point where the player first entered the system, technically the quest can't force a game over or a hard lock as the place features supplies you can purchase and/or pilfer

As you go through the quest you wind up having to decipher WHY you're stuck in that time loop and find a way to prevent the events leading to the time loop from taking place

Bonus points if the end of the quest provides a suitably meaty reward...maybe a unique variant of the Odyssee ? I dunno feels like it could add in a pinch of lovecraftian horror if done well

Suggestions / Hull conversion
« on: April 24, 2023, 12:22:13 AM »
Watched a homeworld cataclysm lets play, made me wonder if it was possible to have ships captured by a specific faction automatically converted captured hulls to a faction specific hull type/loadout ?

Suggestions / Phase sinker weapon
« on: January 30, 2023, 01:37:57 AM »
Basically a beam weapon that does no damage whatsoever but forces the target to be phased

Suggestions / Manual Control Only Weapons
« on: December 20, 2022, 08:30:03 AM »
Title says it all

adding code to the game so that certain weapons with a specific tag can only be fired when directly controlled

This means no auto-fire for them in the case of the Player

It also means the AI is unable to fire both of theses weapons at the same time

Such weapons CANNOT be linked to the same firing group but CAN be linked to other weapons as long as they are either:

A: CODED to work together (AKA multiple copies of the same weapon)
B: linked with weapons that do not have the "manual only" tag

and to thoses of you who ask "why would you want that ?":

I see this as a good way to bring some added flavor to certain ships and weapon systems, for example make the "go to" weapon choices manual only and thus introduce a drawback to equipping such weapons while other less popular weapon choices may not have the restriction in place

Suggestions / (Website) favorite topics
« on: September 01, 2022, 02:00:44 AM »
Kinda want a way to quickly check on my go to mods/topics

or is there a way to do that in the forum right now ?

Suggestions / Quality of life: refit screen "Slot list"
« on: August 07, 2022, 11:52:45 PM »
As the name suggests, a sort of drop down list of all the slots on a ships where one can click the name of the weapon and a line goes from the list TO the implied weapon

Slots can be "named" or tied to a group name
(for example a group named starboard, wich contains all starboard facing weapons)

Clicking the weapon's name again lets you change the weapon

and next to the weapons names you have numbers you can click to assign to a weapon group

this is mostly motivated for mods that try to have a bit more visual flair by having custom effects for their weapons (Arma Armatura's mech arms for example) or ships with the ever popular "invisible weapon" trick

Suggestions / Advanced mod options
« on: June 22, 2022, 11:37:20 AM »
basically a built in set of options to pick and choose what from a mod gets added or not

Though I imagine the whole thing would need a system of "Tags" to be implemented so the mod options can detect what counts as X or Y

the ideal thing would be the ability to cherry pick wich weapons/ships get activated...

Suggestions / Pirate factions (notice plural)
« on: March 24, 2022, 03:29:30 AM »
Basically each region of space has its own pirate faction thats mostly outfitted with pirate stuff but they DO every now and then manage to bag a ship from the dominant faction in the area

for example:
Priates operating in hegemony space have a small chance to have a (severely) messed up dominator

Suggestions / Ship overhaul
« on: March 17, 2022, 02:23:22 AM »
A credit-based alternative to spending story points to build in hullmods

Modding / Question about mods and their structures
« on: January 31, 2022, 01:16:23 AM »
I was wondering if there was a way to disable a mod's added weapons/ships without too much fuss

or at the very least make it so the mod doesn't load its weapons into the game

Modding / a question about Weapon_Data.CSV
« on: December 21, 2021, 02:21:32 PM »
been trying to wrap my head around how to make reloading missiles in the game

My investigation thus far led me to Weapon_data.CSV

at the top of the file (opened in notepad) there is a descriptive of what is supposed to be the weapon stats applied

in my case I'm looking at slots 10 and 11 that should respectively be time for a  reload cycle and ammo reloaded per cycle

to get the time for a reload you need to put a value under 1 wich should go something along the lines of

1 divided by (insert amount of seconds you want here) and you should slap on the value rounded to the last 2 non-zero numbers

for example:

lets say I want the Swarmers to reload 4 missiles every two seconds

I do 1 divided by 2 = 0.5

If I add 0.5 in the reload speed it'll take two instances of 0.5 to get to 1 thus my reload takes two seconds

and the next slot to the right (I think) I put 4 signifying that each time a reload cycle completes, 4 ammo is added to the ammo count until it reaches the max value of ammo the weapon can hold

Have I gotten this right or is my logic wrong ?

Modding / Could we get a pinned topic dedicated to settings.JSON ?
« on: December 19, 2021, 09:12:06 AM »
Lots of peoples with problems regarding the difficulty of the vanilla game would probably like to know just how much can be changed in the game through that

Heck the only thing this file lacks is a dedicated editor where all its options are neatly organized so you don't run the risk of bricking the whole file by deleting one too many characters

General Discussion / Why are ships sold by the player so stupidly cheap ?
« on: December 11, 2021, 12:16:08 AM »
Like seriously WTF even is the point of selling ships at THIS conversion rate ?

basically the players sells ships at what I suspect is a sub 10% of their original value basically guaranteeing that ships are just about never worth picking up to sell....

Modding / how to edit weapons ?
« on: October 14, 2021, 04:54:57 AM »
just wanna make my own version of reloadable vanilla missiles, how would one go about doing that ?

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