the ships
Ok after a Thunderdome-esque struggle with craftomega. I have obtained control of Starfarer Plus. (i.e. I asked he said go ahead)
So I will be making the attempt to be keeping this thing afloat for now.
Currently have added some changes, mild balance tweaks, and probationary ship systems.
Link below. (HOLY F***)
version 1.12NEW STUFF
built in weapon ships.
tinderbox frigate- magnetic bombs (slow moving bomb, explodes into a dozen unguided flechettes when close)
pestilence destroyer carrier- minipulse turret (small burst fire energy turret, pd capable)
armory destroyer- swarm needler (Shield overloading rapid fire rotary cannon)
barracuda destroyer- hyperbeam laser (large powerful long range beam weapon)
architect cruiser- heartseek torpedo launcher (slow torpedo, goes for the engines, good against front shielded cruisers and caps, usually misses anything smaller)
plus another dozen or so ships, plus redesigns of a few others.
Starfarer Plus is an expansion of the vanilla game, extending the number of ships types that can be flown. I am trying to keep this as balanced as I possibly can, but if anyone has criticisms, let me know and I shall address them.
balanced with codex