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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.96a-RC8][WIP] Doc's Needless Economic Expansion Pack 0.2.1 "Mann Co"  (Read 9144 times)

Terran Allias

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How well does this pair with terraforming and station construction

currently, not perfectly. It's still technically functional, but unless the dev decides to add compatibility, the terraforming functions are going to remain with base game conditions.
Also, I don't think the link is updated. It keeps giving me the previous version.


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How well does this pair with terraforming and station construction

currently, not perfectly. It's still technically functional, but unless the dev decides to add compatibility, the terraforming functions are going to remain with base game conditions.
Also, I don't think the link is updated. It keeps giving me the previous version.

Thank you for pointing this out I wouldn't have noticed!


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Is this update compatible with 0.95? I refraining from updating the game until all my mods are updated aswell

Terran Allias

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I'm having a hard time running the mod, it crashes on sector generation. Am I doing something wrong?


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I'm having a hard time running the mod, it crashes on sector generation. Am I doing something wrong?

If you're using the nexerelin random sector get that would be what's causing the issue. if it's not that could you send me the error you're getting so I can troubleshoot the issue.


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Maybe I am misunderstanding the purpose of this mod or maybe I just do not understand why Hiver is added but I would ask that you please remove Hiver from your list. Since they Hate and are hated by all factions I see no benefit to them that I can discern since they cannot trade with anyone. There is also a small degrade to their economy by requiring heavy machinery for some of the added industries and they produce enough to cover their own needs with little overflow.


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Maybe I am misunderstanding the purpose of this mod or maybe I just do not understand why Hiver is added but I would ask that you please remove Hiver from your list. Since they Hate and are hated by all factions I see no benefit to them that I can discern since they cannot trade with anyone. There is also a small degrade to their economy by requiring heavy machinery for some of the added industries and they produce enough to cover their own needs with little overflow.

I believe it's for those who conquer the hiver planets so they have the conditions applied to the planets

Solar Mechanis

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So I'm getting this error:
[Thread-9] ERROR  - Error loading [graphics\icons\commodities\vegetables.png] resource, not found in

I checked the file in question and the png is there and the path exists. I would appreciate any help. Great mod.


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Maybe I am misunderstanding the purpose of this mod or maybe I just do not understand why Hiver is added but I would ask that you please remove Hiver from your list. Since they Hate and are hated by all factions I see no benefit to them that I can discern since they cannot trade with anyone. There is also a small degrade to their economy by requiring heavy machinery for some of the added industries and they produce enough to cover their own needs with little overflow.

apologies for taking so long to respond, but the reason I have compatibility set up for the hivers is because if I didn't add the conditions and industries the hivers would suffer more so than without them. The way I do population demands effects all markets currently including the hivers when its active. Its there to prevent the hivers from taking too much of a stability hit and potentially deciving not so that they can trade with the rest of the sector. I'll still remove it with the next update if you so desire.

Terran Allias

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Would it be fine if I were to ask what those 15 new commodities you're planning to add are, or is it a surprise?


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Would it be fine if I were to ask what those 15 new commodities you're planning to add are, or is it a surprise?

they're going to be a surprise, but it's ballooned past 15 now so expect wayyy more in the future.


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nvm, crash wasnt caused by this mod
« Last Edit: May 18, 2023, 07:04:53 PM by Maelstrom »

Terran Allias

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So now I'm finally trying out the mod, *** up because I forgot to install ashes of the domain but whatever. It's interesting to have to set aside a planet as the concrete planet. I wonder if it's fair to have three industry slots at the start instead of one. It probably is in Nexerelin.

Honestly, the only commodity that has a reason to exist so far is water (because I've seen the Expanse), and anything that involves building materials. Hope to see more soon
« Last Edit: May 28, 2023, 01:56:52 AM by Terran Allias »

Terran Allias

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Is it fair that I can have three industry slots on a size three colony? Feels like it isn't, especially since I can build a size three station with refining, industry and fuel production. Is that the intended experience? Is there a way I can set that up to maintain a sense of progression?


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Water doesn't compress. I'd take that part out of the flavor text. Being a lore nerd, I'd say they would probably ship compressed H2 and compressed O2 separately. Once it needs to be used, they would connect them to a contained combustion engine to burn them into water vapor. Condense the water vapor and you get water.
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