Really fun mod that adds a ton of meat to ArmaA (especially if you're like me and just want the fighter wings instead of the mechs), I just wish the modular vanilla fighters were, well, better. None of them get the upgrades to OP and hull (or built-in improvised shields) that the normal AA "super" fighters like Xyphos Type-2 and Broadsword Silvia get, so I end up finding very little reason to use them over the base AA fighters if i have access to them at all. It'd be nice for the modular fighter variants to be changed to upgraded fighters along the lines of the two I mentioned earlier that get the same 30 OP and hull/maneuverability/etc adjusted in proportion to their counterparts. to illustrate what i mean: base Broadsword has 750 hull, 100 armor, 200 speed with 80 flux cap and 10 dissipation, while base Gladius has 500/75/300 with 200 cap and 50 dissipation. Broadsword Silvia has 700/100/192 with 1000 base flux cap, 50 dissipation, and 30 OP plus built-in improvised shields, while Gladius(mod) has identical stats to Gladius with 25 OP. You can see a similar situation between Xyphos(mod) and the AA Xyphos (I really should have made a spreadsheet). The gulf is rather dramatic, to say the least, which is a real shame because I'd love to be able to exploit modular fighters with more interesting niches than the relatively bland Xyphos and Broadsword without feeling like I'm just throwing the slot away by not using a super-fighter. Thunders in particular come to mind, because xyphos and broadsword are both slooooooow.