I forgot to ask this earlier, but when using this skill, does it still cost a CP to make your companion ship attack stuff, or is it free? Because that would suddenly and very seriously change the possible uses for this skill... but seems kinda like rule of cool would override some of the concern...
The skill has no effect on any command point costs.
Because fighters consume the same OP budget as weapons and flux, I think having a pilot skill that boosts both guns and fighters in some way would work well! Its kind of like a single budget boosted, rather than just one aspect of it boosted.
Hmm - did you see the earlier point about force concentration and not wanting to buff fighters directly from officers because of that?
Should Cybernetic Augmentation give bonuses to raids/marines?
Should it?

The idea to use officers to enhance carrier fleetwide skills is pretty nice! It does have some odd effects (in the naive implementation the carrier officer's specific skillset and even level don't matter, could even leave them at level 1 to save on the salary), but I think it'll do the job.
That might just be good enough! I'm not sure whether basing the bonus on officer level in some way would be "neat" or "a pointless complication"; kind of leaning towards the latter, to be honest.
Andrada has Industrial Planning now? Huh.
That highlights one (minor) side effect of the admin skills removal; the loss of characterization among the unique admins (and arguably procgen admins for high-tier markets in general). Kanta and Sun have all three skills because they're skilled leaders of their respective political organizations (despite Kanta's questionable sanity), Daud has them too because he could have been the player character in another timeline. Andrada only has Space Operations and Ground Operations; he's an excellent military leader but has no particular talent in civilian administration, and it shows in the polity he's created. Rao and Ibrahim have no admin skills, perhaps because one's a worn out old soldier and the other's a (likable) fraudster.
Fair! But also, "oh well"; I don't feel like that kind of thing justifies keeping complexity that was otherwise judged to be not pulling its weight.
Might be cool if some of the named admins got the alpha cores' Hypercognition, or even unique admin skills that exist nowhere else in the game.
The Culann admin has it, but don't tell anyone, especially the Hegemony

(Incidentally, Nexerelin fixes Sindria's High Command being an absurd fuel hog by putting a gamma core on it. Although why do Military Base and HC have such high resource demand (size+2 and +3 respectively, anyway?))
Seems reasonable to me; ultimately these kinds of industries could well be the ultimate reason for having colonies in the first place...
Question, why Scarab OP reduced?
It felt a little too strong to me. I don't think it's a major change; we're talking -50 flux dissipation - which, ok, it matters, but its base dissipation is so high that it's not going to feel that nearly as much as most frigates.
I agree that scarab is currently slightly too strong, but I think that there are enough factors (multiple hullmods and skills (flux and shield stuff) it disproportionally benefits from being nerfed, lots of things that compete with it being buffed, so that it will already be a bit worse next patch. I also would argue the loss of 5 OP = 50 dissipation will really hurt since any excess weapon flux generation is effectively tripled by its system (e.g. firing 30 flux/sec over dissipation will generate 90 flux/sec while system is active and you will overload faster). I already struggle to have enough OP/vents, even when I am leaving half of its slots empty.
I guess we'll see!
Beyond that, Sabots still only do mostly temporary damage, and e.g. removing the EMP component would make it possible to make firing them mostly a waste by just turning shields off.
HE missiles can just as easily be wasted into PD or shields. I think that sabots are the outlier in that they are very difficult to waste.
I completely agree with inrinsic here, firing almost any HE missile (besides reapers) into shields has barely any effect unless you shoot a lot of missiles, or you're shooting a frigate. On the other hand, sabots either raise flux by a large margin, or emp all the weapons, because they are impossible to shoot down! The main annoying part of sabots is that they hit the ship they are fired at 90% of the time! Lowering the range where they split and increasing the spread of the pellets would be a step in the right direction I think.
I had a feeling someone would mention this

The thing is, firing HE missiles like this into shields or PD
is a piloting error. Except for when it's not, i.e. when you're trying to achieve an overload by forcing shields to stay up, let's say. And in that scenario, maybe they'll be shot down (though Sabots also face that possibility vs at least *some* PD), but it's not as trivial to nullify as it with Sabots.
With Sabots, a primary use case is firing it into the shields of a relatively fresh, and almost certainly not overloaded, opponent. If they can be almost completely neutralized in that case by simply turning the shields off, that's a much, much different situation from that which HE missiles face.
HE, you're either firing enough to overwhelm PD with acceptable missile losses, or you're firing at an overloaded/venting target. Or you messed up. With Sabots, instead of "you messed up" it'd very often just be "opponent right-clicked when you were hoping they wouldn't". There'd be some window of opportunity to use Sabots, still - paired with HE damage to keep shields up, perhaps? But it feels like it would be quite narrow. On the other hand, with EMP damage, they generate *some* kind of opening regardless.
Lowering the range where they split and increasing the spread of the pellets would be a step in the right direction I think.
Hmm, there's something to that - though, again, they tend to face "fresher" opponents, so if they become easily susceptible to PD, that has a much more outsized effect on them than it would on HE missiles, which have a different use case.