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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.96a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.97 "The Remove Ships From ... Update"  (Read 26163 times)


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love this mod. not sure yet what i think about the power of the ships :=
i'd vote for keep their ships to themselves


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The ships from this mod are too common and are mostly in every bounty fleet in the game. It would've been better if the ships are kept only on their sole factions, the Colonies and the Cylons. I would rather see vanilla factions stay true to their fleet designs. I think it is noteworthy that the BSG ships seems underwhelming due to not having shields (a great disadvantage against heavy flux opponents), maybe adding a Battlestar with shield technology can also be considered so it can fulfill role as a true capital ship. Either way, great mod! Even im surprised to see a BSG mod in Starsector.  :) :)

(Edit: My bad, it appeared that there is a battlestar that had shields, apparently its the TOS Artemis)
« Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 06:01:30 AM by GoofyStariondx »


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Re: [0.96a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.96 "The version number bump Update"
« Reply #47 on: September 06, 2023, 12:12:40 PM »

I'm really enjoying this mod but this mod still has the same problem from the last versions where every fleet I go up against is pretty much made up of the ships from this mod, no matter what faction I am up against. It's rare when I get vanilla ships or other ships from other mods.


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Re: [0.96a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.96 "The version number bump Update"
« Reply #48 on: September 23, 2023, 05:31:11 PM »

Hey guys,

I am currently working on a new version, I'll nerf their spawn rate so they don't spam vanilla fleets  :)

I thought about adding more ships with shields but then I would have to go a little into the non canon territory idk how I feel about that.
Would adding more armor or flux solve that problem? I am terrible at balancing so any input would be much appreciated.  ;D

Also the I think about deleting them completely from vanilla fleets, maybe that'd be a better choice for the general public. ^^
(I'll keep them in my private version tho :P)
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Re: [0.96a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.96 "The version number bump Update"
« Reply #49 on: September 24, 2023, 05:39:30 PM »

Hey guys,

I am currently working on a new version, I'll nerf their spawn rate so they don't spam vanilla fleets  :)

I thought about adding more ships with shields but then I would have to go a little into the non canon territory idk how I feel about that.
Would adding more armor or flux solve that problem? I am terrible at balancing so any input would be much appreciated.  ;D

Also the I think about deleting them completely from vanilla fleets, maybe that'd be a better choice for the general public. ^^
(I'll keep them in my private version tho :P)

Probably better to remove them from vanilla fleets altogether, shields aren't in battlestar galactica so removing shields wouldn't be a bad thing, but instead of adding on armour or flux it might be good to give battlestars an ability to deploy all of their equipped vipers en masse from the sides of the ship while all other kinds of strike craft launch normally from the hangars, might be a bit too much to ask so if is too much it might just be better to give them something akin to ablative armour that the invictus has or a new activatable system that replaces shields that makes them tankier.
What's reality? I don't know. When my bird was looking at my computer monitor I thought "That bird has no idea what he's looking at." And yet what does the bird do? Does he panic? No, he can't really panic, he just does the best he can. Is he able to live in a world where he's so ignorant? Well, he doesn't really have a choice. The bird is okay even though he doesn't understand the world. You're that bird looking at the monitor, and you're thinking to yourself, I can figure this out. Maybe you have some bird ideas. Maybe that's the best you can do.


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Re: [0.96a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.96 "The version number bump Update"
« Reply #50 on: September 25, 2023, 03:48:19 AM »

Hey guys,

I am currently working on a new version, I'll nerf their spawn rate so they don't spam vanilla fleets  :)

I thought about adding more ships with shields but then I would have to go a little into the non canon territory idk how I feel about that.
Would adding more armor or flux solve that problem? I am terrible at balancing so any input would be much appreciated.  ;D

Also the I think about deleting them completely from vanilla fleets, maybe that'd be a better choice for the general public. ^^
(I'll keep them in my private version tho :P)

Probably better to remove them from vanilla fleets altogether, shields aren't in battlestar galactica so removing shields wouldn't be a bad thing, but instead of adding on armour or flux it might be good to give battlestars an ability to deploy all of their equipped vipers en masse from the sides of the ship while all other kinds of strike craft launch normally from the hangars, might be a bit too much to ask so if is too much it might just be better to give them something akin to ablative armour that the invictus has or a new activatable system that replaces shields that makes them tankier.

I suppose thinking about it, There might be the possibility to have hangars equipped with normal craft so either some vipers or raptors or a mix, And then have a rapidly launching ship system to despatch some emergency vipers that could function as point defence/intercept. When I tinkered with a mod a few years ago back for 0.65 I think it was I used the Terminator system as a basis to launch F-302's and wraith darts. since they weren't ftl capable it made sense instead of them entering the battle seperately although with the new hangar system my way is a bit outdated but could function for backup fighters.


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Re: [0.96a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.96 "The version number bump Update"
« Reply #51 on: November 23, 2023, 08:37:41 PM »

I don't suppose a future update will include the type 2 basestar seen in Blood & Chrome? The one that the Osiris rams and nukes?



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Re: [0.95.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.95 "The Siege Update"
« Reply #52 on: December 29, 2023, 11:18:03 AM »


-Balanced all weapons in alignment with vanilla.
-Tune weapon balance closer to vanilla, rather than personal preference, if mod author approves release.
-Removed fighter weapons from being present in markets.
-Reduced availability of Cylon weapons,wings, and ships unless commissioned.
-Staggered availability of Colonial weaponry, wings, and ship.
-Made some Colonial equipment available for mercenaries.
-Added nuclear and sweeper Raptor wings.
-Created a "Micro Tylium Warhead" with reduced yield for the nuclear Raptor variant (No new animation or sprite. Sorry folks, not my wheelhouse). The MTW is not available in stores in any capacity at this time to prevent it being equipped on ships in the campaign.
-Adjusted values between Cylon and Colonial wings for greater distinction.
-Added ship equipment and hullmods to wings as appropriate.
-Fine tuned all wing behavior and roles to mimic lore.
-Balanced all wings to vanilla.
-Removed default BSG asset usage by vanilla factions.
-Adjusted BSG lore in descriptions regarding lasers and shielding to align with a more logical timeline (lasers coming after guns rather than before) for non-BSG nerds.
-Commissioned Crews integration: Colonial Ballistic Expertise (increased ballistic damage) and Cylon Automated Efficiency (reduced supply consumption).
-Added ship equipment for all ships based on ship role and lore.
-Added the Civilian-Grade Hull mod for all civilian/non-combat ships.
-Added built-in hullmods to ships as appropriate.
-Created a "Cylon Hacking Beam" utilizing the vanilla Ion Beam turret asset. It fires an invisible beam (I just made the beam black with zero opacity) designed to emulate Cylon hacking capabilities. Takes a large energy slot with a high flux cost and does little damage, but absolutely lays on the EMP devastation.
-Created a "Quad Point Defense Cannon" for Colonials. Takes a medium ballistic slot and basically doubles the amount of rounds put out compared to its small counterpart. Also has an increased range.
-Adjusted rarity parameters for all weapons.
-Fixed an issue where TOS Basestar was missing a built in large weapon by giving it a Cylon Hacking Beam.
-Added enhanced tags for all weapons to ensure the AI can utilize them effectively and so players can depend on autofit to a greater degree.
-Added EMP damage to weapons as appropriate.
-Fine-tuned missile behavior. Based on my research the Colonial Navy did not use guided missiles due to concerns about them being hacked or manipulated. Therefore all Colonial missiles have been transitioned to a rocket/torpedo format. Cylon missiles now have exceptional guidance capabilities as well as maneuverability. Given that the Colonial change made the "Colonial Fighter Warhead" useless against other fighters, I'll be reformatting all but one Viper wing into an interceptor role with the Raptor wings operating as bombers and support. The remaining Viper in the fighter role will mimic the Viper's capabilities in the Adama Manuever episode and the assault on the Cylon's refinery, with the ability to engage other small craft while carrying a small unguided munition.
-Ensure Cylon access to Tylium weaponry in alignment with lore.


-Balance ships to vanilla.
-Fine tune Cylon diplomacy to ensure hostility towards all organic factions.
-Fine tune Colonial diplomacy to ensure hostility towards all non-organic factions.
-Fine tune Cylon and Colonial diplomacy to ensure hostility towards each other. Last run it only took a couple of weeks and they were neutral with one another.
-Fine tune fleet composition for Colonials and Cylons
-General polish of descriptions and contrast between the original series assets and reimagined series assets. ONGOING
-Balance OP and credit values across the board and tinker with general economic balance within the mod. ONGOING
-Figure out why Cylon weapons keep showing up in Colonial markets at campaign launch and vice versa.
-Add Cylon wing with nuclear capabilities.
-Adjust Colonial Viper wings to ensure alignment with lore post missile-fix.

Can we download this somewhere?
Mostly am after BSG ships only being available to the BSG factions


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Hello everyone,

I have published a small update that removes the BSG ships from the vanilla fleets entirely!
Was trying to wrap my head around making quests, got a prototype ready but that's still not finished at all haha so it'll be some time until those are released.

I don't suppose a future update will include the type 2 basestar seen in Blood & Chrome? The one that the Osiris rams and nukes?
I don't think I will include that one tbh. I'm not a big fan of B&C as is, for example the overpowered Galactica is just absolutely insane and I think all ship roles needed are fulfilled tbh so I don't really see the need to bloat the fleet rosters even more.
If I get some free time/capacity I might think about it tho. The ship design is nice and overall I like the idea of the ship (I also included the Osiris but I did that solely so I could have a stealth ship :P)

it might be good to give battlestars an ability to deploy all of their equipped vipers en masse from the sides of the ship while all other kinds of strike craft launch normally from the hangars

This is gonna be a balancing nightmare tbh. Making fighters launch on button press is possible but I think that would require the removal of the combat jumps (I really like those so I won't remove them)
Launching a mass fighter assault would prove to be hella OP tho, this mod is already hard to balance as the BSG type of weapons (ballistic artillery with high fire rate and good range) are pretty OP in Starsector.
I'm not gonna stop anyone from adding that ship system themselves tho would certainly look cool! :)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2024, 01:20:58 AM by Razor98566 »
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I get an error trying to load the mod.

Unable to load some kind of resource

18235 [Thread-4] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading JSON from [Battlestar Galactica Revived.version]
18374 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Error loading [Battlestar Galactica Revived.version] resource, not found in
« Last Edit: January 22, 2024, 02:18:14 PM by IGdood »


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I get an error trying to load the mod.

Unable to load some kind of resource

18235 [Thread-4] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading JSON from [Battlestar Galactica Revived.version]
18374 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Error loading [Battlestar Galactica Revived.version] resource, not found in

Ah sorry, silly mistake from me. Fixed the current release. Should work now :3
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Honestly you might best off adding the ships from the BSGO game (battlestar galactica online) as I think they're pretty vanilla friendly
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