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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.96a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.97 "The Remove Ships From ... Update"  (Read 25470 times)


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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.27
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2020, 07:47:11 AM »


I definitley plan to revamp the graphics(including a massive downscale in size), I just wanted to get things running smoothly for now. I maybe have to test that some more, but I have seen AI use the weapons on several occasions(especially a star fortress utilizing Battlestar Artillery and totally wrecking my support ships in the proccess xD) but it's all in a rough state right now so it could have several causes. What I observed was that the AI doesn't seem to use the max range of most bsg weapons, I'll fix that when I get to balance weapons and ships.

I think you should be able to find blueprints, I found some on my savegame(namely some KEWs, Vipers and I think an Erebus) so they should appear.

In that case are there plans to adopt fanon designs or cut designs from bsg canon? Or even the firefly class transport (as seen iirc in episodes 1 and 5 of season 1 of bsg trs. the same cg artiat that did the firefly was in bsg trs and added that in as a cameo of sorts)?


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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.27
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2020, 03:49:34 AM »


I definitley plan to revamp the graphics(including a massive downscale in size), I just wanted to get things running smoothly for now. I maybe have to test that some more, but I have seen AI use the weapons on several occasions(especially a star fortress utilizing Battlestar Artillery and totally wrecking my support ships in the proccess xD) but it's all in a rough state right now so it could have several causes. What I observed was that the AI doesn't seem to use the max range of most bsg weapons, I'll fix that when I get to balance weapons and ships.

I think you should be able to find blueprints, I found some on my savegame(namely some KEWs, Vipers and I think an Erebus) so they should appear.

In that case are there plans to adopt fanon designs or cut designs from bsg canon? Or even the firefly class transport (as seen iirc in episodes 1 and 5 of season 1 of bsg trs. the same cg artiat that did the firefly was in bsg trs and added that in as a cameo of sorts)?

I can't really say anything about that right now, I want to bring in civilian ships and freighters(freighters for both sides, Cylons don't really have any civilian ships, giving them the Olympic Carrier would be funny tho). Right now I would like to polish the content and ships that are there right now
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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.27
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2020, 07:12:45 AM »

Hello there,

in this release I mainly tackled the fact that the ships were just way too big. Some ships got some minor and one in particular a big graphical adjustment/s, almost all ships have been resized(with the exception of the Cygnus and the Basestar MKII I think).

All ships have gone under heavy maintenance and thus had their weapon hardpoints heavily reduced and balanced. Hitpoints, damage output as well as price and range have been reduce/adjusted. I'm way too lazy to list every change I made but if you're curious you can look it up in the corresponding .csv files yourself. Through some minor testing in missions I found the changes to be good and well more balanced than before but this is heavily wip(as is everything else in the mod) and I haven't had the time to test it out in a campaign yet.

Speaking of missions, I added some missions with maybe more or less interesting scenarios to get into some quick action.

With the changes made I think this mod has made a huge step into being a more balanced and playable experience, there's still a lot to do and balancing still needs heavy improvment though it's way more balanced than before. Graphics are fine as they are right now, I'm in no way talented enough to create better sprites, I'm happy enough to have found a better Hades Basestar sprite! ^^

In the next update I'm hoping to tackle the economy of both the Helios Alpha and Zanus systems, those need heavy adjustments to be more viable I think but we'll see!

As of now I hope the people playing this mod have a more enjoyable experience and feedback is always welcome!

Just a note at the end, old saves are in no way compatible with this release as it's not just some small changes made, please have that in mind when starting with the new version.

  • Size, hardpoints, min crew and price of ships have been adjusted
  • Damage, price, range and flux output of weapons have been adjusted
  • A few missions have been added
  • Other, minor graphical adjustments
  • A new start for a Nexerelin campaign has been added to both factions

Link as always in the op.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2020, 07:15:31 AM by Razor98566 »
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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.40
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2020, 04:31:05 AM »

Hello there,

In the last update I mentioned that I would rework both the Zanus and the Helios Alpha systems but I got kinda distracted with the weapons so I think I'm finished tackling those for now!

Now with this update the Colonies and Cylons finally share no weapons (Point Defense weapons aside) anymore!
I reworked the spacecraft and planetcraft size weapons to be called Cylon machine gun and Colonial railgun, same goes for the missiles.
Reworked the sounds for the Colonial missiles and added sounds for the Cylon machine gun.

Added a sprite for the Cylon machine gun, also balanced it and included it on fitting variants.
I took some inspiration from the fight against the colony in which you could see some Cylon turrets in action.
I thought it would be most fitting for them to have blue projectiles and be a rapid firing salvo machine gun.
The small machine gun variant is able to target fighters and missiles as well, I'm planing on exchanging the Point Defense of the Basestar MKI with just more small machine guns, just to seperate the Basestar MKI a little more from a Battlestar, tho I wasn't sure if I should really do that so I just decided to postpone that change and think about it some more.

A very important fix I implemented was the hints and primary role for the weapons, the AI should use them now as they are intended (at least in my tests it did).

Link as always in the OP!

  • Changed weapon names
  • Added Cylon weapons and placed them on variant
  • Added new sound for the Colonial missiles and Cylon weapons
  • Balancing, as always
  • Removed Herobrine
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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.50
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2020, 10:35:48 AM »

Hello there,
with the 0.50 update we're reaching a, what I consider to be fairly, playable state of the mod!

Civilian ships for the Colonies have been added, sprites have been reworked again, a war ship for the Colonies "The Defender Class" has been added and as always significant balancing changes have been made. Stuff should be kinda balanced now. At least in some tests I made I was quiet happy with how things went in battle. BSG ships are no longer bulwarks that can wreck through fleets alone and that's good. Missiles still seem kinda heavy hitting but that could also be because ai ships dont have as much pd as they could? I don't know for sure, I'm definitley still watching how things go and change stuff when needed.
Support for the version checker has also been added with this release!

  • Cilivian ships for the Colonies have been added (a tanker, a freighter and two transports)
  • The Erebus has been changed from a combat focused ship to a more CBT Freighter like role
  • A new Colonial ship has been added "The Defender", it should take the role of the Erebus
  • Heavy sprite reworks (Galactica, Mercury, Valkyrie, Intruder, all fighters except the Raider MK1)
  • Sprites for several weapons have been created meaning you no longer see empty slots on hard points or in the market screen etc.
  • Version Checker support added
  • As always balancing changes including weapon stat and ship stat changes
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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.60
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2020, 06:48:02 AM »

Hello there,
with the last update several colonial civilian vessels found their way into the sector, the Cylon fleet remained mostly unchanged(except for balancing of course) and that's gonna change with this update!

All ballistic projectiles have been changed, the Colonial Artillery now fires two projectiles at once (as seen in the show).
The projectiles are way flashier now and are varying in size and colour (for the Colonials at least, the Cylon projectiles are all the same colour but different in size).

As teased in one of the updates before both the Zanus and the Helios Alpha system have been reworked in economy and random objects that spawn!
Both systems stay similar in economic strength but have been toned down to not be too overpowered in ship production. Ressources and industry has been "normalised" and should be on par with what I have gathered from the vanilla systems and from other mod factions.

The missiles and other ballistic weapons of the Cylons and the Colonials now differ in size depending on the size of the weapon, missile turrets for the Colonials have been reworked to look different from the Cylon turret.

Added descriptions for everything currently in the mod, all ships, weapons and systems/planets now have a description although some of them need some work/are a little rough but at least it's there!

The Guardian finally has a new sprite!

The 0.6 release marks the arrival of several old first war vessels for the Cylons!
Three of them being civilian and one midline military ship.
The civilian ships being:
  • The Talon (freighter)
  • The Hydra (tanker)
  • The Cerastes (liner/armed personnel transport)

The military ship being:
  • The Revenant (midline ship, rivaling the Defender and the Valkyrie)

Those new sprites are generated by BSG:Deadlock screenshots and some editing/polish afterwards.

  • Shiny new Cylon civilian vessels and one new military vessel
  • Projectiles have a new look
  • Guardian got a new sprite
  • Zanus and Helios Alpha economy rework
  • Minor tweak in both systems generation
  • Descriptions for all items, ships and planets have been added
  • New missile turret sprite for the Colonials
  • Changed the size of the turrets based on their class(large, middle and small)
  • Balancing
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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.60
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2020, 02:52:15 AM »

I'll check this out later, I quite liked Rushyo's Battlestar mod, They were shrunk down really well and quite balanced but I think real life got in the way for him and it was unfinished, I did some tinkering with the version I had downloaded putting in extra Battlestar's and stuff. Good luck with it :)


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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.60
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2020, 12:37:52 AM »

I'll check this out later, I quite liked Rushyo's Battlestar mod, They were shrunk down really well and quite balanced but I think real life got in the way for him and it was unfinished, I did some tinkering with the version I had downloaded putting in extra Battlestar's and stuff. Good luck with it :)

Hello there,
Thank you for the comment! ^^
I haven't gotten around to actually play his mod yet, too lazy to download a lower version that works with his mod xD.
But I digged through his files out of curiosity and I really liked what he was doing there.

One of the things I'm still unsure about is the scaling of my ships and that I have too little in the lower end I think.
But it's a real pain to rescale everything again, changing the position of bound polys and weapon placements is such a pain >_>.

Balancing wise it's all starting at a relatively high mid range I think going up to rivaling other capital ships and if properly equipped outmatching them when commanded well.
Well if it wasn't for the Defender/Erebus and the Intruder there wouldn't be much for the early game
I'm not really sure what to do in that regard, I already managed to tone it down to a level at which I think it is kinda okay tho. Just a few updates before one Battlestar could go toe to toe with most Battlestations/Star Fortresses which wasn't what I wanted :x

I'm currently working on implementing two TOS ships tho, just to have some laser pewpew in the mod which I was really missing.
Still need to think about more smaller early game ships tho but there just isn't much there in the BSG universe and I don't wanto to start including too much non canon stuff. :/
Maybe some more Deadlock ships would do the trick?

Feel free to check everything out and leave some feedback! ^^
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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.70
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2020, 08:57:27 AM »

Hello there,
so this was supposed to be a rather small update but midway through the changes I wanted to make some kind of spontaneous urge of "just add another small thing" has struck me and here I am trying to summarize most of it!

So what was the goal of this patch and what has been added/changed?

Originally I just wanted to do some smaller things that were bugging me, like adding a contrail to the missiles or balance stuff(mostly just tweaks in the ship_data.csv and weapon_data.csv) but I had some free time and decided to add both a TOS Basestar and Battlestar as well as their laser turrets and "super weapons" namely a Colonial and a Cylon Pulsar Cannon and a Heavy Tylium missile launcher!
The capital ships play similar to their RDM counterparts but only have access to the energy weapons, the Pulsar Cannon and the Heavy Tylium Missile. They are weaker in armour and hitpoints but have a good 360° shield. Right now their standard variants come with ViperMK2s and Raider MK1s, I wasn't sure if I should do Classic Raiders and Viper MK1s, maybe with a following patch :).

The second big part of this update revolves around all existing Sprites. I have done some extensive play testing and came to the conclusion that, even after the first sprite shrinks, the sprites are still way too big. So I have changed every ship again to fit in with the rest of the Sectors's ships! Now the Mercury-Class isn't twice the size a Paragon anymore and that's really good. Playing with a mixed fleet of both bsg and vanilla or other mod faction's ships feels way better.
Together with the sprite's rework I have changed some projectiles, the biggest the aforementioned missiles. All of them have some kind of contrail based on the series and what fits in-game. The dual point defense cannons have a new projectile and edited explosion as well. Some other minor tweaks to other projectiles have been thrown in there but I can't remember the specifics.

The next big part of this update is balancing. The last update made some nice progress towards BSG ships being in line with vanilla balancing and with this update we continue that path. I have done some more extensive play testing in that regard, tested several scenarios and what a ship can do with what weaponry and I'm really happy with the results. You can't just take a Mercury or Jupiter-Class and wreck havock across the sector! The Cygnus was toned down a bit as it was way too powerful and I adjusted several weapon arcs so you can't just shoot every gun at every angle.

I also added starts for the new TOS ships in Nexerelin.
New missions have been added.

- Two new ships, the Artemis Battlestar and the Hades Basestar (both TOS ships, renamed the old Hades Basestar to Basestar MK1 and changed the sprite to be the one from Deadlock, which is considered the canon model for it)
- Added new energy weapons for both factions
- Added Two large weapons, the Heavy Tylium Warhead and the Pulsar Cannon (Cylon and Colonial variant)
- All sprites have been shrunken down in size
- Projectiles and missiles have been edited, missiles now have a longer contrail (no those are no chemtrails, we're keeping the sector clean ^^)
- HEAVY balancing changes
- Nexerelin starts with the new ships have been added
- New missions have been added (Battle of the Ionian Nebula (both Cylon and Colonial variants), Battle of Cimtar (TOS))
- Removed Herobrine

Download link as always in the OP.
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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.70
« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2021, 12:00:00 PM »

You are doing the lords work.

(I actually remember playing a version way the hell back with the old "Full size", fully loaded ships and holy damn, they blasted the refit screen through a wall and good luck not crashing when they opened fire with there 9000 turrets XD So glad to hear ya downsized'em.)


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Re: [0.9.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.80
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2021, 08:59:25 AM »

Hello there,
with this update we add an important ship to the Cylons, the Resurrection Ship!
It's functionality is similar to what you'd expect, it is "reviving" Raider MKII squadrons in battles and has minimal weaponry (4 small missiles launchers). It is intended to be a support vessel that adds around 15 Raiders to the fight.
Some other additions with this update are TOS Fighters for both the Cylons and the Colonials (Raider MKI and Viper MKI with laser guns and shields and their own sprites), it was kinda distracting to see and hear the TOS fighters use the same weapons as the RDM ones so I changed them up to have a different sprite (Viper MKI and a different color and green markings for the TOS Raider MKI) and more fitting weaponry as well as shielding.
I know that the TOS fighters never had shielding in the series but I took some freedom to add it to them, you can always disable the shields in the "ship_data.csv" if you really want to
The Resurrection Ship has also been added to the Combat Large starting fleet when using Nexerelin.

Another big thorn in my eye was the turret sprites. I changed them all to not look as place holderish as they did before!
(Last thing from my "polish this stuff asap" list checked!)

Link as always in the OP!

That's it, stay tuned for the next updates!

  • Added ships:
  • ... Resurrection ship
  • ... Raider MKI (TOS)
  • ... Viper MKI (TOS)
  • Changed the Combat Large start for the Cylons in Nexerelin
  • All turret sprites have been updated
  • Small balancing changes
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience
  • Removed Herobrine

You are doing the lords work.

(I actually remember playing a version way the hell back with the old "Full size", fully loaded ships and holy damn, they blasted the refit screen through a wall and good luck not crashing when they opened fire with there 9000 turrets XD So glad to hear ya downsized'em.)

Thank you very much!
Yep, I think it was around 130 PD turrets for either side of the Battlestars xD
« Last Edit: March 07, 2021, 09:01:24 AM by Razor98566 »
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Re: [0.95a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.85
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2021, 07:43:22 AM »

Hello there,

I originally planned this update to be just a small bump for 0.95a compatibility but as my mod kind of won't launch without Nex I had some more time to add a some more content so here we fraking go.

With this update we see the addition of the Ragnar Anchorage and the Resurrection Hub to the game!
I always wanted to give the two factions some unique stations to solidify the concept of them somehow jumping in to the sector and trying to use as much of their own tech as possible. With the resurrection ship being added with the last update it was only natural to add the Resurrection Hub as well, for the colonies I decided to go with the Ragnar Anchorage. It didn't seem to be actually armed in the series but the Daidalos in BSG Deadlock had some missile launchers and viper launching bays so we'll just go with the explanation that the colonies decided to arm that thing some more to have a station capable of defending itself, same goes for the more heavily armed Resurrection Hub.

Although the hub has a wide array of missiles it's heart of defense is the resurrection. Since the resurrection ships can already resurrect a swarm of raiders I thought about how to turn that up a notch and so I had the idea to let the hub revive 2 Basestars MKII! The standard loadout doesn't seem to use the missiles that much so I think it is fine to spawn in 2 Basestars that try to defend the hub.

While the hub has it's resurrection the Ragnar station has it's heavy array of KEW Batteries and PD guns. Entering it's combat zone isn't something for the light hearted folks.

  • Added two stations "The Ragnar Anchorage" and " The Resurrection Hub"
  • Added two missions with the goal of destroying each station
  • Changed the weapon sprites a bit
  • Balancing changes
  • 0.95a compatibility
  • Small balancing changes
  • Removed Herobrine
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience
  • Removed Herobrine

Known problems:
  • The industry icons for the stations look really bad
  • You can build both modules but only the last one build exists (tho I think you shouldn't be able to build the station like any other industry? I might do something about that when I found out what is causing that)
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Re: [0.95.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.90 "The Return of the King Update"
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2021, 02:38:15 AM »

Hello there,

after a long break from modding to focus on my job I finally managed to finish the next patch!

With this update we see the addition of almost all missing ships from BSG:Deadlock which means that almost all important canon war ships are now in the game. The Cylon Colony and the Djerba Basestar are still missing, I left out ships like the Minerva, the Jupiter variants or the Cylon Medusa as they wouldn't add much to roster I think.
I have also added two new guns namely two autocannons, one for each side. Those are somewhat competent mid size anti material guns with small anti fighter capabilities.
They have been added to bring a little variety to the weapon roster, especially on ships that are too small for artillery or heavy machine guns.

Oh and the version number has been bumped to the most recent Starsector Patch!

So say we all!


The following ships (15) have been added

The Colonies (9):
  • Manticore
  • Janus
  • Heracles
  • Ranger
  • Berzerk
  • Atlas
  • Adamant
  • Minotaur
  • Orion (also added a cloak ship system with this one)

The Cylons (6):
  • Nemesis
  • Phobos
  • Gorgon
  • Cerberus
  • Argos
  • Cratus

The following weapons (2) have been added:
  • Colonial Autocannon
  • Cylon Autocannon

Other changes:
  • Some variants have been edited (switched weapons out for Autocannons)
  • Added a new mission with random ships
  • Minor balancing changes
  • Starsector 0.95.1a compatibility
  • Removed Herobrine

Known problems:
  • I'm not so sure about the current size of ships like the Heracles and Ranger, might make them a bit smaller in the future.
  • I actually didn't touch any of the previous issues, didn't feel like bug fixing but I'll do it soontm. inhales massive amounts of copium
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Re: [0.95.1a] Battlestar Galactica Revived 0.90 "The Return of the King Update"
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2021, 08:59:10 AM »

Hi, signed up to say. The hydra tanker replaces 60-80% of ships in the npc bounty fleets and is present in almost every fleet of the game. I have 90+ mods and he replaced all.


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Hi, signed up to say. The hydra tanker replaces 60-80% of ships in the npc bounty fleets and is present in almost every fleet of the game. I have 90+ mods and he replaced all.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. Didn't notice that before but the ships are too present in general, I'll tune the numbers down a bit with the next update! ^^
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