Hello there,
so this was supposed to be a rather small update but midway through the changes I wanted to make some kind of spontaneous urge of "just add another small thing" has struck me and here I am trying to summarize most of it!
So what was the goal of this patch and what has been added/changed?
Originally I just wanted to do some smaller things that were bugging me, like adding a contrail to the missiles or balance stuff(mostly just tweaks in the ship_data.csv and weapon_data.csv) but I had some free time and decided to add both a TOS Basestar and Battlestar as well as their laser turrets and "super weapons" namely a Colonial and a Cylon Pulsar Cannon and a Heavy Tylium missile launcher!
The capital ships play similar to their RDM counterparts but only have access to the energy weapons, the Pulsar Cannon and the Heavy Tylium Missile. They are weaker in armour and hitpoints but have a good 360° shield. Right now their standard variants come with ViperMK2s and Raider MK1s, I wasn't sure if I should do Classic Raiders and Viper MK1s, maybe with a following patch

The second big part of this update revolves around all existing Sprites. I have done some extensive play testing and came to the conclusion that, even after the first sprite shrinks, the sprites are still way too big. So I have changed every ship again to fit in with the rest of the Sectors's ships! Now the Mercury-Class isn't twice the size a Paragon anymore and that's really good. Playing with a mixed fleet of both bsg and vanilla or other mod faction's ships feels way better.
Together with the sprite's rework I have changed some projectiles, the biggest the aforementioned missiles. All of them have some kind of contrail based on the series and what fits in-game. The dual point defense cannons have a new projectile and edited explosion as well. Some other minor tweaks to other projectiles have been thrown in there but I can't remember the specifics.
The next big part of this update is balancing. The last update made some nice progress towards BSG ships being in line with vanilla balancing and with this update we continue that path. I have done some more extensive play testing in that regard, tested several scenarios and what a ship can do with what weaponry and I'm really happy with the results. You can't just take a Mercury or Jupiter-Class and wreck havock across the sector! The Cygnus was toned down a bit as it was way too powerful and I adjusted several weapon arcs so you can't just shoot every gun at every angle.
I also added starts for the new TOS ships in Nexerelin.
New missions have been added.
- Two new ships, the Artemis Battlestar and the Hades Basestar (both TOS ships, renamed the old Hades Basestar to Basestar MK1 and changed the sprite to be the one from Deadlock, which is considered the canon model for it)
- Added new energy weapons for both factions
- Added Two large weapons, the Heavy Tylium Warhead and the Pulsar Cannon (Cylon and Colonial variant)
- All sprites have been shrunken down in size
- Projectiles and missiles have been edited, missiles now have a longer contrail (no those are no chemtrails, we're keeping the sector clean ^^)
- HEAVY balancing changes
- Nexerelin starts with the new ships have been added
- New missions have been added (Battle of the Ionian Nebula (both Cylon and Colonial variants), Battle of Cimtar (TOS))
- Removed Herobrine
Download link as always in the OP.