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Author Topic: how do you beat this?  (Read 9035 times)


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how do you beat this?
« on: April 13, 2019, 08:32:16 AM »

Tried capturing the screen but it just gets the starsector logo.

So I came across an invasion fleet of two ludic church heading to tri tachyon. They are massive. I am talking 4 battleships, couple battlecruisers, hordes of cruisers, destroyers and like 10 carriers, so you know how much fighters? How does someone beat that? Or survive the wave of assault by 30 fighter/bomber wings? I mean I could think of only having like a dedicated battleship or two to point defense, meaning all large/medium/small mounts fitted with their equivelenti n point defense weapons and no offensive weapons, to protect the fleet.

also this just means blobbing too, unless you keep your fleet together for unified point defense theres no way to mash through it.

any ideas?

which is interestingly how I described fleet combat in my book :)


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2019, 08:57:04 AM »

Tried capturing the screen but it just gets the starsector logo.

So I came across an invasion fleet of two ludic church heading to tri tachyon. They are massive. I am talking 4 battleships, couple battlecruisers, hordes of cruisers, destroyers and like 10 carriers, so you know how much fighters? How does someone beat that? Or survive the wave of assault by 30 fighter/bomber wings? I mean I could think of only having like a dedicated battleship or two to point defense, meaning all large/medium/small mounts fitted with their equivelenti n point defense weapons and no offensive weapons, to protect the fleet.

also this just means blobbing too, unless you keep your fleet together for unified point defense theres no way to mash through it.

any ideas?

which is interestingly how I described fleet combat in my book :)

By pumping your battle size to max or maybe even more using the config files so you can field your entire fleet at once. Also having a full team of officers for you ships. Plus seeing as how they are Ludds, wouldnt the entire fleet be full of D-mods?


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2019, 09:14:04 AM »

Hi, it’s cliched, but I’m sure you’ve seen my carrier spam thread floating around, the solution is to use a dozen or so Drovers equipped with Spark fighters ;D

Also use the print screen button on your keyboard, and the screenshot will be saved in your Starsector/Screenshots folder


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2019, 10:40:47 AM »

A combat specced battleship flagship with escorts will do it. Enemy battleships should fall to your own - you can supplement yourself with strike fighters. Even a modest carrier wing will add punch to a fleet. Dominators make for good escorts - they have a good opportunistic missile offense if loaded with Harpoons, good PD, decent guns, are tough enough not to die quickly if they run into trouble, and aren't fast enough to get annoyingly in front!! (Honestly Dominators are just super solid and having 2 watching your back makes for a powerful battlegroup.)

In my experience, dedicated PD boats don't work, because the truly best way to kill fighters is to kill carriers. You need enough DAKKA to blow apart incoming fighters and bomber strikes, but then enough main guns to quickly kill the vulnerable carriers. Both the Paragon and Onslaught achieve this naturally, though Paragon is slow enough that I wouldn't use it for carrier hunting. Conquest I like to have flaks in the side mediums for that purpose (and some people like 1 sided designs - I've played with them but like dual sided better).

Having allied ships built with anti-fighter in mind - not dedicated anti-fighter, but at least decent capabilities - is the real trick. Fighters focusing down a target have a massive advantage: they have flares and a synchronized attack. But all the OTHER ships in your fleet can tear them a new one on the way in and out much easier. Eagles with 2 phase lances (3 is a bit too flux heavy, unfortunately) in the medium energies and kinetics in the ballistics are truly excellent for swatting down wings, especially when part of a fleet. For longer ranged interdiction, throwing up a Tac laser net can be good, though I often don't bother (Tactical lasers + IPDAI + turret gyros, preferably several on multiple ships). The long ranged Hammerhead (2 HVD + 4 IPDAI tacs) gives up some of the raw power of normal Hammerheads, but is a pretty darn potent support ship.

Its not really worth using most frigates in a large pitched battle like this. Specialty and high performance still work - Omens are lovely little bug zappers, and Monitors and Tempests also have a place.


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2019, 10:50:58 AM »

Hey thanks for all the great advice. I found the screenshot where you said.

So, an onslaught...escorted by cruisers and heavy cruisers(dominator). How many? As much as possible? Any room in there for Eagle cruisers? Any destroyers? Enforcer?
« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 10:53:06 AM by Cruis.In »


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2019, 11:10:45 AM »

Oof, Victories. Those can be a bit annoying. That fleet is large enough actually that a second Cap with its own escorts is not a bad plan, just to split the enemy. Luckily it looks like that enemy fleet only has a few officers (and none on the Victories) and lots of D mods, so you should still be able to cut through them.

Personally, I enjoy flying an Onslaught with 2 Dominator escorts right clicked onto it - I feel thats about the right level of escort. The rest of the fleet I give orders as needed, but in general I let them form a battle line with a defend order in back to keep them a bit clumped. In general, ships with escort orders perform worse than when they can free roam/defend, but I accept that trade off to have some beef on my flanks.

Always room for Eagles, they kind of do everything pretty well, but I'm personally not a fan of Enforcers. They aren't useless, but they aren't particularly strong either, and they don't have any defense against higher caliber weapons.


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2019, 05:27:23 PM »

Ok so two onslaught. With two dominator escorts each. I have battle numbers at max so he can bring in a lot of destroyers etc. Now that you know, any adjustments to numbers?


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2019, 07:21:40 PM »

you can wipe luddic deathball by chain deploying afflictors, medusi and especially tempest with just few ships.

first you deploy SO tempest and kill all really fast ships, then normal tempest and kill everything else, then medusa and kite large ships to CR death.
This take long time, but you can kill entire fleet with just 3 ships.


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2019, 08:23:05 PM »

you can wipe luddic deathball by chain deploying afflictors, medusi and especially tempest with just few ships.

first you deploy SO tempest and kill all really fast ships, then normal tempest and kill everything else, then medusa and kite large ships to CR death.
This take long time, but you can kill entire fleet with just 3 ships.

That does not work - you cannot tick the CR of capital ships with a medusa. It is also incredibly boring.


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2019, 11:07:14 PM »

luddic "capitals" quite trash and easy to deal ever with wolf
and you are not expected to just run around, you expected to actually attack, CR degradation is nice bonus, but not essential for victory, with CR disabled you can deal with almost anything with lone hyperion or bunch of tempests.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 11:09:11 PM by RawCode »


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2019, 08:23:08 AM »

luddic "capitals" quite trash and easy to deal ever with wolf
and you are not expected to just run around, you expected to actually attack, CR degradation is nice bonus, but not essential for victory, with CR disabled you can deal with almost anything with lone hyperion or bunch of tempests.

You should check the picture - there are 6 capitals: 3 mod victories, 2 conquests, and a chronos. A wolf will not be dealing with them. CR degredation will not happen with a Medusa, and a Medusa is not capable of harming the larger ships in the pictured fleet. Since CR is a thing, while super frigates are nice, they really have no bearing on this.

Chain deployed Reaper Harbingers would also do the job, if we are reaching into the cheese drawer.


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2019, 08:49:44 AM »

Surprised no one has mentioned this yet. Back off the invasion fleet and fight it when it's in combat with a TT station. Deploy only the flagship(s). A station can grind down massive forces with some clever player support to give it breathing room.


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2019, 02:57:11 AM »

Even bad ship with good weapons can fight ludd. Good dont mean strictly powerfull, but effective in term of flux-dmg-fluxpersec-fluxship ratio. For example, Sunder is good with flux-dmg but is tragic with fluxpersec and flux of ship itself. Meanwhile Conquest have great dissipation rate, good number of weapons and can be made very effective longer weapon platform.


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2019, 06:39:28 PM »

Best late game anti-fighter is firepower saturation from medium and large mounts with fighters mixed in. The only cases where PD is good is flak or burst PD on battlecruisers, where they get enough range to engage fighters or missile before they even become a threat.

That fleet will not be beaten by pure spark spam with equal fleet points. The large battlecruisers with fighters are simply better.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 06:41:08 PM by Linnis »


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Re: how do you beat this?
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2019, 01:43:29 PM »

Speaking of how to beat something...

I went to my main planet, and apparently I was just in time to see the Persean League try to mess things up.
So I joined in on the fun and watched my star fortress chew through wave after wave after wave of enemies.

I haven't had this feeling of joy in any game in a long time. It was... glorious. They even sent their tankers and cargo vessels at the station! Talking about county fair prize shooting.

If only I could tow a star fortress with me.

This reminds me, funny thing happened. Maybe a bug? But I had a few instances where I'd start a fight with someone, and I have allies helping me, even though there weren't any in the neighbourhood when I intercepted my target.
The strangest of these instances was me attacking a pirate space station and a Tri-Tachyon space station appeared on my side to help me out.
What happened then is two space stations aggressively bashing into one another (I got the feeling battle maps have one assigned spot for space stations and they were both trying to take it?) until the weaker one (pirates) exploded.
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