Stock AI variants are often easy to counter, due to having deficiencies such as having all-kinetic loadout, wasting ordinance points on guns that never get used, or weapons that don't take advantage of the ships' strengths. This mod aims to improve the loadouts of the stock ship variants to round off their weaknesses, hopefully making battles more challenging and interesting.
I've given it a test run, and have noticed myself taking more hull damage and fighter losses with this mod active.
Download: with google drive.
Save compatibility: Works with any saved save with stock factions present, will not corrupt save if removed
Installation: Extract into mods folder, and enable with game launcher
Uninstallation: Disable with game launcher and delete the folder
So far I have modified a number of commonly encountered ships with the new loadout, a list is included below. Suggestions for improvements to any of the ships in this list, or loadouts for a ship not in this list are welcome.
Mod changes:
"data/hulls/ship_data.csv", #<prevent autofit
"data/variants/conquest/conquest_Standard.variant", #< gauss
"data/variants/enforcer/enforcer_Assault.variant", #< railguns
"data/variants/enforcer/enforcer_Balanced.variant", #< hypervelocity driver/mauler
"data/variants/enforcer/enforcer_CS.variant", #< flak
"data/variants/gryphon/gryphon_FS.variant", #< MLRS fire support, removes rarely used back guns
"data/variants/gryphon/gryphon_Standard.variant", #< reaper torpedo/sabot
"data/variants/harbinger/harbinger_Strike.variant", #< phase lance/heavy armor/hardened subsystems
"data/variants/lasher/lasher_Assault.variant", #< railguns
"data/variants/remnant/brilliant_Standard.variant", #< uses proximity bomb for anti fighter
"data/variants/remnant/scintilla_Strike.variant", #< Salamander pods
"data/variants/remnant/scintilla_Support.variant", #< bomber
"data/variants/afflictor_d_pirates_Strike.variant", #< AM blaster/hardened subsystems
"data/variants/afflictor_Strike.variant", #< torpedoes/heavy armor/hardened subsystems
"data/variants/astral_Attack.variant", #< unstable injector for kiting
"data/variants/atlas_Standard.variant", #< militarized subsystems and augmented engines so it doesn't slow down the patrols
"data/variants/colossus_Standard.variant", #< militarized subsystems
"data/variants/doom_Strike.variant", #< hardened subsystems and heavy armor so it stays in the fighter longer
"data/variants/drover_Strike.variant",#<Broadsword/Talon spam with Salamander distraction
"data/variants/gemini_Standard.variant",#<Xyphos and hypervelocity driver, actually a potent destroyer now
"data/variants/heron_Attack.variant",#<removed unused guns for expanded deck crew hullmod
"data/variants/heron_Strike.variant",#<swapped a dagger for longbow for better anti shield
"data/variants/medusa_CS.variant",#<SO 4x AM Blaster
"data/variants/odyssey_Balanced.variant",#<a good variant found on the forums
"data/variants/prometheus_Super.variant",#<militarized subsystems and augmented engines so it doesn't slow down the patrols
"data/variants/shade_Assault.variant", #< AM Blaster
"data/variants/shade_d_pirates_Assault.variant", #< AM Blaster
"data/variants/tempest_Attack.variant", #< one shots frigates with AM Blaster