I was using Traumtanzer for quite some time at this point as my flagship and I have a little bit of feedback on its balance. Initially it looked to me incredibly overpriced (DP-wise) for its stats and mounts. So I decided to playtest it just to be sure that I'm not mistaken before leaving feedback on it. However, as it turned out, it's so synergetic with itself, that it's in fact not only worth its points, it's also incredibly strong compared to other ships of similar cost with player's piloting. The reason why it's so synergetic is because despite its shields being mediocre and range being OK, its system allows it to jump into a fight, unload a whole bunch of missiles, retreat and then just vent hard flux buildup. It's very unexpectedly strong in practice. So I'm just leaving it here because this ship does seem to be not worth its points on first glance, so I expect other people (who have not actually tried it) to complain about it being obviously overpriced.
However, its iconic Vund-Pattern Autoforge sounds amazing mechanically, but in practice does next to nothing: typical long battle takes up to around 4 minutes and during that time it'll recover 40% out of base missile ammunition which is just a little more than 10% with expanded missile racks and the captain skill, which makes this amazing hull mod not very impactful. I think just buffing its production rate might be too OP in overstretched battles, so I think maybe increase it like 3 times, but also give it a cap at how much it can produce? I mean, it's not a huge deal, the ship is very strong as-is, I just wish this unique mod actually had some impact.
Beside that, wow, I finally found the Nirvana. What a ship! However, I noticed that its system does not affect the state of rockets, is that intended?