This is awesome! I don't know if it's been said before, but I noticed that you're able to develop a Luddic colony?
Well, in the current dev build, you can manage markets belonging to other factions, so I'm just taking screenshots at all sorts of core markets, for color variety.
If we have high enough standing with a faction, will we be able to create colonies for them instead of it being the player faction? As well, if I create a colony in the player faction, will I be able to sell that colony to a faction? If it hasn't been discussed or mentioned yet I think that would be quite an interesting play style, setting up colonies and selling them off to the highest bidder.
Maybe? It's all stuff I'm thinking about to various degrees (perhaps less about selling colonies as a playstyle, specifically), but I really can't say right now.
If migration is the main driver of market growth, does that mean that growing markets typically stall the growth of surrounding markets by luring their population away?
It's not a zero-sum game (for much the same reasons the economy isn't - needs to be comprehensible and run in reasonable time, performance-wise), so as it stands: no.
Can you go about this actively, for example by blocking food from reaching a neighboring market, so that their pops migrate toward your own colony?
Not in the base system, but I could see this sort of thing working as "events" coded on top of it - i.e. if there's a food shortage, there's a chance of a migration from the affected world going somewhere else. I think this'll depend on how it feels to play to begin with and whether outpost management will need more active things to do to interact with.
Btw, isn't "time until next market size is reached at current rate" usually more interesting to the player than "population growth in percent"? The latter is useful when comparing colony performance in an abstract way, the former tells you the more tangible info how long you have to wait to get new options.
Hmm. Time is harder to evaluate as being good or bad, though. And if the rate is negative, then it won't tell you anything about how negative it is, it'd just be "infinity" regardless. There's a progress indicator under the "population" infrastructure showing the current percentage, and I think the arithmetic involved isn't too much to ask, at least to the low level of exactness that's needed.
I hope this is the start of support for official, vanilla Nexerelin (kill'em all) style games, instead of relying on Nexerelin to do said conquest or destruction.
I'd imagine so, I mean establishing outposts pretty much means "your own faction", and being able to get into conflicts with other factions on a more even footing at that point seems like a very natural progression.