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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

Author Topic: please help  (Read 3052 times)


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please help
« on: September 27, 2017, 06:03:45 PM »

I love this game.. Havent played in like 6 years. Well worth the wait.

Please help me, I've worked hard and reached mid to late game. My fleet with hegemony is 1 onslaught. 1 battlecruiser which can carry 3 fighters. 5 cruisers. eagle, vindicator and 3 others, about 8 destroyers and 2 frigates and 2 heron carriers.

what are the best support ship fighters/bombers for heron? I want them to be able to kill frigates/destroyers since the enemy seems to swarm with those.

Also please help/advise. I beat a black rock strike fleet, man they are hard. blackrock faction. But I was left with three ships, a battleship, cruiser and battlecruiser. My reward? 100k, and some good salvage which I couldn't carry anyway heehhe. Shouldn't it be prudent to increase the reward of beating such a fleet? Otherwise why fight them? Since you MUST sustain losses, cant have a perfect win. Or lopsided all the time, wheres the fun? But on the flipside its no fun grinding again to get a big fleet only to be smashed again. I don't think the risk/reward is worth it. I defeat a blackrock fleet in my territory and get a paltry pay out.

Any advice? I find I run out of heavy stuff to hit ships with so Ive moved to equipping my ships with rocket pods (100 shots each) and this is much better) when  I have an opening I move in and unload the rockets.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Should I fight them? Don't see the point.


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Re: please help
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2017, 08:09:34 AM »

+ Dagger and Warthog might be good for frigates/destroyers, although I imagine they'd need some kinetic backup (Broadsword maybe, or plain ship guns).

+ In general: No, the game doesn't incentivise pick a fight for its own sake. There are several game-advancing reasons to engage in a battle:
  • Strategic goals; e.g. capturing a planet in Nexerelin
  • Bounties
  • Self-defense
  • XP
  • Opportunistic loot, where it can be cheaply had (trade fleets; fleets already in battle with someone else)

(You can also fight for fun, but like spawning UFOs in SimCity 3000, don't expect to turn a profit on it)

So yeah, if you can't think of a reason to fight fleet X, don't.

+ If I'm reading the post right: Losing 4 cruisers and 8 destroyers in a single battle is catastrophic and should never occur in any fight which the player chooses to have, outside of the highest level IBB bounties or equivalent. Even half that is pretty bad. At some point no sensible amount of rewards can offset such losses, and the only thing you can do is try losing fewer ships.

+ That said, you can crank up factionCommissionBounty in [starsector-core]/data/configs/settings.json to make battles more remunerative in general, and playerInsuranceMult in mods/Nexerelin/exerelin_config.json to offset the effects of ship losses.

+ Bring freighters (the bigger the better, usually) to carry salvage. It's really helpful.


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Re: please help
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2017, 11:35:38 AM »

For a Heron designed to kill frigates and destroyers, I'd give it 1 Claw wing, 2 Gladius wings, and a Heavy Mauler. The Claws and Gladii can chase down and kill frigates on their own. They'll also put a lot of pressure on a destroyer's shields but will have a hard time cracking Enforcer-grade armor, so that's what the Mauler is for.


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Re: please help
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2017, 03:19:01 PM »

if you're frequently losing ships in battle, i suggest putting the Reinforced Bulkheads hullmod on them. that makes them (almost) always recoverable after the battle, assuming you still win. they'll likely get a permanent damage hullmod, lose some of their weapons, and take a good amount of supplies to restore them to full combat readiness, but that's still usually a lot less painful than losing the ship entirely.

you can even take it one step further and specialize into the industry skills that deal with ship recovery. those skills enable a playstyle that is themed around throwing lots of cheap, somewhat disposable ships at the enemy, so it's a good choice for new-ish players who struggle with offsetting heavy losses in large battles.


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Re: please help
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2017, 06:23:22 PM »

Hello everyone. Thanks for the suggestions I will try them all!

Here's an update: I took the fight again on a reload. I used the onslaught myself, brought the battlecruiser and 2 heron carriers. This battlecruiser I have is a hegemony one with 3 fighter wings as well, cant remember name, and it has boost like the onslaught, it even looks BIGGER than the onslaught. I won but it was a hard fight. I lost both carriers but nothing else.

My battleship took a pounding. I would afterburn into 2 enemies taking the hits without shields, and then pummel them! Destroyed a good few this way. My armor was shot and I had between half and 3/4 hull strength left. After battling so long, my ships had taken heavy damage and malfunctions and it became so slow, the enemy brought in their heavier ships.

At one point me and a carrier were retreating at like 25 speed to the safety of the battlecruiser and my other carrier, as the blackrock fleet use emp missiles which love to circle around behind where I have no shields on the battleship. they made a couple pushes as I retreated, and almost got me on flux, but the 28k flux onslaught held out. And I was able to limp and regroup. When the carriers died and I brought in fresh ships, it was over for them!


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Re: please help
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2017, 10:22:38 PM »

This battlecruiser I have is a hegemony one with 3 fighter wings as well, cant remember name, and it has boost like the onslaught, it even looks BIGGER than the onslaught.

 ??? What the F#CK ship is that!?

(Please try to use more class names for reference? Gives us a better understanding of what's going on at your end. "Cruiser" or "destroyer" could be any one of a dozen ships.)


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Re: please help
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2017, 02:13:02 AM »

i'm pretty sure he means Legion. it's got 4 wings, not 3, and it's a battlecarrier, not a battlecruiser, but otherwise seems to fit the description.


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Re: please help
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2017, 02:25:09 AM »

i'm pretty sure he means Legion. it's got 4 wings, not 3, and it's a battlecarrier, not a battlecruiser, but otherwise seems to fit the description.

Ah, see I thought it could only be Legion, but "battlecruiser" and three wings was throwing me.